Sunday 12th of January 2025

but the truth is .....

but the truth is .....

The debate over climate change in Australia could be seen as evidence of the existence of parallel universes.  

It is as if Australia and 191 other countries, including China and India, never signed and ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, as if the new Howard Government never signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. In this universe, Australia is a leader on climate change. 

Basic facts seem to have gone down the memory hole.  

Indeed, John Howard is asked: "Why won't you sign?"  

The reason he gives for not ratifying the protocol, unlike 175 other parties to the convention, is that it does not commit developing nations to targets, an exemption established under the convention.  

The real reason is that the US withdrew and Australia followed. 

Australia Is Not A Climate Change Leader

loose polls...

Howard set to lose Bennelong: poll

A newspaper poll to be published tomorrow shows Prime Minister John Howard on track to lose his seat of Bennelong to Labor's candidate, Maxine McKew.

A Galaxy Poll to be published in The Sunday Telegraph shows Labor leading in Bennelong with a primary vote of 47 per cent, compared to the Liberals with 46.


Gus: let's hope the result reflects these polls... But nothing is certain until the final count. Howard deserve to loose. He never deserved to be PM. His war in Iraq is a disgrace. His manipulation of the distress of illegal refugees is a disgrace. Etc....

Kick John Howard out...