Wednesday 1st of January 2025

flogged by feather dusters .....

flogged by feather dusters .....

The Security Council's five permanent members agreed on Wednesday on a draft resolution that would ratchet up sanctions against North Korea by concentrating on its financial transactions and its arms industry, including allowing for inspections of its cargo vessels on the high seas.

The sharply worded resolution, while diluting some of the sanctions sought by the West and Japan, would still serve notice on North Korea that its nuclear and other weapons programs had created sufficient alarm to forge a rare unified front among the world's major powers.

Written by the United States, the resolution came after more than two weeks of negotiations among the five permanent members - China, Russia, the United States, Britain and France - as well as with Japan and South Korea. It was presented to the full Security Council on Wednesday, and although no timetable for a vote was announced, it could come as early as Friday. Given its supporters, the measure seems assured of passing.

Vitaly I. Churkin, the Russian ambassador, told reporters, "Having sanctions and things like that is not our choice, but a certain political message must be sent, and some measures must be taken, because we are facing a very real situation of proliferation risks."

North Korea did not react immediately, although its reclusive government has said in the past that ship inspections or other intrusive steps would be considered acts of war. If the resolution is approved, the next hurdle will be ensuring its highly technical provisions are all carried out. Not all resolutions are equally respected by United Nations member states, and, as Ambassador Jorge Urbina of Costa Rica noted, the draft resolution is complex.

North Korea Could Face New Round of Sanctions

israel, south africa, pakistan, india ….. but not north korea

US President Barack Obama has said North Korea's track record of proliferation makes it unacceptable for Pyongyang to be a nuclear power.

Speaking at a press conference at the White House, alongside South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Obama said the North still had the option of integration.

"I want to be clear that there is another path available to North Korea, a path that leads to peace and economic opportunity for the people of North Korea, including full integration into the community of nations. That destination can only be reached through peaceful negotiations that achieve the full and verifiable de-nuclearisation of the Korean peninsula."

still keeping us safe .....

The US has just added more sanctions (that is, protectionist attempts to sicken & starve) to its acts of war against the North, which is protesting against Hillary & the bandits from the Potomac.

Of course, socialist North Korea has an even more evil state than most, leading to widespread famine. So what does the US do? Attempt to intensify the famine & sickness, to punish the government, which, like all governments, is fat & happy, for making itself secure from attack by developing nuclear weapons.

This is also the crime of Iran, of course. Don't they know that nuclear weapons are for the godhead only - the US - & its assistant godheads, like Israel?

Of course, the US is terrified of a reunification of the Koreas & the possible expulsion of its occupation troops. So, it has kept the level of hostility high for decades to avoid that possibility. And the formula also works well on the domestic front, as the government also has another foreign menace to make the people afraid & compliant.

But, you say, protectionist sanctions can kill many civilians. As the pre-Hillary Madeline Albright said, when asked on TV about the starvation of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children & old people under the Bush-Clinton sanctions, such deaths are "worth it.

the situation is getting serious...


Mischief by gus...



''To normalise relations with the US and work in concert with the West would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads,'' the regime representative told the American.

''Our system is about being against you - if we accept working with you, we would be destroyed,'' the North Korean said during a conversation on the sidelines of the negotiations, the so-called six-party talks.

He wasn't talking about destruction at the hands of the US or any foreign foe, but at the hands of the North Koreans themselves. Because it would be an admission of profound national failure. This is a central insight.

After George W. Bush named North Korea as one of the countries of the ''axis of evil'', the regime in Pyongyang joined a self-styled ''axis of resistance'' with Iran and Syria.

The people of South Korea rose up in the 1980s against the military dictators who held power on their side of the DMZ; the communist dynasty that holds power on the northern side is desperate to avoid the same fate.

So when the North this week declared that it would never surrender the ultimate symbol of its defiance, its nuclear bombs, because they were ''our DNA'' or ''our life'', it made perfect sense. It's the life of the regime at stake. And it's not in good hands.

While the regime of Kim Jong-un promised a nuclear strike on the US and moved an intermediate-range missile to the coast facing Japan to intimidate its neighbours, the US drew its missile interceptors closer as it braced for some sort of muscle-flexing.

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