Thursday 16th of January 2025

american sociopath .....

american sociopath .....

Unrepentant and newly unbridled, former vice president Richard B. Cheney has embraced two missions in his political retirement: to forcefully defend the Bush administration's anti-terrorism policies and to publicly condemn those who would unravel them.

He did both yesterday, using the drama of a televised feud with President Obama to deliver the blistering accusation that more Americans are likely to die because the president has turned away from George W. Bush's post-Sept. 11, 2001, national security agenda. Cheney seemed eager to fan the flames of the debates raging through Washington.

Spoken in his droll monotone, Cheney's words were razor-sharp. He accused the president of "contrived indignation and phony moralizing" over the issue of detainee interrogations and called the decision to ban harsh methods "recklessness cloaked in righteousness" that threatens Americans.

Cheney's speech was on the calendar long before Obama's, but the former vice president did not back down when the two schedules collided. He called the zeal for prosecutions of those who conducted interrogations "utterly misplaced." He accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) of treating the CIA with "suspicion, outright hostility and second-guessing." He said Obama would "regret" bringing detainees into the country.

To those who question what he and Bush did to combat terrorism, Cheney held nothing back, offering a comprehensive -- if familiar -- justification for the government's past use of wiretapping, detention and harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects.


See toon at top...

a great american .....

a great american .....

Yes Gus,

He's baaaa-aaack .... the great american sociopath!

Up from the primordial ooze from whence he sprang -- and fresh from an extended vacay at Club Med Hades (wake - and water-boarding included!) - comes Dick Cheney, aka Dick the Impaler, our grumbling, bumbling, behated former President.

Did you honestly think His Dickness would go gently into that good night? This guy doesn't do gentle. His idea of relaxation is putting his gardener on the rack for messing up the hedges.

Apparently, "Minister of Discipline" at the McLean Country Club wasn't a big enough challenge for the man. Now he has a mission: to shout from the rooftops (or the Fox News Channel, or any other network with an empty chair and a clip-on mike) about something that's been near and dear to his damaged heart for more than seven years: harsh interrogation methods (or what you liberal pansies out there call "torture").

Have you heard Dick's new theme song? "I'd Like To Teach The World To Scream."