Sunday 5th of January 2025

all hat & no cattle .....


all hat & no cattle .....

‘Other, more pedestrian presidents have had as their goals freedom and prosperity for our country and peace on a single planet – ours, no less. But President Bush, has a grander vision, based perhaps on his father’s "thousand points of light." This president is committed to the defense of the moon and Mars.

When Bush first started talking about Mars, the joke was that maybe that’s where we would find those elusive "weapons of mass destruction" that we were unable to find in Iraq.

Now it’s beginning to look like the president wants to go to Mars to find the cherished legacy of achievement that has eluded him here on earth. Yes, friends, future generations of Republicans will be able to point with pride to the glorious achievement of America AD (Years of "Dubya").

"He saved Mars from the terrorists."’

President Of All the Planets