Friday 14th of March 2025

double standard with respect to the american israeli public affairs committee......

Quite a few developments today. Let’s start with the FBI raid on Scott Ritter’s home today. I am giving a shout out to Mark Wauck, a retired FBI agent who frequently links to my posts, for his latest post on this. Mark writes:

"The RT article is the first full length account I’ve seen. Note that Ritter states that the search warrant was issued pursuant a supposed violation of FARA—the Foreign Agents Registration Act. It so happens that I was considering writing a post this afternoon about AIPAC and FARA. That idea was sparked by listening to Danny Davis trying to get a straight answer out of John Mearsheimer regarding AIPAC. Almost any way DD asked his questions, Mearsheimer stonewalled him with the goofy line that anything that AIPAC does is “perfectly legal” as regards FARA, and that AIPAC and its operatives are not foreign agents under FARA. Well, first, regarding Scott Ritter:"




I encourage you to read the full article. The raid is an effort by the US Government to silence Scott. I have known Scott for 20 years and he is not working on behalf of any foreign government. Scott’s opinions are his own and he is not writing or saying what he does regarding the war in Ukraine and the war in Palestine because of some foreign financial incentive. 

Mark Wauck correctly notes the double standard with respect to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which is acting as an agent for Israel. Note also that Hunter Biden, who was pulling down thousands of dollars from foreign governments, was getting paid to influence policy when his father, the Big Guy, was serving as Vice President. Don’t recall the FBI raiding his homes to recover documents. Just one more reminder that the scales of justice in the United States are weighted in favor of the politically connected.

Now to Israel and the photo that heads this article. Israel’s Channel 12 TV station conducted a poll — “Do you agree that a soldier is allowed to rape a ‘terrorist’?” The answers are a damning indictment of Israeli society:

47% Yes
43% No
10% No answer

Does this constitute more evidence that Israel is a genocidal society? I think so. There is no presumption of innocence. Instead, this mindset means that all a government needs to do is label someone a terrorist and that person is deprived of any rights to humane treatment. And it is okay as long as he or she is a “terrorist.” The Soviets used the label, “enemy of the state.” Same difference. Once a government dispenses with the legal concept that a person accused of a crime has a right to an attorney and to face his or her accusers in court, that government is a tyranny. 

The United States lost its moral authority to condemn this kind of behavior when it allowed the sexual abuse and humiliation of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. To continue to fund Israel when reprehensible, vile acts against prisoners is celebrated makes the United States an accomplice. The US is aiding and abetting criminal conduct.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is busy committing military suicide with its PR attack into Russian territory near Kursk. The attacking force lacked air cover and the power to sustain the attack. The Ukrainian troops were savaged by Russian air strikes, artillery and drones. Some have opined that this was a feint or a diversion, i.e., focus Russian attention in the north and then strike at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. Maybe, but Ukraine lost significant resources in terms of men and equipment that cannot be easily replaced.

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Ukraine managed to reach Kursk. Okay. How do they resupply their troops and sustain the momentum of the attack. Russia has a wealth of resources — manpower, combat air, artillery and drones — to bog the Ukrainians down and chew them up. Those who believe that this would force Russia to seek a negotiated end to the war are the same delusional clowns who promised that Ukrainian troops would be sloshing around on the beaches of Crimea last summer.

This attack is likely to have the opposite effect — Russia will accelerate its offensive against Ukraine and will not negotiate until Ukraine begs for mercy.

Danny Davis and I discussed these issues on Deep Dive.



free speech....

Scott Ritter Statement Following FBI Raid on his home


Washington, D.C. – August 7, 2024 – Early this morning, the FBI executed a raid on the home of Scott Ritter, a former United Nations weapons inspector. The operation carried out at Ritter's residence in upstate New York, involved multiple agents and was conducted without incident.

Details regarding the purpose of the raid remain sparse. An FBI spokesperson confirmed the raid but declined to provide specifics, citing an ongoing investigation. "We can confirm that a lawful search was conducted at Mr. Ritter's home today. This is part of an ongoing investigation, and we are not at liberty to discuss details at this time," the spokesperson said.

Scott Ritter is best known for his work as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq during the 1990s. He has since been an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding military interventions in the Middle East and the broader war on terror. Ritter has also been a vocal commentator on issues of international security and has authored several books on the subject.

The raid has sparked a flurry of reactions from both supporters and critics of Ritter. Advocates argue that Ritter has been targeted for his outspoken views, while detractors point to his controversial past, including previous legal troubles, as justification for the raid.

Ritter's attorney released a brief statement following the raid, stating, "Mr. Ritter has cooperated fully with law enforcement and maintains his innocence. We are confident that any allegations will be proven unfounded."

Ritter is a regular guest and analyst on Judge Napolitano's podcast, #JudgingFreedom. He will have more to say to his fans at a later time. This developing story will be closely monitored as more information becomes available.






certain agents....

Former US Marine turned journalist Scott Ritter has accused the US government of committing an “act of intimidation” against him for his journalistic work after federal agents and state police executed a search warrant on his house in New York State on Wednesday.

In a video statement on his Telegram channel on Thursday, Ritter, who is also a former UN weapons inspector, said that the warrant was based upon suspicion that he had violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The authorities appear to be “primarily concerned” about his “relationship” with RT and the news agency Sputnik, he added.

According to Ritter, the FBI agents accused him of working “on behalf of the Russian government” and receiving “directions” from the two Russian outlets while being compensated for his contributions.

Ritter stressed that he was not a foreign agent and pointed out that he gets compensation from “any journalistic entity” he provides content for.

Ritter also dismissed as “absurd in the extreme” the accusation that his articles and podcasts were “designed to manipulate the opinion of the American people on behalf of the Russian government.”

He called the raid “an act of intimidation by the US government designed to have a chilling effect” and to discourage him from further cooperation with the Russian-based media outlets, Ritter said.

”There isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that I will back down because I’m doing nothing wrong,” he stated, adding that he is “an American citizen, holding my government accountable and exercising the rights given to me by the Constitution.”

Ritter went on to say that the US government has “declared war” on him, on his ability to write, to speak, and to interact with the American people and the broader international audience.

”It’s not a war I plan on losing,” Ritter concluded.

Ritter is a former US Marine Corps major who served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq during the 1990s. He opposed the 2003 US invasion, insisting that Saddam Hussein’s government did not have weapons of mass destruction, as Washington claimed at the time.

READ MORE: Scott Ritter: Why did it take Russia so long to realize Donbass was worth fighting for?

According to the US Department of Justice, the US Foreign Agents Registration Act “requires certain agents” to disclose their relationship with “foreign principals,” thus “informing the public on the identity of persons engaging in political activities on behalf of foreign governments.”







support scott.....

Friend of the show and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter had his home raided August 7th by the FBI under alleged violations of the FARA Act. Prof. Mohammad Marandi joined the show to discuss his take on this chilling event and how it relates to similar attacks on journalism as a result of America's march to war on Iran and Russia.

Prof. Mohammad Marandi on Scott Ritter FBI Raid: America's War on Iran & Russia DESTROYS the U.S.

Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow him on telegram ( ( and

Larry C. Johnson on Scott Ritter - Israel's Stunning FALL - Ukraine's SUICIDAL Moves


Ray came to Washington from his native Bronx in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he briefed one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s five most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.

Ray McGovern on Scott Ritter - Israel's Collapse: The Moral and Military Crisis







an illusion....


‘Free speech is an illusion in the US’ – Tara Reade
The government is targeting Scott Ritter and other critics of America’s endless wars, the former aide to Joe Biden has said


You’re only free to speak your mind in the US if you are saying what the authorities want you to say, RT contributor and former aide to Joe Biden, Tara Reade, has claimed.

Reade appeared live on RT on Thursday to comment on the search carried out by federal agents and state police at the home of former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter in New York state on Wednesday.

She and Ritter, who is now a journalist, had both been invited to speak at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June, but “unfortunately the federal agents took him off the plane and confiscated his passport,” Reade recalled.

She said Ritter’s passport was never returned to him by the US authorities. “Usually, that indicates that someone is under investigation because they take away your passport,” she said.

The government in Washington has been “going after Scott Ritter for years” since “he spoke out against the war in Iraq and revealed that… the US government lied about the weapons of mass destruction,” the former Biden aide claimed.

The persecution of the journalist and commentator – whose views on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as Israel’s war in Gaza, contrast sharply with those of the White House – is “just a pattern of what you are seeing in the US, which is the surveillance state and authoritative government,” she argued.

"We have the illusion of free speech. We have that illusion of a right to travel. But in reality, it is only allowed if we say what the US wants people to say, otherwise you are at risk,” Reade said.

She also suggested that, since Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate last month, the party is “going back to the old Russiagate hysteria.”

Ritter, who is also an RT contributor, described the search of his property as an “act of intimidation”against him. The authorities appear to be “primarily concerned” about his “relationship” with RT and the news agency Sputnik, the journalist said in a video message on Telegram on Thursday.

The 61-year-old revealed that FBI agents blamed him for working “on behalf of the Russian government”to manipulate the opinions of the American public. Ritter rejected those accusations as “absurd in the extreme.” He insisted that he was “doing nothing wrong,” and was just “an American citizen, holding my government accountable and exercising the rights given to me by the Constitution.”

READ MORE: US government ‘has declared war on me’ – Scott Ritter

In 2020, Tara Reade accused then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when she worked as an aide on his team in 1993. She moved to Russia last year due to concerns for her safety in the US, but has since returned home.