Thursday 16th of January 2025

dressing up the challenge...

nuclear capers
Netanyahu Backs Nuclear Deal That Iran Rejected


JERUSALEM —Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cautiously endorsed on Friday American-backed efforts to limit Iran’s nuclear program through shipments abroad of its enriched uranium. He made his remarks as an intensive Middle East diplomatic effort got under way, with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton due here on Saturday.

George J. Mitchell, the Obama administration’s envoy to the region, met with Mr. Netanyahu here on Friday and will join Mrs. Clinton in Abu Dhabi to meet with the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, on Saturday before both return to Jerusalem.

Mr. Netanyahu used the occasion of the Mitchell meeting to state for the first time Israel’s acceptance of the proposal for Iran. He said, “I think that the proposal that the president made in Geneva to have Iran withdraw its enriched uranium, or a good portion of it, outside Iran is a positive first step in that direction, and I support and appreciate the president’s ongoing effort to unite the international community to address the challenge of Iran’s attempts to become a nuclear military power.”

Iran appears not to have accepted the suggestion by the United Nations nuclear watchdog that it ship three-quarters of its current known stockpile of low-enriched uranium to Russia to be processed and returned for use in a reactor that produces medical isotopes. But negotiations on the proposal were still underway.

Earlier comments by Israeli defense officials and analysts raised questions about the plan, saying it was vital to stop all uranium enrichment on Iranian soil.


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has praised a UN proposal to regulate Iran's uranium enrichment programme.

Speaking before talks with US Middle East envoy George Mitchell, he called it a "positive first step" in stopping Tehran developing a nuclear weapon.

Under the plan, low-enriched fuel would be further processed outside Iran.

On Thursday, the UN's nuclear watchdog confirmed it had received Iran's response to the directive, but its contents have not been released.

Mr Netanyahu said: "I think that the proposal to have Iran withdraw its enriched uranium, or a good portion of it, outside Iran is a positive first step."

He also praised US President Barack Obama's efforts in drawing global attention to the issue of Iran's nuclear programme.


I believe he also praised US President Barack Obama's efforts in not drawing global attention to the issue of Israel's nuclear programme.

What price freedom of choice?

Does anyone really doubt that the US Military/Corporate have been supplying the Zionist fascists with money, arms and technology even before the US was  the first nation to accept the illegal claim of statehood by those occupiers of Palestine?  Make no mistake, not because they really believe in a race having a nation of their own (and only theirs) because the US is the most bastardised country in the world.

This is their way of "making the bullets for someone else to fire" and, at the same time, making a profit in that they weaken and destabilize the peaceful people of an area they have been unable to subdue.  And all that changes is the number of hundreds of thousands of Semite Arabs being murdered by another Arab Semite rogue regime with the return of fascism and apartheid.

What is the price of freedom to an ancient civilization whose existence has been peaceful since the fall of the Ottoman Empire? How many lives must an invaded nation pay for its freedom of choice?  Has the times of the Spanish Inquisition really passed or has it just euphemized its purpose?


Are the Zionists and the Americans the catalyst that is intended to Unite or Destabilize? And who really calls the shots? The blatant duplicity of the US/Zionist policies really sickens me.  Not so much because of the suffering effect it has on the entire area of their inexcusable military destruction but the virtual loss of many ancient civilization’s history and artifacts as they murder to maintain their Military/Corporate.


Is this the way the Zionists have re-written and “revised” their history for effect?  Is this the reason that they have followed Golda Meir’s statement that their borders are wherever Jews reside?  How will that be actually achieved? And, if right is to be the result of this archaic method of resolution, then history favours the Palestinians.


So I come to the value of a life – to its owner in particular.  And who owns it?


I am certainly no expert in the dictates of the many various religions in our planet or the obvious survival of the fittest which animals exercise but, ONLY to survive. For example, animals will automatically respond to defend their families without the knowledge of death? And I believe that it is that knowledge of the inevitability of death in humans but, modified by a“choice” in the ultimate result that may motivate people.


While the U.S. criticizes Muslim suicide bombers and Japanese Kamikaze pilots they nevertheless make heroes of their own who act similarly. The basic reasons are only created by brainwashing by lies, myths and propaganda since childhood that - they and they alone are right.


So, is it disgraceful that the invaded Iraqis; Afghans and the stone throwing Palestinians, become desperate and willingly give their lives for their race; their families, nation or religion? Are they doing it for money or 75 virgins?  Fair dinkum. The East and West have never been as dangerously opposed as they are now with the canker in the heart of the Muslim religion – the Zionists. The Ottoman Empire is no more but, irrespective of the 91 fatalities of the Jewish Legion in WW 1 suffered by the Zionists against the Turks but, not in Palestine itself, is hardly a gift of life for a purpose of land stealing.


Without the absolute advantage in weapons and technology (courtesy of the U.S.) would the Zionist Hebrews who have consistently committed violations of human rights over 60 years, be prepared to give their lives intentionally as suicide bombers or Kamikaze pilots or – would they prefer to use the American unmanned Drones to kill women and children?


One could believe that the destabilizing of the Middle East has been an exercise in bastardry by the US/Zionist alliance. It is true that I do not know many who are possibly Jews but, the behavior of the Mt. Zion driven maniacs will not succeed and it may well be to the disadvantage of genuine Jews.  Netanyahu's methods are clear - he and his conspiritors have no intention of giving back the stolen Palestinian lands.  Full stop. 


Like the Empires of the Etruscans; the Romans; the Russians; Alexander; the British and the Germans et al, in the final analyses, it is only the bankers who win – and who does history give credit for that sort of historical financial power?


God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.











satire versus guns and batons...

From Mark Colvin, ABC

Iran, Twitter and the new media world.

Speech given at Media140 conference in Sydney, 5/11/09:

Since I’ve been asked to speak about Iran – and I will speak more about it shortly – I want to begin by acknowledging that in the last 24 hours, people – many of them young people – have been shot at, beaten and arrested in Tehran and other Iranian cities.

It’s the thirtieth anniversary of the sacking of the US Embassy in Tehran - a key part of the Iranian Revolution – which turned into the Islamic Revolution – and demonstrators have been out on the street, turning the Republic’s own slogans against it, shouting 'Marg bar Diktator', Death to the Dictator, instead of 'Marg bar Amrika', Death to America.

The reaction has been swift and violent. It’s a reminder that whatever power Twitter may have it is as nothing against determined men with guns and batons.

I’m reminded of Peter Cook’s evaluation of the power of satire. It “did so much”, he said, “to prevent the rise of Hitler in pre-war Germany”.

Now if I had to give this talk a title, it would be: 'I'm no expert'. I'm no expert on Iran. I reported from there, for a very intense period in my life, but that was thirty years ago.

derailing sanctions...

Iran Offers to Ship Uranium, Complicating Sanctions Talks


CAIRO — Iran announced an agreement on Monday to ship some of its nuclear fuel to Turkey in a deal that could offer a short-term solution to its ongoing nuclear conflict with the West, or prove to be a tactic aimed at derailing efforts to bring new sanctions against Tehran.

The deal, negotiated by Turkey and Brazil, calls for Iran to ship 1,200 kilograms, or 2,640 pounds, of low enriched uranium to Turkey where it would be stored. In exchange, after one year, Iran would have the right to receive 120 kilograms of material enriched to 20 percent from Russia and France. The terms mirror a deal with the West last October which fell apart when Iran backtracked.

This time, however, those same terms may be unacceptable to Washington and its partners because Iran has since increased its supply of nuclear fuel, experts said.

Iranian officials, however, applauded their success as a breakthrough. They said on state television that the next step would be to agree to terms for the exchange with the so-called Vienna Group of countries, including the United States, and that they would send a formal letter confirming the deal to the International Atomic Energy Agency within a week.

“This shows that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons and rather peaceful nuclear technology,” said Ramin Mehmanparast, the Foreign Ministry spokesman in a televised press conference on Monday. “Such interactions must replace a confrontational approach.”

Diplomats in Vienna said the I.A.E.A. had not been formally notified about the reported deal. But, the fact that Tehran had now agreed to a swap outside its own territory was potentially significant.

The announcement, which appeared aimed at satisfying international demands, came as Iran faces growing political and economic demands at home.

independent — always... well sometimes... never really...

Over time, Hartcher displays inconsistencies of stance, perhaps understandable given the prodigious production of commentary. But the long term centre of gravity is weighted towards partisanry, a lack of critical detachment as a reliable purveyor of conventional establishment ‘truths’.

One doesn’t read the New York Times or the Washington Post for a dispassionate reporting of U.S. foreign policy and global politics — they are themselves de facto arms of US foreign policy. Sadly, one can’t look to the Fairfax or the Murdoch press for a dispassionate reporting of Australian foreign policy and global politics (what happened to Paul McGeogh?) And the filling of the International news pages with reprints from the Anglo-American establishment press is a dead weight. Fortunately, there are now alternatives, sources of detailed information and intelligence.

We recognise pap and we’re not going to take it anymore.

Newspaper management and editors don’t get it. They want to enhance readership, thus attract advertisers and sustain financial viability. But they also want to run editorial lines through the journalists’ columns. It’s the same problem with Fairfax’s current approach to business reporting.

It’s a losing proposition.

Intelligent potential readers want intelligent and principled commentary.

Peter Hartcher, for one, appears unwilling to provide it.

read more:,5909

The Australian has Paul Kelly. Another intelligent man who for whatever reason is totally flawed and one-eyed in his writings... Must be the company he keeps... Most other commentators at the merde-och press are idiots, pure and simple. At the SMH, we're lucky to have opinions from Ross Gittins, a rare economist who knows the price of fish. Today Ross Gittins seems to have taken the line I have used in my letter to the Abbott's daughters...