Monday 10th of March 2025

psycho sam .....

psycho sam .....

After eight years imprisonment without charge or trial, five former Guantánamo prisoners are beginning new lives this week - two in Switzerland and three in Georgia.

Their stories reveal, yet again, how Republican lawmakers and media pundits in the US, who have, in recent months, renewed their fear-filled attacks on those still held, are guilty of hyperbolic and unprincipled outbursts and, in addition, how these critics' attacks are damaging to the prospects of cleared men, seized by mistake, finding new homes in countries that, unlike the US, are prepared to offer them a chance to rebuild their shattered lives on a humanitarian basis.

All five men were cleared for release from Guantánamo on two or three separate occasions - through Bush-era military review boards, through the deliberations of an interagency task force established by President Obama and, in some cases, through successfully having their habeas corpus petitions granted by a US court.

However, difficulties arose when it came to freeing them because they feared torture or other ill-treatment if returned to their home countries, and the US government (first under George W. Bush and now under Barack Obama) recognized its obligations under international treaties not to repatriate them, but to find other countries prepared to take them instead.

meanwhile ....

Last week, in a review of Marc A. Thiessen's "Courting Disaster," I questioned many of Thiessen's assertions about the use of torture during the Bush years, including his claim that no detainee "deaths in custody took place in the C.I.A. interrogation program."

Now, underscoring that point, the Associated Press has published a remarkable account detailing the death of one detainee held by the C.I.A.

The story, by Adam Goldman and Kathy Gannon, revealed for the first time the name of a suspected Afghan militant who died of exposure in C.I.A. custody on November 20, 2002, in a secret prison, known as the "Salt Pit," run by the Agency. The suspect, Gul Rahman, reportedly died after having been stripped naked from the waist down and shackled in a cell in which the temperature dipped to approximately thirty-six degrees Fahrenheit. Subsequent forensic examinations determined that he had frozen to death.

Rahman was believed to have been in his early thirties, and was suspected of having served as a guard to the Afghan warlord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who was then an ally of Al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan but who is currently engaged in possible peace negotiations with the Karzai government.

Irrespective of the efforts

Irrespective of the efforts to improve the lot of the American general public, I do not believe that Barak Obama can save the US from the slide to insignificance that they began when they allowed the Zionists to take over their finances and foreign affairs.

They are now obviously Jewish puppets and the Jews are the puppeteers.

This dangerous situation for the entire world cannot be because of the number of nuclear WMD' that each of these pre-emptive aggressive nations have, since only one weapon is necessary to destroy the world as we know it.  And there is Pakistan/India and Russia.  So conn the public that if we reduce the Jewish arsenal from a reported 200 WMD's to 100 (and that will never happen) all is well - but don't allow those "rag head" Iranians the right to have a nuclear reactor for cheap energy!  Struth.

Horrible little "Rattus" wanted us to have nuclear power BUT not nuclear weapons! So the yanks trust us to do as we are told?  Or as Netanyahu said to the US Vice-President - "or else"?

The threat to an innocent and compliant Iran is as hollow as the democracy advocated by the Cheneys; Wolfowitz's and Rumsfelds of this crazy country called America. Even though the "Elite Jews" in the current government are as plentiful as those of previous Presidents, the stark reality of the "once the tail" now wagging the "once was the dog" is pretty scary.

IMHO the "Holocaust religion" died with the murdered people of the Gaza Holocaust and the specter of uncontrollable Jewish "Gold-n-Power" is as destructive to nations as it was subsequent to the Roman Diaspora.  The Romans did not try to kill off the Judeans, they considered that they would be emasculated if they were spread out over the Roman Empire (as citizens) and elsewhere - but Roman compassion only made things worse.

I am here critising the history (or holes in it) of the Jewish people and yet - in some countries who claim to be democratic - that is illegal! Why?

In any war (and the Jews of occupied Palestine are at war with the world) it is advantageous to know as much about your enemy as you can.  The "anti-Semite legal" barrier to even be able to consider what a Jewish person is, can only be a return to the injustices that they themselves have been whining about for thousands of years. 

For every concentrated attack on the Jewish people there must have been a well-organized and rich Gold-n-Power Jewish base which antagonized the powers that be and brought about the fear and ire of the legal governments.  Otherwise, just changing their names (as they do now) and their passports (as they do now) should have been sufficient to hide their identities and their activities.  But why?  Why want to hide them?

Well that beggars the question since now they have so much power that we, the Goyim, are not allowed to criticize them at all in some “under the thumb” countries.  Fair dinkum. 

So, if we have to fight them to recover our rights and liberties that we are slowly but surely losing  - who are they?  Criminal organizations only go underground when they have been discovered and observed.  Stop the press.

IMHO as far as I can gather, the US is the loser in their relationship with the radical and uncontrollable Jews in Palestine so - why - something must make the still living American leaders shudder with fear and they have to be protected so that those political crooks who follow them will demand the same insurance.

God Bless Australia and the Palestine people - may their suffering teach us a lesson not to forget or never to feed a crocodile with the wrong hand.




Are Untermenschen a burden on society?

Two Countercurrent articles resonate with me namely;

The Major Jewish American Organizations
Defend Israel’s Humiliation Of America

By James Petras

When Israel announced a major new Jews-only building project of 1600 homes in occupied East Jerusalem, it was not only “spitting in the face” of visiting Vice President Biden, it was demonstrating its power to humiliate America and Americans. Netanyahu was sending a message to world: Israel backed by its billionaire-financed Presidents of the 51 Major American Jewish Organizations, leads the US by the nose

The Strange Love Affair Of The U.S. And AIPAC
By Dan Lieberman

Why and for what reason do government officials cater to AIPAC? Don’t they know AIPAC’s inglorious history and its one-sided purpose? Actually, government officials have many reasons to distance themselves from AIPAC and no reasons to associate themselves with an organization whose thrust depends upon spurious reasoning and outrageous statements.

COMMENT:  These articles can and should be expanded upon in this forum. Encapsulating, they refer mainly to the Jewish control over the American government and as such, their people.  I will go even further - these Zionists revolted against their Palestinian hosts and carried out a 60 plus year invasion and persecution - far worse than Hitler's relatively few years.  And the first country to acknowledge them as an entity was the US - the very "superpower" that the Zionists now have over a financial barrel.  Struth.

I make no excuses for the all too arrogant and untrustworthy American governments of at least two centuries but, the US sowed its own unreliable seeds for the almighty Gold-n-power even as the Jews were doing the same to their US mentor and other nations who supported their murderous acts.

In these articles I will try to show that the danger in the Jewish race/religion is that, not matter where they are in this planet of ours, they are first and last Judeans.  As such they are easy to lead astray due to a false sense of loyalty to a relatively small but infinitely wealthy groups of puppeteers.

As I will ask all to consider - was there any other way for Hitler to rid Europe of "untermenschen" other than to, first take away their citizens rights (Netanyahu again), force them out of their country of choice by victimization (Netanyahu) place them in the largest Concentration Camp in history (Netanyahu wins) and starve - yes starve them.

Hitler's Generals claimed that the war had depleted their supplies of all necessities including food, so the inmates came last.  The Germans saved hair for blankets and eye glasses for metal - but, hang on, aren't the Jews robbing body parts from dead enemy children and don't they starve the people of Gaza even though they have plenty of spare food?

I would like a debate on 1.  Just who or what is an untermenschen in the eyes of a persecuted people? And 2.  The situation in America today is closely related to the days of the end of WW 1 in 1917, when the Jewish "allies" betrayed Germany to Britain and France so that the US would enter the war against them. Let's look at the Hebrew independently recorded history, and objectively have an opinion.

There is more and some so scary that Australia's isolation may be an asset instead of the problem it has been for two centuries.

God Bless Australia and borrow only from Goyim.  NE OUBLIE.



A late but heartfelt comment.

The toon up top of a "crushed Uncle Sam" truly disturbs me.  How the mighty have fallen.

During my lifetime I have served with Americans in most of their chosen military, such as Marines.

In my younger days I resented the Americans calling me "Limey" because in those days we did not wear shoulder flashes to identify our particular membership of the Commonwealth.  So, like any colonial boy would do, I drank them under the table.  Our beer was much more potent than theirs.

The difference in our life-styles was so noticeable that, for example, we had never heard of "quick freeze" chicken and they loved our "bully beef".  Struth.

They were good days prior to the Korean War which had been euphemistically called a "Police Action".

The young boys, (some sixteen I believe) who were so proud to be called Marines, were savagely mauled because they were not as experienced as the Nth. Koreans and their Chinese Volunteers. Only the industrial power and military expertise saved Korea from being a disaster.

And what did it achieve?  We lost quite a number of our third Battalion as I remember but the losses to the Americans was devastating.  And to the Nth.Koreans and the Chinese?  Who cares?

So as I look at the pathos in that toon I can recall the days when the US Military/Corporate was only looking for wars to make a profit.

As I see it, and perhaps so does the cartoonist, the American dream of protecting those nations who totally agree with their politics is over and their paranoia about self preservation is motivated by what it has always been, a tragedy about to happen.

So when I criticize America (spitefully sometimes) I mean their unrelenting "powers that be", not the ordinary citizen who is even more "brain washed" by the flag waving media than we are.

I therefore note the US Military/Corporate failures in Africa; Iraq; Afghanistan; Pakistan and anywhere else a "buck" can be made by weapon supplies.  And I think of those boys in Korea and how their lives were sacrificed for a goal never achieved but, their Mothers and their families have a little white flag with a red star on it.  Fair dinkum.

I cannot march on Anzac Day but I will be there to remember all Australians and New Zealanders (and their supposed enemies) who paid the maximum price for their efforts to make "our way of life" sacrosanct.  Fair dinkum.

My Wife asked me if the countries who lose a war remember the sacrifices as the "winners" do.  That is medals and remembering comrades who did not return.  I have no idea. 

History is written by the victors.

I will make a toast on Anzac day to all men and women, military and civilian alike, who have lost their lives due to the arrogance and profiteering of their governments.

And as far as the toon above is concerned - I paraphrase a famous US Senator - "I weep for my country".

God Bless Australia and all who have the opportunity to live here.  NE OUBLIE.