Sunday 9th of March 2025

an american moral calamity in israel.....

I do not believe that anything I say about what is happening in Gaza will affect Israeli or American policy in that conflict. But I want to be on record so that when historians look back on this moral calamity, they will see that some Americans were on the right side of history.


Death and destruction in Gaza    By John J. Mearsheimer


What Israel is doing in Gaza to the Palestinian civilian population – with the support of the Biden administration – is a crime against humanity that serves no meaningful military purpose. As J-Street, an important organisation in the Israel lobby, puts it, “The scope of the unfolding humanitarian disaster and civilian casualties is nearly unfathomable.”

Let me elaborate.

First, Israel is purposely massacring huge number of civilians, roughly 70 percent of whom are children and women. The claim that Israel is going to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties is belied by statements from high level Israeli officials. For example, the IDF spokesman said on 10 October 2023 that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.” That same day, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced: “I have lowered all the restraints – we will kill everyone we fight against; we will use every means.”

Moreover, it is clear from the results of the bombing campaign that Israel is indiscriminately killing civilians. Two detailed studies of the IDF’s bombing campaign – both published in Israeli outlets – explain in detail how Israel is murdering huge numbers of civilians. It is worth quoting the titles of the two pieces, which succinctly capture what each has to say:

“‘A Mass Assassination Factory’: Inside Israel’s Calculated Bombing of Gaza”

The Israeli Army Has Dropped the Restraint in Gaza, and the Data Shows Unprecedented Killing.”

Similarly, the New York Times published an article in late November 2023 titled: “Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace.” Thus, it is hardly surprising that the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, said that “We are witnessing a killing of civilians that is unparalleled and unprecedented in any conflict since” his appointment in January 2017.

Second, Israel is purposely starving the desperate Palestinian population by greatly limiting the amount of food, fuel, cooking gas, medicine, and water that can be brought into Gaza. Moreover, medical care is extremely hard to come by for a population that now includes approximately 50,000 wounded civilians. Not only has Israel greatly limited the supply of fuel into Gaza, which hospitals need to function, but it has targeted hospitals, ambulances, and first aid stations.

Defense Minister Gallant’s comment on 9 October captures Israeli policy: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.” Israel has been forced to allow minimal supplies into Gaza, but the amounts are so small that a senior UN official reports that “half of Gaza’s population is starving.” He goes on to report that, “Nine out of 10 families in some areas are spending ‘a full day and night without any food at all’.”

Third, Israeli leaders talk about Palestinians and what they would like to do in Gaza in shocking terms, especially when you consider that some of these leaders also talk incessantly about the horrors of the Holocaust. Indeed, their rhetoric has led Omar Bartov, a prominent Israeli-born scholar of the Holocaust, to conclude that Israel has “genocidal intent.” Other scholars in Holocaust and genocide studies have offered a similar warning.

To be more specific, it is commonplace for Israeli leaders to refer to Palestinians as “human animals, ”human beasts,” and “horrible inhuman animals.”And as Israeli President Isaac Herzog makes clear, those leaders are referring to all Palestinians, not just Hamas: In his words, “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible.” Unsurprisingly, as the New York Times reports, it is part of normal Israeli discourse to call for Gaza to be “flattened,” “erased,” or “destroyed.” One retired IDF general, who proclaimed that “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist,” also makes the case that “severe epidemics in the south of the Gaza Strip will bring victory closer.” Going even further, a minister in the Israeli government suggested dropping a nuclear weapon on Gaza. These statements are not being made by isolated extremists, but by senior members of Israel’s government.

Of course, there is also much talk of ethnically cleansing Gaza (and the West Bank), in effect, producing another Nakba. To quote Israel’s Agriculture Minister, “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba.” Perhaps the most shocking evidence of the depths to which Israeli society has sunk is a video of very young children singing a blood-curdling song celebrating Israel’s destruction of Gaza: “Within a year we will annihilate everyone, and then we will return to plow our fields.”

Fourth, Israel is not just killing, wounding, and starving huge numbers of Palestinians, it is also systematically destroying their homes as well as critical infrastructure – to include mosques, schools, heritage sites, libraries, key government buildings, and hospitals. As of 1 December 2023, the IDF had damaged or destroyed almost 100,000 buildings, including entire neighbourhoods that have been reduced to rubble. Consequently, a stunning 90 percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. Moreover, Israel is making a concerted effort to destroy Gaza’s cultural heritage; as NPR reports, “more than 100 Gaza heritage sites have been damaged or destroyed by Israeli attacks.”

Fifth, Israel is not just terrorising and killing Palestinians, it is also publicly humiliating many of their men who have been rounded up by the IDF in routine searches. Israeli soldiers strip them down to their underwear, blindfold them, and display them in a public way in their neighborhoods – sitting them down in large groups in the middle of the street, for example, or parading them through the streets – before taking them away in trucks to detention camps. In most cases, the detainees are then released as they are not Hamas fighters.

Sixth, although the Israelis are doing the slaughtering, they could not do it without the Biden administration’s support. Not only was the United States the only country to vote against a recent UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, but it has also been providing Israel with the weaponry necessary to wage this massacre. As one Israeli general (Yitzhak Brick) recently made clear: “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability.… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” Remarkably, the Biden administration has sought to expedite sending Israel additional ammunition, by-passing the normal procedures of the Arms Export Control Act.

Seventh, while most of the focus is now on Gaza, it is important not to lose sight of what is simultaneously going on in the West Bank. Israeli settlers, working closely with the IDF, continue to kill innocent Palestinians and steal their land. In an excellent article in the New York Review of Books describing these horrors, David Shulman relates a conversation he had with a settler, which clearly reflects the moral dimension of Israeli behaviour toward the Palestinians. “What we are doing to these people is actually inhuman,” the settler freely admits, “But if you think about it clearly, it all follows inevitably from the fact that God promised this land to the Jews, and only to them.” Along with its assault on Gaza, the Israel government has markedly increased the number of arbitrary arrests in the West Bank. According to Amnesty International, there is considerable evidence that these prisoners have been tortured and subjected to degrading treatment.

As I watch this catastrophe for the Palestinians unfold, I am left with one simple question for Israel’s leaders, their American defenders, and the Biden administration: have you no decency?

Republished from John’s Substack on December 12, 2023.



IDF pox...


UNGA: Australia backs Gaza ceasefire. US supports continuation of war     By Michael Keating


It is urgent to end the loss of life and destruction in Gaza, but as the joint Statement by the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand recognises, a sustainable ceasefire will require agreement to a balanced set of conditions consistent with eventually achieving a lasting peace based on a two-State solution. This is how to end the war in Gaza.

While Israel was clearly justified in defending itself* against Hamas attack on 7 October, the enormous toll of death and destruction in Gaza is of mounting concern to the rest of the world. Around 18,000 Gazans have now been killed, most of them women and children, 90 per cent of the population has been displaced, and more than 70 per cent of the homes in Gaza have been destroyed.

At the end of last week, the UN proposed an immediate humanitarian cease fire. This UN resolution was supported by thirteen members of the Security Council, but was vetoed by the US, while the UK abstained.

This US veto has been widely condemned elsewhere, although as usual, there has been almost no criticism in the Australian media. OK a ceasefire might have allowed Hamas to regroup and continue fighting, but if the US vetoes a ceasefire, it is surely incumbent on it to spell out its alternative for ending the war and achieving a lasting peace as soon as possible.
By vetoing the ceasefire, the US is apparently supporting continuation of the war, and essentially on Israel’s terms. Bolstered by the US veto, and the purchase of an extra $US106 million worth of tank ammunition from the US since the veto was announced, Israel has been pushing ahead with its punishing air and ground offensive in Gaza, while the Gazan people are crowded into a smaller and smaller space with nowhere to hide.

While the US professes to want to end the war, unfortunately there is no sign that it will put forward an alternative proposal, until Israel has achieved its objective of annihilating Hamas. And while many may feel that the elimination of the “terrorist” group Hamas is a necessary condition for a lasting peace, there is a growing risk that Hamas elimination will only be accomplished by what should be a completely unacceptable loss of innocent lives and destruction of Gaza.

Thankfully in a joint statement released today (Wednesday 13 December), the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand renewed the pressure for international action to achieve what they call a “sustainable ceasefire”.

As the three Prime Ministers recognise, a sustainable ceasefire “cannot be one-sided”. Hamas must release all hostages, lay down its arms, and there cannot be any role for Hamas in the future governance of Gaza.

The quid pro quo is that the three Prime Ministers:

  • “Support Palestinians’ right to self-determination.”
  • “Oppose the forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, the re-occupation of Gaza, any reduction in territory, and any use of siege or blockade.”
  • “Emphasise that Gaza must no longer be used as a platform for terrorism. We reaffirm that settlements are illegal under international law. Settlements and settler violence
    are serious obstacles to a negotiated two-state solution.”

To this list of conditions, I would add that Israel equally must withdraw from Gaza after hostilities cease, and it cannot be the occupying power for any period. President Biden has previously indicated that he supports this condition, and it is difficult to see Hamas accepting laying down their arms, releasing all hostages, and going out of existence without Israel equally being required to withdraw. While on the other hand, all Israel’s legitimate demands for security will have been met.

Together these conditions are consistent with the widely accepted “two-State solution” guaranteeing the independence and security of both Israel and Palestine, which has been widely agreed as the basis for a lasting peace settlement.

But that still leaves the question of how to take this proposal forward. First, it will require a United Nations Security Council resolution, with US support this time. Second, there is an enormous task ahead to ensure security within Gaza and that Hamas does not reappear, to rebuild Gaza, and fill the gap in Palestinian political capability.

As I have argued in a previous article, “Gaza: Israel is winning the battle but losing the war”, that task is best undertaken by a UN trusteeship. Ideally, this trusteeship would be US-led, but personnel would also be drawn from other countries, and especially Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia.

By directly involving the US and the Arab countries, the trusteeship should have credibility with both Israelis and Palestinians. And involving the Arab countries directly in the administration of Gaza for an extended period would help induce them to open their purse strings to provide much of the necessary finance to rebuild Gaza.

Finally, the trusteeship would need to continue for some time – say three years – as it will take time to rebuild Gaza’s infrastructure and political capabilities when Hamas is gone.









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