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A Letter to Brian Deegan in Mayo (Sandra Christina Jamieson)Dear Brian, Proposing to negotiate with those who threaten to hurt us is the bravest political move any potential politician could make and I applaud you for it. I'm watching Sunday morning television and the right wing journalists are having a field day and I'm so sorry Brian that they have such simple viewpoints. I and my son have suffered terrorism of a very domestic nature and the only beneficiaries who gain from 'don't negotiate' are of course solicitors who make money from people who are too afraid to talk. Even though you don't ever get what you want when you do take the risk to meet, to appear vulnerable, you glean information. You get to know your so called 'enemy' and those who represent them. My son's future has become just a little more secure every time I force situations where my ex has to front me. I have had to use every source of legal, political and hidden networks to keep my son safer than he would otherwise be. Closing the door closes opportunity. Global terrorism is no different from domestic violence and Brian I know you know this. Violence comes from lack of appropriate parenting models, lack of opportunity, the images and values short sighted politicians benefit from espousing injustice and inequality. This is why I will do my utmost to support you Brian. Just a shame you are not in my electorate but if I can do my bit to impact on Kemp's electorate . . . blue ribbon my arse. If the Democrats and Greens got together in this electorate the new Liberal member wouldn't make it. Even if you don't succeed in Mayo - and you will have the big boys making it nigh on impossible - there are role models like Bob Brown who keep on fighting for the good cause. You can keep fighting and I will continue to support you. Your bravery has inspired me to write this, to write to the papers and defend you against a tide of revenge seeking small thinkers. It is what this country needs - inspiring leaders - and you have earned your credentials. Don't give up. Australia needs you. I would be flattered if you wrote back with useful advice about what to do in my electorate - you will make your own mind up about how best to use your time but if you give me some, it will be worth it. Good luck
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