Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

In hospital.....

Gus is in hospital with a bad case of old age. Back on deck mid next week.

Still in hospital

Another few days....





back from the bilges....

Temporary repreive from the hospital.....





no more red ned.....



I have been critically sick, though recovering slowly while awaiting for favourable conditions for several sets of surgery. Thus this is a message to alert readers and management — and the National Library of Australia — that I could drop off my perch without warning, though I intent to continue for at least another 15 years — or until WORLD PEACE has been achieved. Dream on, folks.

This was our goal, from the onset. Yet I ended up “alone” after the death of Ernest Williams and John Richardson. With John, we had decided to take the satirical pathway — aka Voltairean —, a few years after many original contributors dropped out, possibly due to my early unfortunate bombastic ways. 


For this goal, I still hope that the Anglo/Saxon inspired American Empire finds the courage to compromise away from its belligerent attitude of conquering the world, into conciliatory negotiations and cooperations. Running the Gus Leonisky character (puppet?) has not been my principal occupation — this occupation being quite substantial and creative in itself — though Gus has demanded more attention lately, due to the crazies, those claiming to control the planet of humanoids called homo sapiens sapiens, becoming crazier than rabid dogs.

From this little platform (YD) yourdemocracy.net, now nearly 20 years old, I hope I (we) fulfilled my (our) own privileged brief [and will carry on] and that of the site's patrons, which started with an anti-Howard sentiment exposing his awful policy, of which only one was redeeming — the anti-gun laws. 





— Philosophy concerning the human condition

— the planetary synergies (including global warming)

— the cosmic influences (including quantum theory)

— the scientific study of whom we are in this environment

— A humanistic and atheistic morality

— The importance of languages — including arts

— the values of cultures and diversity without imposition

— the elimination of fascism and nazism

— suppressing the excesses of capitalism

— promoting equality and friendship

— eliminating godly-chosen beliefs

— finding agreeable exchange values

— happiness from cradle to grave

— avoid “fence-sitting” even if making wrong choices

— eliminating sexism and racism

— exposing the mediocre mass media de mierda

— eliminating crooked revisonism of history



— since the 1960s, [since 2005 on YD] exposing the “American Empire” hypocritical ways

— promoting self-determination in most cases

— a necessary pro-Russian and pro-Chinese outlook

— promoting peace — including “unpalatable” solutions:

—— one China policy

—— splitting Ukraine in Russian and “Galician” sides

—— a two state Palestinian/Israeli acceptance

—— de-colonialism of Africa

—— de-weaponisation of the dollar

—— multiplicity of world financial exchange

—— removal of unilateral sanctions

—— exposing the AUKUS madness

— other issues as required...



— journalists from Pilger, Escobar to Julian Assange

— philosophers from Virgil to Derida (a bit loony though)

— CIA retirees, including Larry Johnson and Ray MacGovern

— others such as Scott Ritter and the team at The Duran

— and plenty more at RT, Sputnik and NEO

ALL the scientists I had the fortune to work with

— family and friends (even in “contradiction” on some issues)

— my own failures that pushed me to re-imagine

— my crass(?) cartooning skills since 1951

— my artistic endeavours since 1950

— the management/patrons of this site



still some petrol left in the tank….

Thank you for your attention.....