Friday 10th of January 2025

no escape from stalag 13...


Colonel Klink and sergeant Schultz...

Asylum seekers could again face processing in overseas countries under a Coalition government, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has announced.

The Opposition's immigration policy, released today, also includes plans to bring back temporary protection visas and would make visa holders work if they wanted to claim welfare.

The Coalition has also vowed to turn back boats from Australian waters if necessary.

The processing policy would be similar to the Howard government's so-called Pacific solution, which saw asylum seekers processed in countries such as Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.

The return to Howard-style asylum policies will upset more moderate Liberals and it is understood the measures were not taken to the party room before they were announced.

Mr Abbott said the Coalition would negotiate with other countries to process asylum seekers if the detention centre at Christmas Island was full.

He said the tougher measures were needed because the Government's policy was too soft and had made Australia a target of people smugglers.


They will have to attend English language classes after a year and they will have access to limited income support, but there is a new catch in the form of mutual obligation - visa holders will have to work for welfare.
"In the same way that others are required to do work for the dole and things of that nature, we think that is only fair that those same requirements should apply to those receiving these benefits," Mr Morrison said. Mr Morrison said the Coalition would do away with the Government's recent freeze on visa applications for Sri
Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers, which he said was discriminatory.
A Coalition government would also reintroduce the 45-day rule that was abolished by the Rudd Government. It means asylum seekers who take more than 45 days to lodge a refugee claim will not be allowed to work or access Medicare.


Liberal backbencher Petro Georgiou has slammed the coalition's new asylum seeker policy as "cruel".

"It will further victimise the persecuted," he said. "It does not have my support."

The policy was announced today by Opposition leader Tony Abbott without being run past the party room where MPs could have their say.

grab bag of prejudices

Immigration Minister Chris Evans has described the Coalition's asylum seeker policy as a "grab bag of prejudices" that will punish those seeking refuge and not stop people smuggling.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott announced this morning that asylum seekers could again face processing in overseas countries under a Coalition government.

The return to a policy similar to the Howard government's so-called Pacific solution has also been attacked by refugee advocates as well as Australian of the Year Patrick McGorry.

Senator Evans says Mr Abbott's announcement was just a "rehash" of the Liberal Party's border protection policy.

"There's no solutions here to the problems Australia faces. It's much more about cheap politics than it is about solutions to our problems," he said.


see toon at top...

I demand author's rights...

As Mr Murdoch lets his merde-och press loose like a pack of rabid dogs on Rudd, I demand author's rights. See the toon at top and compare it with the cover of the Daily Telegraph today (08/08/2013)... It appears the team of the old man has run out of ideas to damage Rudd whom they had propped up as a god to kill off Gillard... Yes the Daily Shitograph is now going through old toons by Gus and turning them around...


That an old man like Gus indulges in childish satire is okay. That a national newspaper follows suit is a national disgrace. STOP BUYING ANY MURDOCH PRODUCTS. I know it's a commercial boycott and one that I urge with regret, but a necessary step, like stopping buying Russian Vodka for the stance of the Russian government on gays.


daily shitograph