Monday 10th of March 2025

warts on each other's arse .....

warts on each other's arse .....

Israel's decision to approve 1,600 new homes in an ultra-Orthodox East Jerusalem neighbourhood is undermining Middle East peace talks, US Vice President Joe Biden said in Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Earlier Tuesday, the Interior Ministry approved the building of 1,600 new housing units in Ramat Shlomo, with a ministry official saying the plan will expand the ultra-Orthodox East Jerusalem neighbourhood to the east & to the south.

"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem," Biden said.

The American Vice President added that the "substance & timing of the announcement, particularly with the launching of proximity talks, is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now & runs counter to the constructive discussions that I've had here in Israel."

But hold on ..... good old Joe is a proud, self-confessed Zionist himself, so how could he possibly be embarrassed by the behaviour of his sleazy fellow travellers in Israel?

The truth is that the US is no more serious about standing-up for Palestinians than Israel.

The mock outrage expressed at Israel's announcement during Biden's visit was designed purely as a sop for the rest of the planet, who finally realise that neither Israel or America have any intention of doing anything other than pillaging from the defenceless, no matter who they are.

Whilst Biden & Netanyahu focus on the real game & plot the introduction of sanctions against Iran for crimes it has never committed, both Israel & America thumb their noses at international law & do whatever they like.

They truly are the 'worst of the worst': warts on each other's arse.

crocodile tears .....

The apology offered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Eli Yishai recalls the joke about the servant who pinched the king's bottom. En route to the gallows, the servant apologized: He thought it was the queen's bottom.

The statement issued by Netanyahu's bureau said that in light of the ongoing dispute between Israel and the United States over construction in East Jerusalem, the plans for new housing in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood should not have been approved this particular week. It also said the premier had ordered Yishai to draft procedures that would prevent a recurrence. In other words, Yishai is welcome to submit more plans for Jewish construction in East Jerusalem next week, when U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will no longer be here.

Based on Biden's reaction, it seems that he (and, presumably, his boss) has decided that it is better to leave with a few sour grapes than to quarrel with the vineyard guard. In his speech at Tel Aviv University, he said he appreciated Netanyahu's pledge that there would be no recurrence. But what exactly does that mean? That next time he comes, the Planning and Building Committee will be asked to defer discussion of similar plans until the honored guest has left?




With the media storm dying down, Netanyahu can breathe a sigh of relief.

In a sense, the uproar actually helped him: To wipe the spit off his face, Biden had to say it was only rain. Therefore, he lauded Netanyahu's assertion that actual construction in Ramat Shlomo would begin only in another several years.

Thus Israel essentially received an American green light for approving even more building plans in East Jerusalem.

kharta buna …..

Israeli riot police and soldiers have, since Friday, sealed off the Al Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holiest shrine, restricting entry to women and Palestinian men over 50. Outside the walled Old City, where the Al Aqsa mosque is situated, and in several West Bank villages, clashes were reported between Palestinian protestors, their Israeli and international supporters, and the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), leaving at least 20 Palestinians wounded.

Following a security assessment Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak ordered security forces to stop tens of thousands of Palestinians from entering Jerusalem.

The tense situation on the ground has coincided with a diplomatic crisis of sorts with the Israeli government in confrontation with visiting United States Vice-President Joe Biden.

An announcement on Tuesday by the Israeli interior ministry to build 1,600 new homes for illegal Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem provoked strong rebuke from the U.S. administration as well as international condemnation.

Israeli officials followed the announcement by stating that in the next few years, perhaps decade, approximately 50,000 new homes would be built in the occupied East Jerusalem - mostly for Jewish settlers.

Hindsight is perfect vision - but do we see it yet?

Of all of the suspected crimes of the US/Zionist alliance, the one that keeps scratching me regarding the September 11 tragedy with the Twin Towers attack.

In all cases of wars of choice, the American Military/Corporate have known of, or instigated some slim excuse for declaring war.  The situation on 9/11 was no different in the minds of just about every American who dared to investigate the circumstances.

Working back from the actual event, we were informed of the following;

1.  The various departments in the US security area were aware of the suspicious behavior of the mainly Saudi Arabian trainee pilots. Did the heads of these various departments for the defence of the American people roll? Were they made to resign.

2.  At the time of the attack, Bush was being filmed at a children's school and when he was informed of the tragedy, he took some 7 minutes for it to register why?  Because I believe that this moron was being made aware of what he had done.

3.  While Bush at this very time was entertaining the Saudi Arabian royalty he nevertheless allowed them to leave by planes regardless of the fact that he had a "lock down" on all airports.

4.  The builders of the Towers claimed that they had provided for an attack by 727's not 747's.

5.  Mr. Silverstein had insured Tower number 7 for billions of dollars just months before that tower collapsed without obvious reasons.

6.  It was also reported and subsequently ignored, that 4000 Jewish employees in those main towers were absent on a religious holiday on 9/11.  Nevertheless most employees in Tower 7 survived.

7.  Subsequently the weird Mayor of New York declared the area (Zero) clear of toxicisity.  The various public departments who followed that advice and began clearing a site to be immortalised, started dying in numbers of cancer and related diseases.  The Mayor said it was the flourescent lighting.  Fair dinkum.

Without a time machine, we may never know for sure but, in a paranoic country like America, such a cotastrophe would bind the entire population, as always, to an all out attack on the perpetrators.

The problem with this was that the conspiritors had to explain the exit of the Saudi Arabians, especially since they blamed Osama bin Laden for the terrorist act.

But again, why then did they attack Iraq?  They knew that Saddam had no respect for Osama but they played their continuing game of making up stories to suit their pre-arranged plan.

To my knowledge, no one outside of Iraq and Afghanistan have suffered for that apparent con job.

Except of course the increasing numbers of American conscripts who with natural resentment, are becoming animalized by the war that finished after two weeks.  Mission Accomplished.

Now, the junior partner in these crimes against humanity, the Zionists, are being smacked over the wrists with a handful of fairyfloss for telling the American President to kiss their arses.

And who is able or willing to stop this wholesale murder and destruction of civilization as we know it?

There is a gutsy little fellow in Iran who has weathered all of the bastardry that the US and the Zionists can muster and, he continues to follow international law as the the NPT but, that's not good enough for the Zionists (who do not obey any civilized law) and while they are always threatening him he has only replied that he will defend his Nation.  Good for him!

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




Lets reverse the "freedom of the biased press".

In this forum surely my opinions are well known.  I cannot understand how a world can, after two world wars, excuse the extension of continuous conflict on the uneducated claim of "democracy".

After years of exploitation the "free" peoples understand that the principles of democracy are simply smoke and mirrors.

If we go back to the world before the American Revolution - there seemed to be a reasonable order to things.  The Romans and the British had improved the infrastructure of those who they had conqered.  History tells us that their civilizations were more stabilized by a method of government which intended to improve the use of the land that they had conquered.

My point is that, in the history of the world, the empires which chose to dominate always contributed to an improvement in the life-style of the ordinary people.  Their actions were considered on fairness, that they left those people better than when they conquered them.

Can anyone imagine the comparisons of the Roman conquerers of Britain to the underhanded abortive birth of a traitorous and uncontrollable society which calls itself "Israel" in Palestine?

Well might we say that - democracy is a marketting ploy.

God bless Australia and let us stop allowing anyone to have dual allegiance to our nation. NE OUBLIE.

who's the dog & who's the tail .....

On January 16th, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a team of senior military officers from the U.S. Central Command (responsible for overseeing American security interests in the Middle East), arrived at the Pentagon to brief Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The team had been dispatched by CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus to underline his growing worries at the lack of progress in resolving the issue.

The 33-slide, 45-minute PowerPoint briefing stunned Mullen. The briefers reported that there was a growing perception among Arab leaders that the U.S. was incapable of standing up to Israel, that CENTCOM's mostly Arab constituency was losing faith in American promises, that Israeli intransigence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was jeopardizing U.S. standing in the region, and that Mitchell himself was (as a senior Pentagon officer later bluntly described it) "too old, too slow ... and too late."

The January Mullen briefing was unprecedented. No previous CENTCOM commander had ever expressed himself on what is essentially a political issue; which is why the briefers were careful to tell Mullen that their conclusions followed from a December 2009 tour of the region where, on Petraeus's instructions, they spoke to senior Arab leaders. "Everywhere they went, the message was pretty humbling," a Pentagon officer familiar with the briefing says. "America was not only viewed as weak, but its military posture in the region was eroding."

But Petraeus wasn't finished: two days after the Mullen briefing, Petraeus sent a paper to the White House requesting that the West Bank and Gaza (which, with Israel, is a part of the European Command - or EUCOM), be made a part of his area of operations. Petraeus's reason was straightforward: with U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military had to be perceived by Arab leaders as engaged in the region's most troublesome conflict.

meanwhile, as if to prove the point  ....

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said that Israel would continue to build in Jerusalem in the same way that it has over the last 42 years.

"The building in Jerusalem - and in all other places - will continue in the same way as has been customary over the last 42 years," said Netanyahu at a Likud party meeting.

And if there's any doubt as to who is the dog & who is the tail ....

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which begins its annual meeting a week from today in Washington, called the Obama administration's lashing of Israel in recent days "a matter of serious concern."

The White House has been on the offensive since construction of 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem was approved during Vice President Joe Biden's visit last week. On Sunday, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod became the latest administration figure to publicly rebuke Israel, saying on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the move was an "affront," an "insult" and "very, very destructive."

This follows statements by Biden and the State Department, and a 43-minute phone call from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, berating the leader over the "insult."

"The Obama Administration's recent statements regarding the U.S. relationship with Israel are a matter of serious concern," AIPAC said in a statement Sunday. "...The Administration should make a conscious effort to move away from public demands and unilateral deadlines directed at Israel, with whom the United States shares basic, fundamental, and strategic interests.

"The escalated rhetoric of recent days only serves as a distraction from the substantive work that needs to be done with regard to the urgent issue of Iran's rapid pursuit of nuclear weapons, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and all her Arab neighbors."

Who is the dog and who is the tail?

The Military/Corporate in the US has butchered its way through the world since WW II.  With the possible exception when facing the Soviet Union, they have had little to be afraid of but – their very existence is dependent on wars of choice.

With all of their “flag waving” excuses of “self defense” the world has woken up – I hope.

Since the 1940’s they have supported the beginning of a rogue state whose objective is to steal the land of the Palestinians for personal gain and a base for the spread of their doctrine of superiority. This would suit the yanks (they must have thought) to destabilize the region and produce all of the oil the US may want while paying the Jews to do so.

For a nation who once claimed to be the beacon of democracy, the US is wearing the Emperor’s new clothes.

After many years on, with the US debt to the world skyrocketing, the Jewish Lobbyists have consolidated their power in the governance of that nation of greedy individuals strangely in the manner proposed by the “Elders of Zion”.

So, America under the Bush regime has become the laughing stock of the “in the know” financial manipulators of the world.

Meanwhile, matters concerning the Palestine invasion and in particular the Gaza Holocaust, are being absorbed by previously unaware peoples who have had their own problems to resolve.

The murderous success of the Zionist invaders of Palestine is and always has been, blessed and financially assisted in their “emphysema” killing of a once peaceful country by the US.

Australians and Americans (who are aware of what is going on) should consider that, when the Zionists have achieved their financial control of America (against Obama I believe) and with the Zionist financial empire including England – what next?

So, I do believe that the US has stupidly tried to use the Zionists for their Middle East policies and have been “check mated” by a group of opportunists, backed by obscene wealth.

Can the explanation to the conundrum be that “the tail has become the dog”?


God Bless Australia and all who within her.  NE OUBLIE.





business as usual .....

News emerged yesterday of another building project of more than 300 homes planned for East Jerusalem, even as Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, sought to step back from a growing public feud with Israel over its settlement policies.

A notice on the website of the Israel Lands Authority invited bids on construction of 309 new homes in the Jewish suburb of Neve Yaakov, located in north-east Jerusalem.

A spokesman for the Jerusalem municipality said building and planning across the city were moving ahead. "For us, it is business as usual," Stephan Miller said.

dirty tricks .....

Last week we read about AIPAC's assault against President Obama. It was reported that the Jewish Lobby in America took its gloves off. In the open, AIPAC decided to mount pressure on the American leadership and President Obama in particular.

"The Obama administration's recent statements regarding the U.S. relationship with Israel is a matter of serious concern," AIPAC said in its statement. AIPAC's reaction came after a weekend of U.S. recriminations and demands, following Israel's provocative announcement that it had given preliminary approval for the construction of 1,600 more apartments for Jewish settlers in a Palestinian neighborhood of eastern occupied Jerusalem.

Unlike President Obama, who seems to be prioritizing issues like the health care reform bill and United States economic recovery, AIPAC claims to know what America's 'real' interests are and how to achieve them. "The administration should make a conscious effort to move away from public demands and unilateral deadlines directed at Israel, with whom the United States shares basic, fundamental, and strategic interests". AIPAC also suggested that the American leadership should concentrate on a confrontation with Iran. "The escalated rhetoric of recent days only serves as a distraction from the substantive work that needs to be done with regard to the urgent issue of Iran's rapid pursuit of nuclear weapons".

Jewish lobbies certainly do not hold back when it comes to pressuring states, world leaders and even super powers. AIPAC's behavior last week reminded me of the Jewish declaration of war against Nazi Germany in 1933.

nearby .....

Another big week for Israeli spies - new and old.

In the latest chapter of the Dubai assassination drama, Britain gave the boot Tuesday to an Israeli diplomat, asserting that Israel was involved in the forgery of U.K. passports used in the January killing of a senior Hamas operative.

Meanwhile, declassified FBI documents from a 25-year-old Israeli spy scandal here surfaced on the Internet.

Lest one think the Israelis might lay low for awhile, a defiant Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a fiery speech in Washington Tuesday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the same powerful group implicated in that long-ago spy scandal.

Odd, for a business that's supposed to stay out of the news. Then again, that's been the fate of spy services in recent years. A lot of what they do, from espionage and bribery to counterterrorism and hacking into computers, has ended up on the front page.

But another of Mossad's reason for being, as with all the world's spy services, is to make sure friends are really friends.

And judging by once sensitive FBI documents making the rounds in recent days, the Israelis have been at this task in Washington for a very long time.

The 21 documents, obtained by Grant F. Smith, a Washington, D.C. author who has made a career out of writing critical books on Israeli spying and lobbying, detail the FBI's investigation into the theft of a confidential U.S. document on the Reagan administration's position going into the 1984 U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area Negotiations.

Acting on a complaint that the document was circulating on Capitol Hill, the FBI discovered that an Israeli diplomat had acquired the paper and given it to officials at AIPAC, the lobbying group whose annual convention drew both Netanyahu and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton this week.

elsewhere .....

Well it has now emerged that the British Government used spies, lies and community leaders to spew out anti-Palestinian propaganda during the Gaza War.

And the proof is there, in black and white, for any of you who care to wade through the weighty document called the Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).

Most MPs are still too busy trying to tot up the shortfall left by the expenses scandal, to leaf through the document which was quietly slipped into Parliament a few days ago.

And now it has emerged that the masters of Prevent, hidden deep inside the intelligence units of MI5 and Special branch, slithered around the community on a whispering campaign.

While the dirty tricks were at play, the British Government appeared to be sitting on the fence agonizing silently over Israel's attack on the civilian population of Gaza.

But now we know those pained expressions on the face of Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Minister David Miliband were either caused by acute wind or a RADA lesson.

As war crimes were being committed and the children of Gaza were slaughtered by the Israeli army, it now transpires some Prevent leaders went about urging people to remain quiet.

Read the contents of the report and ask your MP more about the Prevent programme. In short it is a shameful project which should be scrapped and denied anymore taxpayers' money.

There, among the pages of the Annual Report of the Intelligence and Security Committee are written boasts from the Home Secretary: "During the Gaza conflict RICU ensured that the Government's position was communicated... a major counter-narrative campaign has been initiated... a network of community organisations established... local partners in priority areas have been briefed and provided with communications advice... relationships have been built with key media channels... research into audience segmentation... has been completed... [and] guidance on communicating with Somali and Pakistani [communities] in the UK has been circulated."

And so the letter goes on - this is not British. This rails against our sense of fairplay and justice

9/11/2001 - a day of infamy but - whose?

As time goes by, little by little, the world is fed "different or new" information on many subjects.  Usually the plan is to "leave things alone" if the general belief suits the perpetrators of the crime.

Was it soon after September 2001 that the more "servile" attitude of the U.S. Bush administration ramped up its support for the illegal state of Israel? To a level in fact that clearly supported ANY action the Zionists chose to take against the Palestinians and their Semite neighbors. It would be interesting to record their crimes against humanity AFTER 9/11.

Was there gratitude to the Zionists which created the platform for the new excuse for world wars of choice, namely, War Against Terrorism?

We know that the Jewish American (or should that be American Jew) Mr. Silverstein bought Tower 7 just some months before the tragedy and made an insurance killing in the Billions but - not before that Tower decided to collapse itself?

It was reported at first that 4000 Jewish workers in the Twin Towers did not report for work on that day - and then that report was hushed up but, IMHO, was never properly investigated.

In or about the same time period, when the Zionists callously perpetrated their own style of Nazism by the Gaza Holocaust, there was a report from the US that a new investigation into 9/11 is being sought.  Since then the mythical Israelis have broken every international law; every UN resolution against them; and every agreement not to increase their colonization of occupied Palestine.

Why?  Why does America expose their fear of the Zionists by allowing insults to their own President, Vice President and Secretary of State?  Why must the US top administration have to answer to the Jewish AIPAC - and in America? Why does Netanyahu enjoy demonstrating to the world, that HE is the Goliath in the present situation and the result of this confrontation is being won by him?  At least for now?

"Come into my parlor....." may well be the way that the US was conned into a "strategy"?

If Obama is not careful, the illegal Israelis may well declare war on the US as they did to Germany in 1933.

God Bless Australia and who runs the Institute of Public Affairs?  NE OUBLIE.



Under the microscope yet again. Part 1.

By Gilad Atzmon

March 25, 2010 "
Information Clearing House" -- Last week we read about AIPAC’s assault against President Obama. It was reported that the Jewish Lobby in America took its gloves off. In the open, AIPAC decided to mount pressure on the American leadership and President Obama in particular.

Jewish lobbies certainly do not hold back when it comes to pressuring states, world leaders and even super powers. AIPAC’s behavior last week reminded me of the Jewish declaration of war against Nazi Germany in 1933.

Not many people are aware that in March 1933, long before Hitler became the undisputed leader of Germany and began restricting the rights of German Jews, the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens and called for an American boycott of German goods…..(King hit from the Jews)

On March 24, 1933, The Daily Express (London) published an article announcing that the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and threatened a forthcoming "holy war". The Express urged Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and demonstrate actively against German economic interests.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

Jewish texts tend to glaze over the fact that Hitler's March 28 1933, ordering a boycott against Jewish stores and goods, was an escalation in direct response to the declaration of war on Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership. In fact the only Jewish enclave that is willing to admit the historical order of events that led to the destruction of European Jewry, is the anti Zionist Jewish Orthodox sect known as the Torah Jews. I assume that, similarly, once things turn sour between America and its Jewish lobbies, Jewish tribal ideologists will be the first to forget that it was the Jewish American establishment that worked so hard to nourish the inevitable animosity.

If you wonder why Jewish politicians repeat exactly the same mistakes time after time, the answer is easy. Jews do not know their Jewish history for there is no Jewish history.

As it happens, Jewish history is a set of fables tied clumsily together to portray a false image of a victorious narrative. Jewish history is a set of blind spots bundled together by myth, fantasies and lies, in order to present the illusion of a coherent past narrative and a vague semblance of chronology. Israeli professor Shlomo Sand  taught us that the Zionists, and to a certain extent their Bundist rivals, were far from being shy of “inventing” the history of their Jewish nationhood. But it goes further, even the holocaust, which could be a major illuminating corner in Jewish reflection, was transformed into a rigid chapter that perpetuated blindness. As a vision of the past, it is there to hide and to disguise, rather than to reveal and inform. In a Jewish history book, you won’t read about ‘Judea’s declaration of war against Nazi Germany’. In Jewish history texts chronology always launches when Jewish suffering begins. Jewish history transcends itself beyond the notion of causality. It persuades us that persecution of Jews occurs out of nowhere. The Jewish historical text avoids the necessary questions as to why hostility evolves time after time, why do Jews buy so many enemies and so easily?  (Why indeed)

Continued in part 2.

God Bless Australia and keep us free of Goldman Sachs - says Greece. NE OUBLIE.

Under the microscope yet again. Final part.

AIPAC leaders are clearly repeating the grave mistakes of their forebearers: the American Jewish Congress. They do not learn from their history, for there is not a single Jewish history text to learn from. Instead of a history text, Jews have the Holocaust, an event that matured into a religion.

The holocaust religion is obviously Judeo-centric to the bone. It defines the Jewish Raison d'être. For the Jews it signifies a total fatigue of the Diaspora, it regards the Goy as a potential ‘irrational’ murderer. The new Jewish religion preaches revenge. It even establishes a new Jewish God. Instead of old Yehova, the new Jewish God is ‘the Jew’ himself: the brave and witty being, the one who survived the ultimate and most sinister genocide, the one who came out of the ashes and stepped forward into a new beginning.

To a certain extent the Holocaust religion signals the Jewish departure from monotheism, for every Jew is a potential little God or Goddess. Gilad Shalit is the God ‘innocence’, Abe Foxman is the God anti Semitism, Maddof is the God of swindling, Greenspan is the God of ‘good economy’, Lord Goldsmith is the God of the ‘green light’, Lord Levy is the God of fundraising, Wolfowitz is the God of new American expansionism and AIPAC is the American Olympus where American elected human beings come to ask for mercy and forgiveness for being Goyim and for daring to occasionally tell the truth about Israel.

The holocaust religion is the conclusive stage in the Jewish dialectic; it is the end of Jewish history for it is the deepest and most sincere form of ‘self love’. Rather than inventing an abstract God who prefers the Jews to be the chosen people, in the holocaust religion the Jews cut out the divine middle substance. The Jew just chooses oneself. This is why Jewish identity politics transcends itself beyond the notion of history. God is the master of ceremony. And the new Jewish God cannot be subject to humanly contingent occurrences. The new Jewish God, i.e. ‘the Jew’, just re-writes fables that serve the tribe at any given time. This may explain why the Holocaust religion is protected by laws, while every other historical chapter and narrative is debated openly by historians, intellectuals and ordinary people

As one may guess, with such a self-centered intensive world-view, not much room is left for humanity, grace or universalism. It is far from being clear whether Jews can collectively recover from their new religion. However, it is crucial that every humanist stands up against the holocaust religion that can only spread misery, death and carnage. 

(1)      Unlike President Obama who postponed his Far East trip just to meet Israeli PM and sent his Secretary of State to appease his Jewish opponents promising more confrontation with Iran, Hitler actually reacted furiously to Jewish pressure.

End of Quote.

The rest is history but - who cast the first stone?


a lone voice .....

In part one of his interview with Helen Thomas, longest-serving member of the White House Press Corps, Paul Jay asks her about her first question for President Obama.

The question, asking President Obama to name all the countries in the Middle-East that have nuclear weapons, was avoided by the President, who claimed to not want to "speculate". Thomas claims that knowledge of Israeli nukes is very public in DC and Obama's answer shows a lack of credibility. She explains the importance of this question for U.S. policy in the region.

Finally, she confides that she has not been called on by the President since that day, but that if she does, she will ask him whether or not he has found any more information about nukes in the Middle-East since their last encounter.

How do they get away with it?

There must be swift and decisive political action taken against the Morlocks (stealers of body parts for private use) of occupied Palestine.

Considering their blanket style refusal when asked to abide by any International Law; any civilized law; or any agreement that they have reached with anybody at any time during the last 62 plus years - the Zionists stand condemned – and loving it.

Never in my almost 80 years on this planet would I have believed that a Bastard country like mythical Israel, would be allowed to exist at all, let alone for 62 years.  During that time we, the once righteous democracies, have cried shame and done nothing about the constant and consistent crimes against humanity cheerfully perpetrated by the Morlock Jews of occupied Palestine.

When the cold war was on, there was no holding back by the US and its allies from employing all sorts of sanctions against the “possibility” of Russia committing a dirty deed. 

Same with the non-aggressive Afghanistan who had dared to ask for a fair trial for an accused man.  At the demand of Israel (taking the world’s press off them) the invasion and a war continuing after nine years - and the people still have little hope of fresh water or electricity.

Saddam Hussein, an ally of the US, was purposely and brazenly accused of having WMD’s and his nation was invaded and thousands of years of history destroyed.  Saddam knew too much – so they “the coalition of the killing” simply hung him. This, due to the demand from Israel (while they are out of the picture). That war is now seven years old and without any chance of justice being achieved.

Put in its correct perspective, the Zionist state does not exist – legally or morally.  Saying that it does or acknowledging that it might – doesn’t change the overall international law that it has no legitimacy.  Even the “dirty deal” to betray Germany’s peace agreement in 1917 by the Jews and the Brits doesn’t provide any assistance to the invaders – to legally control the Palestine land requires the Morlocks to get approval from the Palestinians.

So these “self styled” Gods obviously intend to continue their murderous colonization of Palestine and the destruction of some impertinent Muslim God until the last of the owners of the pillaged land are no more.

It puts lie to everything I was brought up to believe; to serve my country against; to protect the rights of all peoples of the world by the once simple objective of not allowing any force to destroy man’s inherent right to freedom.

I believe that the free world now has only Obama or the European Union to politically fight these rogue military forces by total and immediate withdrawal of any sort of aid to the Netanyahu mob who have all done more than enough to have been hung before Saddam.

God Bless Australia and refuse dual passports to any illegal “states” and I sincerely hope that the Australian Government is not complicit in the Zionist crimes by providing any aid to those enemies of the world.  NE OUBLIE.