Monday 10th of March 2025

rabid-right rabble...


A Liberal Senator has accused the Federal Government of turning the CSIRO into a political puppet on the issue of climate change.

Victorian Senator Julian McGauran made the comments following the release of a CSIRO report which concluded that climate change is affecting Australia and humans are contributing to it.

Senator McGauran says the organisation has been stripped of its independence and is doing the bidding of the Minister for Science, Kim Carr.

"Minister Carr without doubt has wandered through the CSIRO offices, intimidating the scientists and the executive to do as they're told," he said.

"This is now a political organisation. The executive have become compliant to the minister, utterly."

Mr Carr says he is outraged at the suggestion he has interfered with the CSIRO.

"There's a group of people operating in the Senate that seem to be at the very edge of political credibility," he said.

"They are extremists. They don't seem to appreciate the damage they do to Australia's reputation by seeking to undermine our great scientific institutions.


The rabid right has nowhere to go so they demonise anything that moves against their decided stupidity... What can we do but despair...? They're ugly ignoramuses ... Paul keating is right about Abbott.

Abbott, driving in reverse without looking at the mirrors...

Former Labor prime minister Paul Keating has launched a scathing attack on Tony Abbott, accusing the Opposition Leader of being an "intellectual nobody" without policy ambition.

"If Tony Abbott ends up the prime minister of Australia, you've got to say God help us," he told ABC Radio today.

Mr Keating described Mr Abbott as the "poor man's John Howard" who was regarded by many of his Liberal colleagues as their "resident nutter" when he arrived in Federal Parliament in 1994.

"It was bad enough having the real John Howard ... at least Howard was a militant, aggressive conservative driving in reverse through the rear-vision mirror."


Abbott, driving in reverse without looking at the mirrors...

Fair dinkum - hypocrisy galore.

Senator McGauran should remember WHY he was forced to resign as a Minister in the worst and most unaccountable government (Howard) in Australia's history.

Keep your head down Julian and continue your not so pretty political experiences.