Friday 18th of October 2024

154 countries have joined the silk road. canada isn't one of them....

In Asian media this week: Canada, India tensions have sorry history. Plus: BRI shows most countries shun ‘decoupling’; Myanmar rebels ‘will never give up’; China to dominate green car market; Putin and Kim lead ‘axis of outcasts’; China decline the fashionable chatter in Washington.


By David Armstrong


By the time of this month’s G20 summit in New Delhi, ties between Canada and India had become so frosty that Justin Trudeau skipped the official world leaders’ dinner.

The Canadian Prime Minister had been expecting a formal bilateral meeting with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi. Instead, he got what was called a “pull aside”. The Hindu newspaper said the meeting was acrimonious.

As leaders returned to their home countries, India should have been feeling the warm glow of praise for its diplomacy and its rise as a global power. Articles like a South China Morning Post commentary calling the G20 India’s triumph and an opinion piece in The Japan Times, on India’s quiet rise as Asia’s other demographic giant.

Instead, Trudeau dominated the news with his accusation that India was thought to be linked to the assassination in Canada of a Sikh independence leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar. There followed reciprocal diplomatic expulsions and visa restrictions.

As Singapore’s The Straits Times said, if the allegation is true “this is one serious matter”.

This commentary, by senior columnist Ravi Velloor, noted a further layer of frost: Canada had added India to a list of countries, including China and Russia, to be investigated for interference in national elections.

Velloor said the murder accusation would affect US-India ties. President Joe Biden, only a few weeks ago had hosted Modi at a sumptuous official state visit. “Washington cannot ignore the openly stated concerns of its nearest neighbour and firmest ally,” he said.

Australia and Britain had expressed concern.

But all three nations would realise that grilling Modi about the allegation would dampen his enthusiasm for falling into line with the US-led approach to Indo-Pacific security.

India’s The Statesman recalled that tension between Trudeau and Modi has a sorry history.

Trudeau and his family visited India for eight days in 2018 but they were ignored almost until the end. They were received by a minister who was not even a member of the Cabinet and Modi merely tweeted a welcome at the last moment.

“The entire visit was a waste of taxpayers’ funds,” said an opinion piece by retired major-general Harsha Kakkar. “The Trudeau family visited tourist hotspots and posed for photographs rather than engage in worthwhile diplomacy.”

From humble beginnings to global network

Ten years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech in which he recalled the history of the ancient Silk Road. He proposed that China and its Eurasian neighbours should build an economic belt along the Silk Road.

A month later, Xi delivered a similar address in Jakarta, but this time suggesting there should be a 21st century maritime Silk Road.

“These were the humble roots of what became known jointly as ‘One Belt, One Road,’ later rebranded into the ‘Belt and Road Initiative,’ in English,” says a piece in The Diplomat magazine.

Now, says the article, 154 countries have signed official documents on BRI co-operation. The holdouts are: all of North America; most of Western Europe; much of South America; the Quad members – Japan, India, and Australia; Jordan and Israel; and the 15 countries that don’t have diplomatic ties with China. Plus, curiously, North Korea.

“It’s unsurprising that there is a strong correlation between national wealth and BRI membership,” says the writer, Shannon Tiezzi, the magazine’s editor-in-chief. “Over 90 per cent of both lower-middle and low-income countries (have) joined.”

Tiezzi says the growth of the BRI can be understood as symbolic: a picture of countries whose aspirations for their relationship with China outweigh their concerns.

“The BRI’s reach today is important, if only as good reminder that the vast majority of the world is not interested in ‘decoupling’ from China,” she says.

An article in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, written by regular commentator David Dodwell, makes the point that it is not a good idea to mention the BRI in polite Western company. “The damning or dismissive consensus is deafening,” he says.

But, Dodwell says, the infrastructure that has been built so far has boosted China’s ability to forge stronger trading links across Asia and Africa. “This has altered the balance of global economic power and transformed the prospects for many developing countries worldwide.”

Diary of a revolutionary medic 

When events in Myanmar are reported these days, the news usually tells of the fate of political prisoners, such as Aung San Suu Kyi, or of ASEAN’s feeble and futile attempts to persuade the military junta to end its violence and oppression.

A civil war continues, largely unreported, with the junta easily getting modern weaponry, mainly from China and Russia, as spelled out in a recent Bangkok Post story.

The story is a commentary on a recent UN report, The Billion Dollar Death Trade: International Arms Networks that Enable Human Rights Violations in Myanmar. China and Russia have supplied advanced weapons to the military, with sales since the 2021 coup amounting to $US400 million and $US260 million respectively.

For the people of Myanmar, this is a revolutionary war to defeat the military that seized power from the elected government.

Frontier Myanmar, a Burmese exile online magazine, this week provides a reminder of this brutal, unequal war – a first person piece by a young woman working as a medic in remote villages and forests of eastern Myanmar, near the Thailand border.

The woman was a final-year medical student when she left Yangon. Her boyfriend is a doctor.

She tells of building makeshift hospitals but being forced to move several times because of mortar or bomb attacks.

“Our days were exhausting,” she writes. “Our hospitals admitted Karenni soldiers with injuries from shells and landmines, as well as gunshot wounds. Under the guidance of specialist surgeons, we conducted three to six major operations each day…We continued to operate even as battles raged nearby. The hours would tick by fearfully as drones and fighter jets passed overhead…

“An airstrike can destroy our homes and possessions but not our spirits. We grieve our losses but never want to give up.”

Cars: Germany for luxury, Japan for efficiency but China for EVs

China has been the world’s biggest car maker since 2009 and this year it has passed Japan as the largest car exporter. The export performance was boosted by sales to Russia and increased demand for electric vehicles.

An article in The Japan Times reports the International Energy Agency has forecast that 18 per cent of all automobile sales this year will be EVs – up from 4 per cent in 2020. It expects that proportion to rise to 35 per cent by 2030.

The writer, Brad Glasserman, deputy director of the Centre for Rule-Making Strategies at Tokyo’s Tama University, says: “EV dominance matters because electric vehicles are the future.

“Imagine a world in which green cars, if not green tech generally, is associated with China, the way luxury cars are linked to Germany and manufacturing quality and efficiency are with Japan.”

European carmakers and politicians are alarmed by a tsunami of Chinese EV imports that is accelerating as Europe phases out internal combustion engines.

Last week, the EU launched an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese EVs.

Al Jazeera says the probe is the highest-profile case against China since an investigation into Chinese solar panels a decade ago.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Global markets are now flooded with cheaper Chinese electric cars and their price is kept artificially low by huge state subsidies.”

But Global Times, an official Chinese newspaper, says many people in Europe are worried the investigation might lead to a new trade war that will not resolve the competition challenges the EU faces.

It says the price advantage of Chinese EVs is a result of the country’s effort to develop large-scale industrial chain, not of government subsidies.

Friends and ammunition – the Putin-Kim arms deal

The meeting last week between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un was held behind closed doors but the media speculation is that they agreed on military and space co-operation.

An editorial in Japan’s The Asahi Shimbun noted that Putin chose a spaceport as the venue for the summit. “The venue and the list of officials who attended the summit leave no doubt that the aim is to demonstrate to the United States and other countries that the two nations are expanding and upgrading their co-operation in the space and military fields,” it said.

The Korea Herald said in an editorial the two leaders might have brokered dangerous deals, with North Korea to supply conventional weapons, such as artillery shells, and Russia to transfer its latest weapons technologies.

The Kremlin, it said had stressed the need for more co-operation on “sensitive areas that should not be disclosed”.

The paper said: “If Russia transfers technologies on satellite launching and the atmospheric re-entry of an intercontinental ballistic missile to North Korea, the weapons would be a serious threat, not only to the Korean Peninsula but also to the international community.”

It suggested the South Korean Government should consider opening the way for the country to become a nuclear power., the Asian Catholic news site, carried a piece by Benedict Rogers, its human rights columnist, saying the two leaders had agreed to an arms deal that should trouble both Kyiv and Seoul. “The deepening bonds between two of the world’s most brutal dictators suggests the emergence of a new ‘Axis of Evil’,” Rogers said.

The Korea Times published an article by former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt saying Putin had obvious reasons for embracing Kim. “Putin is running low on both friends and ammunition,” Bildt wrote in a piece distributed by the expert writers’ group, Project Syndicate.

Russia and North Korea were international pariahs, he said. The few countries that sided with Russia in the Ukraine war constituted an international rogues’ gallery – Eritrea, Syria, Nicaragua, Belarus, Mali and North Korea.

“We are witnessing the emergence of an axis of outcasts,” Bildt said.

China economy: reinvention, meltdown or muddling through?

The fashionable chatter in Washington these days is what to do about a China whose economic power might already have peaked. Jonathan Eyal, Global Affairs Correspondent of The Straits Times, says the latest edition of Foreign Affairs – the voice of the US foreign policy community – publishes four substantial pieces that all take as their starting point that China is declining.

“All are pondering what the US could, or should, do about it,” he says.

The debate is gaining so much traction, he says, that Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post saying, “the Chinese economy is doing better than you might think”.

Says Eyal: “The real question – which for the moment remains unanswerable – is whether this switch from fear about a rising China to apprehension about China’s decline is just a passing American fad to be discarded with the first uptick in the Chinese economy or whether it will become entrenched, in which case it will result in a fundamental reassessment of Washington’s global strategic posture.”

Commentator Dan Steinbock, the Finnish founder of a business advisory firm called the Difference Group, writes about such an uptick in an opinion piece in China Daily.

In July, he had written that China’s economy was rebounding and the recovery would likely strengthen in the second half of the year.

“Now that seems to be the case,” he says in this week’s article. “The better-than-expected economic data for August suggests that China’s economic recovery is strengthening.”

Naturally, not every economist agrees. Donald Low, a professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, says: “The Chinese economy is currently in dire straits.”

Writing in The Diplomat magazine, Low says both the China bulls and the China declinists might be wrong. “Just as China’s rise to become the largest economy in the world was never pre-ordained or inevitable, neither is the end of the Chinese miracle a foregone conclusion,” he says.

It was possible to develop optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. “A third scenario is a middle one between the China Reinvented and China Meltdown scenarios that sees the Chinese economy muddling through its current debt problems,” Low says… “In my view, this scenario is the most likely.”





anonymity of capital....


At the G20, developing countries turn against the West


by Thierry Meyssan 

The G20, which was created by the G7 to obey it, has emancipated itself from it. It has certainly not called into question the Anglo-Saxon capitalist system, based on the anonymity of capital, but it has stopped signing Washington’s texts. It still participates in Western projects, but has few illusions about their implementation.


In 1973, peak oil in the US, the end of the dollar’s convertibility to gold, and the rise in OPEC prices following the Yom Kippur War all combined to create a new situation. This is what is known as the "oil shock". The US Treasury Secretary, George Shultz, decided to coordinate Western responses to this new situation. He convened an informal meeting in the White House library of the economic ministers of West Germany, France (Valéry Giscard d’Estaing) and the United Kingdom. Two years later, in 1975, Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, now Chancellor and President of the Republic respectively, proposed elevating these informal meetings to the level of Heads of State and Government. Thus was created the G5, then G6, G7, G8 and G7 again.

The G7 is not an institution. It was not founded by international treaty, has no statutes, and no permanent secretariat. It’s just a forum; a place for discussion, not decision-making. Its only rule is its rotating presidency. For 48 years, it has talked and talked, promising great things, but doing nothing of the sort. This is because, behind a few announcements, it held secret meetings, the importance of which we only understood after the fact.

The G7 coordinated the rules of the financial game. It convinced non-Anglo-Saxons to make capital anonymous. In the space of half a century, Western states have accepted that they can no longer know who owns anything. The system of trusts became widespread in all member states, with "fiducies" in France, for example. The G7 is responsible for the current form of capitalism, where the owners of capital can take decisions in secret that they would not dare to take in public.

In 1999, the G7 in Cologne decided to convene a meeting of the economic ministers and central bank governors of its members and 13 other countries to coordinate their responses to economic crises. A crisis shook Asia, culminating in the subprime crisis in the United States. These meetings were dominated by German Minister Hans Eichel, who was in the process of restructuring his country. He ensured that this group did not follow the Anglo-Saxon diktat, but bowed to the rules of non-Anglo-Saxon bankers.

At the suggestion of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and with the support of the UK, this group was elevated to the level of Heads of State and Government. This became the G20, then the G21. US President George W. Bush, sensing that things were in danger of getting out of hand, agreed only if the group met for the first time under his presidency in Washington.

Like the G7, the G20 is not an institution. It was not founded by international treaty, has no statutes and no permanent secretariat. It’s just a forum; a place for discussion, not decision-making. Except that this time, the majority is no longer Western. The states invited, notably China, are not imperialist powers, but developing countries. They have therefore tried not to adopt the rules of Anglo-Saxon finance, nor those of its German counterpart, but those of development for all.

Thierry Meyssan
Roger Lagassé





trudeau the nazi.....

Ukraine’s president and Canada’s prime minister greeted a former member of the infamous SS 1st Galician Division, which fought for the Nazis in World War II, as they attended a parliament session in Ottawa, according to images shared by the Associated Press.

One of the photos, taken in the House of Commons on Friday, showed a smiling Vladimir Zelensky clenching his fist and Justin Trudeau applauding to somebody outside the image.

AP’s caption explained that the two leaders “recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.”

What the US news agency described as “the First Ukrainian Division” was in fact the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division.

Similar images have been shared by AFP, which described Hunka, aged 98, as a “Canadian-Ukrainian war veteran.”

Videos from parliament also showed MPs giving a standing ovation to the former Nazi unit fighter.







apology to the jews.....

Canada’s House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota has apologized for honoring a Ukrainian man who served in Adolf Hitler’s Waffen SS forces during World War II, and calling him “a Ukrainian and a Canadian hero.” The 98-year old Yaroslav Hunka, a former member of the SS 1st Galician Division, was given a standing ovation in the chamber during the visit of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Friday. The incident was heavily criticized by Jewish groups.

“On Friday, September 22, in my remarks following the address of the President of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery,” Rota said in a statement on Sunday. “I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so.”

Without mentioning Hunka by name, Rota reiterated that the Ukrainian man was one of his constituents. “I particularly want to extend my deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world. I accept full responsibility for my actions,” he said.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center advocacy group said it was “incredibly disturbing to see Canada’s Parliament rise to applaud an individual who was a member of a unit in the Waffen-SS, a Nazi military branch responsible for the murder of Jews and others and that was declared a criminal organization during the Nuremberg Trials.” The Center added that there “should be no confusion” that the unit where Hunka had served was responsible for killing civilians “with a level of brutality and malice that is unimaginable.”

Michael Mostyn, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, an NGO that documents anti-Semitism, called the honoring of Hunka “beyond outrageous.” He added that “no apology is acceptable that does not also provide the public with a detailed explanation as to how this could possibly have taken place in the heart of our democracy.”

The surviving members of the Galician Division and their supporters hold annual marches and rallies in Ukraine. The members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), whose leaders also collaborated with Nazi Germany during the early stages of WWII, are celebrated as “freedom fighters” by the Ukrainian authorities.









Oh, Please! 


Yes, ass-hole, you "didn't know". In related news, I am Pope. 

ВАШИНГТОН, 25 сен – РИА Новости. Спикер канадской палаты общин Энтони Рота извинился за приглашение в парламент и чествование во время визита Владимира Зеленского престарелого украинского бойца дивизии СС "Галичина". Некий Ярослав Хунка, представленный спикером как ветеран борьбы против русских в годы Второй мировой войны, удостоился в пятницу овации во время торжественного заседания парламента по случаю визита Владимира Зеленского. Американское агентство Ассошиэйтед Пресс опубликовало фото с подписью "Зеленский и (премьер Канады Джастин - ред.) Трюдо приветствуют присутствующего в парламенте Ярослава Хунка, который служил в Первой украинской дивизии в ходе Второй мировой войны". Хунка, как выяснилось, состоял в 14-й добровольческой дивизии "Галичина" войск СС, которая не только воевала против Красной армии, но и отметилась зверствами в отношении евреев, поляков, белорусов и словаков. "Позже мне стала известна дополнительная информация, которая заставила меня пожалеть о принятом решении… Я хотел бы в первую очередь принести глубочайшие извинения еврейским общинам Канады и всего мира. Я принимаю всю ответственность за свой поступок", - заявил Рота. Он настаивает, что лично принимал решение пригласить Хунку в парламент, и никто, в том числе члены украинской делегации, не знали, кого они будут чествовать.

Translation: WASHINGTON, September 25 – RIA Novosti. Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons Anthony Rota apologized for inviting an elderly Ukrainian soldier from the SS Galicia division to parliament and honoring him during Vladimir Zelensky’s visit. A certain Yaroslav Hunka, introduced by the speaker as a veteran of the fight against the Russians during World War II, received a standing ovation on Friday during a ceremonial meeting of parliament on the occasion of the visit of Vladimir Zelensky. The American Associated Press published a photo with the caption "Zelensky and (Canadian Prime Minister Justin - ed.) Trudeau greet Yaroslav Hunk, who was present in parliament, who served in the First Ukrainian Division during the Second World War." Hunka, as it turned out, was a member of the 14th Volunteer Division "Galicia" of the SS troops, which not only fought against the Red Army, but was also noted for atrocities against Jews, Poles, Belarusians and Slovaks. "I later became aware of additional information that made me regret the decision... I would first like to offer my deepest apologies to the Jewish communities of Canada and around the world. I accept full responsibility for my actions," Rota said. He insists that he personally made the decision to invite Hunka to parliament, and no one, including members of the Ukrainian delegation, knew who they would honor.


Too late. And demands of opposition for Trudeau to apologize to the world and Canadian veterans of WW II are meaningless. World saw it and Canada, through its main legislative body, simply confirmed what everyone knew all along--it is a hotbed of banderism and Russophobia. Let me remind you something from much earlier from Canada. Remember?

As was the case with the Soviet Union in the past, modern Russia should remain in the mass Western mind a grim, dark, hopeless place or, as American-Canadian Russia “scholar”, Ph.D. in American History, John Robson stated in an editorial in the Ottawa Citizen in 2000: Normal for Russia is filthy, corrupt, menacing and hollow. Nothing good has happened there, nor will it. Russia is a lump of dung wrapped in a cabbage leaf hidden in an outhouse. Russia is doomed by history and culture. It stinks, literally and figuratively, and always has. People there have no manners. . . . The bottom line is: Russia has sucked, sucks and will suck.

Ask the Ottawa Citizen where did this piece go? But this, is how they view Russia and Russians in Canadian "elites", much of which are tacit supporters of Nazism and its branch of banderism.







justin the nazi....

Russia will demand an explanation from Canada for giving a standing ovation in parliament to a Ukrainian man who served in a Nazi division during World War II, Oleg Stepanov, Moscow’s ambassador to Ottawa, has said.

The controversy first erupted last week when AP released a photo taken in the House of Commons showing a smiling Vladimir Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, clenching his fist along with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, while applauding a person outside the frame. The caption to the photo said that the two leaders “recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.”

House Speaker Anthony Rota introduced Hunka, 98, as “a Ukrainian-Canadian veteran… who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.” 

“He’s a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service,” he added.

However, the ‘First Ukrainian Division’ is also known as the ‘1st Galician Division’, or the 14th Waffen SS-Volunteer Division, which was formed by Nazi Germany in the second half of WWII mostly from Ukrainian collaborators from the western part of the country. The infamous unit took part in brutal anti-partisan warfare, committing atrocities against Polish, Jewish, and Russian civilians.

Speaking to RIA Novosti on Monday, Stepanov said the Russian Embassy would “demand an explanation from the Canadian government,” adding that diplomatic notes would be sent to the Foreign Ministry and the prime minister’s office.

The envoy noted that he “has no illusions” that this protest will have any effect, arguing that “the current Trudeau cabinet is essentially the epitome of neo-liberal fascism you can’t do any business with.”

Following the backlash, particularly from the Jewish community, the parliament’s speaker issued a public apology for inviting Hunka and accepted “full responsibility” for his actions. 

Trudeau’s office called the decision the “right thing to do,” adding that “no advance notice was provided to the Prime Minister’s Office, nor the Ukrainian delegation, about the invitation or the recognition.”







resign trudeau.....

The UN has weighed in on the recent Nazi veteran celebration scandal in Canada, in which the parliament of Canada gave “a standing ovation” to a Ukrainian man who fought in the Nazi Waffen SS during WW2. A spokesman for the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Stephane Dujarric, told journalists that “we, of course, stand against any honoring of people, who actively took part in Nazi activities during the Second World War.”

The international body, Dujarric confirmed during a daily briefing on Monday, opposes any moves celebrating anyone who had actively aided and abetted the Nazis.

The incident took place last week, during a visit by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to Canada. The 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka had been invited to attend parliament as a “Ukrainian and Canadian hero,” despite widely available photographic evidence of his membership of the SS. Canadian House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota, who was responsible for inviting Hunka, has since apologized and expressed his “regret” over the decision.










sac of manure....

What is the West Up To in Ukraine? w/Scott Ritter


















Canadian House Speaker Anthony Rota stepped down on Tuesday after a Nazi veteran was his invited guest at a speech by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. The invitation has faced widespread condemnation. 

Rota apologized on Monday for the presence of 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka at Zelensky’s address to Canadian lawmakers on Friday, but refused to resign. Although lawmakers from all parties – including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – cheered and applauded Hunka at the event, calls for Rota’s resignation grew over the weekend as the incident drew worldwide attention, particularly from the governments of Russia and Poland.

Rota eventually announced his resignation on Tuesday afternoon, stating that he would leave his position at the end of Wednesday’s session.

"The work of this house is above any of us. Therefore, I must step down as your speaker,” Rota said. "I reiterate my profound regret for my error.”

Politicians from the opposition New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois parties issued the loudest demands for Rota’s resignation, with New Democrats leader Peter Julian describing the invitation as "an unforgivable error which puts the entire House in disrepute.” 

Trudeau, who leads the Liberal Party, of which Rota is a member, did not call for the speaker’s resignation, but described the ceremony as “deeply embarrassing for the House and for Canada.”

During the event, Rota hailed Hunka as “a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero… who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.” Rota did not mention that Hunka fought in Hitler’s elite Waffen SS, but the nonagenarian was identified by the Associated Press as a member of the First Ukrainian Division, a volunteer unit created by the Nazis in 1943.



















sick in canada......

India is open to looking into any "specific" information Canada provides on the killing of a Sikh separatist leader, the country's foreign minister said. 

S Jaishankar was referring to the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada in June. 

Tensions flared up after Canada recently said it was investigating "credible allegations" linking the Indian state with the murder.

India dismissed the claim as "absurd".


Mr Jaishankar said that the Indian government had told Canada that it was open to investigating any "relevant" allegations about the murder while insisting that Delhi had no role in it. He was speaking at an event in New York ahead of his address at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

"One, we told the Canadians that this [extrajudicial killings] is not the government of India's policy," he said. "Two, we told the Canadians saying that look, if you have something specific, if you have something relevant, you know, let us know - we are open to looking at it."


Hardeep Singh Nijjar was shot dead outside a temple in British Columbia in June. He had been designated a terrorist by India in 2020 - an allegation his supporters vehemently deny.







extradite the nazi....

Polish Minister of Education Przemyslaw Czarnek has signaled that he intends to seek the extradition of a Ukrainian Nazi SS veteran who was cheered in the Canadian Parliament last week.

Czarnek was reacting to the controversy surrounding Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian who fought for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division, formed by Nazi Germany from mostly Western Ukrainians, that took part in atrocities against Russian, Polish, and Jewish civilians during WWII.

Hunka received a standing ovation during the ceremony in the House of Commons after being introduced by now-former House Speaker Anthony Rota as “a hero… who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also attended the ceremony.

Writing on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, Minister Czarnek said that “in view of the scandalous events in the Canadian Parliament,” he “has taken steps towards the possible extradition” of the SS veteran to Poland. The minister also appealed to Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance to “urgently examine the documents whether Yaroslav Hunka is wanted for crimes against the Polish nation and Poles of Jewish origin.”








German ambassador attended Canadian honoring of WWII Nazi – Berlin


Berlin has claimed that its diplomat was not aware that Yaroslav Hunka fought with the Waffen SS 

Germany’s Foreign Office has shrugged off the participation of its ambassador to Canada in last week’s embarrassing standing ovations for a Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen SS, saying she was unaware that he was a Nazi when she joined with Ottawa lawmakers in applauding him.

Foreign Office spokesman Sebastian Fischer acknowledged the gaffe for the first time on Wednesday, when asked at a press briefing about Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser’s honoring of World War II Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Hunka.

Members of the Canadian parliament stood and gave long ovations for the 98-year-old Hunka when he was introduced during a visit by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Friday. Zelensky and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were among the enthusiastic participants in the cheers.

Sparwasser simply didn’t know about Hunka’s Nazi affiliation when she joined with others in applauding him, Fischer claimed. The spokesman conceded that the incident was unacceptable, but Hunka’s true identity was not known to the German diplomat or other members of the crowd because his attendance at the event was not announced beforehand.

However, when House Speaker Anthony Rota introduced his guest to the crowd, he noted that Hunka “fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians,” which by definition suggested that he served on the side of the fascist Axis powers. “He’s a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service,” the speaker said.

Rota resigned from his position on Tuesday and apologized for his mistake in honoring Hunka. The war veteran was a volunteer in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Ukrainian unit, which committed atrocities against Jews and Poles on the Eastern Front.

Asked about how Sparwasser could fail to understand Hunka’s Nazi affiliation – despite being told that he fought against the Red Army – Fischer said there were other possible explanations for his role in the war. For instance, he theorized, Hunka could have been a fighter for the Polish Home Army, which fought against both German and Russian forces.

Ukrainian Nazi collaborators slaughtered thousands of Poles during World War II. Hunka was among thousands of Ukrainian fighters who were allowed to emigrate to the UK and Canada after World War II, despite their possible participation in war crimes.

Moscow called the incident a cynical abuse of the memory of the victims of Nazism and an example of blatant Russophobia, and said it may launch a probe into potential war crimes and request the extradition of Hunka. Poland, which has been among the top backers of modern-day Ukraine in its fight against Russia, has also urged a probe into potential war crimes committed by Hunka.





he knew....




There is no way Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not know that 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka, who received a standing ovation in the Canadian legislature, was a Nazi criminal, Steven Rambam, a private investigator and Nazi hunter based in New York, told Sputnik.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has officially apologized for a "deeply embarrassing" incident in the national Parliament, where a Waffen SS veteran was warmly greeted by Canadian politicians.

"This was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed Parliament and Canada. All of us who were in this House on Friday deeply regret having stood and clapped even though we did so unaware of the context," the Canadian PM said in a brief statement to journalists.

Trudeau stressed that Canada is especially sorry for "the situation that [they] put President Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation in" given that this "egregious error" is being used by Russia's "propaganda."

Still, Trudeau's hypocrisy has been called out by Steven Rambam, a private investigator and Nazi hunter based in New York, publicly known for his pro bono activities, which have included the location and investigation of nearly 200 Nazi collaborators and war criminals in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia.



"This narrative that's springing up that everyone was surprised, that it was a big shock and they can't believe there's such a person in Canada," Rambam told Sputnik. "It's ridiculous. Look, this person made no secret of who he was. He even had a website until yesterday. He posted and disseminated photos of himself in his SS uniform. He wrote about his experiences in the SS 14th Grenadiers. There's a scholarship in his name in a university in central Canada, in Alberta. I mean this is ludicrous that people could possibly have been surprised by who he was and what he did.”

During the Second World War, Hunka served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as SS Galichina. The unit was created by Nazi Germany in 1943 and was composed of Ukrainian nationalist militants. The division was responsible for the ethnic cleansings of Jews and Poles, which was committed with exceptional brutality.



"So this is not a small criminal. He didn't pick someone's pocket or steal $100 from a store. This is an alleged mass murderer who killed old people, allegedly, who allegedly killed children with his comrades in the SS Galicia Division," Rambam noted, reiterating that it's virtually impossible that the Canadian authorities were totally unaware about who Hunka is.

Poland’s Education Minister Przemyslaw Czarnek announced Tuesday that he had "taken steps" toward "the possible extradition" of Yaroslav Hunka to Poland. The unit Hunka served in was particularly responsible for burning alive up to 1,000 Polish villagers, including elderly, women and children, in Huta Pieniacka in 1944.



"Does it help that they are finally threatening to bring him to justice? Yes," said Rambam. "Is there any chance at all that this will happen? No, absolutely not. Canada does not extradite Nazi war criminals. They have never extradited a Nazi war criminal. This is not the only Nazi war criminal who was requested from Canada. And they are not extradited. They are not denaturalized. They are not deported like the US does. They are not prosecuted inside Canada, which they should be. Nothing is done to these people. I can give you a list of many, many more people who, frankly, were as bad or worse than Hunka and who died peacefully in their beds in Canada." 








professor nazi.....

Fallout over the Canadian parliament’s veneration of a Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen SS has spread to the University of Alberta, which apologized and shut down an endowment fund named after the Nazi collaborator just hours after Russian diplomats exposed his connection to the school.

The university admitted on Wednesday night that it had an endowment named after Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Ukraine native who was given standing ovations by Canadian lawmakers during Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to parliament on Friday. The incident became an international embarrassment for Ottawa, leading to the resignation of House Speaker Anthony Rota, after it was revealed that Hunka fought on the side of the Nazis during World War II.

Hunka’s family donated $30,000 in 2019 to establish an endowment, named after him and his wife, at the University of Alberta’s Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Russia’s ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, told RIA Novosti that the embassy discovered Hunka’s link to the university and publicized the odious connection on social media. A few hours later, the school announced the cancellation.









sick sikhs......

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a grave blow to his country’s ties with India last week by stating on the floor of his parliament that there were “credible allegations” that the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a local Sikh extremist, had “potential links” with India. He had raised the matter with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, during the September 9-10 G20 summit in “no uncertain terms,” language that borders on diplomatic effrontery.

“Credible allegations” do not constitute evidence, and the connection with India being “potential” is an acknowledgment that no definitive conclusions have been reached, as the investigation is not complete. To recklessly accuse a friendly government of complicity on such shaky grounds indicates some political compulsion and personality flaws.

Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre has demanded that Trudeau produce evidence to substantiate his charge. Even in a private briefing to him, Poilievre said, Trudeau did not go beyond what he stated in parliament. He acknowledged to the media that if Trudeau’s charges were proven wrong, it would be risky for Canada.

While Trudeau claims that he had sent his national security adviser to India to discuss the issue, the Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesperson has categorically affirmed that Canada shared no specific information then or later.

India’s External Affairs Minister Jaishankar, in an interaction with the Council of Foreign Affairs in New York, reiterated that Canada had shared no specific or relevant information with India to substantiate its charges, but that if it did, India would look into it. It was not the government of India’s policy to undertake the kind of actions imputed to it by the Canadians, he affirmed.

The US ambassador to Canada has told media that the claim of an Indian connection to the murder is based on intelligence provided by a Five Eyes country, presumably the US, or possibly Britain. This seems like a convenient ploy to make an allegation – it conveys that the accuser has something in their possession to back it up, but also implies that it’s intelligence-derived information that cannot be made public, so as not to disclose sources or capabilities. In any case, intelligence can be manipulated to suit a larger political agenda (the US war on Iraq is a glaring example).

India has reacted unusually sharply to Trudeau’s allegations. While refuting them as absurd and politically motivated, the spokesperson of India’s External Affairs Ministry recalled that Prime Minister Modi completely rejected similar allegations that Trudeau had made to him. Such unsubstantiated claims, he said, sought to shift the focus from Sikh terrorists and extremists who have been given shelter in Canada, and who continue to threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Canadian government was reminded that its inaction on this matter has been a long-standing concern of India, as was the openly expressed sympathy for such elements by Canadian political figures. The spokesperson deplored the space given in Canada to a range of illegal activities including murders, human trafficking and organised crime, and warned Canada that it was not New Delhi’s reputation that was at stake, but Ottawa’s.

India also made the point that a score of extradition requests made by it are pending with the Canadian side. With the kind of political clout that the Sikh extremists wield within the Canadian system, it is unlikely that the Canadian government would act on India’s extradition requests, however much the Canadians may talk of their independent justice system, or deport those with established terrorism links. According to Indian agencies, nine separatist organisations supporting terror groups are based in Canada.

Canada has precipitately expelled a senior Indian diplomat without concluding its investigation, and India has retaliated by expelling a senior Canadian diplomat. To a travel advisory issued by Canada, India responded with a much stronger travel advisory. Canada has been asked to reduce the size of its mission in India, on the grounds that its diplomats interfere in India’s internal affairs. India has also stopped issuing visas to Canadians for the time being.

What are Trudeau’s political compulsions? In the 2021 election, his Liberal Party failed to obtain a majority. For the minority government to survive, it needs the support of the National Democratic Party led by a Canadian Sikh, Jagmeet Singh, which has 25 seats in parliament. While Jagmeet Singh’s links to Sikh extremists advocating secessionism in India and the establishment of an independent Sikh state of “Khalistan” in India’s Punjab province are strongly suspected, the size of the Sikh diaspora in Canada – over 700,000 strong, making it the largest Sikh population outside Punjab – makes the Sikh vote important in Canadian politics. It is crucial in about 15 constituencies of Canada.

Jagmeet Singh’s clout within Canadian politics derives from this reality. Trudeau has therefore cultivated the Sikh diaspora unabashedly, to the point that his 2018 visit to India was a political disaster, as the impression he gave was that the purpose of his visit was more to endear himself to the Sikh public in Punjab, to consolidate his political position back home, than to hold serious talks with the Indian government. It is for this reason that Trudeau sympathised with prolonged farmers agitation in 2020-2021 (with money also coming from the Sikh diaspora), with its distinct anti-Modi, anti-BJP fervour. This interference by Canada in India’s internal affairs makes a travesty of Trudeau’s accusation that India is interfering in Canada’s.

During his India visit, the chief minister of Punjab begrudgingly met Trudeau and gave him a list of Sikh extremists harboured by Canada, which included Hardeep Singh Nijjar, against whom there was an Interpol Red Corner Notice and who had fled to Canada under a false name, failed twice to obtain Canadian citizenship as he was trying to manipulate the system, and eventually seems to have received it. The chief minister of Punjab had separately refused to meet Trudeau’s then defence minister on the grounds that he was a supporter of “Khalistan”. Canada should explain how a criminal with an Interpol Red Notice against him acquired Canadian nationality, and what it says about the rule of law in Canada. It now transpires that Nijjar, according to his son’s statements to the media, had been meeting with Canadian intelligence once or twice a week for the last several months, which suggests he was linked to the CSIS.

Trudeau’s personality traits explain his irresponsible and cynical behaviour. He is determined to retain power. Belonging to a privileged political family (his father Pierre Trudeau was prime minister and he too sheltered Sikh extremists), he seems to have a sense of entitlement. He wants India to account of its conduct, cooperate with Canada in investigating the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a fugitive from Indian law, without any obligation on his part to cooperate with India to curb the activities of Sikh extremists in Canada.

These extremists openly call for the balkanisation of India, organise referendums for creating an independent Sikh state in Punjab, attack our missions in Canada, print posters with photographs of the heads of our missions in Canada, and call for their death, glorify in a tableau the killing of India’s former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards, and vandalise Hindu temples. The latest being a threat by a Sikh extremist leader with double US and Canadian citizenship demanding that Hindus leave Canada.

All this is acceptable to Trudeau with his minority-oriented woke beliefs, and to the Canadian establishment at large, as part of freedom of speech and right to protest in a liberal democracy based on the rule of law. Trudeau has the arrogance and temerity to say that there must be a change in the way the government of India and its intelligence agencies function.

In this episode, the role of the Anglosphere and the “Five Eyes” is noteworthy and needs to be factored into Indian diplomacy. The US has backed, even encouraged, Canada in pursuing its allegations against India. Both US National Security Advisor Jack Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have called on India to cooperate with Canada and have said that there must be accountability, with Sullivan saying tactlessly that no country has any special exemption for such acts, and Blinken saying that there are certain principles that the US will insist on upholding.

While one can understand the US political compulsion to support a faithful and dutiful ally like Canada, even as the US seeks to deepen its ties with India, implicitly suggesting that India is answerable to Canada and not once alluding to the need for Canada to cooperate with India to meet Indian concerns, will not go unnoticed in New Delhi. As for US principles conflicting with targeted killings on foreign soil, the names of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri, General Soleimani, Mullahs Fazlullah and Mansoor come to mind. Trudeau himself had lauded the killing of Ayman al Zawahiri in a tweet at that time. Double standards, as usual.

The standing ovation given to the former Nazi collaborator Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian parliament, including by Trudeau, who according to Pierre Poilievre, the opposition leader, Trudeau also met privately, raises a lot of questions about the dark underside of Canadian politics and society. Trudeau’s and Canada’s cultivated image of a liberal democracy espousing Western values of human rights and rule of law require that, in the interest of transparency, Canada reveals how many ex-Nazis were given refuge in Canada and take national stock of why Canada has become a safe haven for Sikh terrorists, criminals, drug dealers and human traffickers.