Wednesday 1st of January 2025

Australians no longer valued by our politians (Adrian Cooper)

Great book, I would love to see it as madatory reading for all our college and university students.

Now that our political leaders are seamingly joined at the hip never to be separated, there appears to be just one remaining policy where Australia has not aligned itself with our American friends. An American Citizen can still expect the full support of their Government and all its resources to extract them from difficulty anywhere in the world.

If David Hicks had been an American and it was Australia which had jailed him without charge, John Howard would very quickly learnt how little respect America has for his Australia. They would simply recover the guy at any cost, with absolutely NO concern about the impact on our Diplomatic relationship. Our Foreign Minister would probably come out in praise of the America for having the guts to do what he is unable to even contemplate.

Many other countries have negotiated the release of the countrymen for trial in their home country, why is our Government so reluctant ??