Thursday 9th of January 2025

the zoo...

the zoo

Multiple answers question: one of them isn't:

a) wise

b) a monkey, but is a liar

C) listening


from David Marr

''PHO-NEY!'' yelled the government benches in perfect harmony as Tony Abbott came to the despatch box. The daily brawl was under way. To a wall of howls, groans and snatches of song, the Prime Minister battled to say nothing new about pink batts.

Two Liberals were thrown out. "On yer boat," yelled Labor's Sid Sidebottom as the opposition spokesman for punishing refugees, Scott Morrison, headed for the sin bin.

Each question was worse than the last. By number three - government hypocrisy over government advertising - the opposition was baying for blood, an animal sound I haven't heard since playground brawls at Gordon Public a very long time ago.


One bunch of hypocrites who spent millions on government advertising in the Howard years is brawling with another bunch of hypocrites spending millions on government advertising after denouncing the practice all through the Howard years.


Gus: Marr's "fence sitting" sarcastic position is very suspect (Marr is a small "L" liberal)... Rudd has to fight and he is forced to fight.

Howard's government advertising spending was approaching half a billion bux of public moneys to support porkies when he did not have to, since he controlled the senate but wanted re-election.

Here Rudd has to present to the general public a new but smart policy that the miners and the coalition have decided to fight with ten times the fire-power — and will block in the senate. Plus, we must add, the media jocks are giving the miners a free range — as the media bosses relies on them and their friends for advertising... So they won't give a fair go to the government position. Further more, the press jocks see big revenues coming their way due to the stouch they are encouraging by being one sided — forcing the government's hand to give them money for government advertising in their outlet. Perverse...

On top of that, the ABC (public broadcaster) is forced to "appear" impartial. Thus it only reports in a very mistaken way since it gives lies and porkies credence and I have noted most of its commetators are "unable" to explain the new tax, despite the clarity of it.

All the media is stacked against the government, mostly with malice. In the Howard years, the media was supporting his extreme-right stand, thus went with the flow of his ratshit policies...


abbott playing fear and porkies...

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has told his colleagues there is disappointment in the Government among voters who are "reserving their position".

Mr Rudd's comments to Caucus come after today's Newspoll which shows support for Labor and the Coalition has slumped as voters desert the major parties to throw their support behind the Greens.

The Prime Minister's satisfaction level has also dropped, with only 36 per cent of voters satisfied.

Mr Rudd said the Government's current position was "difficult" but insisted the Opposition was not correspondingly in a position of strength.

Mr Rudd told Caucus the three major issues facing Government come in the form of the new mining tax, climate change and asylum seekers.

He accused the Coalition of playing the politics of fear.

Media standards of integrity is an Australian priority.

Good one Gus and well put.

IMHO my understanding of Rudd himself since his election is that he is certainly available to talk to ordinary people at any time, any place and he even includes the multi-national Corporations in that attitude of consultation.

Prior to the election he, his Wife, his Mother and his family suffered all the grubby comments of the "freedom of the Corporation's press" and they failed to dislodge him.  He continued to meet with all Australians irrespective of political persuasions or age or electorate.  The reforms introduced by his government and in particular by the portfolios of Julia Gillard have been "a work in progress" under the most harsh conditions any government should have to endure.  Double that with a Senate dedicated to opposition to anything which might assist the Rudd government’s agenda.

No mention of Julia's provision of the huge number of computers that are now available to the "untermenschen" children; or the number of public and private schools supported in their need for better facilities; or the successful number of Australian worker's homes insulated by non-toxic business people and those achieving solar panels which both Howard introduced and Rudd continued.

The Resources Minister Ferguson has made enormous ground in achieving lengthy deals for our future.

The Foreign Minister Stephen Smith is a credit to our international standing.

The Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner has a mathematical mind like a steel trap and the intelligence not to misuse it.

IMHO, the expertise of the Treasurer Wayne Swan has even surprised me.  He has excelled as an Australian among the world’s G-20 and has given our people three excellent budgets – two of which avoided the international recession – even as most OECD countries did not.

Facing this government of and for the Australian people was the fractured coalition and the accidental leadership of an untrustworthy Howardist who has made so many back flips that the mind boggles.

This created a Main Stream Media campaign against the appearance of a well balanced Rudd government and the constant opposition to innovative reforms by the “Coalition” Senate.

This shameless campaign has converted Kevin Rudd into a perceived and untrustworthy Abbott, while it equally converted Abbott into a Saint Theresa.

Such was the hated power of the Town Cryer.  Now we have Murdochrasy.

I will not say that I have faith in the Australian people to vote for a government which governs for them – because I just don’t believe that we are mature enough yet to read between the lines.

But one thing is paramount in my mind – after many shots at many targets, the Abbott Coalition was looking for something to resonate with the voters.  I believe that they hoped Kevin Rudd would be seen as a “smart arse” when in fact he was more consultative than any P.M. in living memory.  But it only worked for a short time.

The Budget was a wake up call to all Australians and was an indication of a continuation of the brilliant economic abilities of this Labor Government.

The fear of another “government of the people” must have been palpable in the minds of the Corporations and Wayne Swan prepared for it.

Was it wrong for him to do so or, did it upset the two Coalitions – the Mining Coalitions and the Liberal/National Coalition.  Add to that the Corporation’s media.

Be aware that Murdoch will pull out all stops to change our government because he has lost control of the internet and his newspapers are garbage.

We will soon have the opportunity to exhibit the fact that we are and should be, a wealthy nation and foreigners should respect our choice of government and the laws and wisdom of their policies. 

It is just not up to them or the Murdochracy to abuse our patience and blackmail our election intentions.  And Abbott and his cohorts will forever be known as “foreign investors”.

God Bless Australia and for our own sakes, take control of our politics. NE OUBLIE.