Sunday 12th of January 2025

toxic dwarf exposed .....


toxic dwarf exposed ..... 

'The allegations raised by Pearse are not easily dismissed . . . because of his pedigree and because of his access this is a book that could do considerable damage' (Chris Hammer – The Bulletin) 

'Pearse is not so much dumping on the Liberal establishment as trying with all his charming might to save Liberal power-holders from the worst effects of their own bad policy choices … a vivid story … carefully researched and scholarly analysis …' (John Uhr – The Canberra Times) 

'What sets Dr Pearse apart from some other Australians just as convinced that the PM is the nation's stumbling block on climate change is that he comes from a position of authority … Dr Pearse adds far greater detail to his Four Corners allegations in the more than 400 pages of his first book High & Dry, which has been selling fast since it reached the bookstores … ' (Chris Johnson – The West Australian)

'(Pearse) means to have his message heard. With the political savvy honed over 15 years in the service of the Liberal Party, he has timed the release of his book in the run-up to the federal election.' (Deborah Bogle – Adelaide Advertiser) 'Guy Pearse – a Liberal who cares about climate change. He's obviously on the take from the environmental movement. What a complete f*cken fraud!' (Charles Firth – The Chaser's War on Everything) 

High & Dry

unrealistic option

Debnam breaks ranks on Kyoto

Clean coal an 'oxymoron': Peter Debnam

Former New South Wales Liberal leader Peter Debnam has broken ranks with the Federal Coalition, saying the Kyoto protocol should have been ratified long ago.

The New South Wales Opposition energy spokesman has told an energy conference clean coal is an oxymoron and nuclear power is not a realistic option for Australia.

The Federal Coalition has refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol on climate change and insists nuclear energy must be considered.

Mr Debnam says Australia has to grab clean sustainable energy strategies.


Gus: I suspect this Debnamism is designed to undermine the Rudd/Labor policy on "clean coal" and at the same time bringing the concept of nuclear energy on the discussion table... even if it is not a "realistic" option.

But for us, the average voters, first things first: Get rid of John Howard then encourage a shift in the real dialog on climate change back to where it should have been long ago... And congratulation for Debnam to acknowledge the importance of the Kyoto Protocol.