Sunday 9th of March 2025

to tweet or not to tweet...

to tweet or not to tweet


Joe Hockey has vowed to continue tweeting during Question Time despite criticism from Treasurer Wayne Swan.

The Opposition Treasury spokesman tweeted five times during Question Time yesterday, taking swipes at the Government with such missives as: "now the pm is coaching tanner with answers ... get real guys".

But his tweet - "listening to swan on the G20 and i am wondering how many finance ministers he met are left wing" - drew ire from Mr Swan, who accused him in the chamber of "sloppy work" and "no attention to detail".

This morning Mr Hockey told ABC Canberra Local Radio he made no apologies for his messages during debate to his more than 2,500 Twitter followers.

"One of the things you discover in Opposition is, you're without a voice in Question Time," he said.

"And to sit there and listen to the Government bag us out every minute for two hours - I think it's actually quite a good way to respond to some of that criticism."


Now, can one tweet under parliamentary privilege... That is the question...

a tweeting democracy...

"Our politicians are the one people [sic] that should be at the forefront of all technology," she said.

MPs can take phones into the chamber but cannot make phone calls.

Several politicians, including Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Malcom Turnbull regularly tweet, and many fake politician feeds also abound.

"JoetheHockey" - who has just 450 followers - has responded to the controversy with: "Take that back Tanner, I am not Twittering whilst I am in Parliament."


Tweeting to the converted...