Friday 7th of March 2025

humbling .....

humbling .....

Ousted Liberal leader Brendan Nelson has stood by his decision to hold a leadership spill and has pledged to get behind the newly-elected Malcolm Turnbull. 

At a media conference with his wife at his side, the at times emotional Dr Nelson also said he would not seek or accept a position on the frontbench. 

Dr Nelson lost a leadership ballot to Mr Turnbull 45 votes to 41 but he stood by his shock decision to call the vote. 

'In my very strong view it was the right thing to do. I deal with things on my terms,' he said. 

Dr Nelson congratulated Mr Turnbull and said the party had to get behind the new leadership team. 

'There is absolutely no question, I will do everything I possibly can to support a change of government in 2010,' he said. 

No Regrets As Nelson's Gamble Backfires

royal pseudorepublikan...

Turnbull attacks PM's republic debate focus

Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull has taken a swipe at Prime Minister Kevin Rudd for saying he wants to collaborate with the Coalition on the republic debate.

Mr Rudd congratulated Mr Turnbull on taking over the leadership from Brendan Nelson.

The Prime Minister then named the issue of Australia becoming a republic as an area he wants bipartisan support.

Speaking on the 7.30 Report, Mr Turnbull attacked Mr Rudd for not naming the economy and global financial turmoil.

"It says something about Kevin Rudd's inability to come to terms with the economic challenge facing Australia that today in the wake of collapse of Lehman Brothers and the turmoil unprecedented for many decades in financial markets - the one issue Kevin Rudd says he wants to collaborate with me on is the republic?"

Mr Turnbull is a former chair of the movement and campaigned in favour of a 'yes' vote in the 1999 referendum.


Gus: what flee has bitten Malcolm on the bum?

Hey Mal, Kevin Rudd's government is "coming to terms with the economic challenge facing Australia today in the wake of collapse of Lehman Brothers and the turmoil unprecedented for many decades in financial markets" with as much dedication as needed.

No need to be petulant, Mr Turnbull.

May be you do not want to be reminded you muffed it in 1999 with your exclusive club of pseudorepublikans that refused to take the ordinary folks on board? C'm'on, don't be so arrogant because you've just got the big gong for the Libs...  You're more astute than that.

The Pommy Queen expect Aussieland to become a republic and that's that. Don't shirt the issue by boasting to be more "financially" aware than thou... Or still be a secret royalist...

Green republic

Greens propose 2010 republic referendum

September 17, 2008 - 11:13AM

A referendum on the republic should be held with the next federal election, due in 2010, the Australian Greens say.

Greens leader Bob Brown said on Wednesday the time was right as both Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull support a republic.

"We Greens are going to move before Christmas for a referendum at the next election on the republic, just a yes-no question," he told reporters.

"We think the time is right, the stars are aligned.


As long as rich petulant Malcolm calms down...

Read more at the SMH, read blog above and check out the toon at top...

Malcolm calms down...

Turnbull offers political truce on economy

Federal Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull says he is prepared to postpone political hostilities to help Australia through the global financial turmoil.

Mr Turnbull has offered to sit down with the Government and work in a bipartisan way to provide greater stability for the economy.

He says Australia is in a stronger position than most countries, but it cannot ignore the global financial crisis.

"We are offering the Government to sit down with them right now, today, or on the weekend, or Monday, and look at the measures that can be undertaken immediately to provide greater security, greater stability for Australian families and businesses in these challenging times," he said.


Gus: May I quote myself a few days ago when Malcolm flew off the handle... see above  :

"Gus: what flee has bitten Malcolm on the bum?

Hey Mal, Kevin Rudd's government is "coming to terms with the economic challenge facing Australia today in the wake of collapse of Lehman Brothers and the turmoil unprecedented for many decades in financial markets" with as much dedication as needed.

No need to be petulant, Mr Turnbull.

May be you do not want to be reminded you muffed it in 1999 with your exclusive club of pseudorepublikans that refused to take the ordinary folks on board? C'm'on, don't be so arrogant because you've just got the big gong for the Libs...  You're more astute than that.

The Pommy Queen expect Aussieland to become a republic and that's that. Don't shirt the issue by boasting to be more "financially" aware than thou... Or still be a secret royalist..."


Good. Now, it seems that Malcolm has seen the light of day and all's not lost. Very brave to be magnanimous in his position but, in fact, the only one with which he's not going to collect eggs on his face... He's smart.


malcolm's gall & ego plus....

Malcolm! How could you?

On the news today, Malcolm "claims" full credit for the banks passing on 80 per cent of the 1 per cent reduction of interest rates  given to the system by the RBA... Everyone knew — including my dog full of flees — that the banks would pass on at least 75 per cent, and up to 85 per cent of the cut to the general public, while keeping a tidy small percentage to shore up against the next tidal wave of economic crap coming our way.

So Malcolm, please, oh please, stop grandstanding like a fly on the butt of a horse. This attitude is ugly and demonstrate vacuous vanity without substance... See toon at top.

vanishing malcolm...

Former federal opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull has announced he will quit parliament.

"I have announced I will not recontest Wentworth at the election this year," he said today.

Mr Turnbull has been considering his future since Tony Abbott beat him by one vote in a leadership ballot in December.

He lost his leadership because he supported an emissions trading scheme to tackle climate change. Mr Abbott, who also once supported such an approach, dumped it as Liberal policy in his first act as leader.

In a statement released this morning, Mr Turnbull rued that decision.

"I thank [former prime minister] John Howard for giving me the opportunity to serve as environment and water minister. With his support I was able to ensure that for the first time in our history the interstate waters of the Murray Darling Basin were placed under national responsibility," he said.

"However, I regret that another important reform begun during that time, the establishment of an emissions trading scheme, is no longer Liberal Party policy."

Mr Turnbull made his decision after being overlooked by Mr Abbott for the frontbench.


sayonara... See toon at top...