Monday 10th of March 2025

"no nazis in yuckraine" and an alliance called "faukus"....


This article from Historicly was republished after news broke on October 25, [2022] that Canadian journalist Duncan Kinney, who operates the site Progress Report, was charged (not convicted) by the Edmonton Police Service with mischief under $5,000.


Police allege Kinney vandalized the monument to Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Roman Shukhevych, located at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex in Edmonton. Kinney would write an article about the Skukheyvch statue having the words “Actual Nazi” spraypainted onto it, after receiving pictures of this monument on August 10, 2021. Kinney and allies deny the charges laid by Edmonton police, whom Kinney has written many critical articles on.

The Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa, had a brick dedicated to Roman Shukhevych, which prompted Historicly to produce this article, which we have republished.

Update: Since we have written our article, they have decided to remove his name from the brick. You can still find the original dedication archived in the wayback when machine. Right now, the brick has been purged of his name.

For every brick, we [Historicly] shall bring their story in this special December Series called “Featured Victims of Communism”

This article was originally published on Historicly.

Written by: Esha K. and M. Fergus Gabhainn

What they said:

In memory of General Roman Shukhevych (1907 – 1950) who, in 1943,  formed and led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which fought to rid Ukraine of enslavement from Soviet communist rule.  Shukhevych died in battle with Soviet security forces on March 4, 1950.



The map of the world before World War I looked vastly different. Most of Ukraine was part of Tsarist Russia except for an area in the west known as “Galicia” which was a “protectorate” of the Austria-Hungarian empire.

Inspired by the Bolshevik revolution, soldiers in the Austria-Hungarian empire simply “checked out”, leading to the collapse of the Austria-Hungarian empire. Modern countries were carved out with a whip of a pen as to maximize profits for the France-US-UK (“Faukus”) alliance. While carving out countries with no regards to people, their families, their ethnicities and historic ties, the Faukus alliance also tried to balkanize as much of Tsarist Russia as possible, to preserve these areas for their capitalist and imperialistic profits.

France had armed and trained petty industrialist Jozef Piłsudski for carving out what is modern day Poland. In what is now considered modern Ukraine, Faukus alliance armed Anton Denniken and his White Armies. Denniken’s antisemitism was so outrageous that Winston Churchill had to warn him to tone it down or else he may not be able to get continued support:

[M]y task in winning support in Parliament for the Russian Nationalist cause will be infinitely harder if well-authenticated complaints continue to be received from Jews in the zone of the Volunteer Armies.

Luckily, the Bolsheviks were able to defeat the White Armies in the region that is now known as Ukraine. Finally, Soviet Russia signed a peace treaty called Brest-Litovosk, where once again, the borders changed. The allies who were very supportive of “self-determination” for Ukraine became shocked at what many Ukranians themselves, determined. In 1920, Soviet Galicia was declared and it was short lived.

Worried about more people being able to “self-determine,” the allies gave their explicit blessing for Piłsudski’s armies to fight and carve out as much land as possible for his Polish Republic. During this process, Piłsudski’s armies engaged in a campaign of “Polification” which entailed the wholesale genocide of anyone who was not Polish(catholic). Despite this, the leader of what was left of the “White Ukrainian armies” Simon Petlura made a deal with the proverbial devil. According to the CIA:

The Ukrainian National Directory with Simon Petlura at the head was left completely to itself in these fateful struggles; at the end of 1919 it had to clear the battlefield and seek an alliance with the newly created state of Poland, whose head, Pilsudski [sp], had a great understanding of the danger from the east. In April 1920, Poland and the Ukraine concluded s treaty in conjunction with a military convention, A joint Ukrainian and Polish campaign led to the liberation of Kiev in May 1920, but it had to be abandoned soon and the joint armies had to clear the Ukraine. Poland deserted its Ukrainian ally in the peace treaty at Riga in 1921 when it recognized the Soviet government in the Ukraine. The regular war between the Ukraine and Moscow ended at that time.

Finally, in 1923, Faukus alliance officially recognized Poland’s annexation of Galicia, thereby forcing these Ukrainian nationalists to reap what they sowed.

Under this backdrop, Roman Shukhevych became part of the Second Republic of Poland. He managed to graduate from Politechnika Lwowska with a degree in Civil Engineering. Soon, he and fellow students, formed an illegal organization to “fight” for an “independent Ukraine.” But, that is a joke. If they truly wanted an independent Ukraine, nothing prevented from using their white armies to support to Soviet Galicia. In reality, what they wanted was a restoration of the feudal relationships when Galicia was a “protectorate” of the Austria Hungarian empire.

In 1931, Roman Shukevych became the head of the “militant” wing of the OUN known as UPA. Their organization engaged in petty terrorism where they mostly assassinated random government officials in the Second Polish Republic.

After the Nazi party came to power in Germany in 1933, hundreds of Ukrainians were recruited and trained by the Abwehr. We know this because during the war, many of the captured Wehrmacht soldiers immediately spilled the details about their collaborators. Abwehr General, Erwin Stolze, during this interrogation, recounted:

Making preparations for an attack on the Soviet Union, German intelligence was inteerested in using the "Ukrainian nationalists," who were an active spy-terrorist organization already proven to serve the interests of the German General Staff.

He further continued,

In 1937, with the intensification of preparations for an attack on Poland, contacts with the KONOVALTS organization were renewed.

When asked about how they assisted in the invasion of the USSR, General Stolze said,

At my direction, BANDERA began to organize insurgent groups in Ukraine, with the task of armed struggle against the Red Army and the seizure of some important objects, including the Drogobych oil sources.

At first it was assumed that by a single password given over the radio, the groups would begin open armed action. However, this was deemed inexpedient and I, together with BANDERA, decided that the groups' action was to begin automatically with the invasion of the Soviet territory by the German troops.

According to Abwehr, the UPA’s “offensive” was to coincide with the Wehrmacht’s Operation Barbarosa. On June 30, 1941, Yaroslav Stetsko (the man pictured in the left with Ronald Reagan and on the right with George Herbert Walker Bush), proclaimed an independent Ukrainian State.

He said:

The restored Sobornoye Ukraina (Cathedral Ukrainian State) will cooperate closely with National Socialist Great-Germany, which under Adolf Hitler creates a new order in Europe and the world and helps the Ukrainian people to break free from the Moscow occupation. Long live the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, may the guide of the OUN Stepan Bandera live on!"

After this proclamation of their “own state,”members of the OUN went on an orgy of violence. According to eyewitnesses:

  • pregnant women were hit or kicked in the stomach.

  • stripped a twenty-year-old Jewish woman, lodged a baton in her vagina

  • Jews were forced to kneel and scream out loyalties to the OUN.

Most of the sadism is available on film with just a google search. They are too graphic to display on our website.

A week later, on the night July 6, 1941, the Nachtigall battalion followed a path from l'vov to Vinnitisa, spilling as much blood as possible. In their first city of Zolochiv, Soviet prisoners of war were deprived of food and water. Their rotten corpses were displayed to incite terror among the local population. In Satanov, they engaged in some gratuitous acts of sadism by setting fire to synagogues and forcing the Jewish citizens to say affirmations to Christ and pretend that they were filled with joy.

Members of the nightingale proudly boasted about their deeds. According to a Nachtigall fighter Viktor Kharkiv “Khmara” during this July march:

At the time of our march eastwards we saw with our own eyes the victims of the Judeo-Bolshevik terror, and the sight so strengthened our hatred of the Jews that in two villages we shot all the Jews we encountered. I recall one example. At the time of our march through one village we saw many vagrant people. Asked where they were going they answered that the Jews were threatening them and that they were afraid of spending the night in their houses. As a result of that, we shot all the Jews we encountered there.

The Nachtigall’s reign of terror continued until August 13, 1941. They were transported back to Frankfurt an der Order where they were given enhanced military training for "pacification" campaigns. On October 21, 1941, these same soldiers were reorganized as the 201st Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft Battalion also known as (“201”). Roman Shukhevych’s title was that of Hauptmann (captain) of the first company and deputy commander of the legion.



The "blitzkrieg" strategy use of overwhelming force, with their advanced Luftwaffe (Air Force) to rush over Soviet territory and level as much of it as possible, corroding the landscape and civilization with indiscriminate bombing campaigns.

This total-annihilation approach to warfare drove rural villagers into undeveloped wooded areas; soon irregular militias known as "partisans" were formed, each resisting Nazi occupation in their own way, resulting in a kind of asymetric warfare. Hitler likened the partisans to the US's "struggle" against the "red Indians."1

Despite a massive technology deficit, the Belarussian partisans were comparatively successful: Partisan Nina Litwinczyk, obtained a job as a typist in the Gestapo headquarters, soon compiling a list of names of every national who had collaborated with the Nazis — this detailed exposure of the rat-line rendered the subsequent extermination campaign relatively effortless.

Another Partisan, Elena Mazanik, managed to infiltrate the house of Wilhelm Kube, planted a bomb under his bed scheduled to go off at around midnight — the component parts of the bomb so precisely attuned that come the end of its countdown, Wilhelm Kube was successfully erased from the mortal plain while his pregnant wife was left undisturbed until morning.

Roman Shukheyvich's 201st Battalion was to eliminate partisans, apprehend saboteurs as well as administer the Reichskommissariat — Nazi colonial outposts. Einsatzgruppen reports catalog daily operations in benign terminology rooted in the exact bare minimum amount of truth to escape designation as euphemism: "fought partisans," "quelled banditry," etc. belied the accompanment of savagery.

A pack of attack dogs used to track and tear apart partisans, their tactics compensated a lack of sophistication for primal terror. A standard program of no quarter given; policy handed down from on high from Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel that "attacks on soldiers in the East should be met by putting to death 50 to 100 Communists for one German soldier," adding that "human life was less than nothing in the East." The 201st Battalion followed to the letter and exemplified this decree, in a manner that chilled the bones of the "proper" Nazis:

Ukrainian militia on horseback, armed with pistols, rides and lang, straight cavalry swords, 'vere riding wildly inside and around the town park. As far as lve could make out, they were driving people along before their horses; men, women, and children. A shower of bullets was then fired at this human mass. Those not hit outright were struck down with the swords. Like some ghostly aparation, this horde of Ukrainians, let loose and commanded by SS officers, trampled savagely over human bodies, ruthlessly killing innосent children, mothers and old people whose only crime was that they had escaped the great mass murder, so as to be eventually shot or beaten to death like wild animals. (Testimony of Erwin Bingel)

In their first mission, they were dropped off by their German detachments near Lake Domzharitskoe, located in the Vitebsk region. For the first few days, the 201st Battalion did pursue the partisans, unsuccessfully, albeit. Instead, they decided to engage in "Plan B" – killing and destroying everyone in the villages.

They began in a town called Logoisk. According to a survivor (who maybe the only one), she and five others hid under a bush until nightfall. And then either a Russian or a Belarussian approached them and warned them against returning to the village. They said, " Run. They've killed everyone"

Another Partisan diary states, "On September 2 this year, Hitler's bandits broke into the village of Khrapovichi, Vitebsk district, they burned down 78 houses of the collective farmers, 97 outbuildings, all public yards and the secondary school building. They also destroyed the church.

Another survivor in a village in their rampage Maxim Kozlovsky recounts they “brought us all together in one place, then ordered us to go into a house eight at a time and began to shoot us. My wife and I went into one house, and my children into another. The forester's wife and her infant child begged not to be killed. Then the punisher snatched the child from her and hit her head against the corner of the house and shot her. They killed my two sons in front of my eyes and I ran away with my third son. We ran into the house, but the punishers found us there, shot me, wounded me in the back. I ran to the forest, I was ambushed, they shot at me, but I managed to escape. In the village, a woman and two other children hid my son under the floor. The child cried, the soldier shot, killed one boy, then set fire to this house."

In the course of Swamp Fever, the fascist managed to kill 10,013 Soviet Citizens and 1,217 were forcibly relocated to one of the forced labor camps. This wasn't all. He continued into massacres in Poland and Russia. In fact, he was a Forest Brother, engaging in acts of terrorism until he shot himself in 1950.

The sick joke and grand irony stitched into the border of the red curtain that closed on Roman Shukheyvich's wretched life is that he can so easily be touted as a "Victim of Communism" despite no one cut from this man's cloth, guilty of these crimes, having any reasonable claim to being cast as a victim of anything at all, is precisely because of his prowess as the harvester of sorrow he was. Per the autobiography of a subordinate regarding the movements of the Nachtigal detachment through the Ukrainian SSR:

"During our march, we saw traces of the Jewish-Bolshevik terror, this so strengthened our hatred of the Jews that in two villages we shot all the Jews we met."

The NKVD's "massacres" and "victims" references the killing of Nazis and their collaborators at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa, apparently some kind of misdeed when performed by Communist hands—tell the same story: as these harbingers of death made their way through the west of Ukraine, if they encountered evidence of antifascist activity in a village, it was used as the impetus and rationale to slaughter all Jews in sight, sometimes entire villages.

The numbers bear this out: starting from the Nachtigall Battalion and the 4,000 Jews killed in their pogroms in Lviv and throughout the remainder of Western Ukraine as they moved towards the center and took Kyiv, "liquidating" over 30,000 Jews — when this human plague reached the land east of the Dnieper, "the Jewish Problem" was 'solved' by the 'liquidation' of over 4,000 Jews with those left being taken slave and cordoned off into groups of up to 1,000 at a time.2

Following this trail of blood and brutality blazed by the Nachtigall detachment in response to seeing "traces of the Jewish-Bolshevik terror," by the time Roman Shukheyvich was in Belarus with the 201st Battalion waging a terror campaign against the partisans. When Oberkommando Wilhelm Keitel issued the decree on September 16th 1941 that 50 to 100 Belarussians should be slaughtered for every Nazi killed by a partisan, he was merely elevating the savagery somehow both rabid in practice yet rational in calculation established by Shukheyvich's Nachtigall detachment in Ukraine to the level of an official policy that would greatly contribute to Belarus losing 25% of its population.

We know of this through investigations into the morbidity—literal corpse-counting—records released long after the fact, statements from perpetrators themselves — conducting thorough research in multiple languages revealed a distinct absence of living witnesses that were not directly responsible for this terror. The comparison made by Hitler himself to what was done to the "red Indians" by the US was disgusting and yet thoroughly warranted. This was a full scale, unbridled extermination campaign to clear the land for settlement by foreign invaders and the results are reflective of that.

And Roman Shukheyvich, as with those involved with the extermination of the indigenous in what is now the US, is memorialized and glorified on the basis of galling omissions, glaring obfuscations and outright denials of historical reality within cults of personality built by ghouls seeking reassurances of an alleged right of supremacy held by a "race" that reproduces itself on barbarism alone and condemns its victims with all of its own faults.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in propaganda campaigns operating organs like Victims of Communism to whitewash the legacies of some of the most brutal men history has on offer because that is the level of energy and resources that must be spent to validate their ideology of the ravenous devouring of the world itself.

An organization like "Victims of Communism" exists because without someone to invent the reality where any exist, we would never see them, without an organization in which time and energy, and above all, money could be spent converting slave owners and genociders into sympathetic figures in the crusade against an ideology built on the principle that every human has the right to be fed, clothed, educated and live indoors, we would notice we are permanently surrounded by Victims of Capitalism.


Bust of Roman Shukhevych in Edmonton Canada



yuckrainian nazis....

Former Ukrainian president Pyotr Poroshenko has vowed to fund the restoration of a house museum dedicated to World War II Nazi Roman Shukhevich. The Ukrainian “national heritage site,” located in the western city of Lviv, was destroyed in an explosion overnight on January 1.

Shukhevich was among the ranks of the Nazi SS auxiliary police during the war and was involved in terrorist activities in the then-Polish region of Lviv, where he had been one of the leaders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) prior to 1941.

Poroshenko made the pledge on Facebook shortly after the blast, showering praise on Shukhevich and his importance to present-day Ukraine.

“Roman Shukhevich was an extraordinary person. He always knew where to go,” Poroshenko stated. “I and Marina Poroshenko decided to rebuild the Shukhevich Museum, which was destroyed today, to preserve it for the descendants. Our Poroshenko fund will finance all the works necessary.”

The former president underscored Shukhevich’s role in the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), describing it as an “entire Ukrainian state in the underground.” Poroshenko failed to mention, however, multiple atrocities committed by the UPA during World War II, involving the extensive ethnic cleansing of the country’s Jewish and Polish population.




FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW..................

amateur nazi....

President Vladimir Zelensky has made three “fatal” mistakes that will likely cause his downfall, exiled Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk has sugested. The former leader of the banned Opposition Platform – For Life party, accused Zelensky of filling the government with non-professionals, failing to reasonably assess resources at his disposal, and using Nazi ideology to mask his missteps.

In an opinion piece published on the Drugaya Ukraina (The Other Ukraine) movement’s website on Wednesday, Medvedchuk argued that it is becoming evident that Zelensky’s days as a politician are numbered.

The opposition leader – now in exile in Russia – accused Zelensky of mistaking politics for show business, and assuming the rules of the latter apply to the former. Before becoming president, Zelensky had been a a professional entertainer and comedian. 

According to Medvedchuk, Zelensky has appointed amateurs to key government offices and has rotated officials as if in a “reality show.” The opposition politician said that decisions to put certain people in charge of the country have mostly been rooted in a desire to attract positive publicity rather than merit.

This was Zelensky’s first mistake, which has “undermined the foundations of statehood,”Medvedchuk argued.

The second was the president’s embrace of “Nazi ideology” in a bid to disguise his government’s own failures, the former MP continued. He alleged that it was the “Western puppet masters” that suggested the idea to Zelensky, who was seeking to create an image of an enemy.

Last but not least, according to Medvedchuk, the Ukrainian president has overestimated the extent to which the West is prepared to support him. Zelensky has “gambled away Ukraine, gambled away its economy, statehood; gambled away hundreds of thousands of ordinary Ukrainians’ lives.”

Medvedchuk, concluded that the “day of reckoning is approaching” for Zelensky, with Ukrainian political forces already scrambling to disown the president.

Last month, the opposition figure blamed Zelensky for weakening Kiev’s negotiating position in any future talks with Moscow.

In 2021, Ukrainian prosecutors filed criminal charges of high treason against Medvedchuk over his alleged collaboration with Russia. He advocated reconciliation with Moscow, arguing that confrontation would be disastrous to Ukraine. Authorities in Kiev also branded his party – the second largest in the country – illegal, along with a dozen other opposition groups.

He had spent several months in detention before being handed over to Moscow as part of a major prisoner swap deal in September last year.

READ MORE: Zelensky’s incompetence ruined Kiev’s leverage – exiled opposition leader

In January 2023, Zelensky stripped Medvedchuk of his Ukrainian citizenship.




















dmitriy yarosh.....

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Dmitriy Yarosh was the individual who led the Ukrainian nazis that were serving Obama’s Victoria Nuland to carry out the 20-27 February 2014 U.S.-led-and-organized coup which ended Ukraine’s democracy and Ukrainian international neutrality and immediately installed a rabidly anti-Russian government in Ukraine. He and Andrei Biletsky (leader of the nazi Azov Battalion) told the first post-coup President Petro Poroshenko that he would be assassinated if he failed to continue the war against Russians that the coup had started; and they likewise told this to the second post-coup President, Zelensky.

The interview in which Yarosh indicated this was published online in Ukraine in 2019 but quickly removed from the internet; however, copies of it had been archived and it has never yet been translated into English; so, I am here presenting for the first time online this translated-into-English document:


Yarosh: if Zelensky betrays Ukraine, he will lose not his position, but his life

27 May 2019, Lilia Ragutskaya, Investigations, 05/27/2019

What is happening now in Donbass? Can the Ukrainian army liberate the occupied territories and where are the best prospects for an offensive? How long will it take the Ukrainian army to reach the border – and will Russia interfere with this?

OBOZREVATEL spoke with the commander of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army Dmitry Yarosh about this, as well as what the fate of President Vladimir Zelensky might be, the risks of revenge, “peace at any cost” and new threats from Russia.

– The very first thing – and, perhaps, the most important thing: what is happening now in Donbass? What trends are being observed?

– There have been no fundamental changes there over the past year. But there is activity at the front. This can be seen even from official reports.

But our Armed Forces, thank God, are working more efficiently than they did even a year ago. The enemy’s losses are now much greater. The qualifications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and all units that exist in the JFO area are growing.

While we were officially at the front, I always set the task for my guys: to “minus” the enemy. Because this leads to demoralization and disorientation of enemy forces. And the Armed Forces are doing this well now. Sergei Naev did a good job. I hope that the new commander of the Joint Forces Operation, Alexander Syrsky, will also perform well the tasks assigned to him by his Motherland.

Dmitry Yarosh

– Do you know him?

– Personally, no. Perhaps we crossed paths somewhere, but I don’t remember about it. A lot of people passed before my eyes during the war. I’m ready to meet and be useful in the Joint Forces Operation.

– What exactly has changed for the better in the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past year, in your opinion?

– An absolute plus is permission to fire without warning to higher authorities. People defend their own and fulfill the Charter. And when fire is opened on them, despite the so-called Minsk agreements, they can respond. This is correct, cool, Ukrainian. And this needs to be disseminated as much as possible.

Second: the troops were given the opportunity to move forward in the “gray zone.” This is happening in the last year. Of course, this does not solve the issues of war as such, but from a moral and psychological point of view, this is very important for the army when they capture some separatist military units and move forward. This is right. This is how it should be done.

If I were the military command, I would even carry out several operations to liberate populated areas – those that, even according to Minsk, should be ours. The same Debaltsevo, Dokuchaevsk, for example. Why not?

– Is this realistic, considering how seriously the enemy has strengthened there over the years?

– Absolutely real. At one time, I crawled around Dokuchaevsk on my stomach. And I can say with absolute certainty that with normal planning of operations there will be few losses on our part. But the enemy’s losses will be very serious.

And for our Ukrainian society this will be a huge victory. Because such things bring down the nation. Although, I repeat, these operations, in fact, lie in the operational-tactical plane and do not solve the entire situation. Although… Separatists can run away. When you break through the front, they all start running. Moreover, we can see from the front now that they have 2-3 people at their GPs. There is a catastrophic lack of personnel there to cover the entire line of contact. If you read what the separatists write, it is clear that they are morally broken and panicking. For example, they do not block the Gorlovka direction at all. Because, as they themselves admit, they do not have a continuous line of defense, only isolated “foci of resistance.”

All this can and should be taken into account. And taking these nuances into account, conduct offensive operations.

– What could be the reason for such a situation on the other side? Has Russia stopped supplying manpower there? Perhaps you know something about what the situation is now there with Russia’s presence in general?

– Intelligence confirms: the flow of mercenaries to Donbass has decreased greatly. And for a long time, already a couple of years ago – for sure. Advertising of this war in Russia is no longer as big as in 2014-15. Accordingly, the financial injections that are coming (they receive a couple of thousand rubles there) do not in any way fill the gaps in the family budget of Russian militants.

War is no longer popular in Russia. And it does not solve any issues – even for the cattle who are fighting there. The popularity of this war is falling every day, as is the popularity of its organizers: Putin and the Kremlin clique.

“But we know how skillfully and quickly they can incite hatred in Russia.” Could they start a new round of whipping up hysteria around the idea that Ukrainians are our biggest enemies?

– They can. Moreover, I think they are planning to move on to intensifying hostilities, they will again send “volunteers” from the armed forces of the Russian Federation… Especially before our early parliamentary elections. “Forcing Ukraine to peace” – that’s what it would be called. We provide for this. And we will, of course, counteract this.

– And if Russia no longer interfered, their “vacationers” did not “wander” here with us, as has happened more than once, and did not cross the border of their unit – how much time would we need to completely liberate our lands?

– Do you mean the statement of JFO commander Sergei Naev? I’m not Naev. He has much more information than I, because it is concentrated at the Joint Forces Operation Headquarters. Therefore, I will not give specific dates. I think his statement about time is an exaggeration. But in a couple of weeks it is absolutely possible to carry out a good offensive operation.

Having a guarantee that Russia will not interfere, we can defeat the First and Second Corps of the so-called “LPR”, which are actually armed formations of the Russian Federation.

But in general, if, as they say in Galicia, “with a peasant’s mind,” I think two weeks would be enough for us to break through to the border, begin to actively build a continuous network of defense along the border, encircle and neutralize those bandit groups that are in large cities, cut off their communications. If we get involved in urban battles, it will be a long combat operation.

– And painful.

– Yes. With big losses. But to localize them… This is exactly what they tried to do in 2014. The strategy was absolutely correct. It’s just that our generals then could not imagine that Russia would intervene directly. I personally reported from near Saur-Mogila, when we were attacked from all calibers from Russian territory (it was 7 km to the border in a straight line) – I heard the answer: this cannot happen! And only when the Russian tanks started moving did they realize that it could.

– Do you think the risk that Russia will intervene again is high?

– I constantly foresee this risk. Because it is logical for them – forcing Ukraine to peace on their terms. The main thing for us is not to succumb to Putin’s blackmail.

Therefore, it is very important for the state what the newly elected President Zelensky will do in the near future. Because what I heard about the referendum is difficult for me to understand.

It’s like we were raped, and we are conducting surveys about whether we should be friends with the rapist or not. This is complete idiocy!

And this is what makes me personally think about resistance to this power. And I really wouldn’t want that. Because I understand perfectly well that this will eventually end again with Russian intervention.

– What kind of intervention, for example?

– Not necessarily an open invasion.

Alternatively, they can play on the fact that our president is Jewish by nationality. He talks about it himself. I respect the Jewish people. Among my friends there are Jews; many Jews fought in the UDA. These are my brothers. But I’m worried that Russia won’t start stirring up the anti-Semitic theme. Because they try to use it all the time. Injecting non-existent “caveman anti-Semitism” into Ukrainian public life.

So imagine what will happen if even some hint of anti-Semitism appears?

The new president, in my opinion, needs to pay special attention to national politics in order to balance the national issue in order to make it impossible for the enemy to use this topic.

And this, in the end, would lead to something positive for people of different nationalities living on our Ukrainian soil.

Nowadays they love the leftist term “political nation”. I don’t accept this definition, because it is, in fact, a complete analogue of the “Soviet people,” but I understand that for many it defines an association of citizens who live here and now. This is the people. Because the Ukrainian nation is still “dead, living and unborn Ukrainians, existing in Ukraine and outside Ukraine.” And I really liked the message that Zelensky sent to ethnic Ukrainians abroad. In his inaugural speech, he emphasized: come back, we will provide citizenship to all of you. And it is right. He says that there are 65 million of us Ukrainians… I suspect there are more.

In 2014, we showed that we can act not like a neo-colony. Volunteers and volunteers just showed. When the public administration system was dying and was ready to obey one, the other, the third. When the Minsk agreements were signed, in which, perhaps, Zelensky will now play negatively. And in this case we will have to revolt…

– What do you mean?

– The Minsk format – and I talk about this constantly – is an opportunity to delay time, arm the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and move to the best world standards in the system of national security and defense. This is an opportunity for maneuver. But no more. The implementation of the Minsk agreements is the death of our state. They are not worth a drop of the blood of the boys and girls, men and women who died in this war. Not a bit.

And this must be understood. Poroshenko played at Minsk – and played well. Fact. He was stalling for time.

During this diplomatic game, we were able to better prepare for a possible large-scale Russian invasion.

– Do you think it’s time to abandon Minsk?

– Undoubtedly.

– But Zelensky was told immediately after the elections that there were no alternatives to him.

– “Zelensky said” … Did Zelensky even say anything?

– No.

– And it’s scary. The Supreme Commander who says nothing at all. It’s kind of empty. And it’s very strange.

– Are we waiting for what the newly elected president will say?

– Not only. Then we fight and prepare. We are waiting for what he will say and, most importantly, how he will act. “By their fruits you will know them,” says the Holy Scripture. We will see the “fruits” sometime in the fall. Zelensky is an inexperienced politician. And the king is made by his retinue. And we can already see who is there, “in the retinue,” beginning to emerge. This does not add optimism. Because Zelensky promised his voters (I was not a Zelensky voter) that he would break the oligarchic system. But already from the first appointments we see that the oligarchic system continues to live and prosper. And, obviously, this will be the case in the future. They will just transfer the flows.

– What is your relationship with Kolomoisky?

– I have nothing against Igor Valerievich. We worked very fruitfully in 2014, when he was the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region. Therefore, Kolomoisky is not a horror story for me. I understand that the demonization that has occurred is based more on propaganda than reality. And in the flows for which the war is going on – oil, gas, billions…

And I know for sure that Kolomoisky was not a threat to the state in any case.

– What about his statement that there is a civil war in Donbass?

– He said absolute stupidity. Moreover, I talked about this with Arsen Avakov and other officials – they are of the same opinion. You can’t say that. This is a “red line”, after crossing which you find yourself in the enemy’s camp.

Moreover, Kolomoisky actually resisted Russian aggression in 2014. And he knows very well that there is no civil conflict there. This is the occupation of our territory by Russian troops and mercenaries who are in the service of Russia. This is clear.

But, probably, something is pushing him to make such statements. Apparently some kind of business interest.

This is the main danger of the oligarchy, as for me. They, oligarchs, are talented people, because without talent it is impossible to build such businesses and earn billions. But the danger of oligarchs is that they are compradors. They don’t care about their homeland. They need money. Profit turns a blind eye to everything. And then you can negotiate with Russia on any terms.

And that is why Zelensky is very dangerous for us, Ukrainians. I feel it.

– What is the danger?

“His statements about peace at any cost are dangerous for us.” Vladimir simply does not know the price of this world. He may have attended concerts close to the front. But when my boys were torn into small pieces by Russian shells and then these pieces had to be collected and sent to their mothers, the price somehow looked completely different.

I hope Vladimir Zelensky, my Supreme Commander-in-Chief, to whom I, of course, report, is simply wrong about certain things.

And I want to invite him through your information resource to take a ride with me on the front end. I would show him many, many things. I would tell you what happened at the front over the last 5 years. From the battle near Slavyansk in April 2014. From when the boys went to Slavyansk from the Maidan – and there they cut their bellies, stuffed them with stones and threw them into the river. I would like him to see the torture chamber in Avdeevka – the way they saw it when this city was liberated in July 2014. I wish he realized exactly what price he’s talking about. Or does he think it’s not worth revenge? Does he take into account those executed people in his understanding of “peace at any cost”? Our Ukrainian people!

And the opinion of vata and okhlos does not interest me at all. Because this state does not belong to the cattle masses.

It belongs to the soldiers who die for this state every day for more than five years. It belongs to everyone who, to one degree or another, stands in its defense (military, volunteers, law enforcement officers, volunteers, entrepreneurs, journalists, families of state defenders, etc.). This is our state! And we will not give it to any strangers.

If there is an opportunity to meet him, I will say it to his face.

-Are you trying to meet him now?

– Yes. I have already sent a couple of messages, but he is silent for some reason. Perhaps they did not reach him. He is a busy man…

But even if this meeting does not happen, it’s okay. He just needs to understand one truth: Ukrainians cannot be humiliated. Ukrainians, after seven hundred years of colonial slavery, may not have yet fully learned to build a state. But we have learned to carry out an uprising very well and to remove all those “eagles” who are trying to parasitize on the sweat and blood of Ukrainians. Zelensky said in his inauguration speech that he was ready to lose ratings, popularity, position… No, he would lose his life. He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk – if he betrays Ukraine and those people who died in the Revolution and War.

And it is very important that he understands this.

And so, Zelensky has every prospect of becoming a good president and combative Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

It can provide an incentive to accelerate the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other state security agencies according to the best world standards. And not only NATO…

He can unite global Ukrainians, which will increase the state’s potential and resistance to Russian aggression a hundredfold.

He may even become a greater Ukrainian nationalist than Yarosh. Because at the moment it has much more leverage on the development of the Ukrainian nation.

It can give freedom to business, freeing entrepreneurs from the terrible pressure of security forces. Make sure that business does not flounder as much as it did under previous presidents. No matter what region I went to, entrepreneurs everywhere said: “Kashniks” are “having a nightmare” for us, the cops, the tax office…

Under such conditions, we cannot boost the economy. We need economic growth of at least 7-9% per year. Otherwise, we will only reach Poland’s level in 50 years. And now we don’t even reach 3%. So, will it take 100 years to catch up with Poland? That’s funny!

– Moreover, no one is waiting for us…

– We will go our own way. National. Ukrainian. To do this, we need to prepare for the next presidential elections.

– Will you go to the polls?

– I am seriously considering this option. I’ll go myself or I’ll gladly support a more worthy person.

Without giving up the war, I will try to write several works about my vision of the future of Ukraine. I will help, first of all, Ukrainian nationalists and patriots, to give a new vision of Ukraine, relying on a solid ideological foundation – the legacy of Taras Shevchenko, Nikolai Mikhnovsky, Dmitry Dontsov, Yevgeny Konovalets, Stepan Bandera, Vasily Ivanishin and so on.

In the near future, I will try to influence the Ukrainians to preserve their State and make nationalism modern and promising. These will be my personal most important tasks.

To be continued…