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in the spirit of voltaire, charlie hebdo, artistic sodomisation and dionysus....![]() PARIS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday offered his support to the artists behind the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony who had received death threats and praised their "audacity", adding that the show had made France proud.
French authorities have opened an investigation into death threats targeting the artistic director of the ceremony Thomas Jolly, after he was harassed online over a tableau that appeared to parody Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece "The Last Supper".
"I am scandalised and sad about what he's been through," Macron told reporters in Paris, after returning from his summer retreat on the French Riviera to cheer French Olympic champions. "The French and the whole world were very proud of this opening ceremony, it made us very proud," Macron said. "His audacity did a lot of good to a lot of people."
The scene, which sparked fury among the Catholic Church, far right politicians in France and the religious right in the United States, featured drag queens, a transgender model and a naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine Dionysus.
Paris 2024 organisers said they were sorry and had had no intention to show disrespect towards any religious group. Jolly also said that religious subversion had not been his intention and that the scene was supposed to depict a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.
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c'est la vie....
Even as this piece is being written, the Indian government has not protested the float on the Seine river in Paris which opened the Olympics displaying a naked man in blue paint and a blond frolicking with twelve friends of uncertain sex and certain inebriation.
The highest in the Indian Christian community, from the Catholic cardinals and lay leaders to the Protestants, evangelicals, and independent churches, have collectively called it an insult to their faith, and to the Son of God.
The Dalai Lama has not spoken, not yet at least, and neither have the high priests of Hinduism, Sikhism, and Jainism, India’s other major religions. Muslim leaders in India have condemned the float, as indeed has Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, otherwise not greatly loved in the Western world.
India is a deeply pious country, even if it rates high in the consumption of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, human trafficking, and a love of weapons of war, the bigger, the better. It is also a rare country outside of the fundamentalist Islamic nations such as Afghanistan, where people can get punished for changing their religion.
Perceived insults to gods and religious leaders have led to much bloodshed in the years since independence in 1947. Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, and Christians have already fallen prey to such reactions.
Christians in India, a harried lot with dozens of their independent pastors in jails across northern Uttar Pradesh state, and close to 400 acts of violence against churches, schools, and worshippers so far this year, remain deeply conscious of any effort at stigmatizing their religion or mocking their God.
Back in February 2010, a small group of Christians clashed with a powerful and perhaps armed bunch of hard-line Hindus in Batala town in Punjab, outraged that an image of Jesus had been shown on a road banner, holding a jug of beer and smoking a cigarette.
Punjab's chief minister, Prakash Singh Badal, condemned the offensive image. But before peace returned, the right-wing Hindus had attacked three churches, injured 10 people, and damaged several shops.
Indian protests this time against the Paris float have been limited to press statements, letters to the French embassy, and appeals to the papal nuncio to take the matter up at the highest level.
The letters show that while some are offended by the blatant bacchanalian drunkenness, others are outraged at the presence of drag queens, LGBTQ persons, and the nudity of the lead actor. All agree this is a slur on their religion
The protesters don’t accept the explanation of the Olympic Games organizers that the references were not to Jesus Christ as painted by Leonardo da Vinci in his "Last Supper," a print of which hangs on the wall of almost every Catholic home, and several Protestant ones too, looking down at the dining tables of the poor and the rich. They see it as an insult not as much to the all-forgiving Jesus the Christ, as to themselves as devout Christians.
The actor Philippe Katerine’s figure, his body painted blue, is reminiscent of Dionysus, or Bacchus, the ancient god of feasting and wine.
Thomas Jolly, the ceremony's artistic director, has himself gone blue in the face trying to convince people that this is a reference to another painting, the "Feast of the Gods," directly linked to Olympus.
But not every Christian finds his faith outraged, or the modesty of Jesus assaulted. Any thirteen bearded men — one or two beardless perhaps — do not make the table, some have said on social media.
Many, including men and women lay activists, took to social media to wonder if Church leaders and the common faithful had perhaps overreacted — in India and the world.
Bacchus had meetings entirely bucolic. We must discern the difference. Otherwise, we fall for the arguments of Hindu and Islamic blasphemy laws.
There is also surprise that among those protesting are people who do not believe in any statues or depiction of Christ, the Holy Family, or men and women that the Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations hold to be saints.
India has its share of Christian groups that do not have a depiction of the Crucifix in their places of worship, much less any calendar art version of the Da Vinci masterpiece.
But there is an intellectual questioning of the French double standards in what constitutes questionable, objectionable, or illegal content in the various forms of the fine and performing arts.
In their actions in the past, especially in the matter of cartoon magazines, the French had, in effect, maintained that there is total freedom of expression to mock Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed, in the vilest ways, as long as you don’t deny the Holocaust and are not anti-Semitic.
French courts upheld the law singling out Holocaust denial as a crime, ruling that the World War II genocide of Jews in particular was of a “different nature” than other crimes against humanity.
French academics, one of them convicted of Holocaust denial, had challenged the law, saying it unfairly punished only those disputing or denying the Jewish Holocaust, but not other crimes against humanity.
The Constitutional Court ruled that the Nazi Holocaust “has in itself a racist and anti-Semitic significance” and, additionally, was committed in part on French territory.
Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical weekly newspaper, continued to revile Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad despite terror attacks and bombings which left a generation of its editorial staff dead.
The BBC's Paris correspondent Hugh Schofield then wrote that Charlie Hebdo was part of a venerable tradition in French journalism going back to the scandal sheets that denounced Marie-Antoinette in the run-up to the French Revolution.
“It involved radicalism with a provocative scurrility that often borders on the obscene. Its decision to mock the Prophet Muhammad is entirely consistent with its historic raison d'etre, Schofield said.
In other words, I would say, you can abuse God as Father and Allah, but not as YHWH*. C'est la vie.
the other "olympiad"....
July 28, 2024
China has secured the top spot at the 54th International Physics Olympiad, followed by Russia, Romania, and Iran in second, third, and fourth places respectively.
The closing ceremony of the 54th International Physics Olympiad was held on Sunday at Isfahan University of Technology, in central Iran.
China achieved first place by winning five gold medals, while Russia followed with four golds and one silver, Romania with three golds and two silvers, and Iran with one gold and four silvers, ranking them first to fourth based on individual and team scores.
The 54th International Physics Olympiad began last week at Isfahan University of Technology, featuring 198 elite students from 46 countries. Previously, in 2007, Isfahan University of Technology hosted the 38th International Physics Olympiad.
the stink.....
Paris Olympics epitomize toxic Western elitism and disconnect from real world
The Paris Summer Olympic Games opened last Friday to a global controversy with the organizers accused of offending billions of Christians and Muslims around the world through profane depictions of Jesus Christ (a revered prophet in Islam) surrounded by drag queens.
It wasn’t just the alleged scurrilous debasement of Da Vinci’s iconic Last Supper tableau. The entire opening ceremony of the XXXIII Olympiad was a kitsch spectacle that seemed to be reduced to a tawdry Gay Pride event. The Paris 2024 organizers claimed that the theme was meant to convey “inclusiveness” and humanitarian tolerance – although, indicative of fault, they later offered a groveling apology for offending.
The controversy continued during the first week of sporting events when the triathlon swimming in the Seine River was initially canceled due to dangerous pollution levels and then ordered to go ahead despite concerns for the safety of participants. Athletes complained that they were forced to swim through sewage and rat-infested waters so that the French organizers would not lose face over a public relations disaster.
The pollution fiasco could serve as a metaphor for how Western elitist politicians have lost the plot on the realities of today’s world. No amount of fancy French perfumery can hide the stink behind the cheap politicization of the Games.
After spending over $1.5 billion on purportedly cleaning it up, the Seine is as toxic from contamination as it ever was since public bathing was banned in the river a century ago.
Western politics has likewise become a deceitful charade and parody of liberalism. No amount of whitewashing can conceal the burgeoning detritus of lies and corruption emanating from Western capitals. On the one hand, politicians talk about the lofty values of democracy and rules-based order, while on the other hand, they drop bombs on civilians with rainbow flags painted on the warheads. Or they sponsor NeoNazi killers in Ukraine wearing Gay Pride logos.
Uniting humanity through sports is supposed to be the Olympian principle of the modern Games which first took place in 1896 in Greece as conceived by Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. Over the decades, the world’s foremost sporting event has been disrupted by wars and geopolitics, especially during the Cold War years when the Games were boycotted in 1980 and 1984. Despite the vagaries over the years, there was always a semblance of neutrality in international politics.
Not anymore. The current Paris Olympics have become flagrantly politicized. Russia and Belarus have been banned due to the conflict in Ukraine after the Western-dominated International Olympic Committee declared “solidarity with Ukraine”.
This is an absolute disgrace for the IOC and the Games. The hypocrisy is putrid. Never was it considered to ban the United States and its NATO allies over the many illegal wars that they engaged in, from the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, among other aggressions.
Arguably, the war in Ukraine is a proxy war waged by the U.S. and its NATO allies against Russia. The history of the conflict points to Western responsibility and calculated provocation. To define the conflict as solely down to “Russian aggression” is a dubious political position, one that the West promulgates but which is not shared by many other nations.
It is an abuse of its credentials for the IOC to adopt a partisan position on the Ukraine war.
The double standard is brazen when one considers that Israel is free to send its national delegation to the Olympics without any official reservations. Yet the International Court of Justice has ruled Israel’s conduct of hostilities in Gaza constitutes a genocide. It is a sordid spectacle when Israeli athletes are afforded untrammeled participation while their state has killed over 40,000 Palestinians, mainly women and children, during the past nine months of unrelenting violence. Western capitals have given the Israeli regime diplomatic cover and vital military support to conduct this genocide. The horrendous massacres in Gaza from refugee camps being blown up and whole families slaughtered in cold blood continue unabated while the Games are televised around the world.
The juxtaposition of this Western-enabled barbarism in Gaza amid Games that champion “diversity and tolerance” is too sickening and perverse for words. Indeed, one could say without any equivocation that the Paris Olympics are morally depraved given the abomination of mass murder in Gaza.
That the organizers of the Paris event seek to cover their proceedings with a veneer of supposedly sophisticated inclusion and humanitarianism is doubly obscene. The moral decadence is manifest in the blasphemous insults towards religious beliefs. Nothing is sacred, it seems, except Western notions of elitism. Criticism is not permitted without incurring petulant accusations of bigotry and ‘Transphobia”.
French President Emmanuel Macron has boasted about the Paris Games being a “crazy idea being made real”. One can say that again, with absolute contempt.
Macron and other Western political leaders are encumbered with narcissistic notions that they represent noble values of “liberal democracy”.
This is while Macron and his Western cohorts have recklessly fueled the slaughter in Ukraine and Gaza. Then they have the gall to ban Russia and Belarus from the Games.
The edifying concept of the Olympics has been debased to a gaudy propaganda show aimed at promoting pretensions of Western virtue.
However, the reality is that this is not a demonstration of supposed tolerance and inclusivity but rather an imposition of twisted Western elite ideology on the majority of humanity.
One might argue the toss about whether the offense against Christianity and Islam was an unfortunate mistaken interpretation of French artistic license.
But what is inarguable is the heinous hypocrisy demonstrated over the Western-enabled genocide in Gaza and the sanctioning of Russia over Ukraine.
No wonder many people around the world have lost the usual interest in the “Jeux Olympiques”. The Paris event has alienated much of the planet because of its cheap and dirty politicization.
The stink emerging from the River Seine – possibly the world’s biggest open sewer – is the groaning reality dump on Western duplicity and pretensions.
Requiem for Olympism
Peace to its soul, which had little pure and virginal in fact. Call it what you will, but not the Olympic Games. They can be the games of pettiness, the games of segregation, the games of war, the games of cowardice, the games of addiction, the games of exclusion, the games of humiliation, the games of denial, the games of ostentation, the games of anything that has nothing to do with the nobility of the ideal preached by Baron Pierre de Coubertin and much less with the spirit of the rituals of peace and culture of ancient Greece; but not the Olympic Games.
The so-called “Olympic spirit” has long been a fraud, especially since it was assaulted as a promotional vehicle for the brands of the most powerful globalizing transnationals. Despite this, the space of athletes, coaches, and other players in the competitive dynamics, judges and referees, volunteers and spectators seemed immune to organizational and sponsoring corruption.
They cultivated emotion, spectacle, attraction, friendship in rivalry and human overcoming that sport, or rather, sports also provide. There are, of course, doping, cheating, games of influence, the glaring differences in means of preparation and competition, but the fantastic feats, many of them becoming legendary over the 128 years of the so-called “Olympic Games of the Modern Era”, feed memories, fill stadiums, pavilions and swimming pools.
It is also true that several previous episodes denying the so-called “Olympic spirit” and the refunding principles of the Olympics proclaimed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin and his peers in the last decade of the nineteenth century have deeply stained this gigantic sporting gathering; a “celebration of humanity, a platform for peace and understanding”, as defined by those who wanted to recreate in modernity the ideals of conviviality, fraternity, traditions, rituals and good examples of the Games of almost 3000 years ago.
From Hitler to Ukrainian Nazi-Banderism
The celebration of the 1936 Games in Nazi Germany, through which the International Olympic Committee of the time contributed to the promotion of Hitler, his segregationism and his imperial aesthetics; the boycott mounted by the United States of Reagan and his subjects in Western Europe against the Moscow Olympic Games in 1980, as the beginning of the neoliberalization of the Olympic Movement; the contemporaneity of several editions of the Games with the Western wars unleashed by the West in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, without considering the declaration of any “Olympic truce”; the treacherous and cowardly use of the world’s attention on the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, 2008 for the then Americanized regime of Georgia to invade the Russian-speaking territory of South Ossetia, causing a massacre of more than 2,000 people in just the first few hours; the lack of a declaration of truce in the war in Ukraine now that athletes from almost all over the world are gathering in Paris – all these events are just a few examples of how the dominant political powers internationally trample on the autonomy of the International Olympic Committee and Coubertin’s expressed intention that the Games be “a celebration of universal language that transcends borders and cultures”. The arbitrary “rules-based international order” has thrown its hands behind the Games, demolishes principles, undermines the best intentions and stifled the Olympic spirit.
In the year 424 BC, in the luminous fifth century of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and other legendary philosophers of classical Greece, for the first time the “sacred truce” proper to the Olympic Games was not declared due to fears of an invasion by Sparta, which in the end did not happen. The Olympic “holy truce” was conceived not only for mystical reasons – the Games were dedicated to Zeus – but also so that athletes, judges and organizers could travel to Athens and return safely to their places of origin.
424 BC was only one exception; the rule was the declaration of a truce every four years. Nowadays, the Olympic mentors blatantly ignore the tradition of the truce; the exception of the past has become the rule in modernity.
The Olympic Games of Classical Antiquity, which began in the year 776 BC, were banned and extinguished 1169 years later, in 393 of our era, by the Christian Roman emperor Theodosius I, for being a “pagan” event. The tendency of “Christian and Western civilization” to adulterate and exterminate all events created in a spirit and principles that in practice contradict its way of looking at the world, its unrestrained domination, colonial and imperial vocation, goes back a long way.
Pettiness, segregation, exclusion
And we arrived at the Paris 2024 Games. We hear the conversations, the comments, the litanies, the routine clichés, words piled upon words in which everything is deliberately omitted and everything is done to erase the original sin of this edition: the exclusion of athletes from the Russian Federation and Belarus, with the exception of those who publicly declare themselves against their presidents and other freely elected bodies of power. Sportsmen and women who, even so, will not be able to compete with the equipment of their national team, listen to the anthem and see the flag of their country raised in case they win the events in which they participate.
There are many and varied aberrations of this decision, which humiliates and mortally wounds the “homage to the human spirit and its capacity for greatness” that Baron Pierre de Coubertin had defined as one of the golden rules of the Olympic Games idealized by him.
On a somewhat marginal level, but with a significant charge of perversity, is the fact that Russian and Belarusian athletes participating in the Games do not need enemies if they are their friends in the “civilization” on this side. Now, if Western governments, thanks to their control of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), demand that athletes confront Putin, Lukashenko and the power of Moscow and Minsk, which they consider dictatorial, they know that Russian and Belarusian citizens present at competitions may be the target of alleged reprisals when they return to their countries. Either the politicians of NATO and the European Union sacrifice the athletes of the proscribed countries to their war propaganda objectives or else they do not even believe what they say about the anti-democratic nature of the punished political systems.
Regarding this behaviour without a minimum of coherence, let us suppose, by reduction to absurdity, that the IOC assumed the independence that is in its rules and, assuming that the political game thus rigged was unavoidable, imposed sanctions on athletes from countries such as the United States, France, Germany and Ukraine for also being responsible for the Ukrainian war, namely by sabotaging the possibilities of peace negotiations, fuelling the conflict with weapons and violating commitments made, such as the Minsk Agreements. In this context, only athletes who publicly declared themselves against the expansionist and warmongering U.S. regime, against the autocracy of NATO and the European Union, based on anti-democratic bodies – because they are not elected – such as the European Commission and the European Council, would be admitted to the Games. The dimension of the audacity and the corresponding scandal would be enough to exonerate the IOC or even cancel the Games.
“Our” leaders no longer have the notion of ridicule and deliberately oppose the Olympic Charter itself, which is also completely disrespected by the IOC.
The text of the Charter is clear, precise, and drafted in such a way that there is no room for doubt as to the so-called “Olympic spirit”. In chapter 2 of the document, dedicated to “the mission and role of the IOC”, paragraph 5 stipulates that this body must act “to strengthen the International Olympic Movement (IOC), maintain and promote its political neutrality and preserve the autonomy of sport”; and Article 6 requires the IOC to act against “any form of discrimination against the Olympic Movement”.
Pierre de Coubertin summed up these concepts in a simple phrase, grossly violated by the agents who shaped the Paris Olympic Games: “We (in the IOC) are not technical advisors to policy, we are only the curators of the Olympic ideal”.
It would not be necessary to go any further to conclude that the Paris Olympic Games are a fraud.
The punishment imposed on Russian and Belarusian athletes by the collective West and the IOC as its transmission belt also reveals the pettiness of the arrogant, but insecure, sportingly fearful, who have neither the capacity nor the courage to assert their reasons and resort to constant tricks, in this case the most basic and denounceable, to impose force through arbitrariness. What is it in the interest of these persistent falsifiers, in politics and, by extension, in sport, that one day, in 1925, Baron Pierre de Coubertin said that “the Games are global, all competitors can participate, without debate”; or that “the Olympic Games are for the world and all nations should be admitted to them”?
In addition to being fraudulent, due to the lack of respect for Olympism, the Paris Games are also a manifestation of sports corruption – and that is not insignificant.
The responsibility, of course, does not lie with the athletes, who generally wish to compete regardless of their opponents, even those who are potentially superior to them. Therefore, they like sports and practice it at the highest level.
Sports corruption lies in the fact that some of the best athletes and teams in the world are removed, without any competitive or other infraction, which devalues victories, removes prestige and value from medals, harms the spectacle and influences the quality of some of the individual and collective competitions. Russia is usually one of the most medalled countries, with the ability to place in the first place of the unofficial ranking by number of awards. Between 1994 and 2020, Russian athletes won 426 medals, 149 of which were gold, numbers that are only surpassed by competitors from the United States. A significant number of Olympic trophies will thus be distributed this year to sportsmen and women who, under normal circumstances, would not win them. This means addiction, competitive corruption.
In sports jargon applied to victories with wounded or debatable merit, uncomfortable matters are usually settled by saying that for history what counts is who won and not who was absent, was removed or complained, for example, about an unmarked penalty, even if legitimate. Is this so? Or will the winner, at least, remember that he competed without the main rivals and the reality could have been different?
Is genocide an Olympic sport?
Russian and Belarusian athletes are subject to severe restrictions and anti-Olympic norms because their governments are involved in a military aggression that targets the ruling power in Ukraine; what happens after the Ukrainian regime nazified by the 2014 coup promoted by the United States and the European Union – which overthrew a democratically elected president – carried out a military aggression of more than eight years against the Russian-majority populations of the eastern and south-eastern territories of the country and ordered the civic segregation of all citizens who are not considered “pure” Ukrainians.
Everything is possible: the Olympic participation of athletes from Morocco, despite the fact that their government practices a policy of occupation, violence and permanent violations of human rights against the sovereign people of the Western Sahara; and, above all, that athletes from Israel, the country responsible for 75 years for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, whose methods are illustrated by the extermination action underway in Gaza – a strong indication of the attempt to achieve a “final solution” of the problem, can be present in Paris.
The behaviour of the Zionist State has been defined as “genocide” by the International Court of Justice, without disagreement from the International Criminal Court, but the seriousness of the meaning of these positions does not bother Israel, the European Union and the United States, a country that has now opened the doors of Congress to a speech extolling Zionist criminality, and even threatening Washington delivered by the eternal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In Paris, during the rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and a football match, whistles were heard against the Zionist presence, but that is the side for which the IOC and the collective West sleep best – and without problems of conscience. An equivalent situation was recorded in the last Eurovision Song Contest.
The participation of Israeli athletes, some of them – unlike the Russians – in the service of the genocidal Israel Defense Forces, is the fatal blow to what was left of Olympism, a clear demonstration of the hypocrisy of Western leaders and the IOC, an avowed lack of respect for athletes who compete loyally in the Games, an insult to the intelligence of public opinion in all countries of the world.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin defined the Olympic Games, he recalls, as “the celebration of humanity, a platform for peace and understanding”.
Respect for the words and ideas of the founder of the Olympic Games of the Modern Era is not something that motivates the current Olympic leaders and their guardians. Coherence and words are carried away by the wind; and Olympism was liquidated by the spirit of war and genocide of those who claim to defend it.
A test of the police state
Paris is in a state of siege. Citizens need special cards to access certain areas of the city, the legendary secular Parisian culture has been cancelled through the closure of museums and other spaces of humanist enjoyment, the number of armed police officers on the streets is much higher than the number of athletes participating in the Games, on this floor it will be higher than the residents of the city, many of them fleeing to places where the image of a war environment is only shown on TV; In short, fear is afraid of fear.
The neoliberal and authoritarian powers of the European Union do not miss an opportunity to test the assembly of mechanisms inherent to a police state. Urban violence served as an argument for the Swedish government to define areas and neighbourhoods of restricted access in Stockholm, ghettos intended mainly for immigrant communities, authentic virtually walled cities; the Olympic Games now serve for the so-called “security means” to exercise the use of intensive surveillance, inch by inch, to consider each citizen a potential criminal, perhaps an agent of Putin, to scrutinize the movements of people, to bar spaces due to simple suspicions, or even intuitions. Police arbitrariness became the rule, the control of freedoms became law.
Whatever happens in the French capital, don’t call it the Olympic Games. It is rather an international sports mega-festival rigged from a competitive and ethical point of view long before it started; a gigantic event with hints of a popular fair and a commercial event financed and sponsored by the profitable ostentation of transnational power and without control of the old and nouveau riche for whom the whole world is theirs. Pierre de Coubertin, much more than a century ago, saw sport as “a school of virtues”. Look at what this has led to, by the work of the not virtuous “Western civilization.”
The French farce of the French Olympics
To get our heads around the farce that is the 2024 Paris Olympics, let’s start with another farce, Fawlty Towers which, according to the BBC, is “the British sitcom by which all other British sitcoms must be judged, Fawlty Towers withstands multiple viewings, is eminently quotable (‘don’t mention the war’) and stands up to this day as a jewel in the BBC’s comedy crown”. Leaving aside, if we can, that the ‘don’t mention the war’ episode was banned in Germany because of its anti-German sentiment and that some of our South Asian friends took umbrage at some other clearly racist parts of the series, the secret to Fawlty Towers is its tight writing around the tried and tested farcical tropes the series fed off.
Contrast that tight script with the opening farce of the French Olympics, where a flotilla sallies down the Seine in the pouring rain and Barbara Butch, an obese Eddie the Elephant Jewish lesbian, gets to pose as Jesus in a mockery of Da Vinci’s depiction of Jesus’ Last Supper.
In thereby succeeding to mock athletes, aesthetics, religion and morality all at the same time, Butch and the army of parasitical transvestites, who mocked all that is good and holy alongside her, showed the Olympics are now nothing more than an over-hyped farce gift wrapped in the tawdriest of rainbow coloured freaks. Not only do these transexual parasites lack talent, but they lack taste as well. What, for example, was the deal with showing a supposedly headless Marie Antionette gallivanting about the stage, given that France’s last Queen Consort, who was only 18 when she was martyred, was a very minor figure in French history, when compared to Joan of Arc, Coco Chanel, Marie Curie or the inestimable Edith Piaf herself?
Although the Russophobes of the International Olympic Council lied that this farce was not a mockery of the Last Supper but was a re-enactment of the ancient Roman Bacchanalia, where the depraved would get as drunk as skunks, such behaviour has no place in the Olympics, where the supposed mission is encapsulated in the Faster, Higher, Stronger motto of the modern Olympics rather than the eat as many Big Macs as you can stuff into your fat mouth that Ms Butch symbolises.
Faux mission statements aside, the real mission of the modern Olympics is to enrich the main sponsors and to convey NATO’s message of top down control to the world. Forget the terror campaign the IOC, working on NATO’s orders, have waged against athletes from Russia and Belarus, and read this recent SCF article about the Olympian security measures France and its NATO allies implemented to guard this grotesque Eddie the Elephant figure, as she mocked the world’s Christians, as well as what remains of France’s aesthetics.
Given that France is already a powder keg, this is not to say that some security was not necessary to protect Eddie the Elephant and Israel’s athletes, whose gung ho views on Israel’s wars have been widely disseminated.
Although I recently discussed the situation of Jews like Eddie the Elephant in today’s France, their situation is made far more precarious in high profile events, like the Olympics, especially when we recall the 1972 Black September massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, an event Adidas has resurrected in the most bizarre way, when it cancelled a contract with top model Bella Hadid on racist grounds.
After Hadid was hired to help Adidas sell their 1972 Munich Olympics retro line, the usual suspects objected because Hadid is half Palestinian and Palestinians are haram. But Hadid was hired, not because she was an athlete and less still because she is Palestinian, but because she is a babe, and babes are hired to help move merchandise to fellow babes, who will win few Olympic medals in their 1972 retro shoes.
Because the Munich Olympics is famous for American Zionist Mark Spitz displaying his mastery in the pool, and for the great Belarusian patriot Olga Korbut, POTUS Nixon’s favourite who wooed generations of young girls to gymnastics, the Olympics, Munich 1972 included, is as much the property of American Republicans, American Zionists, Belarusian patriots and Palestinian models, as it is of entitled Israelis, whose relative under-performance at the Olympics can be explained by their adherence to the Zionist ideology, which has always stressed political supremacy over frivolous games devoid of political purpose.
Although most of us couldn’t care less who Addidas gets to flog their 1972 retro crap, Israel must care because, in their vista, Palestinians must be invisible in the Olympics and on the catwalk, as well as in every other walk of life. And, because under performing Israel can dictate to Adidas what babes they can hire and what babes they cannot hire, that is another reason why the French Olympics are, at best, a French farce.
Although farces first appeared around the 5th century BC, when the Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote his comedies with larger-than-life characters, ridiculous situations, and oodles of vulgar humour to keep the Athenians giggling, it was left to the Roman playwright Plautus to master the convention of mistaken identity. No less a figure that William Shakespeare adapted Plautus’ Brothers Manaechmi into his Comedy of Errors, which is the best-known Renaissance era farce.
The term “farce” derives from a French word meaning “to stuff” and was used to describe comic bits inserted (“stuffed”) in between scenes in religious plays. Although farce gradually emerged as its own theatre form in 15th century France and in 16th century England, it is important to say that this Parisian attempt at art is not even farce. It is garbage.
But so too, by contagion, is the entire Olympics. Let’s revert to the granddaddy of them all, Hitler’s 1936 Olympics where, today’s IOC jokers tell us, Jesse Owens stole the show not only by winning four gold medals but by sticking it to Herr Hitler who, like Franco, Mussolini and Eddie the Elephant, had no interest in sport, except in so far as he could hijack it for his own madcap ideas.
Although Owens was a star performer in Berlin, it is important to note that it was racist America and not Hitler’s Germany, who treated him with the utmost disrespect by forcing him to race against horses just to make ends meet.
At least Owens could make a living, something the IOC denied to Tommie Smith and John Carlos for protesting against America’s systematic racism when they won medals at the 1968 Mexican Olympics; as Australian Peter Norman, who won the silver medal and who supported their protest, was also persecuted by his fascistic government, the IOC should save us all their syrupy lectures.
The Berlin Olympics are more remembered for Olympia, the homo erotic documentary on them, which the cinematic genius Leni Riefenstahl produced almost as a follow up to her 1935 Nazi classic Triumph of the Will. Though overt anti-semitism is absent from both of those classics, they each reek of the homo erotic sensuality of writhing, oiled-up and sweating male hunks that lurked in the subconscious of Hitler and his camp followers, just as this French farce reeks of the worst excesses of Weimar and de Sade.
Just as those earlier gay documentaries Hitler commissioned set out to sublimely tell us something, so also does Eddie the Elephant’s French farce. Drag queens mocking The Last Supper, a decapitated head singing, a bearded ‘woman’ dancing provocatively, a naked Smurf with a king sized erection and ‘gagging’ children in their midst all send out a message that is, in its own way, as portentous as Olympia and Triumph of the Will were before the Wehrmacht goose stepped into Austria and Sudetenland.
Although there might be no Panzer tanks crossing into Poland as of yet, other, equally dark forces are on the move. Though we could here wax on about this hedonist glorification of Sodom and Gomorrah, just check out this video on drug doping czar Vincent Conte to see how easy it is to systematically cheat at these farcical Olympics.
But it is not just the Americans. Here is an account of the Irish being caught drugging their prize winning horses. When one considers the money to be made from stud fees, no wonder the Olympics is little more than a farcical Dick Francis crime thriller. Though I wrote back in early July about the risk of these Olympics descending into a French farce, it is much more mediocre than that. Whereas French farce had rhyme and reason, this shoddy effort has none. It is a tacky effort to boost the bottom line of tacky companies like Adidas and the tackier agenda of Macron and his husband, and all others who swear by NATO’s cultural wars agenda. And, though I wrote another piece in late June pining for Olympic Games gone by, those games are long gone and it is time to pull the plug and let go of the entire circus.
Boy, was I on the money when I wrote that “I would much prefer to watch this Russian children’s troupe show their mastery of Irish dancing” than to watch these French Olympians, who do not even meet the basic standards of the simplest French farce! We can either wallow in this bread and transvestite circuses crap, or we can seize the day and the initiative. We should reject not only Adidas and their 1972 (or is it 1936?) retroism but we should also reject all the LGBT tinsel they marinate it in.
Meanwhile, if you must follow these uneven contests, here is the medal tally table so far. Commiserations to Fiji for missing out on gold in the rugby 7s, and to Mongolian judoka Baasankhuu Bavuudorj for losing out to Japan’s superlative Tsunoda Natsumi. And, Baasankhuu, if you are reading this, you take a much better photo than does Eddie the Elephant, who could only ever upstage you in farce. Though you are a credit to Mongolia, to judo and to the world, heaven help you when you get back to Ulaanbaatar and you have to explain to the good folk there what a fat and fit for nothing farce France is.
The Belgian triathlon team has forfeited the mixed triathlon finals scheduled for Monday due to an athlete, Claire Michel, being hospitalized after swimming in the Seine River, the country’s Olympic Committee has announced.
The sporting body took jabs at the Paris Olympics organizers, expressing hopes “that lessons will be learned for future triathlon competitions,” and that there will be no more “uncertainty” for athletes and support personnel.
“The BOIC and Belgian Triathlon must unfortunately announce that the ‘Belgian Hammers’ will not be starting the mixed relay at the Paris Olympic Games tomorrow. The decision, like this communication, was taken in consultation with the athletes and their entourage,” the committee said in a statement.
“Claire Michel, a member of the relay, is unfortunately ill and must withdraw from the competition,” it added.
While the committee did not elaborate, local media reports have suggested that Michel, who has been hospitalized for four days already, was diagnosed with an E.coli bacterial infection. While the athlete apparently fell ill shortly after finishing 38th in the women’s triathlon competition on Wednesday, it has not been positively established that she contracted the bacteria in the murky waters of the Seine.
The development comes after the Swiss triathlon team said it had to replace triathlete Adrien Briffod with Simon Westermann after the former contracted a gastrointestinal infection. The team noted it was still unclear whether Briffod’s illness was related to the Seine.
The Belgian team has been highly critical of the condition of the Seine, with multiple athletes publicly speaking of their experience. “While swimming under the bridge, I felt and saw things that we shouldn’t think about too much,”Jolien Vermeylen, who finished 24th in Wednesday’s event, said, adding that the waters did not exactly taste like “Coca-Cola or Sprite.”
“The Seine has been dirty for a hundred years, so they can’t say the safety of the athletes is a priority,”she claimed.
The water condition of the highly-polluted river had been a source of widespread concern long before the Games. A $1.5 billion project aimed at cleaning up the Seine yielded mixed results at best and was marred by various mishaps, including the release of a large quantity of sewage into the river shortly before the Olympics.
The French authorities, however, insisted on holding open-water competitions on the Seine, with several senior officials, including French Sports Minister Amelie Oudea-Castera and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, taking a swim in the river to demonstrate that it is safe. President Emmanuel Macron, who had also made a half-hearted pledge to take a dip, however, ultimately abstained from doing so.