Sunday 20th of October 2024

am I getting too old for this?......

One third-two-third, for balance… sometimes half-and-half shall do, to go faster. One day you will understand. This has to do with aeroplane airlift and iffy polls for the president of America — both unrelated to rocket science. 

So much of what I would say could sound like a bunch of Joe Biden tall tales, like when claiming "he prefers the truth over facts”. He did say this! HE DID SAY THIS!!! Fookadoock! Sorry I should be more respectful of the old decrepit dudes who have insane dementia and find a flight of stairs beyond challenging, but having one of them, either or, in charge of running America? Wooo???! ARE WE INSANE?…Joe belongs to a retirement village for thieves and pickpockets with damaged fingers nerve endings… There’s only one word for this: “aafootwhs-excuse-me-the-foot-of-the-Hymalayas-with-Xi-Jinping…”. Ah Shucks…. That’s the word that Joe sees as a one word… if he can remember what was why or… what was it again?

Okay, you’ve got the message…

But wait there’s more! Kamala Harris can top this ton of deranged floopsees with a delicate:

this is the most election of a life time.” I’m not kidding. She said this…

Is the world in trouble? Between Netanyahu and Anthony Blinken, both descendants of Moses, who knows. There are still plenty of flat earth theorists out there and their combined IQ leads them to believe that Joe Biden is doing a good job. Hey, Even if Joe Biden was doing a good job — which he’s not — he’s not in charge of doing a good job. He’s just a sock puppet who can’t remember the script on the teleprompter. It’s getting worse. Joe has been a shifty nasty devious guy who invented the “Patriot Act” and stole the wife and house of someone else (contrarily to the 10 commandments), while sniffing kids’ locks (not on the list of forbidden godly dictums) — still on their heads… while possibly cashing in under the table some Baksheesh — allowed in Arabic countries, but completely illegal in George’s Washingtonia. Joe is still a shifty nasty devious guy who can’t remember the tricks of the trade… The string pullers are having a horrid time trying to maintain some appearances of aviator glasses being intelligible while the gaze behind is vacant.


Trump-the-Clown is facing a mountain of tar and ninety-one feathery lawsuits invented by the Democrats on behalf of the Deep State — otherwise known as “The Swamp”, “the Psychopath Club”, the “We Own the World Association”, “the One-per-cent of the One-per-cent Corp”, “Democracy is for Mugs Org” under the umbrella of the “Anti-Trumpian Council”.

Obviously, Trump is a challenge to the establishment. Why? He wants to MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN…. This seems to go against the spirit of the country that needs threats, poverty, squalor, racism, sexism, bad bridges, wars and possibly pollution from petroleum products to survive as a glorious nation of slaves, descendants of slaves and Latinos cleaning latrines.

Trump to the contrary wants the people in America to work like slaves in factories rather than play on the stock market. This concept seems to have worked well in China. 

Like Joe, Trump is another unwilling puppet/clown/muppet of the Deep State — otherwise known as “The Swamp”, “the Psychopath Club”, the “We Own the World Association”, “the One-per-cent of the One-per-cent Corp”, “Democracy is for Mugs Org” under the umbrella of the “Anti-Trumpian Council”, who hate the democrats as much as the Republicans — and see Trump as the mug that looks like the Jesus Christ of cash, if brought under control inside the casino. Trump has the ability to rally the anti-socialist populace who have no clues as to who is in charge of the play, have no clue about the meaning of capitalism, of communism, nor of democracy — as long as there's an illusion of onions to buy Chrissie prezzies… It’s like a horse race, one of the Jockey is half-dead facing backwards and the horse of the fat-guy is a sick old nag. 

Impossible to see a victory that is not rigged.


Either way, the Deep State — otherwise known as “The Swamp”, “the Psychopath Club”, the “We Own the World Association”, “the One-per-cent of the One-per-cent Corp”, “Democracy is for Mugs Org” is having an each-way bet. Winning wars is not the end game but making money from wars is. That people are unfortunately dying under bombardments is a bother that is easily dealt with a stern morality statement from the Pentagon: we're good.


Gus Leonisky

Cartoonist since 1951.


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monsieur petit pois....


The Scary THING is that the younger generations of potential candidate for the American Presidency are as dumb or more idiotic than the old crop. Say for example, the Nikkis are nasty old shits in their own right. The only one who makes sense (half a sense, with caveats galore) is still in nappies.

So, the Psychopath Club is not keen on getting its voicy media on the case. The oldies need their afternoon siesta, during which the Deep State can reset the dummies. The media obliges....





ruling chaos....

The West is sowing chaos around the world, fueling conflicts to satisfy its own needs at the expense of others, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

“The world remains in a turbulent state. And one of the reasons for that is the ruling class in the West, which is provoking crises thousands of kilometers away from their own borders in order to achieve their own goals at the expense of other nations,” Lavrov said in an interview published by TASS news agency on Thursday.

“As the West keeps clinging to its diminishing dominance, no one is safe from its geopolitical tricks. This understanding is increasing across the globe.”

The minister added that Western countries will sooner or later “have to accept the realities of a multipolar world, and that’s when all issues will be resolved on the basis of the balance of interests.”

Lavrov’s words came as countries including Russia, China and India are increasingly speaking out about the need for a model that would reshape global politics in a more fair and equal manner.

In his interview, Lavrov accused the West of instigating the Russia-Ukraine conflict throught “the enlargement of NATO and by transforming Ukraine into an anti-Russian bulwark.” He also blamed the West for the “escalation” between Israel and Palestine.

Russia has been one of the countries calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The US blocked several UN Security Council resolutions urging for a comprehensive cessation of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants.

Israel and the US are insisting that a ceasefire at this point would only benefit the militant group Hamas, despite numerous warnings from the UN about the staggering death toll in Gaza.




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