Saturday 4th of May 2024

The War was Illegal and John Howard and his Government are War Criminals ()

I love statements like that. Statements that are simply too outrageous to say in a public place without being considered a crank, yet utterly correct at the same time.

NHJ!er Dorothy forwarded me this letter, signed Geriatric Gran. Follow the link she recommends. It cites the conclusion of international legal authorities that the Iraq war was illegal and the perpetrators prosecutable, with links to source documents.

I didn't believe we should be involved in the war in Iraq, but felt powerless to prevent it happening. I walked, a short distance, to protest against the war in the belief that the government would heed the message that the majority of the people in Australia did not believe it was a 'Just War.'

We still joined 'The Coalition of the Willing,' and went to war.

Kofi Annan, on Wednesday, claimed the war breached the UN charter and the war was illegal. 'The Coalition of the Willing,' disagreed with his long held opinion and claimed the war was legal. We the people need to know who is right and who is wrong, and hopefully have power to prevent governments from involving us in an illegal war. Please take time to have a read.

click here