Thursday 6th of February 2025

dignitas personae .....

dignitas personae .....

First up from the God Machine this week, the Roman Catholic hierarchy has weighed in, officially, with its first authoritative statement on reproductive science in decades.

Those hoping that the church would show a new tolerance for scientific advancement were left disappointed.

The Vatican issued the most authoritative and sweeping document on bioethical issues in more than 20 years on Friday, taking into account recent developments in biomedical technology and reinforcing the church's opposition to in vitro fertilization, human cloning, genetic testing on embryos before implantation and embryonic stem cell research.

The Vatican says these techniques violate the principles that every human life -- even an embryo - is sacred, and that children should be conceived only through intercourse by a married couple.

The 32-page instruction, titled "Dignitas Personae," or "The Dignity of the Person," was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's doctrinal watchdog, and carries the approval and the authority of Pope Benedict XVI. It was developed to provide moral responses to bioethical questions that have been raised in the 21 years since the congregation last issued instructions.

there is obviously an urgent need for more shoe-throwers in this world …..

Petition to Investigate IVF Fraud case

I salute the Dignitas Personae but who are going to help the people
who have been victimized by such procedures?

For example over 3,000,000 IVFs have been performed but the amount of
IVF Fraud Cases have not being properly recorded and reported.

Please sign my petition and pass it on.