Wednesday 1st of January 2025

Voters, not parties, decide who they will preference (David Allen)

You're right about the problems with our democracy being, at least in part, due to the voting population. The sad fact is that many are ignorant of our political systems with this ignorance being aided and abetted, if not inculcated, by the media. The matter of preferences being a case in point.

Once again we are in an election campaign and once again the media in general, and the ABC in particular, is misleading the population in discussing the 'fact' that political parties 'give', 'direct', or 'allocate' preferences.

This is totally inaccurate as voters determine their preferences.

Comments heard amongst my acquaintances in the last 24 hours include, 'I'd like to vote for the Democrats but I'll wait to see who they are giving their preferences to' and 'If you vote for a minor party it's a vote for Howard!'. These from people I consider to be reasonably Intelligent.

I consider the media to be derelict in its duty in continuing to promulgate a common misconception which, in my opinion, serves the interests of the two major parties.

David Allen