Sunday 9th of March 2025

old dishes .....

old dishes .....

The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown will say in a keynote foreign policy speech today. 

In his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, Brown - who has spearheaded calls for the reform of international financial institutions - will say Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order. 

"The alliance between Britain and the US - and more broadly between Europe and the US - can and must provide leadership, not in order to make the rules ourselves, but to lead the global effort to build a stronger and more just international order," an excerpt from the speech says. 

Brown and other leaders meet in Washington next weekend to discuss longer term solutions for dealing with economic issues following a series of co-ordinated moves on interest rates and to recapitalise banks in the wake of the financial crisis. 

Time To Build A New World Order: UK PM 

Gus: To say we need a "new world order" is a bit much... that we need a bit of order in the world would be more acceptable...  But Brown is going to put his big foot in it...: 

"My message is that we must be: internationalist not protectionist; interventionist not neutral; progressive not reactive; and forward looking not frozen by events. We can seize the moment and in doing so build a truly global society." 

Hum, Mr Brown... What we don't need to do is to homogenize the cultural diversity of the world just to make or save a buck — or to "monophase" a deity in the process either. I may be misunderstanding the meaning of your desire, but with it I feel the weight of a monolith rather than the variety of colorful pebbles...  

A global species we are, but not a global society... That we can live together in acceptance of differences while exchanging ideas on the edges without killing each other is more beneficial than bulldozing the planet into one human society... Doing so would smack of the greater big brother controlling freak show ever... 

What we need is less individual and mass greed that ultimately will damage the planet beyond our comprehension — and damage it for all species in the process that is already started.. All species, may be, with exception of cockroaches and goats... On this problem, we may need common goals — as well as those that respect the integrity of humans — but not same outlooks in all social structures... 

Let's be more careful and more precious in our need to revalue what we have in order not to devalue what we haven't grabbed yet...

huge cost of "free" markets...

Because US financial institutions both borrowed and lent too much, and because many other mighty companies took on far too much debt, they have been facing collapse. And where they are perceived as too big too fail (where the collateral damage were they to fall over would be devastating), the US government is stepping in with financial succour from taxpayers.

For years the great trend in the world was the embracement of free enterprise in China.

But now, in America's darkest hour for generations, the US is embracing a form of state-control and intervention that looks remarkably Chinese.


Socialism when you're not having socialism... see toon at top.

Tell 'em, Vlad!....

Putin to Seek New Economic Order at Davos

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will call for a change in the world economic order and deliver his assessment of what caused the global economic debacle in an opening speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday night.


see toon at top... Even Brown wants a change...