Wednesday 26th of February 2025

nazism and fascism were never the enemy of america......

One of the European and American myths is that fascism was defeated during the Second World War by liberal democracies, and in particular by the United States. While the record suggests that far from being eradicated at the end of World War II, fascism was in fact repurposed, or rather redeployed, to fulfill its primary historical function: to destroy atheistic communism and its threat to THE mission — capitalist civilizer. The various national security agencies ensured that fascism, far from being defeated during the Second World War, was successfully internationalized.


BY Robert GIL


When the United States entered World War II, future CIA chief Allen Dulles lamented that his country was fighting the wrong enemy. The Nazis, as he explained, were pro-capitalist Aryan Christians, while the real enemy was atheistic communism and its resolute anti-capitalism. After all, the United States had, only 20 years earlier, participated in a massive military intervention in the USSR, with fourteen capitalist countries to, according to Winston Churchill: “strangle the Bolshevik baby in its cradle”.

Towards the end of World War II, General Karl Wolff, Himmler's former right-hand man, went to see Allen Dulles in Zurich. He wanted to avoid being brought to justice. Wolff, who was the highest-ranking SS officer to survive the war, offered Dulles the promise to develop, with his Nazi team, an intelligence network against Stalin to fight communism. Wolff is far from being the only Nazi official protected and rehabilitated by the CIA. The case of Reinhard Gehlen is particularly revealing. This general of the Third Reich had been responsible for the Nazi intelligence service directed against the Soviets. After the war, he was recruited and later made head of Germany's first intelligence service, reorganized by the CIA, where he began employing many of his Nazi collaborators. It is unclear how many war criminals this decorated Nazi hired, but Eric Lichtblau estimates that some four thousand Nazi agents were integrated into the network overseen by the U.S. spy agency. As early as 1945, the EU army and intelligence services without hesitation recruited former Nazi criminals: “the United States had just defeated the Nazis with the help of the Soviets. They now planned to defeat the Soviets with the help of former Nazis.” The situation was similar in Italy; Dulles' deal with Wolff was part of a larger enterprise, called "Operation Sunrise", which mobilized the Nazis and fascists. Dulles worked hand-in-hand with the Agency's future counterintelligence chief, James Angleton, who was then stationed in Italy. These two men, who would become two of the most powerful political actors of the 20th century, showed what they were capable of in this close collaboration between the American intelligence services, the Nazis and the fascists. Valerio Borghese was one of his main contacts because this die-hard fascist from Mussolini's regime was willing to serve the US in the anti-communist struggle, and he became one of the international leading figures of post-fascist fascism. war.

Once the war ended, senior EU intelligence officials “worked to ensure that denazification had only a limited scope”, according to Frédéric Charpier: “Generals, senior civil servants, police officers, industrialists, lawyers, economists, diplomats, academics and actual war criminals were spared and returned to their posts.” Dulles drew up a list of senior Nazi state officials to protect and pass off as opponents of Hitler. The CIA proceeded to rebuild administrative states in Germany and Italy with their anti-communist allies. Eric Lichtblau estimates that more than 10,000 Nazis may have immigrated to the United States in the postwar period (at least 700 official Nazi Party members were allowed to enter the United States in the 1930s, while Jewish refugees were turned back). In addition to a few hundred German spies and thousands of SS men, Operation Paperclip, which began in May 1945, brought at least 1,600 Nazi scientists to the United States with their families. This enterprise aimed to recover the great minds of the Nazi war machine and put their research on rockets, aviation, biological and chemical weapons, etc., in the service of the American empire. The program allowed the immigration of chemists from IG Farben (which had supplied the deadly gases used in mass exterminations), scientists who had used slaves in concentration camps to make weapons, and doctors who had participated in experiments on Jews, Roma, communists, homosexuals and other prisoners of war. These scientists, who were described by a State Department official opposed to Paperclip as “Hitler’s angels of death,” were welcomed with open arms into the land of the free. They were given comfortable housing, a laboratory with assistants, and the promise of citizenship if their work bore fruit.

The CIA, but also MI6, worked with NATO and the intelligence services of many Western European countries to build a vast clandestine organization. The figures vary depending on the country, but they are estimated between a few dozen and several hundred, or even a few thousand, per country. According to a report from the television show “Retour aux sources”, there were clandestine stay-behind networks in Norway, Germany, Italy, France. These trained militants will also carry out terrorist attacks against the civilian population, which will then be blamed on the communists. It was in Italy that this strategy of “tension” was particularly intense; between 1969 and 1987, acts of violence left 491 dead and 1,181 injured. In 2000, an Italian parliamentary commission which conducted an investigation into stay-behind armies in Italy came to the following conclusion: "These massacres, these bombs, these military actions were organized, promoted or supported by men within the institutions of the Italian state and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the intelligence structures of the United States. »

The United States exfiltrated thousands of fascists from Europe. The case of Klaus Barbie is just one case among thousands: this specialist in “enhanced interrogation tactics”, known for having tortured to death the coordinator of the French Resistance, Jean Moulin. But after the war, the man these same authors describe as third on the list of most wanted SS criminals, worked for the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) of the US military. He was hired to help build stay-behind armies by recruiting other Nazis and to spy on French intelligence services in French-controlled regions of Germany. In 1951, he was sent to Latin America, where he was able to continue his illustrious career. Based in Bolivia, he worked for the security forces of the military dictatorship of General René Barrientos and for the Ministry of the Interior and the counter-insurgency branch of the Bolivian army under the dictatorship of Hugo Banzer, before participating actively participated in the cocaine coup in 1980 and became the director of the security forces under General Meza. Throughout his career, he maintained close relationships with his American saviors, playing a central role in Operation Condor, the counterinsurgency project that united Latin American dictatorships, with US support. , to violently crush any attempt at uprising. He also contributed to the development of Bolivia's drug empire, notably by organizing narco-mercenary gangs he named Los novios de la muerte (the brides of death), whose uniforms resembled those of SS, and most likely played a role in the Agency's manhunt to kill Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

The same pattern of fascist integration is easily identifiable in Japan, where the United States national security state oversaw and managed the KATO organization. This private intelligence network, very similar to the Gehlen Organization, was filled with prominent former members of the military and intelligence services, including the Chief of Imperial Army Intelligence (Arisue Seizō), who shared with his American manager (Charles Willoughby) has a deep admiration for Mussolini. Let us also cite the remarkable case of Nobusuke Kishi. A great admirer of Nazi Germany, Kishi was appointed Minister of Munitions by Prime Minister Hideki Tojo in 1941, to prepare Japan for all-out war against the United States. After serving a brief prison sentence as a war criminal, he was rehabilitated by the CIA, along with his cellmate, organized crime kingpin Yoshio Kodama. Kishi, with the generous financial support of his handlers, took control of the Liberal Party, turned it into a right-wing club of former leaders of Imperial Japan, and became prime minister. “CIA money flowed freely for at least fifteen years, under four American presidents,” writes Tim Wiener, “and it helped consolidate one-party rule in Japan for the remainder of the Cold War. »

The United States national security services have also established a global "education network" to train pro-capitalist fighters, sometimes under the direction of experienced Nazis and fascists, in proven techniques of repression, torture and destabilization. , as well as propaganda and psychological warfare. The famous School of the Americas was established in 1946 with the explicit goal of training a new generation of anti-communist warriors around the world. This school has the distinction of having trained the largest number of dictators in world history. It is worth mentioning, for example, the educational contributions of the Public Safety Program: "For approximately twenty-five years," writes former CIA officer John Stockwell, "the CIA, trained and organized officers of police and paramilitaries from around the world to techniques of population control, repression and torture. Schools were established in the United States, Panama and Asia, from which tens of thousands of people graduated. Former Nazi officers from the Third Reich were used as instructors.

The US imperium thus played a central role in the construction of a fascist international by protecting right-wing activists and enlisting them in the World War against "communism", an elastic label extended to any political orientation that came into conflict with the interests of the capitalist ruling class. This international expansion of fascist modes of governance has led to a proliferation of terrorist and torture campaigns, dirty wars, dictatorial regimes, vigilante groups and organized criminal networks around the world. The examples could be listed ad nauseam, but here is simply the testimony of Victor Marchetti, who was a senior CIA official from 1955 to 1969: “We supported all the dictators, military juntas, oligarchies that existed in the Third World, both that they were promising to maintain the status quo in one way or another, which of course would benefit geopolitical interests, military interests, big business interests and other special interests.” The Association for Responsible Dissent, made up of 14 former CIA officers, calculated that their agency was responsible for the deaths of at least 6 million people in 3,000 major and 10,000 minor operations between 1947 and 1987. It These are direct murders, without taking into account what we modestly refer to as “collateral damage”, during coups d’état for example.

To establish itself as the global military hegemon and the international watchdog of capitalism, the US government and its agencies have relied on the help of a significant number of Nazis and fascists whom they have integrated into their global network of repression. Tens of thousands of people were reintegrated into post-war fascist regimes, many were given free passage into the Empire's backyard (Latin America), as were thousands or tens of thousands joined NATO's secret armies. This global network of seasoned anti-communist assassins has also been used to train armies of terrorists around the world to participate in dirty wars, coups, destabilization efforts, sabotage and campaigns of terror. All this was done under the cover of liberal democracy and with the help of its powerful cultural industries. The real legacy of the Second World War, far from being that of a liberal world order which had defeated fascism, is that of a real fascist international developed under liberal cover to try to destroy those who had really fought and won the war against fascism: the communists. Today, under the guise of helping Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, we are forming a real neo-Nazi backbone which will spread across Europe, openly advocating violence against minorities, and will serve as thugs to fight employees in struggle and communist militants... while perhaps waiting for terrorist attacks!



deceit america....


The U.S. has the world’s most insincere Government.


Eric Zuesse (blogs at

It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e., scientifically) proven by all of the scientific analyses of the truth or falsehood of that cardinal claim (to being a democracy). So, the U.S. Government is actually an aristocracy (one-dollar-one vote, just like a corporation is, that’s one-share-one-vote), not at all a democracy (a one-person-one-vote Government). The claim that the U.S. regime uses in order to ‘justify’ its attacking, invading, issuing its own illegal sanctions against, and otherwise seeking to “regime-change,” other Governments (such as in Iran 1954, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973, Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, and at least 60 other U.S.-overthrown-and-replaced Governments after 1945, many of which had been democratically elected but all of which were replaced by fascist regimes that the U.S. regime itself installed) is that the U.S. Government is a democracy. No other Government in the entire world is so hypocritical as to use the lie that it is a democracy as being a ‘justification’ for its overthrowing and replacing (by fascist regimes, no less) any Government that it, in its sheer arrogance, chooses to “regime-change.” Even Hitler wasn’t that insincere: he, instead, condemned, and publicly despised, democracy. The U.S. regime isn’t as honestly despicable.

Here are merely a few typical examples of the U.S. regime’s Government-overthrow operations, displaying the U.S. Government’s aristocratic character:

The October 1965 through March 1966 Indonesian government extermination of anywhere from 500,000 to two million Indonesian supporters of communism and of any other left-wing (each and every left-of-center) political party — including supporters of Indonesia’s leader, General Sukarno, who had some leftist supporters — was probably masterminded, ordered, by U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, on behalf of the owners of the mega-corporations who were backing the U.S. Democratic Party and Republican Party. Certainly, LBJ was behind this ‘ethnic cleansing’, even well before it began. As early as March 1965, Johnson’s people were privately vitriolic against Sukarno, who was making noises about land-reform and possibly nationalizing natural resources. (After all: how else can an agrarian aristocracy otherwise be disempowered? And how else can it become replaced by a democracy?) For example, on 18 March 1965, “118. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Ball) to President Johnson” opened: “Our relations with Indonesia are on the verge of falling apart. Sukarno is turning more and more toward the Communist PKI. The Army, which has been the traditional countervailing force, has its own problems of internal cohesion. Within the past few days the situation has grown increasingly more ominous. Not only has the management of the American rubber plants been taken over, but there are dangers of an imminent seizure of the American oil companies.” The coup started on 1 October 1965; General Suharto was installed to replace Sukarno, and promptly began the extermination-campaign. But he didn’t know whom to slaughter; so, as one excellent review of Vincent Bevins’s excellent book about the slaughters, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World, succinctly put the matter, “The US provided arms, training, communication equipment and lists of thousands of real and alleged leftists to be killed. US-owned plantations furnished lists of ‘troublesome’ employees. US officials repeatedly sent cables to the leader of the butchery, General Suharto, to kill the leftists faster.” Other fine reviews of this book are here and here. However, like the other books that have been published about that extermination-campaign, Bevins’s focus isn’t on the masterminds who planned and bribed to get it done (its beneficiaries), but instead on the physical perpetrators and their victims. The coup-and-extermination’s ultimate beneficiaries aren’t named, nor identified. The U.S. did that in conjunction with other members of the American gang, mainly in Europe. The Judge in the International People’s Tribunal stated that “the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Australia were all complicit to differing degrees in the commission of these crimes against humanity.” It was, in fact, a Rhodesist operation, done for the U.S.-and-allied (especially Netherlands) aristocracies.

Now, in the post-Soviet era, the U.S. Government’s ultimate aim has been to get its nuclear-warheaded missiles placed into the closest nation of all to Moscow, which is Ukraine (just 300 miles away from The Kremlin), so as to be able to decapitate Russia’s central command there, by a blitz five-minute nuclear missile strike, after getting Ukraine into NATO. And here has been the sequence of historically important events and realities regarding that Ukraine matter:

During 2003-2009, only around 20% of Ukrainians had wanted NATO membership, while around 55% opposed it. In 2010, Gallup found that whereas 17% of Ukrainians considered NATO to mean “protection of your country,” 40% said it’s “a threat to your country.” Ukrainians predominantly saw NATO as an enemy, not a friend. But after Obama’s February 2014 coup in Ukraine, “Ukraine’s NATO membership would get 53.4% of the votes, one third of Ukrainians (33.6%) would oppose it.” However, afterward, the support averaged around 45% — still over twice as high as had been the case prior to the coup. Ukrainians became switched regarding that matter, favoring NATO instead of opposing it, because the billionaires who fund the winning political candidates and who control the media in the U.S. and in Ukraine, had propagandized there heavily after the coup, and those governments and media have been portraying Russia as being Ukraine’s enemy, and America and the EU and NATO (which, prior to the coup, were viewed by Ukrainians as being their enemy) as being instead Ukraine’s friends. So: Ukrainians, after the U.S. coup, wanted to join the EU, and to join NATO.

Immediately after Obama’s coup that grabbed Ukraine, his installed new government there began its ethnic-cleansing so as to get rid of enough millions of Ukrainians who had voted for the neutralist (neither pro-American nor pro-Russian) Ukrainian President whom Obama had overthrown, in order to enable the new, pro-U.S.-Government regime in Ukraine to be able to continue on, through ‘democratic’ elections, in which all candidates would be anti-Russian. And that has brought us to today in Ukraine. Russia finally invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, in order to prevent that Cuban-Missile-Crisis-in-reverse (an enemy’s nuclear missile being positioned only 5 minutes away from decapitating Russia’s central command) from happening.

What this turnabout in Ukrainian public opinion showed was the extreme effectiveness of the U.S. regime’s propaganda (public-deception campaign) after the coup had been prepared and had used the media during 2014, and even more so after the coup was perpetrated and the U.S.-junta regime and its controlled ‘news’-media drenched the public with anti-Russian propaganda after the coup, so that Ukraine, which only a year or two after its public had viewed NATO as being their enemy, prior to 2013, switched to instead viewing NATO as their craved-for protector, against what most Ukrainians, only a year or two before, had been viewing to be their protector, which was Russia. (Of course, after Russia ultimately responded to America’s grab of Ukraine and invaded Ukraine in 2022, vast majorities of Ukrainians now view the invading country, Russia, as being their enemy.)

Key here is the fact that by taking over a country — first by subverson (which in the case of Ukraine was being called “The Orange Revolution” and installed the pro-U.S. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko into power in 2004) — and later by means of an outright coup to finish the job in 2014; public opinion can thus be effectively turned upside-down. This has to be done in order that the U.S.-installed regime can subsequentlybecome ‘democratically’ elected and thus institutionalized, by that duped public. (The U.S. chooses ONLY its stooges to contest in the future elections.) (One example of this U.S. control was Biden’s sending UK’s former Prime Minister Boris Johnson into Kiev right after the final draft of the peace treaty had been negotiated between Ukraine and Russia in April 2022 was ready for Zelensky’s signature and, according to Ukraine’s lead negotiator, David Arahamiya, Johnson instructed Zelensky not to sign the deal, which would have given Ukraine all it wanted but required it to return Ukraine to being neutral between Russia and America: in short, Johnson carried from Biden the message that if Zelensky would sign, then very bad things would happen to Zelensky. Already, back in 2019, the far-right Ukrainian paramilitary leader Dmytro Yarosh, who had run the Ukrainian gunmen for America’s coup in Kiev, warned Zelensky that if he would back down in Ukraine’s war against Russia, Zelensky would be assassinated. So, Zelensky knew that his life depended upon his following Washington’s orders. Subsequently, the pro-war Wall Street Journalheadlined “Document From 2022 Reveals Putin’s Punishing Terms for Peace” and the alleged “punishing terms” were specified as having been: “The draft treaty states that Ukraine, while being allowed to pursue European Union membership, wouldn’t be allowed to join military alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. No foreign weapons would be allowed on Ukrainian soil. Ukraine’s military would be pared down to a specific size. Russia sought to limit everything from the number of troops and tanks to the maximum firing range of Ukrainian missiles. The Crimean Peninsula, already occupied by Russia, would remain under Moscow’s influence and not be considered neutral. Moscow also pushed for the Russian language to operate on an equal basis with Ukrainian in government and courts, a clause Kyiv hadn’t signed off on, according to the draft document. The future of the area of eastern Ukraine covertly invaded and occupied by Russia in 2014 [that’s an outright lie: the Donbass had voted over 90% for the President that Obama had just overthrown, and refused to be ruled by Obama’s chosen thugs; it wasn’t Russia’s army but the local residents who were fighting there against the Obama-imposed regime], wasn’t included in the draft, leaving it up to Putin and Zelensky to complete in face-to-face talks. That meeting never took place.” In other words, the “punishing terms” were to undo Obama’s coup but not its immediate aftermath the 16 March 2014 plebiscite in Crimea to return to being part of Russia as it had been until 1954.)

And there is also the U.S. regime’s hypocrisy about its supporting “a two-state solution” to the problem of Israel and the Palestinians while at the same time demanding that the Palestinians must FIRST accept the legitimacy of the Israeli state, which would mean their surrender in the war between the Palestinians and the Zionists that has been going on ever since the 1948 founding of Israel and the massive ethnic cleansing (or “Nakba”) of the Palestinians that was perpetrated by the Zionists starting in 1948 and now being continued by Israel’s current ethnic cleansing to get rid of the Palestinians in Gaza. That surrender, which the U.S. regime demands from the Palestinians, would also, by law, include acceptance by the Palestinians of cancellation of their right of return to the lands that the Zionists had stolen from them in and since 1948 — the land-thefts, and property-thefts, that are continuing to this very day in the West Bank and not ONLY in Gaza. So: the U.S. Government DOESN’T accept — and at the U.N. has continually blocked the very possibility of — a “two-state solution to the crisis” ever since 1948, of the ongoing and never-yet-concluded war between the Zionists and the Palestinians. Either those thefts and mass-murders by the Israelis will be reversed, or they won’t, and the U.S. Government has always demanded that they won’t ever be reversed. Who benefits from this American-Israeli con-game? It’s the manufacturers of the U.S.-made weapons that the U.S. Government has been and is donating — many billions of dollars each and every year, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, for Israel to buy U.S.-made armaments — donated annually to the apartheid Israeli regime.

On 23 April 2024, I headlined “A MASTERPIECE OF POST-WW2 U.S. HISTORY: Christopher Simpson’s 1988 BLOWBACK” and documented how the spirit of Hitler took over the U.S. Government on 25 July 1945. But the U.S. regime is a lot slicker than Hitler’s was; and whereas his regime aimed mainly against Jews and secondarily against Russians, America’s aims mainly against Russians and secondarily against Chinese. But, in bothinstances, the ultimate objective has been the same: to achieve an uncontested all-inclusive global empire: the world’s first and only all-encompassing dictatorship over all other nations. It would be monumentally profitable for America’s billionaires; so, the demand for it is bipartisan, required by the billionaires who fund both of America’s political Parties.

This post-25-July-1945 U.S. Government defiles the great heritage that America’s Founders had established in the U.S. Revolution throwing out the British aristocracy here and embodying anti-imperialistic values in the U.S. Constitution — the world’s most progressive national Constitution that had ever been written up till that time — and in its Amendments. This American Government defiles instead of continues to reflect that great anti-imperialism achievement, by our Founders. This is no longer a Constitutional Government, at all — and it is definitely NOT a democraticGovernment, but it is instead an imposed Government: a Governmentally imposed aristocracy, which deceives more effectively than any regime in history ever has.

So: the post-1945 U.S. Government has consistently been establishing a world record for deceiving the public.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.



To a great extent, three major philosophical thoughts have influenced our twentieth century nation building — philosophical thoughts, some used since Greek and Roman times, which, from the nineteenth century onwards due to the accelerating development of technology, needed variegation in formulations in order to give out enough slack and still maintain enough controls not to appear despotic or totally anarchistic in a "more democratically enlightened" world.

Some nations failed miserably: Nazi Germany within 20 years, but the USSR took more than 60 years to bite the dust, and it’s still sitting on edge. Reconstruction is usually painful and needs to dig deep into these core philosophical understandings.

Strangely so far, the most successful country on earth is the one that lied the most about its construct — the USA.

"The Age of Deceit"





nazis in washington.....

Marko Suprun, an influential NATO state-funded Ukrainian ‘fact-checker’ with close ties to Nazi activists, was taken into police custody in Washington, DC, after assaulting a contributor to The Grayzone at an event hosted by a neocon Beltway think tank. 

The Ukrainian-Canadian host of a self-styled ‘anti-disinformation’ outfit — which receives thousands of dollars from the US and UK governments and works with Facebook to censor content — was arrested on Capitol Hill last week after assaulting a contributor to The Grayzone.

On April 16, Marko Suprun, who presents an English-language show for the group, and whose wife has served as Ukraine’s acting Minister of Health, was charged with simple assault after strangling, shoving, and stomping on Grayzone contributor Moss Robeson. The incident occurred during an anti-Russia event hosted by the neoconservative Jamestown Foundation, entitled “Russia’s Rupture and Western Policy.” Robeson was fully credentialed and authorized by organizers to participate in the discussion.

“This is the guy! This is the guy!” Suprun reportedly shouted, while forcing Robeson into the hallway, choking him with both hands, and pushing him to the ground, leaving his glasses broken.

Footage of the event streamed online shows that immediately after the assault, one of the organizers took to the stage to denounce the US-born Robeson as a “Russian troll” and claimed that The Grayzone’s contributor deliberately incited the physical attack against him, before admonishing attendees to behave themselves:

“Today we had a troll called Moss Robeson who provoked one of our participants and managed to get him in trouble. So I’m warning everyone, be careful. Don’t get into any arguments with anyone. Just walk away.”

Mr. Stopfake and ‘Dr. Death’ honor Bandera and court Nazis

Suprun’s organization, StopFake, publicly presents itself as a humble Kiev-based “nongovernmental organization” focused on fact-checking. Its stated goals include implementing “high standards of journalism education in Ukraine, raising the “level of media literacy,” and informing the public about “the danger of propaganda and dissemination of fake information in the media.” The group insists that it receives no government funds, stating flatly on its “About Us” page: “ is not supported financially or otherwise by any official Ukrainian organization or government agency.”

But the group’s claim of editorial independence is immediately contradicted by its own website, which admits just four sentences later that StopFake is “also supported by… the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic, [and] the Embassy of [the] United Kingdom.”

In fact, StopFake has received extensive funding from not only the British government but also the US-based National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA cutout that’s largely funded by Congress and the State Department.

StopFake was founded in 2014, but as a 2017 Politico report explained, “it was only after [the 2016] presidential election in the U.S. — when Russian fake news and cyberattacks were blamed for swaying the election in Donald Trump’s favor — that the site burst onto the global stage.”

“Almost overnight, the founders of StopFake went from provincial do-gooders to international media stars,” Politico marveled, while praising the group as “the ‘grand wizards’ of the fake-news-busting world.”

With lavish funding from Western governments and regular citations in legacy media outlets, Suprun has exploited his position in the “fake-news-busting world” to whitewashnotorious Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera as a heroic resistance fighter who simply “refused to cooperate” with the Germans. His fascist-friendly tendencies do not stop there.

Not long after the Politico article was published, Suprun appeared at a nationalist summer camp in Ukraine alongside a pair of prominent neo-Nazi band leaders, Andriy Sereda and Arseniy Bilodub, who affectionately referred to Suprun as one of their ‘blood brothers’ — a term of endearment reportedly bestowed only on those who’ve completed a pagan-style ceremony which involves bloodletting. In addition to serving as the frontman for white supremacist band Perun’s Ax, Bilodub is also a leader of the infamous Right Sector movement and has been described as “the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian far right.”

Among the attendees of the Jamestown Foundation event, Suprun was hardly alone in maintaining such relationships. Other speakers from Ukraine included the odious Russian “opposition leader” Ilya Ponomarev, a political figurehead of the Nazi-infested Russian units in the International Legion, which reports to Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov. Ponomarev is also the spokesman of the dubious “National Republican Army” in Russia, on whose behalf he previously attempted to claim responsibility for Ukraine’s assassinations inside Russia.

After StopFake partnered with Facebook in 2020 to create a fact-checking service for the popular social media platform in Ukraine, it seemed that such associations might come back to haunt Suprun and his employer. In an effort to address the controversy, Suprun published a lengthy defense of his behavior which culminated with a bizarre admission:

“Have I had people with swastika tattoos in my office? I don’t examine people’s bodies as a rule, but yes. Does that make me a neo-Nazi? No,” he insisted. 

Marko Suprun’s far-right connections in Ukraine are, in fact, extensive and well-documented, but they appear to pale in comparison to those of his wife, Ulana Suprun. Long before her 2016 appointment as Ukraine’s acting Minister of Health, where her lethal push for privatization earned her the nickname “Dr. Death,” Suprun has maintained close relations with a number of violent neo-Nazi organizations, including C14, which has been credited with carrying out a wave of brutal anti-Roma pogroms.

According to Ukrainian journalist Olekisy Kuzmenko, “Suprun’s contacts with C14 go back years.” What could have been a major scandal for Facebook got swept under the rug, and StopFake, which remains one of its fact-checking partners, only doubled down on its defense of C14.

Ulana Suprun has been described as one of the main patrons of the far-right activist Serhii Sternenko, 29, who led the Right Sector’s massacre of “anti-Maidan” protesters in Odessa in May 2014 and ultimately helped to ignite the civil war in eastern Ukraine. In March 2020, after StopFake officially partnered with Facebook, Suprun declared the “Russian world” to be “a threat that’s scarier than coronavirus,” and went on to hail Sternenko, who once stabbed a man to death, as “an example of that [new] generation of Ukrainians who can put everything in its place.” In the coming months, Suprun hired Sternenko’s girlfriend as her press secretary.