Tex Murdoch and his tabloid propogandists love and respect the Australian people and our democratic processes very, very much. Why, so deeply does he love his former fellow Citizens that he regards it as his personal responsibility to ensure we're all well aware before the election date that that well-known Nazi Bob Brown intends to provide crack cocaine free to our pre-school kids...among many other 'kooky' policies:
- LAWS to force people to ride bicycles more often and eat less meat; [Oh, but do go and check for yourself, voters];
- DRIVING farmers from their land; [Oh, but do go and check for yourself, voters]
- MEDICARE funding for sex-change operations. [Yes, do go and check for yourself, voters]
- CAPITAL gains tax on the most expensive family homes. [But go and check for yourself, voters]
- AN OPEN door policy on asylum seekers. [Go, go, go and check for yourself, voters]
Ah, yes, I love the smell of the politics of fear, versus the politics of policies. NHJ! reports, you decide.
Are we just a tiny little bit scared, scared, scaredy-cat scare campaign by true democracy at work all of a sudden, Rupert and John? Now that you've started paying attention to all those plump Greens (and small-l Lib and Independent) numbers, eh? Well, reap and sow, boys. Sow and reap.
Sydney voters will remember how effectively this anti-Greens 'drug fiends' hatchet job worked when Rupert's agit-proppers unleashed it in the last few days of the 2003 NSW election. But honestly...I really do wonder if such blatant scare-tactics will work a second time around. We'll see, I s'pose. Because one thing is already clear: it's not just Howard and Rupert, but Labor and the Dems too who are all mighty nervous about just how popular, well-respected and - dare I say, TRUSTED - the likes of Brown, Andrew Wilkie, Kerry Nettle and Mike Organ just might turn out to be come the 9th.
But then simply standing up for Australian Citizens in Australia's Parliament can have that effect, I'm told. Kooky, huh John?
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