Wednesday 1st of January 2025

phantom of the Abbott...

tony turncoat

Tony Abbott will challenge Malcolm Turnbull for the Liberal leadership on Monday.

Mr Abbott is one of several frontbenchers who resigned yesterday over dissatisfaction with Mr Turnbull's handling of the emissions trading scheme legislation.

He says if Mr Turnbull refuses to change his mind on the bill on Friday, there will be a leadership spill on Monday.

double flips and other liberal treasons...

from Annabel Crabb

Oh, People Skills, People Skills.

What a marvellous creature you are.

Was there ever such an exotic as Tony Abbott? So joyously unpredictable, so boyishly impetuous - so passionate, yet so changeable?

It seems only a matter of moments ago that you were advocating that the Coalition close its eyes, think of John Howard, and pass the emissions trading legislation simply to get it out of the way.

And now, your colleagues having done exactly that (though not without considerable bloodshed) you declare yourself unable to bear it!

Having apologised to the Australian people on Wednesday for the extraordinary farce of the preceding 48 hours, you bounce back yesterday to initiate a return season!

Having become a Malcolm Turnbull supporter at the most unfashionable of junctures, and - indeed - having delivered a paean to him on Tuesday before an audience of your colleagues, you reappear yesterday to smite him.

What rough magic is at work here?


No magic, Annabel, no magic... just shitty opportunistic Machiavellian turncoating... Boyish? Hell no... I have seen vipers more boyish than Mr About.. see toon at top.