Friday 10th of January 2025

sowing the seeds of revolution....

I keep seeing liberal commentators like George Takei trying to frame Kamala Harris as the best candidate to bring peace to the middle east, despite her coming directly out of the administration which has been lighting the region on fire with its insane warmongering.

So let’s be clear here: Peace is not on the ballot in November. Americans are voting for Red War or Blue War. That’s it. Those are the choices.


Peace Is Not On The Ballot In November 


I repeat: Peace. Is. Not. On. The. Ballot. Nobody who stands an actual chance at winning is going to bring about peace, because the US president is a manager of the US empire, and the US empire depends on constant warmongering.

Any debates over whether Trump or Harris are the one to bring about peace are nonsensical, because neither of them are. It’s like arguing over which car salesman might start handing out free cars — that’s not the job. It’s not what the people who have that job do.

Americans don’t get to vote on changes to US foreign policy; that can only come by way of mass-scale direct action. These elections are here to give Americans the illusion of democratic control and to let them feel okay about their political systems so they don’t start thinking about revolution. It’s all about feelings, so if you want to vote then vote in whatever way makes your feelings feel nice. That’s all this performative spectacle is ever about.

All this murderousness will only come to an end when enough people use the power of their numbers to force it to end, and people will only use the power of their numbers to force it to end when enough of them have awakened from their propaganda-induced coma to get a real revolutionary movement happening.

So that’s where the focus needs to be. Not on which empire manager you should vote for, but on sowing the seeds of revolution by showing as many people as you can that everything they’ve been trained to believe about their nation, their government and their world is a lie. Showing them how depraved their rulers are and how badly they’re being screwed over by exploitative status quo systems, and letting them know that a better world is possible.

There’s always something you can do every day to help accomplish this. Attending demonstrations. Participating in activist organizations. Distributing literature, online and offline. Making videos. Making memes. Having conversations. Today I saw a video of a young woman on a train giving a short speech about the genocide in Gaza and distributing flyers. Anything you can do to spread awareness of what’s really going on and how the media and politicians are lying about it all.

So the bad news is that not until a critical mass of people have reached a sufficient level of awareness will there be a real chance at meaningful change. But the good news is that you absolutely have the power to work towards expanding that awareness.




military industrial complex....





voting for wars....

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

According to OpenSecrets, on August 14th,, the Harris For President Campaign Committee has raised $294,201,819, of which 60.19% has come from “Large Contributors” (at least $200) to the campaign.

In addition: “Future Forward USA,” a “hybrid PAC/super PAC” that advertises ONLY for Democratic Party political campaigns, donated (spent for her campaign) $134,220,791.

Two other such organizations, “American Bridge 21st Century” and “The Lincoln Project,” together donated around $50 million.

Political campaigns in America are overwhelmingly predominantly funded by fewer than 1% of the people who are registered to vote. There are about a thousand American billionaires, and even merely the richest 400 of them account for 29.86%, virtually 30%, of ALL the political campaign money. A 2020 academic study (cited on page 80 here — p. 86 of the pdf document) found that, “In 2016, 15,810 individuals, less than 0.0001% of the American population, accounted for half of all political contributions.202”

As I have reported, armaments manufacturers (such as Lockheed) have, ever since 1990, been far higher-performing investments than other Industrials, and than the stock-market as a whole; so, one may reasonably assume that billionaires, since their net worths have risen enormously more steeply than that of the rest of the population ever since 1980, are and have been exceptionally heavily invested in armaments manufacturers (the companies that that sell their products to the Government and that PROFIT FROM WARS).

Both of America’s two political Parties are controlled by the billionaires, and are bringing us closer and closer to a WW3, so that we are now closer to a world-annihilating nuclear war even than during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. (How much attention are the billionaires-controlled ‘news’-media paying to this, which ought to be dominating the front pages everywhere?)

Specifically as regards Kamala Harris: the military dot com news siite headlined on July 25th, “Defense Secretary [Lloyd] Austin Says Kamala Harris Was Always Part of Major National Security Decisions”; “’I’ve seen her help the team, help the president work through some very, very complex issues,’ Austin said, adding that ‘she is a key player.’” Biden and Austin know about our nation’s now annual $1.5 trillion military spending, of which around $900 billion is being paid through the Defense Department, and the rest through other Departments. All of the world’s other 200 nations together spend also $1.5T per year on their militaries; and, so, America spends actually half of the entire planet’s military spending, and I have explained how and why this is done. But the bottom line is that Kamala Harris is one of the persons responsible for it being the case, just as President Biden is, and just as Donald Trump is, and just as Barack Obama is, and just as George W. Bush is, and just as Bill Clinton is. They all are part of the same corruption, which drains money from ALL NON-‘DEFENSE’ SPENDING, even at the same time it causes our nation’s federal debt now to be $35 trillion, which our children and grandchildren will be needing to pay off. Far more than half of all “discretionary” or congressionally budgeted spending by the U.S. Government goes to the military, which is sucking out all of the spending for the things and services that the public needs for their health care, education, social welfare, environment, and infrastructure. Our country is being bled dry by these people — for the benefit of our billionaires, who, basically, fund them.

Obviously, anyone who votes for one of the two Parties’ Presidential candidates is voting for WW3. This is what America’s ‘democracy’ has come to. I publicly challenge anyone to deny it — to allege that ANY source that I have linked-to here is false or in any way untrustworthy. (I have carefully vetted each and every one of them, and would not cite or link to them if I hadn’t.) What is untrustworthy are the arguments to vote for Trump, or for Harris. Without a doubt, WW3 is the one issue that is both existential and urgent. A candidate who is dangerous on that issue is unacceptable, and BOTH of the major-Party candidates are that.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.