Sunday 9th of March 2025

the issues of our time.....

We live on a small planet, a special environment that gave us life. The relationship between the environment, the evolution of this environment and our resultant comfort is undeniable. meanwhile we — superior monkeys that can read and write — have invented systems of dealing with each others, some based on nature, some based on delusions and comfort, in order to control what we do. 


We fight, we love, we disagree, we punish and we make friends.

We sometimes try to understand the world we live in as well as the systems we have devised in our wisdoms, but — apart from specialist geniuses — we are quite poor at grasping reality beyond a few basic tenets. We develop and maintain prejudices from the history of our place and of our people.


Thus we disagree/agree on the main issues of our time. Meanwhile we, at individual and society levels try to survive at the best we can. We reach platforms of competency and develop habits that manage our status of rewards: food, shelter, peace (security).


Unfortunately, some of us become sneaky, nasty and dangerous. 


It is quite weird that we, humans, evolved into separate nations in which languages congealed our dependency on a specific group. From these groups, we have developed self-importance, based on historical successes and on inventions and traditions of sustaining our group. Some groups are more successful than others and these have tried, try and will try to conquer other groups by force to steal what the others have. We are taught to be fair but we often end up being aggressively competitive or bombastic. Hence some nations develop a sense of superiority, exceptionalism and “chosen by God” syndrome to be preferred people. It’s not long ago that the rules-based order of the white race was colonialism, slavery and terra nullius. Racism, sexism, beautism are still colouring our soap bubbles with delusions as we individually travel from birth to death. We have not conquered the animal within us.


So, what are the issues of our time and their influence on our future?


1- WAR. The history of wars of the human species (homo sapiens — the monkey that can read and write) is long and dangerously not finished… We have invented weapon systems that could destroy us and the surface of the planet.


2- GLOBAL WARMING. We are consuming carbon and producing carbon derivatives that are detrimental to our future comfort — by inducing a warming of the surface of the planet.


3- ECONOMIC SYSTEMS that are not equitable and favour certain classes of people, against the well-being of all. Our economic systems are also based on the high consumption of carbon products.


4- UNFAIR LAWS that are designed to punish the providers of truth while recompensing the pedlars of falsehoods. Julian Assange being in prison is a symptom of societies eager to deceive. The laws are deliberately unjust to protect the secrecy of deception and help the psychopaths stay in charge of governments.


5- BIASED EDUCATION that makes us accept unfair laws, wars, more consumption of carbon products and dangerous competition. This information education comprises schooling, media and government propaganda. 


Due to this education and our need for self-preservation we ALL develop sociopathic tendencies, in which we care more about ourselves than about others in our group or in other groups. This can develop to the point of not caring about others, and only using them as props for our “social climbing”. We are prepared to skin them alive should the time of war comes along.


Governments invent more and more complicated ways to deal with the issues, often adding extra layers of control mechanisms that fewer and fewer people understand. These controlling mechanisms include religions, morality, the laws, secrecy with decrees. Until the advent of “DEMOCRACY”, our governments were based on exclusive dynasties of  psychopaths — called king, queens, emperors — who decided our unnatural order. 

“Democracy” has become our mostly recognise way to be ruled, but it is far from perfect, as the various classes tend to separate into the haves and the have-nots — in more or less equal halves of people who acquire more loot versus people who toil.


In the pages of this little website, we have exposed many of the controversies, the contradictions and the abuses of governmental systems, including democracy. War and propaganda have ruled over common sense since way before antiquity — even before we could read and write…


Economics are not sciences, but artificial value systems on a playing field for us to fight and acquire our individual comforts. Politics are not sciences, but ways to deceive and control others at internal and international scale.


You know all this.


So, of all the issues of our time, the most important to solve is GLOBAL WARMING. We know. Our governments know. But presently our political and economic systems are nearly all based on using carbon products that are CHANGING THE CARBON EQUATION ON THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET. Doing something about this requires a massive change of thinking on ways to carrying on to acquire and maintain our human comforts.


Here, real sciences can tell us statistically and historically what the processes are, but politics and economics will try hard to prevent our habits of burning carbon products being jettisoned — for many “reasons” including laziness and lack of invention. As well, some politicians will sponsor contrarian scientists in order to sow doubt, so we can continue the usage of carbon products.


COP28 was thus a flop.


Gus Leonisky

Cartoonist since 1951.



protecting oil.....

the insane number of a global climate conference

What a super Christmas gift! Our global leaders all gathered in one of the biggest oil producing nations on the planet to discuss with more than two thousand oil industry lobbyists exactly how they should legislate to protect our children and grandchildren from the worst effects of global warming in the coming decades. What could possibly go wrong?






record floods...

A tropical cyclone and heavy rains have washed out northeast Australia, turning the city of Cairns into an island. Hundreds of people had to be evacuated from the region, leaving authorities to wrangle loose crocodiles.