Wednesday 8th of January 2025

from the land of ignorance & stupidity .....

from the land of ignorance & stupidity .....

Citing the possibility of a terrorist organization getting hold of a nuclear weapon as the greatest threat to U.S. security, Barack Obama persuaded 46 other countries at the recent Nuclear Security Summit to agree to secure the world's loose nuclear material. Those leaders who came to Washington might have made done more to avert a nuclear attack, however, if they had asked the U.S. President to account for America's own loose nukes.

Of course, President Obama may not even be aware of the egregious failure of the United States to secure its nuclear materials and know-how from the predation of its alleged "closest ally." But since Obama is unwilling to even "speculate" about which country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons, he could hardly be expected to acknowledge how it got them.

In a recent article aptly titled "America's Loose Nukes in Israel," Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (Irmep) and author of Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy, shows how "the U.S is a sieve for Israeli nuclear espionage."

The Next 911 - Made In Israel?


Does it really matter?

So there are unstable people who have the ability to start a nuclear war?  So what?

Probably the most aggressive and unstable of a society without legal status, is the mythical Israel. So what?

America has proven beyond doubt that it cannot and does not want to, provide peace to any part of the world.  So what?

The Zionists have shown that they at least couldn't care less about a nuclear war - "If Israel goes down we will take the world with us"!  Is that more frightening than the alledged "wipe Israel off the map"? So what do we do about that or any other mess created by the UK/US/Zionist stupidity.

There must come a time in the schoolyard when the bully oversteps the bounds and the students rebel and "fix his little red wagon".

If, for a change, Syria invaded occupied Palestine, would the Zionists drop a nuclear bomb on who?  If the US decided to mind its own problems and the Zionists invaded Iran, what would that be worth?  They didn't do so well against the Hezbollah in Lebenon.

What would happen if any of the threatened Arab Semites, raised up and told the US to stick their Zionist partners in the "too hard" basket and any more "incursions" into their territory would be considered as an act of war?

The "ragheads" as the Americans call them, have survived tens of thousands of years and have repelled several so-called Crusades and have built large empires whose existence is still a classic of history.

So, if the Zionist threat is taken out of the equation - so what?

If the Golda Meir policy of "if us then everybody" is taken seriously, then that sort of nuclear blackmail can be used by any of the nuclear powers in the world.  So what?  Either we give in to blackmail or we don't. Why concede to a rogue state who are the most vile society on earth?

And they will?  So what?

God bless Australia and those who oppose Apartheid.  NE OUBLIE.

stop the war...

ThePhaedrus83  December 20, 2009 — Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us
- Mike Prysner

Brilliant Gus, but may I digress?

Nuclear Bomb Is A Crime Against Humanity  (From Countercurrents)/

By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

04 May, 2010

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in his keynote speech to UN Conference on revision of NPT and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons that nuclear bomb is a crime against humanity, not for defense. (And I quote selectively).

In the Name of God. The Compassionate, the Merciful
Oh God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi,
Grant him good health and victory,
and make us his followers and those who attest
to his rightfulness
  COMMENT: When I was training for an oil company in Bahrain, I came to admire the totally peaceful and almost blissful nature of these people due to their beliefs.  They even spend time saying G’day – and meant it.  Continuing…..

The government of the United States that is the biggest culprit in the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons or threat to use them insists on taking the lead in reforming the NPT through a series of propaganda moves. The US Administration, in defining its new nuclear policies, has announced that it will not produce new nuclear arm and will not attack non-nuclear countries with nuclear weapons. The United States has never respected any of its commitments. What are the guarantees for such a commitment or the tool for its verification? I should remind that in the past decades, the United States had most of its wars with its friends. Furthermore, under the new policies, some member states of NPT were threatened to be the target of a pre-emptive nuclear strike. The United States has always diverted public attention from its illegitimate actions bringing into focus misleading issues. They have recently raised the issue of nuclear terrorism as part of its efforts to maintain, upgrade, and complete their nuclear arsenals on one hand, and divert world public opinion from the issue of disarmament by repeating fake and baseless stories on the intention of independent states that defy US expansionist policies….

Through cooperation and sympathy, wishing for a world abounding in justice and peace is near at hand and the motto of nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for none would be the basis for interactions between human beings with one another, and the human beings with the nature…..

Hoping for a day when justice would abound, no human being would get angry, and when he would, he would find no weapon to quench his anger....

Hello to justice and freedom,
Hello to love and affectionate feelings,
And I wish you success, prestigious lives, and victory.

COMMENT:  The American warmongering Republican party would call this attitude childish and “old world” and yet, I believe that this historic ancient nation and its gutsy leader are saying enough is enough.  The Iranian President also laid out a format which he suggested would be a fair way to introduce, as he said, “Nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none”.

There is no evidence that Iran has broken any of the requirements of the NPT, while on the other hand, the Zionist invaders have broken them all.  Of course the Iranian President’s format for nuclear peace will be trashed by the Zionists and, naturally, by the US and the UK.

Are the Americans really fair dinkum when they changed their motto to “In God we Trust”?  I am afraid that we are back to the terrible days of the ultimate power of the Roman Catholic Church and their desire to “consume the world” on the basis of “only we are right” - and of course the Zionists.

God bless Australia and make us realize that continuing the slide to “might is right” really IS childish and unsustainable.  NE OUBLIE.



Let's face it - we are captives of the media barons.

Knowing that my all consuming desire for a media bound by even the most minor of regulations, I get upset at the developments that are intended to draw our attention to the happenings over the last some several months.

Does any voter with thought, reason and logic, fail to see what is happening in the Australian media dictatorship and the cross media ownership of the misinformation being fed to us daily?  The biggest offender is now the ABC - "the people's voice" - pigs it is!

The only consistent fault in the Rudd government and its future programs are that they have been too honest. The Howard "New Order" by complying with the notorious "powers that be" managed to sell our country to the tune of some $700 billion in debt from less than $200 billion when they came to office.

It is surely a debit against the Australian people that any of us would believe the Murdoch sponsored and Murdoch controlled "Newspoll" - but it made money!  And when money is the object, as always, truth is the big loser.

My observation with some anger is that, Abbott met with Murdoch and suddenly, this unstable and religious fanatic, has become the darling of the Murdochracy.  As far as I can see, none of the functions of the Murdoch Australian media empire - and its probably well-paid sycophant Journalists (or its venture into sport) have been in Australia's National Interests. 

What sincerely worries me is that I can imagine Murdoch and his minions considering what next to use to get rid of the Rudd Government while planning a concerted attack on that independent IRAN.

We have become captives of our own desire for truth. In the past, citizens of many nations fought for the right to disagree with the all powerful Monachies.  However, when that "push" turned to "shove" a cancer of financial power grew from the basis of opportunity and profit.

The media, all of it, does not belong to us.  Even the Howard appointments to the ABC has emasculated the "national interests" of the ordinary Australian people.  The Board is a pseudo right wing activist and I cannot find, on ABC South Coast or even ABC news Australia, any genuine reporting of any political events that occur or are occurring in Australia.

There is just no excuse for our employees like Chris Uhrlman or Fran Kelly to take our trust and trash it with unsubstantiated opinions which have only one objective - to ridicule our current government of the working families.

The logic is that, if a Rudd government is returned, then the wealth of our nation will be more evenly distributed than it has ever been in the past

The "strike" threats of various multi-national Howardist Corporations are as hollow as the claim that the world has much better resources than Australia  - and "we will take our bat and ball and go home".

IMHO, I do not believe for one moment that the man who now leads our country is gutless. The charge is a clear denial of the hurdles this man has faced from the extreme right media since he became leader of the Labor Party.

Take another look at Rudd's "contender" - and his history - and that of his "New Order" Workchoices' remnants.  Do we really have to abide by the dictates of the Murdochracy and their clear discrimination of the have and have nots?

God bless Australia and let us remember the days when we experienced the effect of poliical policies on our back pocket, NOT the GST.  NE OUBLIE.


Is there to be an answer at last to the Zionist aggression?

Does Hezbollah Have Scuds?

By Rannie Amiri

06 May, 2010

“We do not confirm or deny if we have received weapons or not, so we do not comment and we will not comment. This is our position.”

– Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, on charges that the group has acquired long-range Scud missiles from Syria, 1 May 2010

The uproar started in mid-April when the Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai Al-Aam reported that Syria recently transferred Scud missiles to Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon, having trained them in their use the past summer. Days later, when Israeli President Shimon Peres publicly accused Syria of supplying Hezbollah with the notoriously inaccurate rockets, media attention became widespread. The pretense for a “pre-emptive” Israeli strike on Lebanon had been nicely set.

The Syrian government, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri (who has no particular affection for Syria or Hezbollah) and his country’s president, Michel Suleiman, all denied the allegations. Even Egypt’s foreign minister, whose regime had just sentenced 26 alleged Hezbollah operatives for purportedly planning attacks inside Egypt—from confessions extracted under torture no less—dismissed the accusations as “laughable.”

Although Secretary of Defense Gates and Secretary of State Clinton intimated that Lebanon was inviting an attack on itself, the Obama administration could not confirm Hezbollah was in possession of the Scuds. In fact, several weeks after the story in Al-Rai Al-Aam appeared, the source of the leaked suspicions was revealed: the United States.

A UNIFIL spokesperson has just confirmed that its peacekeepers have found no evidence of Scud missiles in Lebanon.

So what then is the purpose of manufacturing this story?

According to American officials, hinting that Syria was providing Hezbollah with Scuds was done in order to “lay the groundwork for a proposal to the U.N. Security Council to put together a resolution on the deployment of U.N. forces along the Syrian-Lebanese border.”

Bint Jbeil MP Hassan Fadlallah of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to the Resistance parliamentary bloc came to a rather straightforward conclusion:

“The United States is asking us to accept Israel's alleged superiority to ensure Israel remains capable of launching attacks at its will while we are stripped of the ability to face these aggressions. We have no interest in acceding to these attempts to concretize Israeli superiority.”

As for Nasrallah’s response, in an April 29 interview with Kuwait’s Rai TV he said, “We don't speak through the media about the rockets we have or their details.”

It is understandable why the governments of Lebanon and Syria were so vocal in rejecting the claims. They want to stave off an Israeli attack—historically done under a flimsy (and often, manufactured) pretext. But why is Hezbollah being so deliberately elusive?

In essence, they are taking a page directly from the Israeli playbook; its longstanding policy of “nuclear ambiguity” has been to its strategic advantage.

Were Hezbollah to confirm the presence of Scud missiles (or any other technology for that matter), it would invite condemnation and confirmation of floated suspicions, and justify belligerent action from its adversaries. Were they to deny possession, it would not only fail to placate their enemies, but might embolden thoughts of military action if believed. Thus, neither confirming nor denying the acquisition of new military equipment, in the eyes of Hezbollah, has served its interests by keeping Israel guessing.

Does Hezbollah believe the U.S. and Israel will exploit the current tensions to rationalize an attack? Nasrallah characterized their protestations as mere “noise” and “intimidation.” He is already capitalizing on the strategy of “Scud ambiguity” though, by reminding Israel of the disastrous consequences should it recklessly decide to initiate an assault on Lebanon:

“Do we have what is more or less sophisticated than a Scud missile — these are details I don't want to speak about. If a war breaks out ... we said we will attack their [Israeli] infrastructure. We are able to fulfill these promises.”

Israel would be wise to remember the 2007 admonition made by current Industry, Trade and Labor minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer: “We have to take Nasrallah seriously. He has never lied.”

Rannie Amiri is an independent Middle East commentator.

COMMENT:  Perhaps, and not before time - the legitimate Middle East Nations are showing some fight and the retaliation could be on the stolen occupied territory!  It is time for the Zionist invaders to experience the horrors that their uncivilized "Military" have perpetrated on those once peaceful lands.  These ancient countries have a long history - let's hope they have a long memory.

God Bless Australia and give us an overdue resources "super tax".  NE OUBLIE.






And the home front?

stop the war...

And I quote:  December 20, 2009 — Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us
- Mike Prysner

How does this sit with the current situation of the major profiteers dictating to the Australian people's government and, being supported by the subservient Liberals?

Can any Australian argue against the logic of that statement?

To me this unnecessary crisis is just another Corporation power that exists to join Murdochracy in changing a Federal government who will not comply with their refusal of a tax that any other democracy would be entitled to impose.

So far, everything that the Australian people's Labor government has done has been targeted to either improve the current status of our health; Schools; infrastructure' and generally improving the livng conditions of the Australian people or to assist employment by introducing methods of reducing the use of energy.

We are the biggest per capita carbon emission people on Earth.  So let's not allow the media to skew that fact.

I wish that there was a "catch cry" that would resonate on the Australian people.  But we, the Australian people, are fighting to maintain the control of our future - the exercise of which the Rudd government has given us in just three years.

Who runs this country? The foreign exploiters or the elected government?

Whenever you vote, remember that it is your country you are voting for, not the Murdochracy; not the Miners of our resources but a dysfunctional group of Foreign advocates.  Make no mistake.

God Bless Australia and those who vote for Australia.  NE OUBLIE.