Tuesday 7th of January 2025

shooting the messenger .....

shooting the messenger .....

There are two definitions of anti-Semitism in its Jewish context. One was born in real history and represents a truth. The other is part and parcel of Zionist mythology and was invented for the purpose of blackmailing non-Jewish Europeans and North Americans into refraining from criticising Israel or, to be more precise, staying silent when its leaders resort to state terrorism and demonstrate in many ways their absolute contempt for international law.

Anti-Semitism properly and honestly defined is prejudice against and loathing and even hatred of Jews, all Jews everywhere, just because they are Jews.

Anti-Semitism as defined by Zionism, the colonial, ethnic cleansing enterprise of some Jews, has come to mean almost all criticism of Israel's policies and actions, in particular its oppression of the Palestinians, and, also, criticism on the basis of revelations from the documented truth of history which expose Zionism's propaganda for the nonsense it is. Put another way, anti-Semitism as defined by supporters of Israel right or wrong is anything written or said by anybody that challenges and contradicts Zionism's version of events. In effect Zionists say, "If you disagree with us, you're anti-Semitic."

As a blackmail card to silence criticism of Israel and prevent informed and honest debate about who must do what and why for justice and peace in the Middle East, Zionism's false charge of anti-Semitism has worked wonderfully well to date. Why? In the long (and still present) shadow of the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, a European crime for which, effectively, the Arabs were punished, there are few things Westerners in public life, politicians and media people especially, fear more than being accused of anti-Semitism.

Unable to refute the substance of documented and objective messages of challenge and criticism, Zionism's policy always was, and still is, to shoot the messengers with false charges of anti-Semitism.


G'day John,As a person who

G'day John,

As a person who has only recently (the Gaza Holocaust) become strident against the Jewish people who have committed the heinous crimes in their occupation of the land of the Palestinians - I have a much different take on the so-called anti-Semitism.

And I quote from your post:

Anti-Semitism properly and honestly defined is prejudice against and loathing and even hatred of Jews, all Jews everywhere, just because they are Jews.

I disagree on two major points...

1.  The words "Anti-Semitism" are, by literal definition "anything which is anti the ancient desert tribes which included the Hebrews (so named as all other tribes, for their particular language) like the claim that Jesus was an Aramaic Semite (which is only boasted by the Aramaics themselves).

2.  Those very words were invented; advertised and demonized by the Jewish people themselves apparently as a relatively "new" composite description of the Hebrew/Canaanites which as such would not be synonymous with their title "Jews" - that itself meant the people from one of the twin Kingdoms namely Judah (Judas in Greek).

I cannot clearly remember the "anti-Semite" theme during WW II but I can remember hatred of Jews I believe for their culture and business practices which were considered miserly; manipulative and with a distinct racial and religious unity of purpose.

IMHO I agree that it has been blown out of all proportion but -  by the many Jewish influences throughout the world, at first perhaps for the purpose of damning any criticism of the Jews as to be criticizing those Jews who had suffered in the Holocaust as a single identity and to be able to prosper and profit from the natural sympathy of the Europeans in particular.

Well, IMHO, the behavior of the Jewish invaders of Palestine and their total refusal to abide by any international law along with their inhuman acts of stealing body parts; murders and wholesale killing of whoever their bombs hit, only confirms the ancient descriptions of the Jews AKA Semites AKA Hebrews AKA Hebrew/Canaanites.

And would these uncivilized acts against humanity cause thinking people to stand up against them?  Fair dinkum - I would hope so.  And hate them and loath them and - considering their financial power in the US and other non-democracies - I don't see any active prejudice - quite the contrary. 

Here is a "State" that is not a legal state and is terrorist in nature and is ignoring hundreds of UN resolutions, is being addressed, helped/armed and acknowledged, whether by fear or fraud - by the US administration and even the UN. 

Turkey might be seeing the writing on the wall.

I also believe that to call the criminals in Palestine "Zionists" might turn out to be just a way of defining the claimed small amount of perpetrators of these despicable acts while, in truth, it is now being applied to all Jews all over the world - and whose fault is that - again?

Well, IMHO, the behavior of the Jewish invaders of Palestine and their total refusal to abide by any international law along with their inhuman acts of stealing body parts; murders and wholesale killing of whoever their bombs hit, only confirms the ancient descriptions of the Jews AKA Semites AKA Hebrews AKA Hebrew/Canaanites.

Anti-Semitism is in my view a false twist of words for the single purpose of avoiding statutes saying that they cannot criticize Jews.

So much for the belief in freedom.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




When will we ever learn?

We still have people like the "Mad Monk" who are so steeped in their religion that they cannot accept that life just cannot follow the teachings of so many different faiths.

IMHO, the cruelist in history to their believers and their families and their friends would have to be the Roman Catholic Church who identified non-believers as "heritics" and burned them at the stake?

Those, including Jews, who agreed to accept an oath to that religion in Spain were also burnt at the stake for any act in conflict with the Vatican.  So was the power that these people had by simply building a business out of fear and the need to believe in a God on earth. An accessible God.

At early times with the servility of Kings and Queens, the Vatican and its Cardinals not only ruled an enormous amount of the known "civilized" world, but conducted wars to increase that power.  Now that's reasonable isn't it?

Take away a person's right to freedom of thought and you get the new supposedly anti-semitic claim of "thought crime".  This happened in Germany, a predominantly Catholic nation.

Nothing is too simple but, if I was asked to describe the difference between the Jewish religion and that of most christians it would be that the latter concede to civilized laws while the Jewish seem to believe that what they do, in the eyes of their God, is acceptable provided it does not in any way injure any other Jew

It seems that their faith is that their God demands that they do this or that without fear and wipe out the civilizations over which they seek to conquer including the animals of that culture.

No matter how the Roman Catholic Church changes with the times and adapts to the progress of humanity, the believers in the Jewish faith will always see themselves as FREE of the mainstream society in which they currently live.  That seems to be their take on their freedom.

All of this is my opinion only and if I had the saintly wisdom to resolve all problems in our shrinking world, I would be a God myself - at least in name.

The crimes of the Zionists are in the name of the Jewish people world wide.  The tag of Zionist cannot ever be genuinely portrayed as a "criminal element" or a "Mafia" when the time for reckoning finally comes.  The active and passive involvement in the Jewish crimes in occupied Palestine are a justifiable stain on the Hebrews all over the world.  Just as the Roman Catholic Church still carries the burden of the centuries of subjugation in times of no civilized and organized defense.

The Zionist Jews have revealed the weaknesses of the once powerful nations of the United States of America and the once United Kingdom by playing to their greed.

And for this at least, we should thank them and do something about it.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


With respect John - I disagree.

G'day John,

As a person who was at school or serving in the Navy for the first some 50 years of this festering problem when we had Korea and Vietnam to worry about - I nevertheless was shocked at the release of some information of the Gaza Holocaust.  This was so horrendous and reminiscent of the Nazi era, that I guess the public started to take notice.

Have we really become so overcome by beastiality and aggression that we now turn a blind eye?  Outside of the most cynical of ex-service friends, the question is what was all that killing for?  The War to end all wars still sickens me at the enormous waste of life both by each sides military and, for the first real time in WW I, the murdering of civilians.

So to Palestine and I ask "where is David and Goliath now"?

Personally I was so pissed off that I even delved into the ancient Jewish claims as far back as their very beginning as a people - and the result of what I was convinced are certain truths.

1.  The literal meaning of anti-Semitism includes acts against any of the many ancient Semite Tribes of which the original Hebrews were one (Hebrews identified by their particular language as were all Semite Tribes).  After Canaan they became the Hebrew/Canaanites and even adopted their religion (Mount Zion).  The three centuries old land of Palestine has had many "owners" during the various Bronze and Iron Ages but, it was settled and functioning long before the Exodus.

2.  The name Israel was allegedly God-given to Jacob when the latter allegedly won a wrestle with God's Angel. It became the title of the Northern part of the divided Kingdoms of the original 12 tribes of the Hebrews - two of which became Israel and 10 of which became Judah.  I am not satisfied with my research on how or whether or not they became one but - I have read that the people of Judah (Judas in Greek) were called Jews and when they revolted against the occupation, were the victims of the Roman Diaspora - as I understand it.  In those days everyone seemed to be warring with everyone else - Assyrians; Babylonians; Persians; Philistines whatever - Somewhat like the American led “democracies” of today - so those lands were not substantially “settled” for centuries.  There are still changes being made in recent times which seem to be the destruction of Imperialism.

COMMENT: Since the Hebrew/Canaanites were more famously known as Judeans the name “Jews” was developed, perhaps by the Romans.  The point I am sluggishly trying to make is that the historic Hebrew Semites have no more claim to the Palestinian land than many other ancient city states. 

So the three century old Palestinian farming state has, by any natural or common law, the right to that land from border to border - something that the Zionists have never tried to establish because....?

IMHO, the rest should be up to the majority world nations as to whether they all want a return of the Bronze Age as indeed the nuclear era could provide.

God Bless Australia and may we force the media to conform to some sort of decent reporting.  NE OUBLIE.



Again with respect John.

From Aljazeera by Juan Cole.

Obama’s Mideast policy lies in tatters and U.S. credibility as a broker of any future settlement was deeply wounded.

Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, announced Wednesday that he had been informed by Palestine Authority president Mahmoud Abbas that the latter has pulled out of indirect talks with Israel. Late Wednesday, the Arab League itself reversed its earlier cautious endorsement of the proximity talks, recommending that that support be dropped.

Israeli colonization of Palestinian territory lies at the heart of the Mideast conflict. It isn’t a complicated issue in the law, since Israel’s actions are clearly illegal and unethical to boot. But might makes right and Israel is the most powerful country in the Middle East, so all the protests on legal and humanitarian grounds have amounted to nothing.

The talks were likely deliberately sabotaged by Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who had his Interior Minister announce the construction of 1600 new households in Occupied East Jerusalem the day before they were scheduled to begin. In fact, Israel is actively planning 50,000 further housing units on occupied Palestinian territory. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden had come to kick off the process with visits to Netanyahu and Abbas, but he has now been sent home empty-handed by Netanyahu’s sheer effrontery.

COMMENT:  Why do the people of America encourage and financially support the blatant abuse of the type of criminal acts that they for years have condemned. It is America that is condemned and it only took Bush and his gang to do it.

Fortunately for us, my Wife and I are not in the firing line of the indiscriminate abuse of basic human rights that have become the killing fields of ancient religions – so it is with respect more than advice for the Palestinians that we hope they will prevail.  They have all of the sympathy of informed civilization and are indeed the underdogs in a war against a Goliath without dignity or honor.

The credibility of the UN the US and the UK is already damaged to such an extent that they are on the political defensive while the monster they have all been guilty of creating, continues to disease everything it touches.

I don’t claim to know all about what evil politicians get up to but, I do know why I joined the Australian Navy just after WW II – and it wasn’t to continue the very “might is right” of the Zionists et al.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Will there be a False Flag Operation to Implicate Iran?

From God - the sacrifice of Jesus was a waste of time. Amen. [EWG]

By Paul Craig Roberts

18 March, 2010

According to news reports, the U.S. military is shipping "bunker-buster" bombs to the U.S. Air Force base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The Herald Scotland reports that experts say the bombs are being assembled for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The newspaper quotes Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London: "They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran." [Final destination Iran?, March 14, 2010]

The next step will be a staged "terrorist attack," a "false flag" operation as per Operation Northwoods, for which Iran will be blamed. As Iran and its leadership have already been demonized, the "false flag" attack will suffice to obtain U.S. and European public support for bombing Iran. The bombing will include more than the nuclear facilities and will continue until the Iranians agree to regime change and the installation of a puppet government. The corrupt American media will present the new puppet as "freedom and democracy."

If the past is a guide, Americans will fall for the deception. In the February issue of "American Behavioral Scientist," a scholarly journal, Professor Lance DeHaven-Smith writes that state crimes against democracy (SCAD) involve government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert activities in order to implement an agenda. Examples include McCarthyism or the fabrication of evidence of communist infiltration, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution based on false claims of President Johnson and Pentagon chief McNamara that North Vietnam attacked a U.S. naval vessel, the burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in order to discredit Ellsberg ("The Pentagon Papers") as "disturbed," and the falsified "intelligence" that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in order to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

COMMENT:  I have previously opined that all of the wars which involved the once “isolationist” Americans was simply by arguing that some bastard had attacked their sovereignty.  If we study independent history the American people as multi-cultural as they are, would much rather go about their normal business. I believe that the truth of just this section of the entire article only confirms the belief that so many “free” thinking people all over the world must be realizing that the danger of Middle East nations (and the world) like Iraq; Afghanistan and Iran are NOT really dangers to the “American way of life” but, the American administrations and their lobbyists - are dangers to theirs.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

From Aljazeera by Juan Cole.

From Aljazeera by Juan Cole.

Obama’s Mideast policy lies in tatters and U.S. credibility as a broker of any future settlement was deeply wounded.

Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, announced Wednesday that he had been informed by Palestine Authority president Mahmoud Abbas that the latter has pulled out of indirect talks with Israel. Late Wednesday, the Arab League itself reversed its earlier cautious endorsement of the proximity talks, recommending that that support be dropped.

Israeli colonization of Palestinian territory lies at the heart of the Mideast conflict. It isn’t a complicated issue in the law, since Israel’s actions are clearly illegal and unethical to boot. But might makes right and Israel is the most powerful country in the Middle East, so all the protests on legal and humanitarian grounds have amounted to nothing.

The talks were likely deliberately sabotaged by Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who had his Interior Minister announce the construction of 1600 new households in Occupied East Jerusalem the day before they were scheduled to begin. In fact, Israel is actively planning 50,000 further housing units on occupied Palestinian territory. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden had come to kick off the process with visits to Netanyahu and Abbas, but he has now been sent home empty-handed by Netanyahu’s sheer effrontery.

COMMENT:  Why do the people of America encourage and financially support the blatant abuse of the type of criminal acts that they for years have condemned. It is America that is condemned and it only took Bush and his gang to do it.

Fortunately for us, my Wife and I are not in the firing line of the indiscriminate abuse of basic human rights that have become the killing fields of ancient religions – so it is with respect more than advice for the Palestinians that we hope they will prevail.  They have all of the sympathy of informed civilization and are indeed the underdogs in a war against a Goliath without dignity or honor.

The credibility of the UN the US and the UK is already damaged to such an extent that they are on the political defensive while the monster they have all been guilty of creating, continues to disease everything it touches.

I don’t claim to know all about what evil politicians get up to but, I do know why I joined the Australian Navy just after WW II – and it wasn’t to continue the very “might is right” of the Zionists.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




Does Australia have any interest in freedom?

Surely by now, even with the apparently limited information that we receive about the possible detonator for WW III - the unholy US/Zionist alliance - is primarily for world domination?  By deception and premeditated intention.

One must consider that perhaps the US needs the aggressive Zionists to maintain nuclear control of the modernizing civilizations in the Middle East or, they owe the powerful US Jewish Lobby so much money as to even equal that which they owe to Japan and China et al - thanks to the G.W. Bush administration and his support for the "stuff you Jack I'm inboard" absence of regulations.

Do these situations affect Australians? Well consider the damage to the entire financial world, some of whom are still trying to survive - was caused by the unnecessary collapse of the Lehrman Brothers in the US.  The domino effect had dire effects and, who or what was the reason for that calamity?  Look at the greed of the CEO's of the biggest shysters in the US banking system. Except for Goldman Sachs.

Or could the reason be that the alliance needs to subjugate Iran and deny it the very Non Proliferation Treaty obligations which their "bastard child" has ignored and violated over many decades?

IMHO, on the information that we share in this forum and any "read between the lines" from the MSM, it is not Iran that is the culprit in this dispute over the rights of Nations under the aegis of the UN NPT, but the conspiritorial plans of the US/Zionist military corporate.

The relationship between them is demonstrated internationally by Netanyahu demanding that Obama "do something about Iran or I will"! And this is just one example of the Zionist's attitude of, when you have someone down, don't let them up.

I don't believe that Obama really wants to attack Iran.  He appears to me to be a person, more in trouble than even Kevin Rudd, to try to turn his Nation's attention from wars of choice to the concept of having sufficient defense (and they already have) to protect their citizens.

It's all about money and has nothing to do with right or wrong in any measure of any language.

God Bless Australia and if we want a confident future (which will require some sacrifices) support the Government of Kevin Rudd which plans for such a future IF we stop the conserative media from trying to blacken him, his Wife, his Mother, his impatience for action and all other attributes which make him an all Australian Prime Minister of international statue.

Back off Murdoch - this is OUR country - so far.  God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


another twist .....

Although Zionism typically represents itself as the solution to anti-Semitism, the truth is less flattering. In fact, hostility toward Jews is indispensable to the cause of Jewish nationalism. If anti-Semitism didn't exist, Zionists would have to invent it. And in many cases that is precisely what they have done.

Contrary to the widespread perception that Zionism opposes anti-Semitism, its adherents have occasionally revealed a more ambivalent attitude to Jew-hatred. In 1895, Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, prophetically wrote in his Diaries, "Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies." Even the suffering inflicted on European Jewry by the Nazi holocaust doesn't seem to have unduly tempered such cynicism. In 1995, Jay Lefkowitz, an American government official, told the New York Times Magazine, "Deep down, I believe that a little anti-Semitism is a good thing for the Jews- reminds them who they are."

If Zionist extremists can't provoke the desired level of anti-Semitism to advance their goals, they are even prepared to fake it. A 1952 article in Davar, the official organ of Mapai, the party of the then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, suggested sending a team of saboteurs "to help redeem Jews" from the countries where they are "absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction."

"The task of these young men," the article explained, "would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and, acting upon the brutal Zionism, plague these Jews with anti-Semitic slogans, such as 'Bloody Jew,' 'Jews go to Palestine,' and similar 'intimacies.'"

Lest anyone doubt that the Israeli government would ever contemplate carrying out such a cynical plot to encourage Jews to move to Israel, the "rescue" of about 125,000 Iraqi Jews in the early 1950s involved far worse acts. "In attempts to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews," wrote former CIA officer Wilbur Eveland in Ropes of Sand, "the Zionists planted bombs in the U.S. Information Service library and in synagogues. Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel."


the gate at qalandiya …..

Monday 14 March 2010 at quarter past nine in the morning at the Zionist Qalandiya checkpoint towards entry into Jerusalem, the gate of Auschwitz 2.

A female Israeli Nazi soldier orders an invalid Palestinian girl to take off her pants in front of the crowd of Palestinians waiting at the checkpoint, thousands of waiting men and women. The girl had a prosthetic leg which was fixed with metal screw. She was carrying an Israeli permit issued by the military intelligence in Beit Ill, which supposedly allows her access to Jerusalem for medical treatment.

To understand this, it is important to know that the Israeli military intelligence only issues permissions to people who either themselves or their extended families never had so-called "security problems", who are not political activists.

Nidal Hamad, a Palestinian journalist, wrote about the story of this girl at the gate of the second Auschwitz. In his piece he described the gate where the invalid girl was forced to take off her pants saying: "The gate at Qalandiya is similar to the gate of the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Treblinka in Poland during the time of Hitler and Nazism. It is similar to the gates of the Nazi death camps elsewhere in Europe.

These camps, which tortured and killed and displaced European Jews, on racial, religious and other base grounds, in these camps the Nazis detained and tortured and killed the Jews very slowly, exactly in the same way, resulting in the same scenes, and by using the same racism and arrogance, the same humiliation, domination, oppression and abuse, the same torture and the same sophistication in the commission of their crimes, as what is happening now in Palestine.

But this time the victims are not the European jews, but the Palestinian Arabs, and the offenders are not the German Nazis, or the European fascists, but the Zionist Jews who hold grudges and hate against everybody in their chests. These are the Zionists who occupied the land of Palestine, who expelled the Palestinians from their homeland in order to set up their own state on the ruins of the Palestinian towns, cities and villages.

These Zionist gangs, Hagana, Palmach and others do not know anything about the people and the land of Canaan. They do not know anything about the descendants of Sam the son of Noah, they have monopolized the meaning of being Semitic for themselves, and now start accusing anybody who exposes their crimes as anti-Semitic".


sunday morning rant .....

Hi Ernest,
We don't need to look to the middle east to see the source of our problems .... they are all around us.
We live in a society where cleverness of language is seen as being more important than what we think or do; everything is reduced to a cliche.
We have educated our kids to believe that you can only be guilty of a crime if you get caught. We have replaced high ideals with jingoism & live in a trailer-trash world of twitter, my-space, ray hadley & alan jones.

Personalities have become experts & those with knowledge have been consigned to the dustbin.
Our idiot politicians talk of doubling our population but they can't provide essential infrastructure to meet the basic needs of our existing population .... meanwhile, in spite of that, we can't find it in our hearts to welcome a few thousand refugees.
We worship an emblem but think it's OK for an Australian citizen to have dual citizenship & serve two masters.
Our daily lives are controlled by the unseen hands of the banksters & other corporate crooks whilst we dine-out on the sad misfortune of Lara Bingle.
We have given up our principles to expediency because we no longer see the value of trying to build a worthwhile society & be concerned with the health & well-being of our neighbours .... fuck them; far easier to live in a gated community & concentrate our energies on trying to beat everyone-else to the head of the queque.
We live in an age of hedonism & narcissism: our institutions have been corrupted & enfeebled by those who would control us, whilst technology has fooled us into believing that we can all be instantly king.
The value of the David & Goliath story is how it demonstrates that, at the end of the day, we are all the same .... the behaviour of our friends, neighbours & the rest of the society in which we live actually defines who we are: good, bad or indifferent.
Criminal dills like bushit, blair & howard offer their view of the world & tell us that the reason the third world hates us because of our values & that it has nothing whatsoever to do with how we treat them .... & we keep electing them.

There are only a few Davids left in the world & none of the are sitting in any of our parliaments. Sorry Ernest, I feel a bit better now ... back to the garden.


from the mount in the garden....

Hear hear... John (see above). More rant like yours and the flowers of reality might bloom in our society... Same here, back to the garden. Good one.

That is poetry to my way of thought.

G'day John,

I join with Gus in commending you for the truth and compassion with which you have composed that post.  I will save that one for sure.  Without diminishing the entire post in any way, I would like to comment on just a few....

"We have educated our kids to believe that you can only be guilty of a crime if you get caught. We have replaced high ideals with jingoism & live in a trailer-trash world of twitter, my-space, ray hadley & alan jones."  I couldn't agree more and the system of sparing the rod has brought society undone more than any other single item.  As a National Service Instructor I was saddened when Menzies stopped that method of bringing together young men (without girls) and to see how they viewed "being in the same boat" actually felt like.

"We worship an emblem but think it's OK for an Australian citizen to have dual citizenship & serve two masters." While I am completely against the convenience use of multiple citizenships I can only comment on those of our own.  My first and only passport was a British one and I wasn't too happy about that either.  However, NO citizen swearing allegiance to another country should be allowed to have citizenship or a passport in Australia.  It is so crazy that it makes you wonder how people like Murdoch get away with it.  In a terrorist world it rivals as counter-productive with name changing to hide your race or religion. 

"The value of the David & Goliath story is how it demonstrates that, at the end of the day, we are all the same .... the behaviour of our friends, neighbours & the rest of the society in which we live actually defines who we are: good, bad or indifferent."  Indeed, like "birds of a feather" we humans form bonds with others and are often judged by the company we keep. It took me a long time to teach my three sons that we should begin our journey by joining with our society and the contemporary laws, and only strive for change by using the methods provided.

Well written John, congratulations.  So much wisdom in so little a space.

God Bless Australia and may we stop eating the emblems on our coat of arms.  NE OUBLIE.




Don't lose the Tree of Justice in the Forest of Diversion.

IMHO the only proper just result of the Zionist problem in occupied Palestine would be for all non-Palestinians to exit the borders of Palestine or apply for Palestinian citizenship with one oath of allegiance only.

Unlike the Zionists, Palestine would be obliged to become a democracy in the true sense and all Jews would be entitled to freedom of worship as indeed would be the Muslims and all others.  The sacred site of the Christians, Jews and Muslims would be respected and not racially disadvantaged as the Zionists insist.

Impossible some might say but, it has actually happened in previous Muslim Judean societies, with a special reference to the Persians and the Assyrians of long ago.  The Jewish people have for many centuries lived in peace with Muslims and many other faiths and can do it again but, never when they were in complete control.

Certainly the Hebrew/Canaanite history is one of being ostracized but, there have also been many offers of peaceful co-existence which, without exception that I can find, was broken by the Jewish people themselves.  To believe that the Hebrew have never ever been at fault and were only hated for their race just does not hold water.

Just consider the ancient days where communication between nations was tedious and unreliable, and yet, without consultation over centuries, even nations who were constantly at war with each other, expelled the Jewish people.

There is no doubt in my mind that to surrender to the revolt/invasion and Holocaust of the Military Might of the Zionists will NEVER result in a true peaceful settlement, no more than would Hitler's conquests in Europe.  The similarities are undeniable.

The pity is that Jews all over the world will be accused of being accessories to this murderous regime, either now or in the future because - I believe that the present Zionist led Jewish Parliament in occupied Palestine has finally overstepped the "Red Line" as was inevitable, given their intentions from the 19th century.

To even try to create new and legal borders of two states in Palestine and expect the Zionists to be satisfied is believing in the tooth fairy.  They made a deal with the European nations after the 1967 war that that was their limit of intention for their safety - but of course they lied and will go on lying and deceiving until they get what they want - and what is that?

Just Palestine itself and no other occupied territories - not bloody likely

History has shown that the only way to stop the cruel and vicious methods of might is right is to join together and meet the threat with like brutality.  Isn't that what happened to Hitler? And the allied bombings of Germany?

As long as it is realized that the Zionist aims are unlimited and not restricted by any civilized or international laws, then their goals will always be extending - as indeed it has been proven for over 62 years.

Any nation which ignored the sufferings of the Jewish people and other untermenschen during the Hitler years and did nothing should have been ashamed.  And people who now ignore the sufferings of the Palestinians and their Muslim neighbors by the illegal actions of the Jewish people should likewise be ashamed - even more so since the perpetrators were once the victims themselves. A plus and a minus equals…..?

I thought that after the genuine efforts of Neville Chamberlain in the late 1930’s, no one would every trust any people who prosecute premeditated and racially motivated invasions with lust and the absence of civilized behavior.

The three score years of this injustice and blot on civilized humanity must not succeed.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Good can only come from evil if we learn by it.

Anti-Semitism – What Is It?

By Jeff Gates

22 March, 2010

Several of us among the incurably curious asked ourselves a simple question: what is anti-Semitism? That it must be written with a capital “S” says a lot.

Anti-Semitism – What Is It?

By Jeff Gates

22 March, 2010

Several of us among the incurably curious asked ourselves a simple question: what is anti-Semitism? That it must be written with a capital “S” says a lot.

Then we realized it also morphs. To that feature I can attest. In November 2002, I met a “John Doe” in London who proposed a research challenge. While meeting that challenge, I encountered various versions of anti-Semitism.

A colleague advised against this challenge. First he fretted at the criminal nature of what the research has since confirmed. Then he inquired about my safety. That said a lot.

The colleague was M.I.T. Professor Noam Chomsky. For his criticism of Israeli policy, he was attacked as a self-hating Jew. Were he not Jewish, doubtless he would have been an anti-Semite. For critics of Israel, those are the only two options. He cautioned me:

You’ll get the same thing: anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier, want to kill all the Jews, etc. It doesn’t matter what the facts are. Bear in mind that you are dealing with intellectuals, that is, what we call ‘commissars’ and ‘apparatchiks’ in enemy states.

Is anti-Semitism a geopolitical strategy? If so, for what purpose? Character assassination?

Ten months ago, I met with Professor William Robinson on the University of California Santa Barbara campus. We met soon after he was attacked by the Anti-Defamation League and its network.

Robinson had read Guilt By Association, the first release based on this research. His question mirrored Prof. Chomsky’s concern: “Are they going to kill me?” he asked. Who are They? Those who attack anyone critical of Israeli policy.

Anti-Semitism—A License to Kill?........

COMMENT:  This is a solid and justified question which, like the purpose of the proper noun itself, is intended to eliminate any discussion on the real issue of a society dedicated to domination and control.  Of course not every single Jewish person is active in the performance of the principles of the Jewish Organizations, but it is surely a truism that we judge people by the company they keep. I have commented on that issue in Jeff Gates’ article.

I have no idea how many innocent Jewish people were slowly and surely murdered in the Holocaust, nor how many were guilty of perceived betrayal to the laws and government of Germany in those torturous years - nor how many of the other “untermenschen” were treated so brutally.

But IMHO, the actions of the definitively called “Zionists” (like the Italian Mafia, not the Italians) in occupied Palestine continue to perpetuate the methods and doctrine of the Nazi master race.

It is surely Australian to think “fair go” and what about the “under dog” and this attitude alone should condemn the very existence of the mythical “Israeli Occupation Forces” in Palestine.  Crimes are committed daily which mirror the very Holocaust screams of “foul” that we all have heard from the Jewish people  for so many years.

Do they, or their American sponsors, believe in the adage “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword” or “so ye sow so shall ye reap”?

The “different planet” attitude of the Netanyahu mob of criminals cannot be allowed to succeed; otherwise the millions of deaths caused by unnecessary wars will have been wasted.

It is a fact that the only people on Earth who are continuing to prosecute the very anti-freedom principles which caused those wars are those from the US/Zionist alliance.

God Bless Australia and all who live in her.  NE OUBLIE.



Does the devil have any place in modern religion?

In my research, which began with my disgust at the Gaza Holocaust, I have found constant references to the Greek translations to many facets of the Jewish history - and I wondered why.

Why would any historian of the ancient era, biased or not, continually refer to the Greek language with respect to Jewish history?  I have no idea.

What I do know is that we Australians when we were young, believed in the black and white description of right and wrong.  Both sides in the major wars, as well as those being perpetrated by the US/Zionist alliance, must have a belief in what is right and what is wrong? The first step in justice is to decide as to the guilt or not of the accused.  That is black and white.  Then mitigating circumstances are reasonable.

Perhaps the biggest difference is religious faith but, if that is the case, the Arab Semites are teaching peace and defense as opposed to war and aggression by the Jewish race/religion.

What does a society stand for when it not only permits the murder and rape of innocent people and their children for uncivilized purposes but actively engages itself in that style of aggression?

As long as a race of people are allowed to do exactly as they like; irrespective of the International laws so painfully devised to prevent the very acts being committed by that race - then if society is to survive, at some time or other, the rest of the world will have to take decisive action to protect the innocent.

It may well be that the Jewish people support the principle of a "land of their own" but why?  It can't be to be free of persecution because that can only happen if they are are a part of general society? And if they are not a part of general society, who can they deceive but themselves?

It seems that it is not a case of the rest of the world refusing to allow the Jewish people to do as they like but rather that the Jewish people demanding that singular right from the rest of the world?  Could it be that their belief demands that no Jew hurts another Jew but, anyone else is fair game?  How can that sit with the many many other faiths in our multi-cultural societies?

Shall we separate them all with laws that do not abide with their own particular belief, or should we suggest that they, the law breakers, accept the regulations of their national host?  When in Rome...

Indeed a fascinating subject but, as yet, I cannot find any civilized excuse for the Jewish revolt and invasion of Palestine and, especially their Nazi behaviour for more than six decades.

God Bless Australia and thank all Gods that we do not live anywhere near the Zionist murderers of Palestine.  NE OUBLIE.

lying hypocrites .....

Amiri has been extensively debriefed since his defection by the CIA, according to the people briefed on the situation. They say Amiri helped to confirm U.S. intelligence assessments about the Iranian nuclear program.

In September, President Barack Obama announced the U.S., the United Kingdom and France had evidence that Iran "has been building a covert uranium enrichment facility near Qom for several years."

and precisely what damning revelations have our fear-mongering, long-war making 'special friends' come-up with through this amazing coup? Goaded-on by the Zionists & lead by Obama the hopeless, the members of the G8 has accused Iran of secretly developing nuclear weapons & is pursuing a regime of harsh sanctions against them.

But here is exactly what the CIA told the US Congress .....

A spokesperson for the CIA declined to comment. In its declassified annual report to Congress, the CIA said, "Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons though we do not know whether Tehran eventually will decide to produce nuclear weapons."

and, of course, nary a murmur about the zionist nuclear arsenal & the threat to world peace that it represents. Lying hypocrites .....


a bastard child .....

For readers who may not be intimately familiar with English terminology, an oxymoron is a figure of speech by which contradictory terms are combined to form an expressive phrase or epithet such as cruel kindness and falsely true. (It's derived from the Greek word oxymoros meaning pointedly foolish).

For my contribution to the De-legitimizing Israel series, I'm going to confine myself to one question and answer.

The question is: How can you de-legitimize something (in this case the Zionist state) when it is NOT legitimate?

Leaving aside the fairy story of God's promise, (which even if true would have no bearing on the matter because the Jews who "returned" in answer to Zionism's call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews), the Zionist state's assertion of legitimacy rests on the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the UN General Assembly's partition plan resolution of 1947.

The only real relevance of the Balfour Declaration is in the fact that it was an expression of both the willingness of a British government to use Jews for imperial purposes and the willingness of Zionist Jews to be used. The truth is that Britain had no right whatsoever to promise Zionism a place in Palestine, territory the British did not possess. (Palestine at the time was controlled and effectively owned by Ottoman Turkey). The Balfour Declaration did allow Zionism to say that its claim to Palestine had been recognised by a major power, and then to assert that the Zionist enterprise was therefore a legitimate one. But the legitimacy Britain conveyed by implication was entirely spurious, meaning not genuine, false, a sham.

Zionism's assertion that Israel was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN General Assembly partition resolution of 29 November 1947 is pure propaganda nonsense, as demonstrated by an honest examination of the record of what actually happened.


Only with your permission John, I recall this.

We don't need to look to the middle east to see the source of our problems .... they are all around us.
We live in a society where cleverness of language is seen as being more important than what we think or do; everything is reduced to a cliche.
We have educated our kids to believe that you can only be guilty of a crime if you get caught. We have replaced high ideals with jingoism & live in a trailer-trash world of twitter, my-space, ray hadley & alan jones.

Personalities have become experts & those with knowledge have been consigned to the dustbin.
Our idiot politicians talk of doubling our population but they can't provide essential infrastructure to meet the basic needs of our existing population .... meanwhile, in spite of that, we can't find it in our hearts to welcome a few thousand refugees.
We worship an emblem but think it's OK for an Australian citizen to have dual citizenship & serve two masters.
Our daily lives are controlled by the unseen hands of the banksters & other corporate crooks whilst we dine-out on the sad misfortune of Lara Bingle.
We have given up our principles to expediency because we no longer see the value of trying to build a worthwhile society & be concerned with the health & well-being of our neighbours .... fuck them; far easier to live in a gated community & concentrate our energies on trying to beat everyone-else to the head of the queque.
We live in an age of hedonism & narcissism: our institutions have been corrupted & enfeebled by those who would control us, whilst technology has fooled us into believing that we can all be instantly king.
The value of the David & Goliath story is how it demonstrates that, at the end of the day, we are all the same .... the behaviour of our friends, neighbours & the rest of the society in which we live actually defines who we are: good, bad or indifferent.
Criminal dills like bushit, blair & howard offer their view of the world & tell us that the reason the third world hates us because of our values & that it has nothing whatsoever to do with how we treat them .... & we keep electing them.

There are only a few Davids left in the world & none of the are sitting in any of our parliaments. I feel a bit better now ... back to the garden.


(Amen "this I believe" EWG).