Friday 18th of October 2024

the deep state's "good" girl to take donald trump out....

A few days ago, candidate Trump was riding an incredible campaign dynamic, following the attempted attack of which he had been the victim, his image had improved in the minds of Americans outside his traditional electoral base. His coronation during the Republican convention in Milwaukee in mid-July and the “ticket” that he now embodies with the very conservative JD Vance ensures him a plebiscite among right-wing voters.


Above all, it highlighted the dynamism and determination of a candidate who had just miraculously, in an extraordinary gesture from a marketing and communication aspect, raised his fist in the air to urge Americans to follow him in this war for the White House. This messianic side, defying all rationality, made Donald Trump the assured winner of this presidential election in the minds of all Americans as well as in all editorial offices in the USA.

Yes, but there you have it, this incredible dynamic was only valid due to the fact that his opponent was a senile president just as divisive as him, with a record criticized by all and whose medical situation was of great concern even the Democrats the most convinced. Trump in this duel was in fact favorite not by his ability to be elected beyond his base but by his opponent's inability to motivate and unite. The latter's mediocrity was brought to light, notably during the famous debate of June 27.

The humiliation suffered by the left camp and the sudden understanding that Joe Biden would never succeed in the remaining months of the campaign in overturning the polls had the internal effect of a bomb in the party of Donkeys (remember that the “Donkey” is the symbol of Democratic party). It was then that an incredible electoral war machine was put in place. Initially, the operation consisted of making the outgoing president accept the factual reality of his chances, of carrying out destabilizing work with him, whether with his sponsors, which in the USA is the sinews of war, than in its political, media or celebrity support. The thing was simple and skillfully successful, culminating in the announcement of a sudden and worrying Covid for the octogenarian! Regardless of the fact that no one is dying from this virus anymore, the impression given of fragility and vital risk for the Democratic presidential candidate was recorded in the collective imagination.

The second phase of the plan was therefore to find the suitable candidate able to take over immediately. Here again the plan was perfectly oiled since in the person of Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democrats combined a personality known nationally and internationally, who because of her functions inspired confidence when it came to exercising the coveted position and who above all was young (in view of the candidates in the running), coming from minorities and being a female! In other words, an ideal combo of criteria to ensure the support of the 5th column.

If Biden was easily attacked on his appalling record, particularly concerning questions of border and international security, his vice-president will have every opportunity to exonerate herself from the latter's actions by explaining disingenuously that she did not support the bad Biden decisions but always remained faithful to her party which will strengthen her credibility vis-à-vis the undecided American which is precisely the issue more than ever in this election.

To this end, the new candidate will be able, and this is the most important thing, to rely on the American media machine which will daily integrate the narrative of the American dream and everything that this candidate represents in the fight of the "camp of the good” against the “darkness” represented by populism, the ultra-patriotism of the MAGA or should we now say the MAGOA (Make America Great Once Again – RNC 2024).

And this is the heart of the victory which now appears more than ever for Kamala Harris. Actors will speak, songs will bring together artists, the caviar left of Silicone Valley will invest in a “more humanist future”, minorities will rise up to support diversity (see Obama 2008). But even more, the media will throw all their weight (and they have a lot) to support, promote, create a fantastic myth about Kamala. For anyone who followed the 2017 French elections, nothing that will happen in the coming weeks will surprise you, for the naive who still believe that the best wins... take the blue pill and stay in the Matrix because like the last major political meetings in Europe as in France, the “camp of good” has the strength of having deeply infiltrated the institutions as well as the vote of the masses through long-term undermining work, through mental manipulation of crowds which tends towards collective hypnosis and this is how for decades whether it is called Deep state, young leaders, Macronism or any other name, it has inevitably ensured its (fascist) democratic survival.

source: stratpol


it does not matter...

Tulsi Gabbard on Dem Elite Lying to America About Kamala Anointed as Nominee and Policy Consequences






Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war




Biden has dropped out of running for a second term. Apparently, his “friends” in the Democratic Party have convinced him that the best thing for him is to rest for the next four years and take care of his visibly weakened physical and mental health. In his letter, Biden made it clear that he had been pressured by the Party to give up running, which shows that he was in fact boycotted by his own “partners”.

Biden’s disastrous performance during the election debate with Trump was a sign of what would happen on July 21st. After the debate, it had already become clear that the Democratic leader could not continue in the presidential race. According to some analysts, the very fact that a debate was scheduled to take place before the Democratic Convention is evidence that some party members used the opportunity to boycott the president – showing the world his mental incapacity and thus expanding the lobby to replace him.

Biden announced his support for current Vice President Kamala Harris to replace his name in the race. Immediately, several public figures in the US, including politicians and celebrities, began to endorse Harris. She is clearly seen as the best option by the “woke” wing of American politics, since, for reasons of identity, she is capable of bringing with her the rhetoric of race and gender. More than that, there has even been pressure for Biden to resign as president immediately and allow Harris to fill his role in the coming months.

According to American liberal leftists, it is “necessary” for Harris to run and be elected simply because the US supposedly “needs” a black woman as president of the country. As the daughter of a Jamaican and an Indian, Harris is mixed Afro-Asian, not even exactly “black”. However, simply because she is not white, she has already gained the support of the entire American woke elite, who see her as the “salvation of America” against the supposed “fascism” of Donald Trump.

This type of argument has already been used by Democrats in the past to elect Obama – the “first black man” to literally be at war every day he was in the White House. Under woke rhetoric and race-based propaganda, Obama committed atrocities around the world, promoted regime change operations, assassinated legitimate politicians and led the coup d’état that established the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev in 2014. Unfortunately, the Democrats have not learned from their mistakes and seem to be wanting to elect an “Obama 2.0”.

Harris is widely known for her aggressive stance on foreign policy, being a vocal supporter of hostilities against Russia, China and Iran. She appears unwilling to prevent the escalation of any of the current security crises in which the US is embroiled – on the contrary, Harris appears to be a key factor in the expansion of tensions and the reaching of a true point of no return.

Harris is without a doubt one of the main threats to global stability today. If Biden ran and was elected, the most likely thing for him would be to keep foreign policy on the same path he has taken in recent years – promoting escalations, but in a reasonably controlled way. If Trump is elected, the chances of peace and fruitful diplomatic negotiations are great. However, with Harris, everything is uncertain and dangerous. She tends to use woke rhetoric to justify any bellicose and irresponsible measures proposed by the US pro-war elite.

In other words, with Harris, anything can happen. Authorization of attacks by NATO countries on Russia, direct American intervention in the conflict, nuclear maneuvers, increased promotion of terrorism on Russian territory and many other attitudes could become a sad reality in a new Democratic government. And, of course, the consequences of this could be summarized as finally bringing the Third World War into an open, direct and “hot” phase.

At some point, Western liberal leftists will have to understand that the mere fact of being “a black woman” is not enough to prevent nuclear war.

worst presentation....

US Representative Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian member of US Congress, registered opposition to Netanyahu's speech from the audience by holding up a sign that read "war criminal" and "guilty of genocide."

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of the US Congress was the worst ever address by a foreign leader before the legislative body, former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday.

"Benjamin Netanyahu's presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States", Pelosi said via the social media platform X Wednesday.

Earlier in the day Netanyahu delivered a speech to US lawmakers at the invitation of congressional leaders. However a number of lawmakers, including Pelosi, opted not to attend the speech.

The families of Israeli captives held in Gaza are seeking a ceasefire deal with the Palestinian group Hamas, Pelosi said. The California lawmaker claimed she hoped Netanyahu would pursue such a deal to secure the return of the dozens of hostages still thought to be alive after almost 10 months of Israeli bombardment of the territory.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.

Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli…

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) July 24, 2024

Netanyahu's speech prompted protests outside the US Capitol building during which law enforcement deployed pepper spray and detained some demonstrators. Brian Becker, the National Director of the antiwar ANSWER Coalition, told Sputnik that law enforcement's response was an unprovoked attack on the protesters.

"Kamala Harris can do whatever she wants to do, but if she goes against [supporters of Palestine], she's going to lose this election," said one demonstrator who criticized the Biden administration's military support for the Israeli regime. "If Democrats want to maintain their power, they need to change their course on Gaza." 

The protestor attributed Biden's decision to end his reelection effort to unrest within the party over his response to the situation in Gaza, where the official death toll stands at nearly 40,000.

Netanyahu arrived in Washington Monday to hold meetings with the US president and his Republican opponent Donald Trump ahead of his address to Congress. It was revealed Harris would also be meeting with Netanyahu behind closed doors, although she opted not to attend the Israeli leader's speech.

Joining me in the chamber today is Hani Almadhoun, who has lost over 150 members of his extended family in Netanyahu’s genocide. After witnessing his sister forced to eat animal feed, he and his family were determined to start a soup kitchen to feed their starving neighbors.

— Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (@RepRashida) July 24, 2024

US Representative Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian member of US Congress, registered opposition to Netanyahu's speech from the audience by holding up a sign that read "war criminal" and "guilty of genocide."

"I will never back down in speaking truth to power," the Michigan congresswoman wrote on social media. "The apartheid government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. Palestinians will not be erased. Solidarity with all those outside of these walls in the streets protesting and exercising their right to dissent."




SEE ALSO: Former President Donald Trump is set to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago on Friday and politicians in Florida have differing opinions on this historic meeting

no public vote....

The Black Lives Matter organization has accused the Democratic Party of “trying to manipulate black voters” by installing Kamala Harris as the presumptive presidential nominee without a public vote.

US President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would not seek reelection, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his stead. Harris announced her campaign immediately afterwards, and by Monday had secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to win the party’s nomination at next month’s Democratic National Convention.

In a lengthy statement on Tuesday, the normally Democrat-aligned Black Lives Matter (commonly shortened to BLM) organization condemned this rapid changeover.

“Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” the statement read. 

“This blatant disregard for democratic principles is unacceptable,” it continued. “While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values. We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues…and we have no idea of the record of her potential vice president because we don’t even know who it is yet.”

If elected, Harris would be the US’ first female and second black president. If confirmed as the Democratic nominee, she will be the first presidential candidate in 56 years to run for the White House without ever competing in a primary election.

Black Lives Matter was formed in 2013 to protest the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who shot a black teenager in self-defense the previous year. The organization grew following the police killings of two more African-Americans – Michael Brown and Eric Garner – in 2014, and shot to global prominence by organizing protests after the death of George Floyd in police custody in 2020.

BLM’s activism is primarily focused on criminal justice and police reform – issues that Harris embraced during the 2020 campaign. As protests over George Floyd’s death turned violent, Harris called for the defunding of police departments and urged her supporters to donate to a bail fund for rioters and murderers

During her short-lived presidential run in 2019, however, Harris was attacked by progressives for her record as attorney-general of California from 2011 to 2017. During this time, Harris “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row…kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor… and she fought to keep the cash bail system in place,” former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard noted during a 2019 debate.

Harris, Gabbard declared, perpetuated a “broken criminal justice system that is disproportionately negatively impacting black and brown people all across this country today.”

Despite her record on BLM’s signature issues, the organization does not oppose Harris’ campaign. “This is not an attack on Kamala Harris or black women, and right now we aren’t questioning Kamala’s qualifications or capabilities,” BLM leader Shalomyah Bowers said in a statement. “This is about the nominating process.”

Instead of “anointing” Harris, BLM called on the Democratic party to hold a virtual snap primary election before its convention in August. “Anything less is unserious in the quest for democracy,” Bowers said.




canned by amazon....

In this book, originally published in 2020, and censored in 2024 when Kamala was named the Democrat Candidate, Caleb Maupin goes over the life story and political background of a woman he considers to be the most dangerous potential US President in history.






the cat lady...

Sen. J.D. Vance Addresses "Childless Cat Ladies" Remark and Calls Out "Anti-Family" Democrats