Thursday 16th of January 2025

the first stone .....

the first stone .....

The Vatican said it has formally complained to the Israeli government about a private Israeli TV show that ridiculed Jesus and Mary in an "offensive act of intolerance."

In Israel, the television station assured the Israeli foreign ministry that the segment would not be shown again and that its host, well-known Israeli comedian Lior Shlein, had apologized.

In the program, Shlein sarcastically denied Christian traditions, that Mary was a virgin and that Jesus walked on water, saying he was doing so as a "lesson" to Christians who deny the Holocaust.

It was a reference to the Vatican's recent lifting of the excommunication of a bishop who denied 6 million Jews were killed during World War II. The rehabilitation sparked outrage among Jews.

A statement from the Vatican press office on Friday said its representative in Israel complained to the government about the segment, which was broadcast recently on private Channel 10, one of Israel's three main TV stations, during Shlein's late-night comedy talk show.,7340,L-3675084,00.html

talking about speaking in tongues …..


By Emil G. Hirsch 

A mispronunciation (introduced by Christian theologians, but almost entirely disregarded by the Jews) of the Hebrew "Yhwh," the (ineffable) name of God (the Tetragrammaton or "Shem ha-Meforash").

This pronunciation is grammatically impossible; it arose through pronouncing the vowels of the "ḳere" (marginal reading of the Masorites: = "Adonay") with the consonants of the "ketib" (text-reading: = "Yhwh")—"Adonay" (the Lord) being substituted with one exception wherever Yhwh occurs in the Biblical and liturgical books. "Adonay" presents the vowels "shewa" (the composite under the guttural א becomes simple under the י), "ḥolem," and "ḳameẓ," and these give the reading (= "Jehovah").

Sometimes, when the two names and occur together, the former is pointed with "ḥatef segol" () under the י —thus, (="Jehovah")—to indicate that in this combination it is to be pronounced "Elohim" (). These substitutions of "Adonay"and "Elohim" for Yhwh were devised to avoid the profanation of the Ineffable Name (hence is also written , or even , and read "ha-Shem" = "the Name ").

of vilification of breasts...

From Unleashed

Here's a message for all you bare-breasted chador-wearing gay Islamic pro-abortion lesbian secularists out there - Fred Nile is back! And with an agenda that will keep all you non-believers squirming on the fringes of society where you belong. More godless politicians may rabbit on about irrelevant issues like climate change, the Gaza bombardment and the global recession. But for the past 27 years, our erstwhile Christian Democratic Party leader has been saving us from the real enemy - secular humanism.

In his 1981 maiden speech, Nile identified this monstrosity with formidable erudition as "the humane face of atheism [which] has made serious inroads in our State ... [leading] to a fundamental struggle between absolute values and relative values, between the Judeo-Christian ethic and the humanist ethic, between compassion and greed, and between spiritual values and materialism."

So it's all about compassion, spiritual values and Judeo-Christian ethics. It's very nice of Mr Nile to include Judaism in all this. But his ecumenical nature rarely extends to other faiths.

There was a time when Nile boasted of having the more conservative of you infidels on side. His 2001 autobiography mentioned him leading an amendment to a homosexual anti-vilification bill in November 1993 to allow clergy and religious teachers to lawfully vilify homosexuals as part of religious instruction. Nile writes: "I deliberately used the word 'religious' rather than 'Christian' to give the same defence to teachers from other religions such as Judaism and Islam".

How nice of Nile to deliver freedom for imams and teachers at Muslim independent schools to vilify gays and lesbians.


Fred Nile's vilification of breasts must cease immediately. If this recent episode proves anything, it's that Nile is clearly off his tits. We should all hope he learns to keep his grubby hands off ours.


see toon at top... ... long live humanist secularism in evolution!

Abrahamic quarrels...

from Chris Floyd

The degeneration of these faiths into aggressive obscurantism should of course be a matter solely for their adherents; why should anyone else be concerned with the feverish hair-splitting, manic control-freakery and sexual obsessions of rabid fundamentalists? Unfortunately, these now-degraded sects dominate the lives of billions of people. Professed believers — or, even worse, sincere believers — from the three “Abrahamic faiths” control the governments of many nations, with bristling nuclear arsenals under Christian, Jewish and Muslim command. The fundamentalists’ stunted, ignorant and at times demented interpretations of ancient texts, dubious traditions and their own blood-soaked histories cannot be ignored. They are the driving force behind every conflict today that threatens to wrap the earth in flames of literal hellfire.

But what these modern-day “believers” believe — and do — has almost no connection to the religions they profess. Karen Armstrong provides clear evidence of this in “The Great Transformation,” her sweeping new scholarly study of the “Axial Age,” the tremendous, centuries-long, worldwide eruption of human consciousness (roughly 900-200 BCE) that gave rise to the major traditions still existing today: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Greek rationalist thought and the monotheism of Israel, from which later sprang the three sibling faiths whose family quarrels have so poisoned the last two millennia.

read more of Chris Floyd