Wednesday 8th of January 2025

whistle blow...


Back in 2009:

A PARDON for whistleblower Allan Kessing is no longer enough to put an end to the national embarrassment over this man's treatment.

If Kessing is guilty he deserves a medal, not a criminal conviction, for revealing security flaws at Sydney airport.

If he is innocent of leaking to The Australian -- as he has consistently asserted -- the case for a pardon is even stronger.

This is just one of the law enforcement headaches facing Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor, and it is all because the Howard government was fixated with government secrecy.

All these problems could have been avoided had the Coalition, when it was in office federally, taken a mature attitude to the unauthorised disclosure of information that is clearly in the public interest.

Developing an appropriate law governing leaks from the federal public service is a challenge that the Rudd government has promised to address before the next election.


Law And Disorder Ep 2 - Allan Kessing - The Reluctant Whistleblower


Gus: whistleblowers like Alan Kessing or Andrew Wilkie are not the same as Godwin Grech...

But they all fall under the commonwealth act 70 of 1914 still in force today.


Disclosure of information by Commonwealth officers
             (1)  A person who, being a Commonwealth officer, publishes or communicates, except to some person to whom he or she is authorized to publish or communicate it, any fact or document which comes to his or her knowledge, or into his or her possession, by virtue of being a Commonwealth officer, and which it is his or her duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of an offence.

             (2)  A person who, having been a Commonwealth officer, publishes or communicates, without lawful authority or excuse (proof whereof shall lie upon him or her), any fact or document which came to his or her knowledge, or into his or her possession, by virtue of having been a Commonwealth officer, and which, at the time when he or she ceased to be a Commonwealth officer, it was his or her duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty:  Imprisonment for 2 years.


Gus: Kessing had written a report on the lax security and corrupt customs at Sydney airport back . When a drug bust was made in Indonesia on an Australian traveller, the report was leaked by a third party to a journalist. The accurate report was a big blot on the Howard government... The scandal of "criminal baggage handlers" and many other "breaches of security" — including X-ray machines that did not work and security cameras not working either — had followed the sale of the Sydney airport to Macquarie Bank, while the Commonwealth of Australia was still in charge of security. it did not look good.

Kessing was sent bankrupt by the various court cases against him for leaking the report, which he denied ever having done, although I believe he gave a copy to Albanese's office, once the report had been made public. Many people thought the various court cases were pay-back by the Howard Government for having written the report too well while employed as a custom officer.

At this stage Kessing should be acclaimed as a hero — for having exposed a huge hole in airport security. It's about time that the present government reviewed Kissing's case.


AFTER winning a Logie for his documentary on convicted whistleblower Allan Kessing, filmmaker Marc Radomsky believes the federal government has some explaining to do.

"Labor used his plight before the last election, and it now needs to explain why it is having so much trouble making up its mind what to do about him," he said.

Radomsky got his Logie award on Sunday, six months after Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor received Mr Kessing's application for a pardon on his whistleblowing conviction, and six weeks after Cabinet Secretary Joe Ludwig outlined plans to protect future whistleblowers.

The documentary, Allan Kessing: The Reluctant Whistleblower, was broadcast last November as part of the Law and Disorder series on SBS.

Accepting the Logie for most outstanding factual program, Radomsky paid tribute to whistleblowers such as Mr Kessing, who placed the public interest ahead of their own.

Mr Kessing had been convicted of leaking to The Australian a long-ignored report on airport security that embarrassed the Howard government and forced it to spend $200 million fixing security flaws at Sydney airport.

In the documentary, Mr Kessing outlines how he was subjected to phone taps, was raided by the Australian Federal Police, was followed by government agents and was forced to spend his life savings and his superannuation on legal fees to defend himself.

Radomsky believes the government's indecision on the pardon needs to be explained, because Mr Kessing has now created difficulties for both sides of politics.


Back in 2008:

Almost six months after coming to office, the Rudd Government has still not introduced its promised whistleblower legislation. Meanwhile, Allan Kessing's reputation is in tatters

While we were all steeped in the annual fervour that Anzac Day arouses, red lights were flashing warnings that things are seriously out of kilter in this country.

On 25 April some of the nation’s most influential lawyers called for retrospective legislation to be used to clear the name of convicted whistleblower, Allan Kessing.

Kessing, a former member of the Customs Air Border Security Unit based at Sydney Airport, had been instrumental in compiling two reports, in 2003 and 2004, highlighting major glitches in the security net at the country’s main airports. This included surveillance blind spots and criminal activity — and this was only a short time after the 9/11 tragedies in the United States.

The reports were leaked in 2005 and were front-page news, as a result of which John Howard panicked and hired British international aviation expert, Sir John Wheeler, to look into the claims. Wheeler confirmed the threats and vulnerabilities outlined in the reports and the Howard government allocated over $200 million to rectify the problem.

Despite its own rhetoric and duty, the government had been neither alert nor alarmed. But as usual, a lethargic government mugged by reality demanded a victim on whom to take out its scorn.


Gus: if a pardon to Kessing is a worry for the government, because it could be used say to help the case of Godwin Grech, one has to realise that under the CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 70, Godwin Grech's case is a different kettle of fish. He was not a whistle-blower. I would suggest he was an opportunistic public servant who possibly for many years had sided with a political party — the Liberal party and gave it sensitive information...

Allan Kessing should — at the minimum — be reimbursed for all his expenses fighting the court cases against him. Sure, the government has to find a way of doing this in a legal and just manner.


consistently denied leaking the reports

back in 2008

Kessing was targeted, charged and duly convicted last year. He was given a nine-month suspended sentence and put on a good behaviour bond for two years.

He has consistently denied leaking the reports and is currently in the process of lodging an appeal, following a drawn-out legal process that beggars belief.

In the run-up to last year’s Federal election, the Labor Party highlighted Kessing’s case when it committed itself to bringing in legal protection for public servants who make unauthorised disclosures in the public interest. What was leaked on airport security, and confirmed by Wheeler, has made all Australians inordinately safer, yet Kessing’s life is being systematically trashed. There’s no other way of putting it. The new Government has been in office for nearly six months and we still haven’t seen the whistleblower legislation, or any inclination on the part of Canberra to help Kessing.

This is appalling. Equally as shocking is the lack of interest on the part of the media, of parliament and of the community as a whole. Likewise, no one’s demanding to know from Canberra why the two Customs reports were not acted upon by senior bureaucrats and their relevant ministers. Why were they buried?


the true whistleblowers and the opportunists...

Whistleblowers provide a valuable service by disclosing information in the public interest but are not often duly supported. Peter Wicks reports.

AS A SOCIETY, we understand, without endorsing the state of affairs, that there are many industries that have criminal or corrupt individuals working within them.

We also understand that it is, in many circumstances, incredibly hard for law enforcement personnel to uncover unlawful behaviour within these industries.

This is why we rely on whistleblowers. People whose conscience will not let them sit quietly by, turning a blind eye to behaviour they know is either criminal, corrupt or immoral.

Blowing the whistle on your workmates, or your employer, is not a decision that is made lightly and almost always takes great courage, as it is often the whistleblower who suffers the most in the aftermath.

With whistleblowers playing such a crucial role and providing a service that's value is often beyond measure, it is vital that they be given support and protection by both law enforcement agencies and also by government.

With that in mind, I'd like to look at some cases that demonstrate the Coalition's record in protecting whistleblowers over recent years.

It is natural for a parent to seek the best education for their children; I'm sure Freya Newman's did.

Freya was a student working part-time in the library at the Whitehouse Fashion Institute to help pay her way through Uni. When Freya discovered that Tony Abbott's daughter Frances was being gifted a $60,000 scholarship while she had to work her butt off to pay her way through her education, she thought the public would be less than impressed at the "sense of injustice" of it all and so blew the whistle.

Freya was right. The public greeted the news with hostility. It was clearly the case of a favour being done because of who Frances' father was, as it was looking likely Abbott would end up in the Lodge at the next election.

#TheDrum says Abbott is corrupt: if only Freya Newman could've tipped off Fed #ICAC #AUSpol

— ☣Barón Emilio Death☢ (@krONik) November 26, 2014

Making matters worse, once in office, the Abbott Government sought to deregulate universities in a move that would see some students paying up to $100,000 for a degree, as well as extending funding for private colleges, like Whitehouse. Others who paid their way through their course, like Freya, the Abbott's Government planned to deal with by attacking their penalty rates — an attack that Malcolm Turnbull plans to continue to this day.

So what happened to Freya Newman?

Freya was not treated as a heroine; she was not lauded in the media; there will be no monuments, streets or parks named after her.

Instead, because she fell outside whistleblower protection laws, Freya was named and shamed publicly then left to deal with mountains of vitriol and foul abuse only those from the hard right are capable of spewing out. She was then charged criminally and dragged through the court system. She was eventually granted a good behaviour bond, but it's fair to say she was left terribly battered and bruised emotionally.

At any stage of the ordeal, did Attorney General George Brandis do anything to assist the poor whistleblower or close the loophole that found her in court? Of course not. He was probably too busy defending our god-given right to be bigots.

Currently, we have a refugee detainee system in crisis. We know this because there are whistleblowers who have finally had seen and heard enough about murder, rape, beatings, sexual assaults and utter degradation. Not conditions that these people have fled — but conditions they have been subjected to while under Australian Government supervision and "care".

Welcome to the free world.

However, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton made it clear that the government was going to crack down on this type of behaviour. Unfortunately, though he was not referring to the crimes against humanity being committed in the detention centres he is in charge of — he was referring to those blowing the whistle about the conditions these poor people are made to suffer.

As I write this, I am pleased to say that some have taken the whistleblowing laws into their own hands.

Open letter from immigration workers asking to be charged under new Border Force gag laws.

— IndependentAustralia (@independentaus) July 1, 2015

Doctors at Melbourne's Royal Children Hospital have risked two year jail sentences to speak out that the conditions in Dutton's detention centres are harmful to children. In fact, the doctors have gone even further, refusing to release children in their care back into Dutton's detention centres for further psychological damage.It is tragic that a doctor needs to risk two years jail as a whistleblower to ensure a traumatised child can receive adequate treatment.

We also discovered recently the awful case of a young woman forced to beg the government to allow her to come to Australia for an abortion after she was raped at the detention centre on Nauru. This awful case only came to light after the woman's lawyer, tired of waiting for a response from the government, blew the whistle to the media. The recent events in this case are even more shocking.

Another area many of you will know I'm passionate about is animal welfare.

Currently the government is looking to bring forward legislation that has become known as Ag Gag legislation.

Ag Gag is legislation is designed to shut down the reporting of cruelty to animals in the agriculture sector.

Supporters of Ag Gag claim it strengthens trespass laws and protects consumers from biosecurity hazards by increasing sentences for animal advocates who enter farms and obtain footage of alleged cruelty, as they may bring an infectious disease in with them that infects livestock.
So great is this threat that there is no proof it has never occurred once. Every bio-security breach that has ever happened has been as a result of either workers on the farm site itself or occurred during the transport of livestock.

However this proposed Federal Ag Gag legislation not only seeks to imprison animal activists acting to enlighten the public, it also seeks prison sentences and huge fines for industry whistleblowers who report cruelty. There is a defence in the proposed Act of good faith, but the onus of proof is upon the activist to prove. In other words, they are guilty before being proven innovent. All this points to the ridiculousness of the Ag Gag proposals. These whistleblowers are working on site already, but only suddenly pose a risk to society when reporting on the cruel and criminal behaviour of their employer?

But it gets worse, the proposal also seeks prison and fines for the publishing of footage or photos of cruelty obtained.

'Ag-gag' laws expose Coalition's freedom of speech hypocrisy "It is almost like a govt sponsored protection racket."

— Shirley Green (@ShirleyGreen11) May 25, 2015

This means the editor of the Sydney Morning HeraldThe Age, or the producers of Four Corners can be sent to jail for publishing footage from an agricultural facility that shows cruelty. Since when has what's published on page five of the paper been responsible for a bio-security issue?
Supporters of this legislation point to the recommendation that incidents of animal cruelty be reported within 24 hours and therefore that improves animal welfare. This is highly deceptive, what it in fact means is that if the perpetrator by some miracle ends up in court, given the small amount of evidence that can be garnered in the 24 hour window of opportunity, it will be impossible to prove a pattern of behaviour and it will be argued as an isolated incident.

There is however one whistleblower the Coalition have been more than happy to embrace, Kathy Jackson.

Jackson is of course the union turncoat and self-proclaimed whistleblower who now finds herself under the investigation of two police forces for alleged criminal conduct, as well as bankrupt after Federal Court ordered her to repay $1.4 million of allegedly misappropriated funds to union members.

Kathy Jackson is not a whistleblower. In my humble opinion, she is little more than a criminal opportunist. Throwing someone under the nearest bus for financial gain and then hoping that her self-proclaimed whistleblower status will keep her behaviour from being put under the microscope does not satisfy my definition of "whistleblowing".

Yet, this is the type of "whistleblower" the Coalition support.

It is interesting to note that the parliamentary apology the Coalition made for Craig Thomson's parliamentary address, way back at the start of his saga, now makes the Coalition look utterly foolish. Every single one of those whom Thomson named and the Coalition made the parliamentary apology to is now either in gaol or under criminal investigation by the Federal Police's organised crime division. Moreover, we have learnt this week that Michael Lawler is to have an independent investigation launched into his behaviour by the same Government that's spent the last few years defending him. I have little doubt, though, that this "independent" investigation will be more about covering the tracks and ties of former Employment Minister Eric Abetz, though I could be wrong.

I guess all this begs the question: "Who was the real HSU whistleblower?"


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