Sunday 9th of March 2025

foul metaphors...



Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she is not offended by Opposition frontbencher Tony Abbott's use of bad language to criticise her.

Leaving Federal Parliament on Thursday night, Mr Abbot said Ms Gillard had been sporting a "shit-eating grin" during Question Time.

Ms Gillard, who spent much of the parliamentary week defending the Government's $16 billion stimulus spend on schools amid claims of mismanagement and wasteful spending, has laughed off the comments.

"Tony's made a remark - he can explain it," she said.


colour-foul language...

This morning Mr Abbott's boss, Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull, declined to condemn his colleague's choice of words.

"Everyone expresses themselves in their own terms, but I'll leave it at that," he said.

It is not the first time Mr Abbott has courted controversy with his colourful language.

He infamously used the word "bullshit" when, as health minister in the previous Howard government, he responded to comments by Labor frontbencher Nicola Roxon criticising him for being late to an election debate.

not as bad as the media made out...

The head of the taskforce investigating the Federal Government's school building program has rejected claims of widespread cost blow-outs and mismanagement, saying the scheme appears to have been a success and has delivered "significant stimulus" to the economy.

The Government appointed Brad Orgill to investigate its $16.2 billion Building the Education Revolution (BER) scheme in April after critics claimed some projects were a waste of money and were not meeting schools' needs.

Six weeks into his $14 million investigation, Mr Orgill has told a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry that less than 1 per cent of schools have complained about the program and many are "thrilled" with the new buildings.

"I personally think that the BER has clearly delivered significant stimulus and that was a key plank in the design and creation of the program," he said.

"We hear a lot about the jobs that have been created as a result...

"And in many cases it has clearly been successful in delivering value for money. Has it delivered value for money in every case? No, I doubt that."

He says 209 schools have complained about the program so far. Most of them are public schools and more than 60 per cent are in New South Wales.

Mr Orgill says value for money has been the most common concern.

But the former investment banker says building costs may have risen during the rollout, partly because the Federal Government's stimulus programs increased demand.


As Gus mentioned before, at the speed of this deployment to arrest Australia falling into the same financial sand pit as other countries in the world, some "mismanagement" would happen. But this would not come so much from the government but from madarins in the public service who would not have a clue on how to run a chook raffle. I mentioned before that the government was well aware that this could (would) happen, but there was no time to fiddle-faddle with this less than one per cent negativity where the program could go wrong, in contrast with 99 per cent positive results.... see toon at top...

I am Australian and nothing Australian is alien to me.

Negative politics is a price we had to pay for joining the US in foreign policies and domestic dictatorship.   Hawke; Keating and Fraser understood the cost of that alliance and the mitigation of our independence.

Once upon my time, I noted that the major parties were required by a far less radical neo-conservative media, to give positive policies and to allow the Australian people to decide.  It was a sort of I am better than him.  NOT he is worse than me. 

However, the truth was to be substantiated in those days and I believe that the Barons still had the right to make their opinion known but, only in their Editorials.  I think John Richardson informed me of the legal situation of my principle in this forum?

Now the American “Citizen Kane” ultra-conservatives have taken over the foreign policies of the US and as collateral damage, the Liberal/National parties in Australia.

It is fair and reasonable in my opinion, for even an “all too powerful” Media Baron like the Zionist Murdoch, to be permitted to express his opinion, no matter how contravertional it may be, but - limited to his true “freedom of speech” only in his Editorials.

Since birth in the “lucky country”, I have always taken heed of the pros and cons of our involvement in many wars which, in retrospect, most have proven to have been without any justifiable reason accorded by the so-called universal freedom to live as we choose. 

All were orchestrated or acted upon by the choice, of the United States of America and in the contemporary post WW II world, the Zionists who occupy Palestine and who also control the foreign policies of the once independent America.  The light on the hill has gone out.  The Statue of Liberty has a Star of David instead of the torch.

The “democratic” disease of uncontrolled information bias and unsubstantiated items of influence which are intended to misinform the voters, is as abhorrent as the thought of total regulation. 

But, the Zionist Murdoch has well and truly overstepped the mark with his unwarranted and unprincipled “foreign influenced” attack on our Rudd government for personal gain and nothing else.

IMHO, our “lucky country” was on the verge of being re-established and that opinion seems to coincide with the betrayal of the Abbott led conservatives and their foreign Mining billionaires.

We should ask ourselves a few simple questions viz’

Why can the Foreign Mining Corporations, who cannot afford a tax that they themselves have argued for, provide $100 million to defeat the Rudd Government at the next election?  Zionist Murdoch where are you?

These are the foreigners who, when the Rudd government moved, (against the Abbott opposition for opposition’s sake) and as did Obama with courage, commit to save jobs; confidence and employment while the foreign Mining exploiters in Australia sacked 15% of their workers.

And they say that they “care about Australian jobs”?  Fair dinkum.

Kevin Rudd said early in his tenure that, Australia would face a “fork in the road”.  He stated that he was a reformist government which intended to protect the future of a non-conservative “lucky country”.

And, just as a passing observation – why does the Zionist Murdoch press abuse its communication freedom to destroy an academic and Statesman who they must consider, is a traitor to their “born to rule” doctrine.

A repeat of the assassination of Gough Whitlam and the almost “lucky country” in 1975.

And who is finally to blame? The gullibility and the “convict anti imperialist” attitude of our Australian citizens.  Struth.

As much as it may seem extreme, I believe that the Foreign Corporation’s take-over of our nation is imminent.

I suggest that readers of this forum consider that, before Abbott and his cronies made a “deal with the devil” they had no chance of stealing our Australian society. 

IMHO, the unlimited wealth of the Zionist Murdoch was waiting for the opportunity for someone else to share the cost of assassinating the Rudd Australian government.  And he has that now.

Media and wealth is opposed to everything that the elected Rudd government has done and is intending to do, for Australia’s working families.

God Bless Australia and may our fellow exploited citizens of Afghanistan understand the predatory behavior of the Military alliance between the US and the Zionists.  Will England stand up for the empire they once respected?