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justifying the murder of children....CARTOON FROM 2008.... The Israelis’ “rights” to Palestine are based on the gift of the Promised Land by Yahweh. It is curious that even in this radically secular country that is France, this claim is taken seriously. But we are used to considering the Bible as a sacred reference, and there are probably still many people who believe that it is the oldest text of humanity, even though it is more recent than the Iliad, and that it takes up many myths told in Akkadian texts (such as the story of Uta-Napišti, who became Noah) two millennia earlier! Elisha, the children and the bears and the justification of extermination in the Bible.
But, above all, it is now established that the Bible, alongside the borrowed myths, is a set of propaganda texts aimed at justifying the imperialist enterprises of the Hebrews and consolidating the (ancient, but now modern) State of Israel, around the belief in the unique and tribal god Yahweh. It is therefore not surprising that the Bible is imbued with a barbaric warrior spirit, where the Other is systematically doomed to extermination (the American colonists understood well that this was the most effective strategy to ensure possession of the conquered territories). We should therefore not look for spirituality there – peaceful at least: biblical “spirituality” is rather of the order of a mafia complicity between a family (the Jewish people) and its leader (God). On the contrary, the cruel passages (whose horror is masked by habit, and by soothing symbolic interpretations) are innumerable. This is the case of what we could call the fable of Elisha, the children and the bears. Agatha Christie, as a good Anglican, knew the Bible like the back of her hand and, although very conformist, she raised some interesting hares, like, in The Halloween Crime (The Pumpkin Festival), 1969, the story of Jael and Sisera (Jael, the psychopath with the hammer), or, in Is Murder Easy? (1939), that of Elisha. This last novel features a vain self-made man, Lord Whitfield (yes, a self-made man, because in England for a long time titles of nobility simply rewarded wealth), convinced that God protects him and punishes his enemies: "My enemies, my detractors are thrown to the ground and exterminated!" This biblical language refers precisely to the story of Elisha: "Remember the children who mocked Elijah: the bears came and devoured them" (although a good Anglican, Agatha Christie makes a mistake: it is not Elijah that is being referred to, but his successor, Elisha): in the same way, Lord Whitfield notes with satisfaction, an insolent little boy who had mocked him died shortly afterwards. His interlocutor is a little put out: "I have always found that this was excessive vindictiveness". Agatha Christie, of course, will not say more: her style is more humorous notations than indignant denunciations. But she expresses well the discomfort that one feels when reading this passage from Kings, II, 2, 23-25 (ecumenical translation of the Bible, 1972): "As he [Elisha] was going up the road, some children came out of the city and mocked him, saying: "Go ahead, shorn! Go ahead!" He turned, looked at them and cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of these children to pieces." And Elisha continued calmly on his way... But what is more astonishing and shocking than the story itself is the commentary made on it by a denominational site, Lueur, un éclairer sur la foi. "This text seems [my emphasis] to tell us something shocking and incomprehensible in our conception of a God of grace." The author pretends to believe that the God of the Bible is the same as the one of the Gospel, while the first, far from being merciful, breathes only vengeance - which invalidates the entire demonstration that follows. But it is instructive to follow precisely the sophistic arguments by which he strives to justify Elisha and to contest the excessive nature of his vindictiveness (or that of God). 1) Elisha has just assumed the heavy burden of prophet (God's spokesperson), so he must still assert himself and gain respect: having 42 children killed is an infallible recipe for that! 2) the term “children” can also refer to “young people” or “young men”; “it can therefore refer to adolescents or young adults”. The same bad faith was at work again recently (today, after the massacres of babies and children in Gaza, it is of course not possible, impossible to describe as “young adults” the very small shrouds that we have seen in so many images): a Palestinian victim of 12 or 13 years old was referred to in the media as a “young man”, a (rare) Jewish victim of the same age as a “child”. 3) The insult “bald” (Lueur does not use the ecumenical translation) is very serious: Elisha could “see in it a questioning of his divine investiture [...] It is a complete rejection, ultimately, of God as well as of his servant. » We will now hesitate to use the expression "three bald and one shorn", which is diabolical in essence! 4) psychological justification now, and appeal to universal common sense in the traditional Chatmite tone of priests: "Like the majority of people, Elisha does not accept that we mock him and even less God and the Spirit that rests on him". 5) finally, argument of authority: the punishment may seem excessive, but: "after all, it corresponds to the punishments provided for by the Law (Leviticus 26 22: "I will send against you the animals of the fields, which will deprive you of your children"). Stronger than the sharia: if you do not respect me, I will have your children devoured by wild beasts! This punishment is in fact intended for idolaters, who erect statues to pagan gods, but 3) took care to assimilate the mockery against Elisha to a denial of God. But perhaps all these arguments risk appearing specious, unconvincing. So the author changes his tune. Elisha’s responsibility is contained in one word: “curse,” and God’s cruelty in a second: “tear”; the author will therefore engage in a lexical examination of the corresponding Hebrew terms (that is, play on words). – qalal is “translated in various ways and often by despise (qualal)” (not knowing Hebrew, I cannot appreciate the role of this passage from “qalal” to “qualal”). Elisha does not get angry, he does not curse, he “despises”; he lets God “make visible the curse in which they have put themselves [!] by rejecting God.” And the author pulls out another biblical quote: “He will bring back their iniquity on them. He will destroy them by their wickedness.” (Psalms, 94, 23). - baqa is also “translated in various ways”: to pass through, to disperse, to make a passage, to split; the troop of “young men” is therefore “dispersed”, their cowardice (to join forces against a single man) is highlighted, they are “humiliated” - but not mistreated. The author ends his demonstration with a nice antiphrasis, which denies exactly and lucidly what he has just done: "Without wanting to force the texts to stick to religious and exegetical a priori, is this not more in agreement with a God of grace but who belittles mockers?" Unfortunately, the career of the kind Elisha ends with a last prophecy where he orders the new king Joash: "You will strike Aram in Afek until extermination", Kings II, 13, 17 (Aram designates Syria). And to conclude, in a rather worrying way: "Let us walk like Elisha!" The story itself is edifying: the massacre of 42 children is presented in the Bible as proof of the sacred character of Elisha, and reinforces his good conscience. But Lueur's exegesis is just as much: it is the same rhetoric that allows Israel's crimes to be justified and the horror of the current massacres to be erased.\ TRANSLATION BY JULES LETAMBOUR....YOURDEMOCRACY.NET RECORDS HISTORY AS IT SHOULD BE — NOT AS THE WESTERN MEDIA WRONGLY REPORTS IT.
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ethnic cleansing....
INTERVIEW: Erasing Palestine from the mapPeople in Gaza are suffering the worst conditions in the world. Four major cities razed and 90% of the population ethnically cleansed. As the west walks past the bodies on the other side of the street
Gus Leonisky
Israeli Women Have ZERO Sympathy For Children Of Gaza!2 views on the JP.....
“Hence, no Jew, whether orthodox or not, can conscientiously refrain from cooperating with the rest for the elevation of the entire Jewry.” — Moses Hess, pioneer of Zionism and Communism, The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem (1862)
Matthew the Apostle records Jesus as teaching that “Every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.” (Matthew 7:17) This is certainly true of Judaism, the ‘bad fruits’ of which include Zionism, Communism, Feminism, Talmudism, predatory Capitalism, Holocaustianity, pornography and gay marriage, just to name a few. With Israel’s “war” entering day 457 at the time of writing, and the Israeli Defense Forces continuing to use American munitions to destroy the last remaining hospitals in Gaza, it has finally become socially acceptable to criticize Benjamin Netanyahu and aspects of his military campaign in the Middle East. Many newfound critics, however, are not inclined to utter a single disparaging word about ‘the Jews’ or the sacrosanct Jewish religion, despite Netanyahu invoking Amalek to justify slaughtering men, women and children in the region.
Last week I received an email from an old friend of mine who has been supportive of Israel for as long as I’ve known him. We worked together for six years beginning in the mid-2000s, and during that time the Israel/Palestine conflict was one of the issues we disagreed most strongly on. Being somewhat of a cementhead whose brain fossilized during the Reagan-Bush era, he was often a difficult guy to have a conversation with, especially if it involved abstract themes. (His response to my contention that 9/11 was an inside job was something to the effect of ‘How dare you! A lot of Americans died that day!!’) That being said, I was pleasantly surprised to see that his email included a link to a New York Times article titled ‘State Dept. Tells Congress It Plans to Send $8 Billion in Arms to Israel.’ Below the link was a short comment lamenting the fact that the American government can’t even feed and house its own veterans, yet somehow manages to send billions of dollars in foreign aid and military equipment to Israel.
In my response I thanked him for sending the NYT article and indicated it would be nice to meet up for coffee sometime soon to discuss things further. I informed him that the foreign/military aid America gives to Israel is just the tip of the iceberg and I provided a few links to additional news items that I thought he might find useful, including one to a recent article I wrote called ‘The Jewish Stranglehold,’ in which I mention that after Hurricane Harvey devastated the city of Dickinson, Texas in 2017, city officials made federal relief funds contingent on support for Israel. Knowing that he fancies himself a true ‘America First’ patriot, I thought for sure the inflammatory information would dovetail nicely with his newfound skepticism vis-à-vis America’s “special relationship” with the Jewish state. Needless to say I was disappointed when he wrote back and reprimanded me for my use of the term ‘Jewish Stranglehold,’ suggesting that in future articles I might consider replacing ‘Jewish’ with ‘Zionist’ to avoid upsetting ordinary Jews who have nothing whatsoever to do with nefarious activities. Like everyone who writes and/or speaks out about Jewish supremacism, I’ve encountered this suggestion many times before. It’s rather typical advice, often furnished by some puffed up know-it-all who recently watched an Abby Martin video and emerged from the experience as an expert on world affairs.
The problem with my friend’s reasoning lies in its imprecision; there are many problematic aspects of Judaism that don’t fit neatly under the ‘Zionist’ canopy. Indeed, oftentimes some of the worst elements of Judaism manifest within ultra-Orthodox sects that wholly reject Zionism and the state of Israel on religious grounds. In fact, Orthodox traditions maintain that the founding of the true state of Israel is not to precede the coming of the Jewish Messiah:
“the people were adjured not to return collectively to the Land of Israel by the exertion of physical force, nor to ‘rebel against the nations of the world,’ nor to ‘hasten the End.’ In short, they were required to wait for the heavenly, complete, miraculous, supernatural, and meta-historical redemption that is totally distinct from the realm of human endeavor.”
Ultra-Orthodox opposition to modern Israel doesn’t ipso facto render these groups any more saintly than Netanyahu’s IDF butchers, however, contrary to what gatekeepers who limit their grievances to Zionism alone might contend.
The bedrock teachings of Orthodox Judaism are derived from the Babylonian Talmud (aka Torah SheBa’al peh), a collection of rabbinic works described by Wikipedia as “the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary text of Jewish law (halakha) and Jewish theology.” The Talmud is divided into two sections: the Mishnah (instruction) and Gemara (completion). The Mishnah is a written collection of Jewish traditions that comprise the Oral Torah, supposedly transmitted by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and orally preserved for roughly 1600 years until it was committed to writing in the third century AD; the Gemara is a compendium of commentaries and debates on the Mishnah. I’m not an expert on world religions but I’d venture to guess that Orthodox Judaism is the only one whose holiest texts contain elaborate debates on the permissibility of sexually abusing children. For example, Talmud tractate Sanhedrin 54b, confirmed by 12th century halakhic authority Moses Maimonides to be correctly interpreted Rabbinic law, states in part:
“[T]he Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. . .Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.”
A similar opinion regarding sexual abuse of young girls was put forth by Rabbi Rava, one of the most frequently cited rabbis in the Talmud, and can be found in tractate Ketubot 11b:
“An adult male who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it. Similarly, the ruptured hyman of the girl younger than three is restored.”
Debates and meditations like these abound within the sordid pages of the Talmud, and the bizarre relationship between ultra-Orthodox Jews and small children can be seen in the metzitzah b’peh circumcision ritual, which has frequently been responsible for the transmission of herpes, in some cases resulting in the unfortunate infant’s death.
In light of all this it’s not surprising that the obscure ultra-Orthodox sect Lev Tahor has been in the news recently following accusations of kidnapping, forced marriages and child rape.
Lev Tahor adheres to a strict interpretation of rabbinic law, forcefully opposing the political ideology of Zionism on Talmudic grounds. Although founded in Jerusalem in 1988 by Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans and having a sizeable presence in the Israeli city of Beit Shemash, the group is largely resented within the Jewish state, earning the derogatory designation “The Jewish Taliban.” In 1990, Rabbi Helbrans moved the group to the U.S. and four years later he was arrested and imprisoned after being charged with kidnapping a 13-year-old boy. During his incarceration (he served two years of a four year sentence), former members of the group accused Helbrans of sexually abusing a number of children who were in his care, something not at all uncommon within the ranks of Lev Tahor. Upon his release from prison, Helbrans was deported to Israel, and in 2001 he relocated the group to Canada where they stayed until fleeing to Guatemala in 2008 amid accusations of kidnapping, promoting underage marriage and sexual abuse. In 2014, Lev Tahor was expelled from a West Guatemalan village after a “bitter row” with the indigenous community, who “accused the Jews of shunning the villagers and imposing their religion and customs” while “undermining the Catholic faith that was predominant in San Juan La Laguna,” according to an August 30, 2014 BBC report. After this incident, members of the group relocated to the Mexican town of Huixtla, where their jungle compound was raided in 2022 by police who arrested twenty Jews, all of whom later escaped from the detention center where they were being held after rioting and assaulting the guards.
In July 2024, Yoil, Yakov and Shmiel Weingarten, all former leaders of Lev Tahor, were found guilty of kidnapping two children and were sentenced to 12 and 14 years in prison. Five months later, Guatemalan authorities raided Lev Tahor’s compound in the town of Oratorio, rescuing 160 children suspected of being victims of abuse. Within days a Jewish mob consisting of 100 Lev Tahor members stormed the “care center” where the children were being held in an unsuccessful attempt to recapture them, slashing the tires of government vehicles and engaging in violent confrontations with police. The latest news came just days ago, when Jonathan Emmanuel Castillo, a leader of Lev Tahor, was arrested in El Salvador on charges of human trafficking, rape and abuse of minors.
Defenders of the synagogue will claim that Lev Tahor is just a fringe cult that in no way represents the sagely Orthodox faith. But if Lev Tahor is an insignificant sect numbering only a few hundred worldwide, the same cannot be said of the ultra-Orthodox group Satmar.
Founded in Hungary by Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum in 1905, Satmar relocated to Brooklyn, New York following World War II and has since “grown to become one of the largest Hasidic dynasties in the world,” exceeding in size even the international political powerhouse Chabad Lubavitch, representatives of which have been hosted at the White House by every president since Jimmy Carter.
In November 2013, journalist Christopher Ketcham interviewed Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, a whistleblower inside the Satmar community, and published his findings in an expose’ for Vice magazine carrying the provocative title ‘The Child-Rape Assembly Line’:
On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened the door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”…”This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face – fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God…What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”
The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant. The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, uncles — figures of male authority. The victims, like those of Catholic priests, are mostly boys. Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community — the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world — have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. ‘From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent. It has almost become a rite of passage.’ Ultra-Orthodox Jews who speak out about these abuses are ruined and condemned to exile by their own community. Dr. Amy Neustein, a nonfundamentalist Orthodox Jewish sociologist. . . told me the story of a series of Hasidic mothers in Brooklyn she got to know who complained that their children were being preyed on by their husbands. In these cases, the accused men “very quickly and effectively engage the rabbis, the Orthodox politicians, and powerful Orthodox rabbis who donate handsomely to political clubs.” The goal, she told me, is “to excise the mother from the child’s life.” Rabbinical courts cast the mothers aside, and the effects are permanent. The mother is “amputated.” One woman befriended by Dr. Neustein. . .lost contact with all six of her children, including an infant she was breastfeeding at the time of their separation.
Ketcham goes on to describe what happens to whistleblowers like Rabbi Rosenberg, who attempt to beam a light of scrutiny into the perverted precincts of utlra-Orthodox Judaism:
When Rabbi Rosenberg wants to bathe at a mikvah in Brooklyn to purify himself, none will have him. When he wants to go to synagogue, none will have him. “He is finished in the community, butchered,” said a fellow rabbi who would only talk anonymously. “No one will look at him, and those who will talk to him, they can’t let it be known. The pressure in our community, it’s incredible.”
Orthodox Judaism has strict laws regarding moisers or ‘informants,’ which forbid a Jew from informing on another Jew, regardless of his transgression. It’s not uncommon for a family who reports sexual abuse allegations to the authorities to be shunned by their fellow Judaics. A May 9, 2012 New York Times article titled ‘Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse,’ substantiates Ketcham’s reporting while detailing the travails of the Jungreis family, whose mentally defective son was sexually abused by a member of the Jewish community:
The first shock came when Mordechai Jungreis learned that his mentally disabled teenage son was being molested in a Jewish ritual bathhouse in Brooklyn. The second came after Mr. Jungreis complained, and the man accused of the abuse was arrested. Old friends started walking stonily past him and his family on the streets of Williamsburg. Their landlord kicked them out of their apartment. Anonymous messages filled their answering machine, cursing Mr. Jungries for turning in a fellow Jew. And, he said, the mother of a child in a wheelchair confronted Mr. Jungreis’s mother-in-law, saying the same man had molested her son, and she “did not report this crime, so why did your son-in-law have to?”. . . Abuse victims and their families have been expelled from religious schools and synagogues, shunned by fellow ultra-Orthodox Jews and targeted for harassment intended to destroy their businesses.
It goes without saying that sick individuals exist in all walks of life, not least of all within the Catholic Church and other Christian sects as well. The difference is, when a Catholic priest or a Protestant pastor molests a child, he is acting against the foundational teachings of his faith, whereas the Talmudic rabbi is acting in accord with his! Although many Jews who wield political power today probably don’t read the Talmud or even attend synagogue, they nevertheless seem to possess similar characteristics as those that do (Jeffrey Epstein’s unholy circle of friends immediately comes to mind). Ron Unz, in a 2018 article titled ‘Oddities of the Jewish Religion,’ provided a reasonable explanation for this phenomena:
“…it is important to keep in mind that until a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox, and even today I would guess that the overwhelming majority of Jewish adults had Orthodox grand-parents. Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments…”
Reverend Ted Pike makes a similar observation in his article ‘Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret’:
“Virtually all media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the book. But their book wasn’t the Bible. It was the Babylonian Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism’s highest moral, ethical and legal authority.”
I recently read a book titled Jews Are The Problem, written by black activist Ayo Kimathi. The book is relatively short, weighing in at 160 pages in 5.5″ X 8.5″ format, but it manages to cover a wide range of topics. Although I was familiar with much of the information presented, I found Jews Are The Problem to be an interesting read and I would recommend it as a good introduction to the Jewish question for anyone seeking to understand why our modern world looks the way it does. Mr. Kimathi deserves considerable praise, not only for what he has written, but also for what he chose to name his book. He could’ve easily called his book “Zionists Are The Problem,’ or ‘Secularizing Activists Are The Problem,’ or ‘Talmudic Sages Are The Problem,’ or any number of less inflammatory, yet imprecise, titles that would have no doubt been more palatable to the average man on the street. Instead, he chose to speak frankly, exhibiting “great boldness of speech.” (2 Cor 3:12)
On the back cover of his book, Mr. Kimathi writes the following:
Are we ready to accept the reality that the Jewish desire to control the planet and exterminate the majority of its people, Black, White, Yellow, and Brown is real? Are we ready to accept the reality that their plan for global conquest is close to complete? Do we actually believe there is no common link between global food shortages, COVID-19, pedophilia in the schools, transgender normalization, skyrocketing fuel prices, the collapse of the dollar, and organized child-sex and organ trafficking? This book provides the link. JEWS ARE THE PROBLEM
I understand why people recoil upon hearing the word ‘Jew’ when it’s used in a negative context. After a lifetime of conditioning, many people in the West have become accustomed to believing that any criticism of Jews will inevitably lead to some kind of a holocaust. On top of that, I’m sure almost every American probably knows somebody who was born into a Jewish family and is an upstanding citizen (even Hitler made Emil Maurice an honorary Aryan in 1935). The faces of the nice Jewish family down the street are undoubtedly among the first images that enter the minds of the Sally Soccer Moms and Joe Six-Packs when harsh words are spoken about Jews. But if we can’t speak plainly and deal with the issue as it actually exists, not as we’d like it to exist, we have no hope of providing a coherent explanation for the fundamental threat facing our world today. The stakes are high and the time for clever euphemisms and mealy-mouthed evasions is over. It’s high time we identify more than just war-Zionism and Bibi Netanyahu as obstacles to world peace. If both somehow disappeared tomorrow, the rotten fruit of the diseased tree of Judaism would continue to poison the world. Ayo Kimathi is right: Jews are the Problem.
“Jewish Problem” Conference in Kentucky Brings Together Antisemites, Extremists Across Political Spectrum
Published: 07.26.2024
Antisemitism in the USBias, Discrimination & HateExtremism, Terrorism & Bigotry
From: Center on Extremism
On June 30, 2024, some well-known antisemites from across the political and ideological spectrum gathered in Somerset, Kentucky, at the “JP” (or Jewish Problem) Conference. The event promoted anti-Jewish hate; speakers espoused disturbing rhetoric about Jews and proposed “solutions” to help fight against the “Jewish problem.” The conference featured white supremacists and far-right extremists, as well as Black nationalists and other antisemites — united by their shared hatred of Jews.
The JP Conference’s blatantly antisemitic focus and its range of speakers is unprecedented and highlights the dangerous rise of antisemitism in the United States. Although there have been other conferences featuring antisemitic speakers on themes such as Holocaust denial or the Middle East conflict, none have focused their hostility so sharply on the mere existence of Jews.
The conference was organized by 9/11 “truther” and antisemitic podcaster Khanverse, who also uses the names Naveed Khan and Kevin Victor, and presented by Network Radio, an independent media outlet that hosts conspiratorial podcasts. Network Radio’s founder, Fadi Malkosh, also helped host the conference.
Organizers also livestreamed the sessions on the official conference website, while participants uploaded portions of it to X (formerly Twitter), Rumble and the antisemitic Goyim Defense League’s (GDL) streaming site “Goyim TV,” among other platforms.
The “Jewish Problem”While organizers advertised the event as the “JP Conference” — possibly attempting to conceal the true nature of their antisemitic gathering — speakers routinely cited the “Jewish problem” and the “Jewish question” throughout their speeches and panel sessions. Significantly, on July 7, Lucas Gage posted an excerpt of his speech on X, explicitly referring to the event as “the Jewish Problem Conference.”
The concept of the “Jewish problem” — a phrase used interchangeably with the “Jewish question” — has long and troubling roots that include the Holocaust. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, antisemites in Europe invoked the phrase to portray Jews as a dangerous societal ill that could only be “cured” by removing purported Jewish influence or power, or Jews themselves. In its most extreme form, the “Jewish problem” found a receptive home in the Nazi movement and its eliminationist antisemitism that led to the Holocaust. Naming Jews as an inherent “problem” allows antisemites to dehumanize the Jewish people and to unite non-Jews to fight against an ostensible “common enemy.”
Conference speakersThe JP Conference hosted antisemitic authors, influencers, podcasters, extremists and former candidates from across the political spectrum. Chief among the speakers: Dr. Cynthia McKinney, a former Democratic member of the House of Representatives known for peddling antisemitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories and E. Michael Jones, a longtime antisemite and traditionalist Catholic writer who alleges that Jews are responsible for attacks on Catholicism and the destruction of moral societies.
Conference speaker Ayo Kimathi, a Maryland-based antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ Black nationalist, frequently collaborates with white supremacists and extremist groups like GDL, calling for a “temporary racial unification... to cleanse the earth [of Jews]." Other GDL-associated speakers included unsuccessful Wausau, WI mayoral candidate Christopher Wood, “internet personality” Evren Hun Welshons (a.k.a. Cultured Thug) and 9/11 “truther” Mike Delaney (a.k.a. Prothink). Delaney is the director behind the conspiratorial, antisemitic and anti-Israel documentary, “9/11: Missing Links.” Antisemitic social media influencers in attendance included Lucas Gage, Sam Parker and a representative from Gentile News Network, all of whom have significant followings on X.
Speeches and panel themesDepictions of Jews as evil and all-powerful
As expected, much of the rhetoric included general dehumanizing claims about Jews being inherently evil and deceitful.
Cynthia McKinney opened the conference by offering what she called her “reflections on hacking Jewish power,” claiming that her refusal to sign what she referred to as “a loyalty oath to Israel” prevented her from getting endorsements early on in her political career.
Many speakers claimed that Jews pose dangers to specific races or to all non-Jews. Ayo Kimathi argued that the “Jewish problem” unites all races, asserting that Jews have deliberately sowed division for “thousands of years” and that they are “planning for a major international crisis” to provoke infighting among white people. A Gentile News Network representative accused Jews of forcing immigrants into Western countries so that they could “commit a terrorist attack” that Jews would blame on Muslims in order to encourage fighting between white Christians and Muslims.
Towards the end of the event, Khanverse told attendees that “the one thing that distinguishes Jews and gentiles is that we're human,” pointing to the Israel-Hamas war as “proof” that Jews see no problem with using “AI weaponry” to murder children.
Antisemitic claims of Jewish control
Many speakers falsely claimed that Jews control institutions such as the government and the media — both age-old antisemitic tropes.
Ayo Kimathi asserted that Jews in government and public safety are strategically positioned to control the takeover of America from within, claiming that the Department of Homeland Security “represents the Jewish political control and domination of the overthrow of the Republic.”
Christopher Wood declared that both Joe Biden and Donald Trump are “owned by the Jews” and “are both against us,” while Lucas Gage claimed that voting in the upcoming election would just be playing “the game.” During a roundtable discussion on “solutions to the JP,” antisemitic influencer and failed U.S. Senate candidate Sam Parker advocated for reclaiming “sovereignty” from federal and state governments, and taking back power from the Jews.
Holocaust denial and conspiracy theories
Nearly every speaker shared false narratives or conspiracy theories implicating the Jewish community in supposed nefarious plots to undermine society and harm non-Jews.
Many speakers distorted history to promote their antisemitic agendas, alleging that Jews lied about historical events for their own gain. Long-time Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf claimed that Jews have deliberately exaggerated the Holocaust to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing, while Mike Delaney/Prothink declared that the established history of the 9/11 terror attacks was just another form of Jewish propaganda, coordinated by Jews to cover up their own role in the attacks. Speakers also invoked antisemitic COVID-19 conspiracy theories; Kimathi referred to the COVID vaccine as “the Jew jab,” declaring that anyone who survived the “bioweapon warfare” injection should consider themselves “Jewish holocaust survivors.”
Blame for “cultural degradation”
Several speakers blamed Jews for attacking so-called “traditional” values in America, including heterosexual relationships, classic gender roles and the nuclear family.
Evren Hun Welshons claimed that Jews are responsible for the modern-day “attack on masculinity,” referencing declining birth rates and sperm counts to argue that Jews are targeting human existence. He also claimed that fighting back against the Jews makes people more masculine, declaring that “being the anti-Jew is reembracing our warriorism, our masculinity.”
Many speakers also championed anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. Lucas Gage said that part of the “Jewish problem” is that the Jews supposedly control “how many genders there are,” a reference to gender non-binary individuals. During his presentation, Ayo Kimathi pulled up a slide about what he called “HomoZionism,” referring to a purported “HomoJudeo War.” He went on to describe the LGBTQ+ pride flag as the “Jewish cultural conquest flag,” which he claims is representative of Jews attempting “to take away your sense of family, man, woman, child.”
Mentions of Israel-Hamas conflict
Several speakers highlighted Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas, including Khanverse, who said that the Israel-Hamas war was a major rationale for organizing the conference.
Sam Parker admitted that he grew up being pro-Israel and supporting Zionism, but that later in life he started “learning the truth” about what he referred to as “Jewish subversion and the Jewish mafia.” Lucas Gage described Israelis as “demonic people,” claiming they enjoy seeing children in Gaza suffer in an ongoing “genocide.”
Others like E. Michael Jones noted the impact of the war on what he claimed are increasingly negative perceptions of Jews, declaring that the global reaction to Israel’s military actions has “brought about a global consensus that Jews…are enemies of the entire human race.”
Solving the “Jewish Problem”
Speakers at the conference held panel discussions during which they offered “solutions to the JP,” or the “Jewish problem.” Their antisemitic suggestions included calls for people of different races, religions and nations to combine efforts to fight their common Jewish enemy.
Claiming that “since our birth, we’ve been raised on the Jewish teat,” Evren Hun Welshons called for every individual who has been “awakened to the Jewish problem” to remove the “shackles” of Jewish influence from their life.
Delaney/Prothink urged parents to try homeschooling, referring to public school systems as “Jewish indoctrination camps.” Sam Parker recommended having conversations with children and young people to teach them about “how the Jew operates” and how Jews are supposedly waging wars on gentiles. He also advocated for what he referred to as “the separation of synagogue and state.” E. Michael Jones proposed the creation of an explicitly anti-Jewish political party, similar to the Anti-Masonic Party of the early 19th century, which was born out of an opposition to freemasonry.
Other speakers focused on what they felt people could learn from the failures of previous antisemitic movements and initiatives. Blaming Jews for the backlash against the 2017 white supremacist Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, antisemitic publisher and podcaster Dave Gahary argued that people must learn how the “Jewish lobby” silences criticism “from rival ethnic groups.” E. Michael Jones blamed the organizers and attendees of Charlottesville for not doing enough to “identify the Jew as the enemy.”
The proposed “solutions" to the “Jewish problem” offered at the Kentucky conference were a chilling echo of similar debates in 1930s Germany — which ultimately led to the Nazi implementation of a “final solution” to the “Jewish problem.”
Gus Leonisky
self defence .....killing hippocrates....
By Chris Hedges / The Chris Hedges Report
This interview is also available on podcast platforms and Rumble.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said, “The protection of hospitals during warfare is paramount and must be respected by all sides, at all times.” International law enshrines medical facilities as sanctuaries for those in direst need but as Dr. Rupa Marya tells host Chris Hedges on this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, Israel’s attacks on hospitals amidst the ongoing genocide represent a catastrophic violation of this principle.
A professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, Marya now faces suspension for speaking out against Israel’s blatant violations of international law. “The killing of healthcare workers [in Gaza] is related to the silencing of healthcare workers here [in the U.S.], and that by silencing us, the medical institutions we are a part of, which have an obligation, professionally and morally, to uphold all life, are actually abetting and enabling genocide,” Marya tells Hedges.
Marya describes the horror scenes at hospitals across Gaza. The IDF not only targets hospitals with airstrikes but also enters them to deploy gun strapped drones that kill patients and staff as well as destroy vital medical machines and instruments. “Hamas is not hiding in those machines. This is an attempt to shorten the life of Palestinian people,” Marya says.
Mayra, collaborating with a handful of medical professionals and lawyers, is authoring a UN report, addressing what they refer to as “the genocide enablement apparatus of Israel.” Alongside bringing critical attention to the collapse of Gaza’s healthcare system, they urge the inclusion of medical professionals future international legal frameworks for defining genocide. “It does not take months to see that this was a genocide. So for those of us who were in touch with the physicians on the ground and the healthcare workers on the ground in October, it was clear that this was a genocide.”
NOTE TO SCHEERPOST READERS FROM CHRIS HEDGES: There is now no way left for me to continue to write a weekly column for ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show without your help. The walls are closing in, with startling rapidity, on independent journalism, with the elites, including the Democratic Party elites, clamoring for more and more censorship. Bob Scheer, who runs ScheerPost on a shoestring budget, and I will not waver in our commitment to independent and honest journalism, and we will never put ScheerPost behind a paywall, charge a subscription for it, sell your data or accept advertising. Please, if you can, sign up at so I can continue to post my now weekly Monday column on ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show, The Chris Hedges Report.
Host:Chris Hedges
Producer:Max Jones
Intro:Diego Ramos
Crew:Diego Ramos, Sofia Menemenlis and Thomas Hedges
Transcript:Diego Ramos
TranscriptChris Hedges
In September 2024, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) medical school placed Dr. Rupa Marya on paid leave. Her clinical privileges were suspended, jeopardizing her medical license. Dr. Marya’s offence was decrying Israeli attacks on ambulances, clinics and hospitals and the targeted assassination and detention of hundreds of health workers, including Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, a pediatrician and the director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, many of whom have endured torture. She denounced a call by Israeli doctors to bomb all the hospitals in Gaza and criticized The Journal of the American Medical Association for providing moral cover for Israel’s obliteration of health care facilities in Gaza. She asked that the university examine the implications of inviting students with military backgrounds to join academic and health care institutions without accountability or screening. She has called for a medical boycott of Israel and on Jan. 6 helped organize a sick-out by health care providers to protest the genocide.
Dr. Marya’s scholarly work focuses on how capitalism and colonialism have impacted every aspect of our lives including our health. This impact is especially true for the colonized Palestinians. Decolonization, she writes, is not only about liberating the colonized, but also about liberating ourselves, about reorienting our society away from exploitation to one where community and the common good come before profit. Joining me to discuss these issues is Dr. Rupa Marya, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where, until she was suspended, she practiced and taught internal medicine, and who with Raj Patel wrote Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice.
I have to begin—you’ve been rooted in this decolonialization, this decolonizing for years and years and years, but the moment you make it applicable to the moment, to the reality around you, they come down on you like a ton of bricks. What happened? Was it that they permitted this kind of research and this kind of truth only when it was theoretical?
Rupa Marya
Yeah, when we think about—thank you, first of all, Chris, for that amazing introduction, and thank you for having me here. So I’m speaking to you today from occupied and unceded Ohlone territory in what’s now called the San Francisco Bay Area. And when we were writing about decolonization, people, I think, thought of it as a fait accompli, something in the past, colonialism happened there. We’re going to talk about it as a historical process, but that historical process is ongoing, even here in California, with the ongoing erasure of California Native people, with the ongoing genocide of California Native people. So when we realize that those processes of violence are ongoing, that’s when it becomes threatening to the powers that benefit off of the colonial structures. And that we saw that around the time of George Floyd, where everyone was reaching to do DEI work and make their land acknowledgements, but no one was willing to give the land back. So we can start talking about these things as liberal trappings, but we can’t really talk about them in the essence of what they are, which is the discussion around power. Who has power in their homelands? Who has the power and the ability to live with the right to health? And for those of us who want to build a world of care, we believe everyone has that, everyone should have that. And so when we started talking about Palestine, because that reality is an active settler colonial project with extreme violence. Right now, it’s in the most extreme aspect of violence of settler colonialism, which is the genocide, which is the total erasure. From the scholastic side, which we just saw that historic vote from the AHA (American Historical Assocation), to the decimation of the hospitals, the decimation of places of worship, of people’s residences, of housing, of the olive groves, everything about Palestinian culture, identity and the possibility of living a healthy life is being structurally attacked, and that is why, and part of how we understand this is a genocidal project. So I think that the very active, real threat that this scholarship poses to US imperial interests, to US Empire is why I’m being targeted and attacked. But these are ideas that have been around for as long as colonialism, has been around for at least 600 years.
Chris Hedges
Yeah. Well, I went to these schools, and professors are quite happy to be radicals as long as the classroom door is closed, but as soon as they step outside, they become utterly obsequious to the centers of power. That is not your case. That makes you the exception. It’s not that it’s not taught, it’s just that it’s not applied.
Rupa Marya
Yeah, and I think that’s part of the challenge that UCSF, where I work, has had with me, is that while I’ve been a physician, and I love my work, serving patients and my community, I’ve also been an activist. I’ve also been a world touring musician, where I learned a lot firsthand about the intersections between health and society by taking my band on the road. And when you travel around the world with music, people bring you into their communities. They tell you their stories. And it was very apparent to me, as I toured for 17 years, who was getting sick and how they were getting sick. And that really formed the basis of our understanding that came out in our book, that Raj and I wrote, “Inflamed,” where we started to notice that there were dynamics of damage that were being created by social and environmental systems that have been created over the last 600 years to advance very specific agendas of concentrating wealth in very few hands and leaving the rest of the people to serve the interests of those elite. And so right now is a moment where all of that is crumbling, and COVID was an important moment to start to show those things corroding, and the movement for Black lives, and all the movements we’ve seen, from the Black Panthers party to the AIM (American Indian Movement)movement, and these movements around the world have been critical for raising our consciousness and raising our awareness, and now it’s all hitting ahead as we’re witnessing this targeted destruction of the Palestinian—well, the health care system in Gaza, specifically, and the ripple effects that’s having around the world.
Chris Hedges
Let’s talk about it. You’ve been on it from the beginning. Let’s talk about what’s happened to the health care system, and let’s talk about the plight of medical people, people within the medical profession in Gaza, hundreds of whom have been detained. Many—we have credible instances of torture. And the director of the hospital that I mentioned the introduction has disappeared. We don’t actually, I don’t think there’s any hard information that we even know where he is. We can suppose, we can guess where he is in the Negev [desert], but we don’t know.
Rupa Marya
Yeah, so we’re, calling health care workers around the world are calling for the immediate release of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyya, as well as the other more than 400 healthcare workers who are being detained by Israel. So since October 17, with the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, Israel has embarked on this campaign to systematically and completely destroy the healthcare infrastructure of Gaza. And this targeting and destruction of the health care system was called on by over 100 Israeli doctors who signed a letter to call for this destruction. This isn’t the first time Israel has attacked Gaza’s health care systems. So hospitals have been bombed by Israel for years and decades before that, but since October 2023 with the complete siege on Gaza, where the electricity, food, water, medicine was not allowed to come in, and then the targeting attacks on the hospitals, bombing the hospitals and destroying the infrastructure of the hospitals, the combined impact of that is to accelerate the annihilation of the Palestinian people. Now, the pretenses that Israel has been giving that, oh, well, there’s Hamas tunnels, there’s a Hamas command center, there’s a Hamas—you know, even the absurdity of calling Dr. Abu Safiyya a Hamas colonel, there has been no evidence for any of this. All of this has been under false pretenses and multiple independent investigations. AP, even the Associated Press had a piece, the UN has examined, we haven’t seen anything like this. Doctors like Dr. [Mark] Perlmutter who went from the United States and came back, said no one saw a gun inside the hospital. No one saw any evidence of any military activity inside the hospital. What they saw were mass casualty events where over 80% of the people who were injured were children. What they saw, as the New York Times editorial piece revealed, was that children were being sniped in the head and in the chest. And I started receiving these reports as early as March of this year, as nurses were returning back from serving medical support in Gaza. So when we understand that this attack, these attacks are to actually specifically destroy the ability of the people who are there to help and heal those who have been harmed in these targeted bombings and attacks on residential units, on residential spaces, on universities, on schools—the people who are tasked with helping those people heal are being eliminated. And so Dr. Nick Maynard gave a talk at Trinity College Dublin, where he described that these Israeli military soldiers were entering hospitals, not only throwing drones, quadcopter drones with the guns, throwing the drones into the hospital so the guns would just gun down patients and staff alike, but also entering the hospital to destroy things like the hemodialysis machines and the CAT scanners and the lab machines. Hamas is not hiding in those machines. This is an attempt to shorten the life of Palestinian people. And so I started receiving communication from Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah, who was the doctor who gave his testimony to The Hague back in October of 2023 and at that time, I had been commissioned by the British Medical Journal to write an article about decolonization. They wanted me to talk about decolonization of food. I do work around land return to California native folks and growing food as a human right here in the Bay Area. And so as I was receiving these messages from Dr. Abu-Sittah, I asked the editors at the British Medical Journal if I could instead talk about the decolonization of Palestine. And they agreed, and I said, I’m receiving these reports. So I wrote them up, children and people receiving amputations without enough anesthesia. Surgeons doing surgeries by candlelight because there was no electricity. Physicians using vinegar from the corner store, because there were no medications to treat deadly Pseudomonas infections, just things that caused just horror to my ears as a physician. And so I would type up Abu-Sittah’s reports every day and send them in to the British Medical Journal, and they would ask me to rewrite. They asked me to rewrite this essay six or seven times, and then they flat out refused to publish it. They didn’t give like, oh, we have other things we’re publishing right now. Nothing like that came out in October or November of 2023, and imagine if it had, right. And so this is where we start to look at what is happening in the US and in the Western medical institutions. So people like myself, who were starting to say, stop bombing hospitals were getting death threats and rape threats, were put under investigation for their social media behavior immediately in November of 2023 by my university. We had the American Medical Association silencing even a discussion of a cease fire resolution brought up by medical students and the minority group of physicians who are part of that organization, abandoning their normal democratic processes and silencing even a discussion of a ceasefire resolution. We had residents silenced, nurses suspended, and now a doctor was fired from Emory, who’s Palestinian, who spoke up about the right for Palestinians to defend themselves in the face of Israeli aggression. And so when we start to look at what that is about, what we are starting to understand that our repression here in the United States, in the UK and Canada, our repression here, is a part of the genocide there, because by removing our voices, by silencing the medical institutions, by the medical institutions silencing healthcare workers who are speaking up, by firing us, threatening to fire us, disciplining us, suspending us, making us afraid to speak, it has prevented what Dr. Mads Gilbert has described as the avalanche of solidarity that is needed to stop this genocide. And so we are writing this up for a report to the UN that we’re submitting as what Dr. Abu-Sittah offered the framework, he called it the Israeli genocide enablement apparatus. That the killing of healthcare workers there is related to the silencing of healthcare workers here, and that by silencing us, the medical institutions we are a part of, which have an obligation, professionally and morally, to uphold all life, are actually abetting genocide, abetting and enabling genocide. And so this is a very serious charge and a very serious thing we need to look at as healthcare workers in the United States, where health equity—we have health disparities where Black mothers are dying at 12 times the rate of white mothers. Well, why is that? So? Even though medical institutions will make pronouncements, yes, we care about health equity. Yes, we want to end health disparities. Just like we were saying before when it comes to actually changing power. Who has the power to make decisions about where the health care resources are going? Who has the power to decide when we’ll speak up for life and when we won’t? People were quick to denounce the bombing of Ukrainian hospitals by Russia. The AMA put out a statement right away—Russia should not bomb these hospitals. Even Hillary Clinton made a pronouncement. But when it comes to the actual targeting of the entire healthcare infrastructure of Gaza, all of these institutions have been silent and then have been active in repressing and silencing us. This is part of the deeply racist dynamics of the Western medical system and must be taken on by health care workers if we really care about providing the right of health for all.
Chris Hedges
Let’s talk about, just briefly, what it’s like on the ground for Palestinians in Gaza, they don’t have clean water. We’re seeing spreads of infectious diseases, malnutrition, hunger. It’s very cold in Gaza. People have been dying, I assume, from hypothermia, but from the cold. Let’s talk about that, the health crisis that is being orchestrated by Israel on the Palestinians in Gaza, because it’s by design. It’s by design.
Rupa Marya
It is by design. So cutting off the food, so the amount of aid that’s sitting there at the border that Israel is preventing from coming in. Cutting off the food has led to malnourishment. So when folks are malnourished and children are malnourished, they cannot fight infections, and they cannot heal their wounds. So people are dying of preventable diseases, something as simple as diabetic ketoacidosis, something that we can treat with insulin, we can treat with medicine. Children are dying of DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis. Children are dying of preventable causes and getting infections that they should not have, things like polio. And so this is a catastrophic, a manufactured catastrophe, again, to annihilate the Palestinian people. It is utterly dire. Children are freezing to death, as you just mentioned. There’s no electricity, there’s no fuel, there’s no ability to heat themselves. You know, over 80% of the housing has been obliterated. There’s no shelter. So these are ways in which to, again, accelerate the death and the annihilation of the Palestinian people. So for physicians and healthcare workers on the ground, I can’t even imagine the set of circumstances our colleagues are communicating. So the great work—I encourage everyone to follow Doctors Against Genocide. Every week we meet on Sunday, it’s become our church, where we hear reports from our colleagues in Gaza about what’s happening. We hear reports from physicians and other healthcare workers who have returned from Gaza to tell us what’s happening most immediately on the ground and what’s needed. And what’s needed is an immediate arms embargo. The United States needs to adhere to its legal obligation to uphold the Geneva Convention and not abet genocide and not provide material support for genocide. We need an arms embargo. We need immediate humanitarian assistance into Gaza, unrestricted, not controlled by Israelis, but there to relieve the suffering of the Palestinian people. We need folks to stop normalizing the presence of genocide endorsers and perpetrators in our spaces of healthcare and in our institutions of learning. If we have IDF reservists on campus, of course, the students are not going to be free to speak. So we need to be able to push for the things that we know are necessary for life, which is the medicine, the food, the electricity, the water. So without these things, life becomes impossible, and that’s what Israel is trying to ensure as they seek to depopulate Gaza.
Chris Hedges
I want you to talk about the repression internally within the United States against people such as yourself who have spoken out and the mechanics of it. Is it the [Helen] Diller [Family] Foundation , am I correct? Is that the right name? They are a funder of the Canary Mission, this insidious website that smears and attacks academics and students who speak out for Palestinian rights. They wield—these forces, these institutions, these entities—wield tremendous amounts of money, and they use it. Now, I think that the Diller Foundation is a major contributor to your medical school, is that right? But talk about how, behind the scenes, what is the engine driving this repression? It, of course, has close links with Israel. We saw that over the summer, where universities coordinated with so-called security groups, many with ties to Israel, on ways to essentially turn academic institutions into academic gulags, which they’ve essentially done, but explain for us how it works, because you’ve been a kind of target for them now for many, many months.
Rupa Marya
Yeah, and it’s been very revealing, and I’m sure there will be lots of fallout from this for the American people to learn about. Especially in California, where I work, at the University of California. So this is a public university. So I was targeted by a California State Senator, Scott Weiner, who is also a recipient of money from the Diller family. So the Diller family makes their money, and this is just—my tale as an example, because it’s replicated ad nauseam across the country, but the Diller family makes their money from the Prometheus Real Estate Group. They are the largest corporate landlord of the Bay Area, so their ability to control the rents and set what the market rate is has functionally left thousands of working class people unhoused in the Bay Area, okay? This group then goes and donates money to Scott Weiner, who is a California state senator who helps to green light their real estate development projects. Scott Weiner has ties to Israel, he’s been several times during the genocide. Scott Weiner is also involved in a caucus that has gone through California’s ethnic studies program and tried to remove any discussion about Palestine. Scott Weiner has personally harassed me and cyber bullied me online. And it was through his cyber bullying that I landed myself on the Canary Mission. So the Dillers fund Scott Wiener, the Dillers fund, the Canary Mission and the Dillers fund UCSF. So the largest funder to the entire UC system is the Diller Foundation. And so the question is, what are these relationships? When I first saw Scott Wiener tag UCSF online, and then UCSF respond with a defamatory post about me, which no one had ever seen before in the history of being at UCSF. Wow, they’re attacking a faculty of color for her area of expertise, which is looking at power and health. And so when that happened, some lawyers at the Center for Protest Law and Litigation were like, this is interesting. Are a California State Senator, a donor at a university conspiring to deny this professor her first amendment rights? And that and painting me as a Jew hater, as antisemitic, which has enraged my Jewish community here in the Bay Area, who I’ve served for years and years, and who wrapped their arms around me as this outrage from the right wing has come. The Diller Foundation also funds an organization, or has funded organizations in the West Bank that empower settlers to evict Palestinians from their homes and to take them over. So these people are literally putting people in tents from San Francisco to Gaza, right? And so understand that these are not theoretical connections, these are a right wing forces masquerading in California as a California Democrat. You know, rainbow-wash Democrat, greenwash Democrat, Scott Weiner is one of the most right-wing forces in California, and we as the people of California—So now California’s public schools are overwhelmingly made up of people of color, and here are the people who are trying to insidiously and overtly remove our histories from what we learn, remove our faculty of color, especially, it’s women of color who are getting targeted. I think most of the people being targeted across faculties in the California system are women of color. So to silence us, to remove us, to remove our histories, this is part of a right-wing project, a white supremacist project, I should also iterate here. And so that’s why we’re seeing these strange bedfellows of Christian nationalists in bed with these right-wing Zionists and the American people need to learn about this. Need to learn what is happening to our public school systems, so that we can start to think, wait, where do we want our money to be going? For example, the United States has given over $300 billion to Israel. Meanwhile, people in Israel have universal health care. Here in the United States, my patients are denied health care all the time by these health insurance corporations who are making record profits. During the COVID pandemic, we were told we have to tighten the hatches and everyone buckle up and take a pay cut or take a pay freeze. The doctors got pay freezes. The nurses got increased burden of work on their shoulders. But these health care insurance companies made record profits during COVID. Meanwhile, patients are denied care. People can’t find care for their long COVID Now they’re denied care, and so we…
Chris Hedges
I just want to interrupt, because, from your book, you write about how this impacted disproportionately poor people of color. That it’s not just all of us, but the people who really took the brunt of it were poor people of color.
Rupa Marya
Absolutely and the biggest block that’s trying to prevent Medicare for all, or universal government health care, single payer health care in the United States are white folks who don’t want to see Black people get healthcare. And there was a great New York Times article written about that. And so I think that when we understand that these are right-wing white supremacist forces that are trying to hold on to a structure of power, that needs to come down, that needs to be composted, that needs to be re-imagined. The University of California belongs to the people of California. I, as a physician, serve the people of California, all of them. And so I also serve people of the world. When I look at my scholarship around colonialism and health, these are global phenomenon that have their reach right here into the heart of where we live, in the Bay Area. And so as we start to make these connections and start to see instead of sending the money there, let’s get universal health care here. Instead of muzzling our students and creating, as you said, gulags on campus, let’s invite them to participate in imagining the world that we need as we are confronting these intersecting crises of pandemic, of climate collapse and now genocide. So we need the students engaged. We need them excited about building a better world, not demoralized, like I’ve seen across campuses. We need to get them activated again.
Chris Hedges
What about the medical associations? You’ve also run into conflict with the AMA and these big, large medical organizations. Why are they so tied to the Zionist project?
Rupa Marya
Because it’s a part of US empire. So as we understand the AMA, these medical associations are mouthpieces for US Empire. They’re not mouthpieces for the health of the people of the United States. And that’s where we start to have to look at how we dissect away empire from the work of being a doctor, from the work of being a physician, the work of being a health care worker. We want to serve our communities. We want to see everyone get health care, have housing, have education, without going into debt. Medical debt in the United States is the number one cause of personal bankruptcy. We know that debt itself is a driver, an independent driver, of chronic inflammation. Raj and I wrote about that in our book. And so when we look at these systems, it’s a clear indication that it’s time to start inverting them. We don’t need to shoot CEOs in broad daylight, that doesn’t solve anything. What does, though, is people organizing their labor, organizing themselves, and refusing to participate in a system that will take our money and send it to destroy a health care system in one country while we are not getting health care here, and it’s a critical time to do that.
Chris Hedges
Let’s talk about your report, which you’re about to submit to the UN. Tell us what it is you are writing about and what you’re proposing.
Rupa Marya
So this report is being written, probably about by 20 different healthcare workers now and lawyers, some who are in Gaza, some who’ve been to Gaza and come back and reported. Some of us who have been here and just advocated to stop the genocide. This is a project that we’re doing with Doctors Against Genocide, which has been a wonderful group to advocate for ending this and all genocides. But in that report, we are describing fully what we’re calling the genocide enablement apparatus of Israel as it pertains to the destruction of healthcare in Gaza and the silencing of healthcare workers across the West. We understand that these things are related and they need to be treated as such. So in addition to that framework and analysis, we’re also at advocating for doctors, for physicians to be involved in the international legal framework around when we define and call something a genocide. It does not take months to see that this was a genocide. So for those of us who were in touch with the physicians on the ground and the health care workers on the ground in October, it was clear that this was a genocide. How people were being targeted, the kinds of wounds we were seeing, the kinds of structural targeting we were seeing of those things that were necessary for life—so water, food, medicine, energy and then shelter. So when we saw those things go down, for physicians, it was very clear that this was a way to accelerate the annihilation of the Palestinian people. And so our report makes an argument for why doctors need to be involved from an international framework to prevent future genocide. So we’re not waiting for the legal back and forth the way that we have
Chris Hedges
And talk about the sick out. So this is—what is it? A one day work stoppage? These kinds of activities to begin to push back against the genocide.
Rupa Marya
So Sick From Genocide, is the name of the campaign. Some of us have taken longer leave. So people are experiencing severe moral injury. The health care workers around the world have been shocked not only by the violence that they’re seeing—patients burned alive in their beds, physicians tortured to death, like Dr. Adnan al-Bursh by Israeli military, by Israeli doctors, that was an article in the British Medical Journal. So physicians, healthcare workers, nurses, we are experiencing high degrees of moral injury in just witnessing this genocide. Not only that, the silencing that’s happening in our medical institutions further dehumanizes us because we are not able to enter our places of work with our grief. We are not able to say out loud, oh, my God, they killed 18,000 children. I just saw a picture of a child burned alive. We’re not able to talk about that and that repression is causing another level of moral injury to health care workers. And so what people have asked for is just a time to grieve, a mental health break. And when we look at that too, with the dehumanization that’s required of us every day as health care workers in a capitalist system where we are witnessing people denied the care that they deserve from the health care insurance companies. There’s just a toll that happens. Physician burnout is one of the leading causes of suicide. Our profession has a very high rate of suicide, and burnout is an inappropriate term. We’re not burning out. We’re being morally injured. We’re being morally injured by these structures. And so this is a time for us to grieve, for us to gather, for us to take care of ourselves, as well as a time for us to start thinking about how to organize our labor so that we can start building the health care system we need, because medical students don’t want to be part of of that violence. They’re asking for something different.
Chris Hedges
Where do you if you draw, if you can draw a historical parallel. I mean, I was in Sarajevo during the war, and it’s not that the hospitals wouldn’t get hit. They did, everything got hit, but they weren’t targeted. They weren’t destroyed. They weren’t obliterated. I’m having a hard time remembering, I mean a kind of scorched earth campaign where, I mean, we have Israeli tanks surrounding hospitals, firing into these hospitals. There was a massacre at Al Shifa Hospital. Is there a historical analogy to what’s happening?
Rupa Marya
I don’t think there is one historically, but we do know that the Geneva Conventions came out of the fall of Nazi Germany. That we decided collectively in the world that we did not want to see the targeting of healthcare facilities, because we understand that it’s critical for people who are sick to get care, and it’s critical for healthcare workers to work without this kind of threat. So again, the false pretenses that they’re all Hamas, like everything’s Hamas. What are these children Hamas? Like everyone’s potential Hamas? So you can say that and murder everybody, just like doctors who were standing on the front line in Standing Rock. So I was called by California native folks out to assist the grandmothers in the Dakotas during the Standing Rock encampment as they were fighting to get a pipeline stopped—the Dakota Access Pipeline—from going through their drinking water, from going through their sacred water. The military contractor TigerSwan, which was probably cut its teeth in Israel as well, framed all of us there at the encampment as terrorists. Had the fervor of jihadi terrorists, we were told, because we were there making sure that grandmothers, who were getting shot in the face and in the groin and chest by rubber bullets, were not injured. That, to me, was preposterous. So if you can label anyone who is against the interests of US empire and the fossil fuel industry and the oligarchs that are controlling what we’re all living under, you can describe us all as terrorists, and that’s what they’re doing in Gaza. And there hasn’t been something like this. And what’s atrocious is that the West has been silent, that Western medical institutions that were part of the doctors trials, the Nuremberg trials, looking at what happened in Nazi Germany and deciding to create something different, that those medical institutions have been silent, and so it’s a time for us to push back. It’s a time for us to speak up. I’ve been hammered. I have been hammered for 15 months, and I’m still here speaking. And if all of us do that, they can’t fire us all. They can’t suspend us all. We are how this system works, and we need to recognize that and start speaking up.
Chris Hedges
Great. Thanks, Rupa. I want to thank Diego [Ramos], Max [Jones], Thomas [Hedges] and Sofia [Menemenlis], who produced the show. You can find me
Gus Leonisky