Saturday 4th of January 2025

above the law: beneath contempt .....

 beneath contempt .....

from Crikey .....

Allies suspected of war crimes should not be above the law

Greg Barns writes:


Israeli politician Tzipi Livni and her supporters are outraged that last weekend a British court issued a warrant to allow police to arrest her and question her about allegations that she committed war crimes during the Gaza offensive last Christmas.

Ms Livni, Israel's foreign minister at the time of the offensive, was planning a trip to the UK. The British government is under pressure to change the law to ensure that Israeli citizens are less likely to be subjected to the universal jurisdiction that the UK courts have to deal with allegations of war crimes. And it looks like it will do so, after foreign secretary David Miliband issued a grovelling apology yesterday to Israel for what has transpired.

The British government's actions in seeking to elevate Israeli officials above the UK war crimes law is breathtaking given the UN commissioned Goldstone Report's detailed findings about the breaches of the law by Israeli and Palestinian forces in that tragic conflict, which left more than 1300 Palestinians dead. No one, irrespective of who they are or what their nationality is, should be allowed to escape investigation for war crimes. That is why the UK has on its statute books war crimes laws that allow its courts universal jurisdiction.

Even though British behave unscrupulously and will manipulate the law to suit the Israeli government, Australia should not follow suit. In fact, the Rudd government should use the Livni case to make the point that we have similar war crimes laws in Australia and that any person, even if they hail from an ally such as Israel or the US, but who is suspected of committing war crimes should think carefully about visiting this country, because the government will not stand in the way of individuals and groups using the courts to ensure the Federal Police do their job and investigate allegations given to them should be properly investigated.

But don't hold your breath.

The recent visit to Australia of the political leadership that orchestrated the Gaza offensive, former Prime Minister Elmud Olmert, is a case in point. Olmert, who visited Australia earlier this month, was feted by politicians from both sides. This, despite the fact that Richard Goldstone observed only six weeks earlier about Gaza offensive, that; "Repeatedly, the Israel defence forces failed to adequately distinguish between combatants and civilians, as the laws of war strictly require [and that] Pursuing justice in this case is essential because no state or armed group should be above the law." Failure to do so "will have a deeply corrosive effect on international justice, and reveal an unacceptable hypocrisy. As a service to hundreds of civilians who needlessly died and for the equal application of international justice, the perpetrators of serious violations must be held to account."

Despite entreaties from individuals and Palestinian groups in Australia to the Attorney-General Robert McClelland and AFP Commissioner Tony Negus about Olmert, the impression that would have been gained by Israelis, who have become more careful about travelling to countries where there is universal jurisdiction in relation to war crimes, is that Australian authorities, even when armed with the Goldstone Report, will not lift a finger to take action.

Greg Barns has provided pro bono legal advice to Australians for Palestine.

elsewhere .....

Last weekend the Australian's foreign editor Greg Sheridan interviewed former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and provided a platform for him to defend the 2006 Lebanon war, 2008/09 Gaza war and reveal the "most extensive concessions any Israeli leader has ever brought to the table in the search for a settlement". The Arab victims of these offensives were ignored.

There was no mention of the fact that Olmert was unlikely to visit certain European countries due to the risk of him being arrested for alleged war crimes or the fact that the Australian Parliament welcomed the man a few weeks before  American students had challenged Olmert's speeches on multiple university campuses. Dozens were arrested for protesting Olmert's presence as they attempted to make a citizen's arrest against a figure facing serious corruption charges back in Israel.

For the Australian political elite, Israel is the sacred cow. There is no other country in the world, except the United States, that receives such uncritical and uninformed adulation. Virtually no politician wants to even acknowledge the reality of the brutal, military occupation on Palestinian lands. Or the fact that this week it was revealed in Haaretz that, "last year set an all-time record for the number of Arab residents of East Jerusalem who were stripped of residency rights by the Interior Ministry". Ethnic cleansing by stealth.

What does it all mean to civilization?

While the servility to the Zionist Jews is not a surprise, I find it impossible to come to terms with the British Government's attitude in excluding any Jews from prosecution for war crimes!!!   Fair dinkum.  Britain did have something to protect but now they have forever blackened their name as to justice and equality.

The British people are being betrayed even as they try to come to terms with their safety being tested by supporters of the innocent people their Government illegally assisted in being devastated and denied freedom.

Westminster!  What that once meant to me is now becoming only a past period of enlightened history – perhaps never to return.  Once Britannia the great – now, you lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. And for what?

What a small price you must have received for making yourself part of the bastardized democracies led by the United States of America and the illegal invaders and murderers of innocent people in Palestine just to ingratiate yourself with the fascist Zionist killers.

I once wrote in this forum that the Zionists, in building an illegal “state” for Jews only could be intended to prevent the rest of the world from daring to even charge one of their superior race. Yes, the supermen and none of them are card-carrying Nazis?  All Jewish criminals can go to their illegal state without any problems with honor or decency.  And whatever they do in any other nation which accepts them must realize that distinct possibility.

I have nothing but contempt for the US; Zionists and the British government. They should choke on the words freedom, justice and equality.

I am a supporter of Kevin Rudd but, does he and his party recognize the murderous “Israelis”?  Or does he too concede to their demands – and for what?

The great and tragic irony of the Middle East is that judging by right and wrong, the “Insurgents” in the illegally invaded countries of Iraq and Afghanistan are, in fact, the good guys – by any measure.  Our involvement condemns all of us and we should be ashamed to know, even now, that another “independent nation”, namely Iran, is in danger of the criminals of the US/Zionist and British alliance.

In fact, the procedure is a perfect copy of the lies and cruelty of the 2001-03 destruction of one ancient civilization and the attempt to do the same to another.

Well might we say – Lest we forget? We are a sick bunch of sheep.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.






Lets get some things straight.

The Jewish people originated as one of the wandering nomads which became known as the Semitic Tribes and came from Africa, as indeed did all civilization.

The Jewish section of these Tribes became known as the Canaanite/Hebrews.  Hebrews because language separated the various Semitic peoples and Canaanite because after their wandering they conquered the people of Canaan.

So, first deception - being Anti-Semitic is being against any of the Semitic tribes, most of who are being crucified by the Jews themselves.  Hypocrisy and deception by “telling a lie often enough”?

Second deception – The Jews were hated by the Nazi “white supremacy” because they were part of the non-Aryan world and therefore considered, like all races east of the Aryan line (including all Semites) as inferior and untermenschen .

Third deception – The Jews were placed in the many Nazi concentration camps but so were all untermenschen (who were not killed in battle) and the others like Gypsies; homosexuals and the infirm.  The Holocaust did happen but, the Jewish Semites have by money and media power stolen the sympathies for that tragedy for themselves only and from a post war gullible world.  It was a crime against all humanity.

Fourth deception – That the land of Palestine is really the original Israel!  What happened to the other kingdom of Judah? From whence came the lost 10 tribes and which in Greek is Judas?  The Diaspora? Yes but why?  And IF Judah was south of Israel, where would that be on the Zionist map.

Fifth deception – That the Spanish Inquisition ONLY punished Jews who did not abide by the dictates of Rome.  In fact, any citizen who did so was tried and almost certainly burnt at the stake.  And many centuries later the civilized Americans were also burning people and drowning those dang Warlocks and Witches – not many Jews there.  Struth.

There are many more deceptions over the centuries but, the only consistent attitude of other people is that the Jews are crazy about Gold-n-Power.  My description for their inherent desire for wealth and power, sometimes to the disadvantage of the host nation as history reveals.

So, lets not get carried away with the stupid theory that the Jews deserve Palestine for their own because…….?

Perhaps America and Britain want the Zionists to succeed while they steal the remaining wealth of that area?

Or like 7 December 1941, all of the defensive planes in Hawaii were conveniently clustered together for.....?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



The Zionist Angel of Death is alive and well.

So, do the Jews now cross off the names of Dr's Mengele and Rascher as war criminals?

So as time passes and the Zionist invaders of Palestine continue their mimicry of the Nazi atrocities, it has been revealed that they have been stealing body parts for transplants to Israeli patients.   This was confessed to by the Israelis (with limitations) as follows:

 "We started to harvest corneas...whatever was done was highly informal.  No permission was asked from the family," pathologist Yehud Hiss,the former head of the Abu Akbar Center, also know as the L. Greenberg Institute for Forensic Medicine.... Hiss said his doctors often sought to mask the removal of corneas from bodies.  “We’d glue the eyelid shut.  We wouldn’t take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids”. [Non Jews?]

“The skins were taken from the bodies and transmitted to Hadasah hospital in West Jerusalem on the request of the Israeli army to be transplanted to wounded soldiers and in case of disaster”.

Knesset member Teibi told IOL "If such is what they are willing to admit, imagine how much they are concealing." Teibi says the revelations amounted to irrefutable evidence proving that Israeli doctors at the Abu Akbar institute harvested appendages and corneas from bodies of slain Palestinians in the 1990s.  He says the latest revelations underscored the “inherent racism plaguing the Israeli Jewish society."

A documentary revealed that.. “in the 1990s, [Israeli]forensic specialists harvested corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives.”

At that time, Teibi said he had received credible evidence proving that Israeli doctors at the forensic institute of Abu Akbar extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys and liver from the bodies of Palestinian youth and children killed by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank.

Hiss said his doctors often sought to mask the removal of corneas from bodies.  “We’d glue the eyelid shut.  We wouldn’t take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids”. [Jews?]

“The skins were taken from the bodies and transmitted to Hadasah hospital in West Jerusalem on the request of the Israeli army to be transplanted to wounded soldiers and in case of disaster” said Hiss.”

In reply to a Swedish Journalist's claim that the Jews had used Swedish body parts, the Israeli army replied:  "However it was found that Swedish brains are somewhat smaller than that of a pecan and thus have little market value. The hearts are so black that even transplating them into a baboon would be an insult - to the baboon. Their livers dripped of cheap booze even when a bottle of award winning Golan wine was placed by it's side.
The IDF has since decided that Swedish people make no physical contribution to this world while living
 or dead."

Is that an admission that they did as claimed and, most importantly, did they make a profit?

What will these criminals have to do before they are reigned in and sooner the better.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

What's in a Word?

The Revolution by British subjects of the American colonies in the 18th century somehow, became known as the War of Independence - indeed the latter is of course, misleading since the people waging the war were British whether they liked it or not.  Ergo, it was a revolution.  Since the victors always write the records of their wars - it became "Independence". 

So our "Eureka Stockade" was a "War of Independence"?  What crap, no matter how we look at it.

Now, with typical American deception, the mainly foreign Zionists living in Palestine declared their "state" existed in 1946, without any legal authority whatsoever.  They were declared terrorists by the UN.  Because of the differentiation of the combatants, ie. Palestinian citizens who were Zionists (Jewish) against the legal Palestinian Government, it was more akin to the rebellion which became a civil war when the American North attacked the South as a result of the Southern States declaring that they had succeeded from the UNION.

So, was the action by the Southern States a "War of Independence" lost?

The claim by the Israeli Occupation Force that they won a war of independence cannot be justified either legally or morally. It suits the western powers to allow this massive travesty of justice to continue to be perpetrated in complete denial of their supposed values of freedom and human rights.

This evil occupation by the IOF will eventually erupt into a hotbed of justified war in the gorilla fashion so loved by the Americans in their revolution.

Make no mistake, the other historic Semite nations will not be forever be subdued by the Zionist Fascists and they will never forget - nor should they. 

I intend to write to ask my Federal Labor Parliamentary representative, what is the attitude of the Rudd government to this slaughter and re-introduction of Nazi methods with Apartheid laws.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



zionist boloney .....

A UN human rights expert on Wednesday condemned a "tragic failure" by major powers to end Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip or probe alleged war crimes committed during a military offensive one year ago.

In Geneva, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, urged Israel's European and North American allies to press for the immediate end of the blockade "backed up by a credible threat of economic sanctions."

"There is no evidence of meaningful international pressure being brought to bear to end the blockade or to ensure that Israeli and Hamas officials are held accountable for alleged war crimes perpetrated during the Gaza attacks," he said in a statement.,7340,L-3824428,00.html

meanwhile .....

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset plenum on Wednesday that in the face of the Iranian nuclear threat, concerted attacks on Israel's right to self defense and a stalled peace process, it was imperative for the opposition to support the government.

Netanyahu opened his address to the plenum by listing the major issues facing the country, which he said were "the Iranian [nuclear] threat, the missile threat and a threat I call the Goldstone threat, along with the mission of renewing and completing the peace process with the Palestinians."

Israel was working intensively on the Iranian issue, the prime minister told the lawmakers.

"We are dealing with this a whole lot. Not everything is evident, and sanctions are an important and even necessary condition, [only] time will tell if they are sufficient, to stop the Iranian nuclear program. I assess that the UN will make decisions on the matter in February," Netanyahu said.

Regarding the "Goldstone threat," Netanyahu told the lawmakers: "Goldstone is a codeword for an attempt to delegitimize Israel's right to self-defense."

A Lesson in Jewishprudence?

So the American trained terrorist Netanyahu (who must surely be tried for crimes against humanity) has stated that "Goldstone is a codeword for an attempt to delegitimize Israel's right to self-defense." Holy Mackerel and Struth.  A South African Jewish Judge is now picking on the poor Zionists who only want to be left alone to enjoy the fruits of their illegal activities and massive crimes against civilization itself.  If it hadn't been a Jew would the Mossad have executed him?

This is the same as likening it to Iran committing suicide in even planning of attacking the Zionists because - the Jews are talking about the reverse - or like the Nazis shelling the saboteurs of the Warsaw Ghetto who were active in their own country of Poland, and claiming that they (Nazis) were only "Legitimately defending ourselves"!  What's the difference? 

A crime is a crime and wrong is wrong or we should go back and swing in the trees of Africa.  Perhaps that’s where some people belong? Apologies to the chimps.

Now the unholy US/Zionist alliance is ramping up their propaganda against Iran in the exact same manner as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq.  Just picture yourself as a member of those innocent civilizations!  Hundreds of thousands murdered for their natural wealth with the patently lying claim that they had WMD in Iraq or that they were the training ground for terrorists in Afghanistan which, at that time, was completely untrue. 

Then it was, as Tony Blair (the British criminal) claimed, they would have invaded Iraq anyway.  Or, as the Americans originally claimed - the Taliban would not hand over Osama bin Laden unless he was fairly tried in an independent court.  So that was unsatisfactory - who did they dam well think they were?  Free people?

Well they bloody well aren't now are they?  Iraq, like Gaza, was consciously starved into weakness - weakness to the point of being much less able to defend themselves.  In Iraq alone 500,000 children died from the sanctions before the illegal invasion and, "it was worth it" according to Madeleine Albright the American Secretary of State and a Jew whose real name was Marie Jana Korbelova and who was born in Prague.

Even now, with the death tolls in these US “wars by choice”, are rising into the millions.  Meanwhile, the Zionists (who are yet to suffer any severe casualties) are waiting for the sanctions and the US orchestrated "opposition demonstrations" in Iran to be accepted by the still so gullible and supposedly because of the recent election of the gutsy little fellow, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Will their insults to our intelligence never end?  These are the same people who "organised and fixed the democratic elections" in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Fair dinkum. 

 It is surely in the Australian nature, when witnessing a totally unequal contest, to at least try to help the victims of oppression with genuine outrage?  Or are we really monkeys after all?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.






Does our future depend on a religious document?

Again depending on my common sense, logic and reasoning - I believe that OUR laws were almost totally created on the teaching of the Bible?  In other words, it was a teaching that was the ultimate direction that human behavior should take to be universally respectfull of all beings, human or otherwise.

All things considered - that still seems to be a good basis on which to interact with others? I am no expert on any religion including my own but, it must be acceptable to the rich and poor, the weak and the powerful, the aggressive and the submissive that each and every person should ideologally be granted all of the benefits of civilisation?  Is that communism or socialism? It certainly would upset the Corporations and their penchant for capitalism which takes with it total control.

And this is without proof.  IMHO the Toran; the Bible and the directions of the other so many religions, seem to direct their readers to compassion and their respect for other humans.  Conversely, the Hebrew Torah, in my limited knowledge, advises quite the opposite.  In fact, it may even suggest that anyone else is not worth the breath they breave.

Try imagining living with a person who sincerely believes in that doctrine.  And all Gods should protect the Palestinians.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

of war, peace and death...

Forget the gods...

All humans should protect the Palestinians...

God is only the idea of what we accept to fiddle with for the inevitability of our death...

Matter — itself an accidental creation of a flawed universe in an expanding flux of energy — created, on a lucky planet, an evolving continuum of DNA more than 3.5 billion years ago. Our own DNA is part of this evolution. Our own existence is part of this evolution.

Speciation, complexity of assemblage in bio-molecules, interaction with a symbiotic simpatico environment, led to differentiation of organ purpose in various construct. Most animals evolved from the same structural pattern set by the DNA. Some more complex than others... The interaction between environment and species led to the evolution of consciousness via the progressive development of "memory" and the perception of sensors that became "centralised". The "reality of space" in humans has developed beyond survival... We have entered the world of stylistic life, in which we imagine and lie beyond what we need to survive. We start to dismiss our natural origins because we cannot accept the concept that as we become aware of our space and time, we, as individuals, are subject to the rules of nature — our DNA which has developed in evolution to abandoned its "individual" creatures for its own evolving continuum, in reaction to the conditions of the environment.

Conciousness is the delta of memory...

Thus as conscious beings, we "cannot accept" death as the end of our self... Thus we have invented various illusive "interpretations" of life that do not meet the reality but soothe our angst... God in various shape, form or action we wish to describe this illusion is irrelevant to the planet that "evolved" us.

I have proposed long ago that humans evolved the stylistic component of life mostly because, by whatever accidental increment of evolution, our memory size became larger than what we need to survive. This "extra" memory introduced us to the realm of uncertainty while faced with choices in which many answers would lead to survival nonetheless. The evolution of choice turned into the stylistic decision in which we created religions and other interaction such as culture, transmission of the "social" memory, greater lies and bigger deception, some to gain advantage on others, some to allay our fear of individual "terminality" with flimsy explanations and the theater of rituals.

The "war" between the zionists and the palestinians, sadly, is no more than an unenlightened  battle between sadists and a losing bunch of poor sods, mostly forced into basic reactive instinct by oppression to be violent for survival, in basic and in stylistic desire  — all of whom, oppressors and victims, have lost track of our human natural reality.

I believe that true enlightenment is the realisation of our space in time, and the acceptance of our earthly limits as individual. But we can still improve our lot, nonetheless.... Yet, death is final. After death we do not exist as spirits or whatever... But our existence may have imprinted the social "culture". Thus we may be remembered for a while.

In the end nothing matters. Peace. Simple peace....