Sunday 5th of January 2025

on the couch .....

on the couch .....

America is a country badly in need of therapy.  

We don't know who we are anymore; everything is topsy-turvy. It's like we're suffering a national identity crisis and need a turn on the couch.  

There's just been too much change too fast and no one really knows what's going on. 

Even staunch conservatives are in a daze from the daily overload of bad news. 

Former basketball superstar Charles Barkley summed it up best when he was asked what political party he belonged to. He answered: "Well, I used to be a Republican, until they lost their minds."  

That's America in a nutshell; we've lost our minds. 

America On The Couch

sheeple .....

Some Americans today are so stupid and/or ignorant of their country's history that if you asked them if people have the right to overthrow a government, they would reply in the negative. I had a professor who asked that question, and in a class of more than 30 students, only four of us said "Yes."  

For God's sake, if you're going to claim to be an American, at least read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. A good history of England and America certainly wouldn't hurt.  

Our concepts of a free society are as foreign to the Arabs (and the rest of the non-Anglo-Saxon world) as Arabic and Chinese are to us. If Allah wills, they might evolve their own version of a more or less free society, but it will not be like ours. And they darn sure are not going to accept anything imposed on them at the point of a gun by "infidels."  

George W. Bush is dead-wrong to believe he's been anointed by God to spread democracy. He was merely barely elected to serve the people of the United States in accordance with our Constitution. Even that appears to be more than he can handle. 

But if he tries to lead a crusade against the Muslim world, he will meet the same fate as the earlier Crusaders – defeat and disgrace.  

The Basic Flaw