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lewd heaven and lovely hell....“Lowell is a small town where the only reasonable response for a talented man like Kerouac is to clear off. We were only there for a night, but for me a night without a woman is like Gerry Conlon’s prison sentence — long and completely unjust. Luckily the hotel was screening that perennial classic of modern sexploitation. Girls Gone Wild which while being spiritually deplorable serve as a masturbatory aid. If for some reason you’re unfamiliar with the franchise allow me to puncture the sphere of your ignorance. In Girls Gone Wild real girls are encouraged to not so much “go wild” as to flash their boobs, bottoms and occasion vaginas in exchange for T-shirts. A girl that had truly “gone wild” would most likely savage the off-camera antagonist who was cajoling them into nudity with the offer of cloth and smash through the window of the heavily branded tour bus before rejoining her pack. These girls aren’t so much “wild” as eager for approval.” Russell Brand — Booky Wook 2
AT THIS LEVEL, 90* PER CENT OF MEN ARE GUILTY OF DOING SOMETHING UNSAVOURY, WHILE THE REMAINING ARE DEAD**…. THE LGBTQi COMMUNITY VYING TO CONVINCE KIDDIES THAT THEY ARE BOY/GIRLS IN NEED OF HORMONE CHANGES WITH A BIT OF SURGERY FOR PLAYING WITH THE WRONG TOY, IS FAR WORSE THAN THIS STATE OF (adult) AFFAIR… Now, why is it that after many years of bliss, Russell is brought back onto the mincemeat market of his former sexual fantasies, which of course may have been lewd, but consensual? Meanwhile, Hunter Biden did the same lurid crap, but he was doing it with prostitutes, a state of affair that cleanses this rotten Biden family soul… Hunter is protected species because he’s the (remaining) PRESIDENT’s son. In the same breath, the media at large does not want to even mention Tara Reade (apart than she's a liar) who fled to Russia by fear of being eliminated in her homeland for mentioning she was raped by Joe Biden in 1993. Russell Brand is spilling the beans on the establishment and has become a voice against the military support in Ukraine… Of course like many commentators on this issue seen on YouTube, he would not have lasted very long if he did not add “Putin is a thug” or such nonsense, to make the rest of his rants palatable to the censors. But was this enough? Did Russell do what he’s been accused of? He denies the non-consensual nature of what happened… It’s impossible to prove… "Entrapment of men by women" isn’t new… We have shown a cartoon from 1900, by Norman Lindsay on this subject a long time ago. This is no reflection on the women, so far anonymous, who may have not consented to Russell’s sexual advances… The media on this issue (LIKE ON MAY OTHERS SUCH AS THE RUSSIAN INTERVENTION IN UKRAINE) has been as rotten as a butcher’s finger pushing on the scales while weighing a “pound” of sausages… Norman Lindsay's 1900 cartoon of the "femme fatale". She has lured (see the devil behind her and in her deceiving eyes) the man, then used a rotten court (see the scull of justice) to send the man to prison... Not all cases of sexual temptation are like this and women can fall victim to real rape... ---------------------------- ...She said yes. She chose me, bottled me and cuffed me. And now this is my life, my girl, this beautiful woman. Just her and the revolution. Russell Brand — 2010. Booky Wook 2 (end) (This was about his first marriage) ------------------------- Actor and comedian Russell Brand has said the British government is attempting to silence him, in his first statement since a string of sexual assault allegations against him were published by UK media last Saturday. “By now you’re probably aware that the British government have asked Big Tech platforms to censor our online content and that some online platforms have complied with that request,” Brand said in a video statement released late on Friday on platforms including X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Rumble. The performer was demonetized by YouTube earlier this week following the publication of a years-long investigation by The Times, Sunday Times and broadcaster Channel 4 into claims of sexual misconduct and rape. Brand denies all allegations. “It’s clear that these [mainstream media organizations] collaborate in constructing narratives,” Brand further alleged in the three-minute video. “Whether it’s about the war or the pandemic, and of course there are other examples. It’s very clear to me that we have to be very, very cautious indeed.”
SEE ALSO: it is impossible to argue against nonsense.....
Meanwhile, in regard to the "establishment":
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