Thursday 6th of February 2025

a sick public servant midget, puppeteer...


Gus: Of course, if one believes Malcolm Turnbull, "he was conned" by a great puppet-meister — who, we all know, is a very sick public servant who has been a mole of the Liberal Party for years. Thus the Malcolm stance does not make sense, even if Grech was a complete dummy or a very devilish man.

Yet Malcolm and Abetz are pouring as much rubbish on Grech as they can put their hands on for the fake Ozcar email debacle...

I cannot believe that Grech acted on his own. He had nothing to gain, except a giant headache. As he said he was under "enormous pressure"... Is he referring to pressures from Malcolm asking for goodies to hit Rudd with? Is it pressures of the job he had to do? So how could he find time to do this job AND fiddle with Malcolm?

I would be prepared to think Godwin was intensely prompted into giving something to glorify Malcolm and thus he concocted something which could make sense, unless one investigated deeper... But by doing what he did, Grech had to know he was compromising himself to the point of putting his job — his entire life — on the line. He had to know too he had done "some extra favours for a Liberal donor car dealer" in his portfolio... This would be found out. And since he was inviting an inquiry into his domain, he had to know things would only blow up for himself...

Thus, I believe Grech had no good reason to fake something that could and would damage his career, unless he was prompted to do so. Anything else does not make sense — no matter how much responsibility Grech may be taking for the whole affair. And as far as Malcolm is concerned, either way it shows an extraordinary lack of political understanding — including lack of understanding of the public service. Not fit to be PM.

question of judgment...

"We rely, in good faith, on the information we receive. When that information turns out to be wrong, then we acknowledge that, take responsibility for what we've said, and we should move on."

But Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, who also appeared on the program, continued to press the Government's assertion that Mr Turnbull's actions show he lacks the judgment and character to lead the Opposition.

"The main thing here is the question of judgment, in doing what was done by Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party with a fake document," she said.

"I think there is a question in people's minds, to be frank, about Malcolm's judgment.

"And when people are assessing potential leaders, they are assessing you on the policies you say you will enact and your personal capacities.

"Making such a spectacular error reflects on judgment. And how you deal with such a spectacular error reflects on character."


"We rely, in good faith, on the information we receive" How naive or disingenuous of Malcolm...!!!!

see toon at top.

Puppeteer's Puppet

The whole thing stinks of set up. I said early in the piece, that this smells of Labor because Grech was admitted to the psych ward & as it turned out, I was right. Steve Bracks was announcing Grech as a terrorist & the Libs are announcing him as a very sick man. The same politics that the mates in a military corp were using on a sniper in their unit, when he could no longer stomach the sight of men he was killing, fell to post traumatic stress as his comrades kept calling him mentally ill.

These politicians are all in this togeather & I for one, would like to see the original email that Grech has mentioned on a number of occasions. He might be sick but he is not stupid.

no need to scratch...?

The Coalition will vote against moves to refer further examination of the OzCar affair to the Senate Privileges Committee.

The Government and Family First Senator Steve Fielding have both put forward motions in the Senate today to have the Privileges Committee consider whether the Opposition is in contempt of Parliament.

But Senate Leader Nick Minchin has described the motions as a witch-hunt and says the Coalition will vote against them.

"Given the information in the public domain, the Coalition does not believe that any further examination of this issue is warranted," he said.

"The public is tired of the Government's continuing preoccupation with the OzCar affair.

"[Opposition Leader] Malcolm Turnbull and Senator [Eric] Abetz have provided a full and detailed account to the public on the circumstances surrounding the OzCar hearing."


Atheistno1 (see above YD comment) wants to see the original email mentioned by Grech... There are good reasons to believe there were no "original" email.

Computers are funny beasts and erasing an email or a file from a hard drive is rarely complete. When one erases or bins a file, the file identification links are removed, thus the file is de-chained and open to be written upon with another new file. Thus, often, there remains bits of any original deleted files that are not covered by newer 'writing" for months or even years... Computer experts thus have special "diving" programs at their disposal that can find the de-linked bits and extract these bits to reconstitute parts or complete data of these deleted files. This might involved typing key words in the special program that opens up the hard disk encryption naked. Apparently such searches made on the commonwealth computers have found not a single trace of such original file in regard to the missing email...

I would not believe that the file recovery personnel would lie or sabotage the examination of these hard drives.

Its not the courtroom Malcolm.

It must be painfully obvious to the neo-cons that Turnbull's abilities are dependent on the procedures and theatre-like atmosphere of the Westminster courtroom.

For example – Malcolm says that he withdraws his libellous accusations against the Prime Minister and the Treasurer but, without apology! Fair dinkum.

As it is I am horrified by the possibility that attack dogs like Senator Abetz can escape charges over his criminal behaviour in the e-mail scam and its pre-meditated planning with the legal eagle Turnbull by just apologising.

Now it looks like the neo-con Minchin will ensure the matter is crushed even if it makes it to the privileges Committee with doctored and emasculated terms of reference.

They claim that the Senate is there to “keep the bastards honest” – who is there to keep the Senators honest?

One of the biggest fears Australians should have had about Howard’s “New Order” was that some eighteen of his government were solicitors.

Malcolm can and has, captured the theatrical atmosphere of the courtroom and exploited it many times.  He is noted for his penchant for suing people on even the most basic of matters.  He uses his knowledge of law to his own personal advantage with every atom of his being.

He has demonstrated that nothing is sacred to him in his insatiable desire to be the “King of all things”.  Whatever we think about Kerry Packer, he was supposed to be Malcolm’s friend and benefactor but, Malcolm took the traitorous step in betraying Mr. Packer for his own notability.

The Labor opponent in his Federal election, one George Newhouse, who is a Jew - noted how much Malcolm is involved with the Jewish colleges, businesses and especially Goldman Sachs, so he called him the “wannabe Jew”. This relationship may well have lifted him in the millionaire stakes.

But never mind Malcolm – hopefully he is on his way back to the courtroom theatre.  As one famous Labor politician noted – “one day you are cock of the walk and the next you’re a feather duster!”


This will be cross-posted in Demon Zionists.


And now in the Senate?

Firstly, have the media conveniently forgotten Senator Abetz bringing the Senate into disrepute and arrogantly escaping even a censure motion for his premeditated misleading of Parliament and the Australian people? Has the House of Representatives forgotten the shabby involvement by Malcolm Turnbull? Does anyone really want the latter to have control of our nation?


Secondly, I have always believed that the makeup of the Senate members is arranged so that each State and Territory may have an equal vote and I have even “childishly” read the relevant section of the Constitution as confirming my belief.  However, I cannot come to terms with the notion that there is a proper exercise of that intention or it is being followed in that spirit. 


This makes a shambles of our “democracy” even when – as we currently have all States and Territories (except W.A.) with a majority elected Labor government - yet their representatives in the Senate (no matter which party) have voted down the Federal Labor government’s Legislation.


So, even after the Australian people soundly dismissed the Howard “New Order” in the House of Representatives, the State elected Senate still rules our nation?  This bastardisation of the principles of the House of Review lies squarely on the shoulders of the Senators who are undemocratically voting against the wishes of the majority of their STATE constituents when they obey only Federal PARTY lines.


Watch Independents Xenaphon (now clearly a Liberal mole) and Fielding – what can be said about him without some grounding in psychiatry?  Nevertheless, the people of their State voted for them and therefore they should carefully cast their Senate vote to reflect the wishes of their State constituents – and them only.


I find it hard to believe that the wisdom of our “Founding Fathers” was so wrong in this particular issue when it has become so important in modern times.  Did they intend to have two governments really? And those possibly diametrically opposed to one another? Or did they intend that the House of Representatives would be the ultimate governing body with the States having the individual right to Review and Question that House’s mandate to pass legislation.


The current situation highlights the very issue of mandate since the Labor government was undoubtedly given that right at the 2007 election. The Liberal/Nationals have proposed no alternative policy and the future of the most important Global issue we have to face may be decided by Senator Fielding!


Roll over our Founding Fathers!




This will be cross-posted in




no prosecution...

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has decided not to prosecute a former Treasury official who authored a fake email at the centre of the so-called Utegate affair.

Godwin Grech admitted to writing the fake email that suggested former prime minister Kevin Rudd gave preferential treatment to a political donor.

The then Opposition leader, Malcolm Turnbull, used the email to call for Mr Rudd's resignation.

Mr Grech later admitted he concocted the email and it emerged he had been leaking information to the Opposition for some time.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Christopher Craigie, says there is evidence of unauthorised disclosures but he has decided not to prosecute Mr Grech.

He says in making his decision he has taken into account Mr Grech's physical and mental health.

Mr Grech resigned from Treasury in October last year.

He was in charge of the OzCar scheme, which was designed to help car dealers who were unable to get credit to fill their showroom floors during the global financial crisis.

see toon at top...