Wednesday 1st of January 2025

New Positive Worldwide Government Is Already Underway (Tony Wicks)

The question as to what can we do about the political system in Australia, and in fact the whole world, is already well in hand as far as I can see. However, the normally requested 'proof' of this has not yet come forward for non-intuitive people.

I refer to the NESARA Act or Reformation Act, which although initially is to be 'officially' announced in the USA, will transform politics and our fear-based society into a bright new direction. More at (this does not give the whole story, but is closer to 'truth' than the disinformation on the .org and .net sites). There is also a larger picture here which takes into account an enormous spiritual (not religious) and beyond-global aspect, but I don't wish to stretch your minds that far yet, although we should experience incredible information before the end of 2004.

If you do not resonate with this material, that is OK, but don't throw it out, just put it aside. You may want to refer back to it in the near future as rumblings of new legislation and a new justice system finally get exposure in the normally well-controlled US press. This will all be done legally and probably with public hearings eventually, so that peace, freedom, and justice will finally prevail in that country and expand worldwide at an exponential rate. No more wars !!

Peace and well wishes,

Tony Wicks

[email protected]