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fashioning consent .....Who needs a Ministry of Truth when we have an "independent media" that seems perfectly willing to tell us that we've always been at war with East Asia? I'm referring to the perfect fluidity, depending on the storyline, with which the legitimacy, or lack thereof, of the "Iraqi government" is acknowledged. For example, when bushit cuts a deal with Iraqi PM Nouri al Maliki for a long-term troop presence in the country, or when John McCain says that it's OK to keep US troops in Iraq for "ten million years" as long as the "Iraqi government" doesn't object, those statements are taken at face value. But when a majority of the Iraqi parliament says: "We demand a timetable for withdrawal of the occupation forces from our beloved Iraq," it goes virtually un-remarked upon in the commercial press. Indeed, despite this, the bushit crime family & their Iraqi puppet government pushed a resolution through the UN Security Council to extend by another year the legal cover for foreign troops to operate in Iraq. The move on December 18 violated both the Iraqi constitution and the resolution passed earlier this year by the Iraqi Parliament. Many Iraqi lawmakers say that any renewal of the UN mandate not ratified by Parliament is illegal. The move almost guarantees an increase in violence and a deepening of sectarian tensions.The idea of "shocking & awing" a country, invading it with massive ground forces, putting its leadership to death, establishing a government in an enclave defended by US troops & then considering that government's diktats legitimate - but only when it's convenient to do so for the US - is something straight from Orwell's classic work, 1984.
The Vichy government's invitation to the Nazis to remain in France was exactly as legitimate or illegitimate & only a modicum of intellectual consistency is required to see that.
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