Monday 13th of January 2025

the value of life .....

the value of life .....

It sounds like a spot of gallows humour, but the numbers are no joke: the US environmental protection agency (EPA) has lowered the value of a human life by nearly $1m under George Bush's administration. 

The EPA's estimate of the "value of a statistical life" was $6.9m as of this May - down from $7.8m five years ago - according to an Associated Press study released today. 

US Environmental Agency Lowers Value Of A Human Life

update on the value of life .....

Japan places the highest value on a human life, spending $11,728,000 to save a single life through improvements in public safety.

South Korea spent the least, at a measly $878,000.00 per life saved.

Health insurance companies value life at $50,000 per year of quality life, a depressingly low number compared to what government entities will pay.

The families of suicide bombers receive just $25,000 per suicide.

While the families that lossed a loved one on 9/11 received an average of $2.1 million per death, families of fallen soldiers receive a maximum of just $400,000.

Rush Limbaugh did an interesting piece about this huge disparity back in 2002.

Infographic: The Monetary Value of a Human Life