Monday 10th of March 2025

gems and buckets...


Buckets (as in Hyacinth Bucket — pronounced bouquet) are the cheap blooms (all stalks and thorns) that Tony is giving to the media while trying hard to be flip-floppingly interesting... But I was amazed this morning at Julia being accused of "flirting with the media" in a letter written to the Sydney Morning Herald (22/07/10) by a female reader... Blimey, if we're going to vote for the best legs in this boring knife-edged election, Tony has done more of his fair share off leg-up can-cans in budgie-smuggling apparatus to distract us from his shifty eyes.

Not only that, that infuriated female reader was accusing the NSW Premier, Kristina, of flirting with members of the press as well... So that female-letter-writer was going to vote for Abbott... What? WHAT? On this supercilious criteria alone? What a b...., er, silly woman. Julia in most instance keeps her "cool"... It's only when some media figure starts to engross himself or herself to make her accidentally trip, that Julia would respond in a jovial manner, while maintaining her cool and watching carefully for the potholes...

Some people found that it was very unfair to denigrate Tony for appearing in tight smugglers... We don't denigrate him. He does that himself by pushing his bulging budgies at us... And so far we haven't seen Julia's legs and I believe we won't see them either. That's the power of flirting... Leave it to the imagination?

Meanwhile, I believe Kristina is working quietly on powerful changes that will demand great attention from our hearts and minds... And that's what human stylistic life should be about: creating better egalitarian relationships with minimisation of prejudices, while encouraging invention and trade. But more of this in due course.


a tense tinkerbell...

Hockey grilled on money matters


Kerry O'Brien quizzed Joe Hockey on the Opposition's IR stance during a tense exchange on last night's 7.30 Report.


KERRY O'BRIEN, PRESENTER: After interviewing Julia Gillard on Monday, we were hoping Tony Abbott would be available last night or tonight to balance the scales.

Mr Abbott couldn't make it tonight. He's on another television program called 'Hey, Hey, It's Saturday' with Daryl Somers on their Red Faces segment, so his Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, is here now to fill the breach.

I understand you were complaining today about Labor trivialising this election campaign, but before we get to that, are there any Paris Hilton lines you want to share with us tonight?

JOE HOCKEY, SHADOW TREASURER: No, Kerry, and I think you're wrong also about Tony Abbott. I'm sure he's prepared to come on your program, it's just he hasn't been able to fit in your timetable because of existing commitments.


WHAT? Appearing on the TV show "Hey Hey It's Saturday" (shown on Wednesdays!!!???), to judge a really bad clowning competition is more important than explaining policies on the national network???? So Tinkerbell has to appear in place of Santa Claus??? The mind boggles, googles, goggles, booooooo-gles...

Nuts! They are nuts! And they want to lead this country??? Then Tinkerbell suggested that the media has not placed Julia under the same scrutiny as Tony! The cad. Does he means that she should show her legs? Crap!

mincing budgies....

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has ramped up his campaign rhetoric today, confidently declaring that the Coalition will win the next election.

Speaking in Perth at the opening of the electorate office for Ken Wyatt, the Liberal candidate for the marginal seat of Hasluck, Mr Abbott said he believes he will defeat Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

"Yes, I think that there will be a change of government and yes, I think that I will be the next prime minister of Australia," he said.

Before the campaign began, Mr Abbott tried to deny leaked comments from a party room meeting that a "famous victory" was in the Coalition's grasp.

But today he was not mincing his words.

"I can sense there will be a change of government come August 21," he said.

Leaders traditionally avoid declaring victory during a campaign for fear of appearing overconfident and Ms Gillard has repeatedly said the election will be close and hard fought.


Gus: not mincing his words but mincing his budgies... Telling porkies blaming Labor for the bubonic plague. Ninety per cent of people living in Australia should be thankful Labor was in government when the bottom fell out of the world economy... Had it been Tony and his cronies, unemployment would have reached dizzy heights. The man lies and lies and lies...


Good one Gus! Now let us not mince our words either?

I posted the following article, possibly in 2006?  I kept a copy Gus but I foolishly didn't date it.

It was the result of my research into the dishonesty of the Howard "New Order" and the claim that they were always up front and prissy clean.

QUOTE: Do you really TRUST the Howard Government?  Mk. 1.

“So many of Howard’s personally chosen brown noses have considered that his blessing means that they can do anything but – don’t get caught.

It is academic as to whether their personal dishonest habits suited Howard and he encouraged them to be so.  The result is the same.

Currently I have add [sic] to my list the Queensland Liberals Geoff Greene, Andrew Laming, Ross Vasta and Gary Hargrave all being investigated by the Australian Federal Police for alleged rorting of various MP allowances.

With some patience (not my strong point) I will put together my list of the current “caught” Liberals and Nationals in Howard [sic] “New Order”.

Rorting, incompetence, lying and/or under threat of prosecution.

·         ABBOTT- Tony (currently Health Minister) [at various times between 2001 and 2007]being caught out with his lie of a “rock solid” guarantee of no rise in the “Safety Net” – visiting his campaign manager a “convicted criminal” in prison and found guilty of $7 million fraud.  Makes you wonder about that historic rhetoric espoused in Parliament by Lord Haw Haw Costello” “Anyone who meets with a convicted criminal is both politically and morally compromised”! Abbott was also caught out for his infamous attack on Pauline Hanson by his fake “Honesty in Politics”.

·         ANDERSON – John:  The disgraceful intimidation of Independent Tony Windsor and the “Regional Partnerships” scandal and cover-up.

·         ALSTON – Senator as Minister for Communications.  He denied that he had a conflict of interests for having shares in Telstra.  Howard supported him when he sold them and made him Ambassador to Ireland. 

·         BROUGH, Mal.  Promoted “”training courses” which were actually Liberal Party fund raisers.

·         COONAN, Helen, as Minister for Revenue. Avoided paying land tax.  She was then exposed and forced to resign as a registered director of an insurance dispute resolution company, operating from her own home.

  • COSTELLO,  Peter – Treasurer. Gambled and lost $6 million of taxpayer funds [exchange market]. Appointed Liberal Party megadonor Robert Gerard to the Reserve Bank board despite being told by Mr. Gerard that he was involved in a 14 year long tax evasion dispute with the Australian Taxation Office.
  • CAMPBELL, Ian – forced to retire for meeting with Brian Burke and Julian Grill. He was “thrown overboard with the babies” and sacrificed by Howard to allow a cowardly attack on Kevin Rudd.  It was reported that a re-elected Howard would put him back in the Ministry.
  • DOWNER, Alexander, Foreign Affairs Minister – no warning to Australians about the intelligence of a Bali Bombing because it was “Not Specific” [88 Australians died in that bombing, unaware of the danger] – the cheap and inexperienced Garuda plane to return his diplomats and journalists to Australia which crashed and 5 Australian lives were lost – the bullying of our South Pacific Island democracies – [signing] the AWB [kickbacks] scandal et al.
  • ENTSCH, Parliamentary Secretary:  His concrete company won a massive government contract in breach of the Code.  He also escaped penalty at the last election when he destroyed his opposition’s posters.
  • GIBSON, Brian, Liberal Senator as Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer was forced to resign on 15 October 1996 for conflict of interests concerning Bank Licences.
  • HEFFERNAN, Bill, Liberal Senator, forced to resign over accusations against a High Court Judge who could not be “bought”? Re-instated by the BOSS (Howard) and force to resign again for his abuse of women who are “barren by choice”.
  • HILL, Robert, ex Minister for Defence – links to the AWB scandal poor quality contracts for Service Personnel’s apparel – lying to the Senate Commission.
  • HARGRAVE, Gary, Queensland Liberal MP being investigated by AFP for alleged misuse of Allowances.
  • HOCKEY, Joseph Benedict – currently minister for Industrial Relations. As a party with A-G Williams when constructing the Corporations Law Agreement when he was Minister for Financial Services and Regulation.  The issue was supposed to be a compromise between the Commonwealth and the States to the effect; “To address the States’ concerns that the Commonwealth might use the referred powers to assume greater control of workplace relations, it was agreed that the Corporations Agreement will specifically exclude the use of referred power for the purpose of regulating Industrial relations!” [Not a pretty sight]


I will continue Mk II tomorrow with Howard in the box seat. 


God Bless Australia and may this mob get back to soliciting.  NE OUBLIE.


a lady's man...

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has moved to address the concerns that women voters have about him during a speech in Perth.

Speaking at the Western Australian state Liberal Party conference, Mr Abbott emphasised the number of women on his staff and the strong influence his wife, daughters and sisters have on his life.

But he says he has always tried to appeal to all voters.

"My job is to appeal to all Australians," he said.

A Nielsen poll in Fairfax newspapers today shows woman voters prefer the Labor Party over the Coalition by 58 to 42 per cent.

Deputy Opposition leader Julie Bishop also referred to Mr Abbott's record in supporting women, but she has also denied that it is in response to the polls.

"I have been saying this about Tony Abbott for six months," she said.

Mr Abbott told the party faithful that while the Coalition is not expected to win the election he believes it can.

He says the election is the greatest challenge of his life.


Gus: The half-naked truth...

"Why do you thing I have been flashing my budgies all year around?..." he added while hugging an impressed Julie Bishop.

She immediately enthusiastically confirmed that, nearly passing out in extasy: "Aaaaah... I loved those hairy legs! Didn't you sheilas?"

Someone in the crowd started to shout: "STRIP, STRIP... strip... strip..."

Magnanimously, in a slow regal movement, Tony lifted his left hand, as to appease the warm melted crowd and said:

"don't worry... There will be plenty of time for that to come..."

And he was not thinking of showing his bulging budgies to the world once more, but his mind was totally focused on STRIPping workers of their entitlements...

He had a sly smile...

Do you really trust the Howard Government? Mk II.

Continuation of my article of 2006?    (My emphasis. EWG.)

·         HOWARD, John, Liberal Prime Minister.  Where do I begin?  Liar; guilty of lying to the Australian public to go to an illegal invasion of another sovereign Nation. TAMPA, SIEVE X [sic]; Babies overboard; ultimate deceiver; enemy of 80% of the population; creator of euphemisms for deceit; inventor of core and non-core promises; holder of the record 21% interest rates as a Liberal Treasurer in 1982;[and presented only four budgets, ALL in deficit] proud architect of the GST which he promised would “NEVER EVER” happen flagrant servant of the U.S. Military/Corporate and dedicated Foreign Corporation’s representative in Parliament; degrading Parliamentary format; recipient of two Senate censures and survivor of several more in the lower House; removing basic Human Rights from Australian citizens; draconian WorkChoices and Anti-Terrorist laws; Sedition laws of “suspicion”; totally against any Duty of Care for Australians; involved in the AWB scandal – good heavens – a book would be easier to write! (There will be a lot more before the election).”Buyer Beware” indeed!!! Wait for your “unsolicited” Howard phones calls [from America and paid for by us] especially those of you who thought you had a “private number”.  Care of CIA?

·         JOYCE, Barnaby, Queensland National Party Senator who was elected on the basis that he refuses the sale of Telstra, however, broke his word.  He also claimed he would oppose the Work Choices laws but did not. (Not to be trusted).

·         JOHNSTON, Liberal Senator promoted by Howard to take the place of Senator Campbell, even though Mr. Johnston also had links to Burke and Grill that Howard used to sack Campbell.  Analyst Harry Phillips said; “It was unwise given the standards that have been set by Peter Costello” and “The Opposition are going to ask questions, why was Senator Campbell dismissed and David Johnston promoted on the basis of the very similar links – and I think the electorate at large will be asking those very same questions”.

·         JULL, David, National Party Minister for Administrative Services, forced to resign in relation to the Travel Rorts Affair.

·         LAMING, Andrew: Queensland Liberal MP being investigated by AFP     for alleged misuse of Allowances.

·         McGUARAN, Peter, Minister for Science and Technology [and now a minister again], was forced to resign 9 October 1997 in relation to the Travel Rorts affair.

·         MINCHIN, Nicholas Hugh.  Finance Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate.  AS quoted from Mike Carlton “He haunts Tory right, his every fibre imbued with the Liberals’ ironclad belief in their divine right to rule.  How did a Knox Grammar upper-crust become the second right hand of a Canterbury Public High School peasant?”

·         MOORE, John: Liberal who John Howard selected as Minister of Defence although he had been found guilty of lying to H.M. Customs during the Fraser Ministry.

·         PROSSER, Geoff, Liberal Minister for Small Business and Consumer Affairs, forced to resign 18 July 1997 in relation to a conflict of interest (and lied to Parliament).

·         REITH, Peter:  Liberal Minister of Defense who was informed 14 times by the R.A.N. that there were no “children thrown overboard” but claimed he didn’t tell Howard! Also infamous for the N.Z. Guards and guard dogs on the wharfs to attack any Australian workers who tried to carry on their jobs and his cheating with the Government Telecard – Howard “punished him” with a $A250,000 tax free job in Europe.

·         RUDDOCK, Philip Maxwell:  Howard appointed him Attorney-General.  Does not appear to understand what is gong on around him.  Guilty of abuse of Human Rights while Immigration Minister.

·         SHARP, John:  Liberal minister for Transport and Regional Development forced to resign 25 September 1997 in relation to the Travel Rorts Affair.

·         SHORT, Jim: Liberal Senator and Assistant Treasurer was forced to resign on 14 October 1996 in relation to a conflict of interest concerning Bank Licenses.

·         TURNBULL, Malcolm: Liberal when, as the “Fast Tracked” Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Secretary, was served with a writ by the HIH Liquidator, Tony McGrath, along with three global companies for around $500 million in damages.  Mr. Turnbull was chairman of Goldman Sachs Australia in 1998 and was senior adviser to insurance company FAI which was sold to HIH for an inflated price.  As yet, legal proceedings have not been reported.  Nevertheless, Howard has promoted to Minister for the Environment and Water Resources. TRIVIA in his own website he has reported that he signed a Declaration of Intent on water with the “Israelis” – so remember, since t has been “mentioned” it is now a mandate?

·         SANTORO, Santo, Queensland Liberal Senator [described by Downer as “only human”] who resigned as Minister for Ageing after it emerged he had failed to declare his extensive share trading involving 72 companies.

(Will be continued in Mk III] God bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.




I am a migrant myself...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the Coalition's immigration policy will look to "intelligently manage" immigration but not at the cost of Australian businesses.

"Most are not aware but I am a migrant myself. Australia is an immigrant society. It is important that an immigration program has the support of our people and that is what this policy is designed to ensure.

"What we are announcing today is a demonstration that we are fair dinkum, that we will back up our talk with appropriate policy."

Earlier, the Opposition's immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, indicated the number of skilled worker visas would be protected.

"We are very keen to ensure a strong skilled migration program and one that particularly addresses the needs of regional areas," he said.

But Population Minister Tony Burke has accused the Opposition of using a sneaky political trick.

He says migration levels are already forecast to fall even further than the Coalition's target.

"By 2011/2012, it's forecast that we'll be at 145,000," he said.

"That's because there were rorts in the system that were put in place under the previous Government. We've cleaned up those rorts and they're now working our way through the system.

"All he's done is take existing projections over the next 12 months or so and call them his policy."


from wikipedia:

Abbott was born in London, England,[4] to Australian parents. In 1960, his family returned to Australia, living first in the Sydney suburbs of Bronte then moving to Chatswood. Abbott was schooled at St Aloysius' College before completing his secondary school education at St Ignatius' College, Riverview in Sydney.[5] He graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (BEc) and a Bachelor of Laws (LLB)[4] from the University of Sydney where he resided at St John's College, and was president of the Student Representative Council.[6] He gained media attention for his political stance opposing the then dominant left-wing student leadership. He was also a prominent student boxer. He then went on to attend the Queen's College, Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and graduated with a Master of Arts (MA).

When Abbott was 19, his girlfriend became pregnant and believed Abbott to be the biological father. The couple did not marry and adopted out the baby boy.[7] For 27 years, Abbott believed that he fathered this child.[8] In 2004, the boy sought out his biological mother and it was publicly revealed that the child had become an ABC sound recordist who worked in Parliament House, Canberra, and was involved in making television programs in which Abbott appeared.[9] DNA testing later revealed that Abbott was not the man's father.[10]


Julia is a real migrant, Gus is a real migrant...

Tony was born from Aussie parents overseas... But that does not make him cleverer about Australian history and politics... I may have more intimate knowledge of these than him. I have met John Gorton, Billy McMahon, Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, John Howard.... and a plethora of ministers and MPs... I have met most of their spouse as well. I have read much of Australian history, geography, geology, fauna and flora, in various scholar and scientific forms and helped in the publication of new information, including scientific information on climate change... I knew old people, now dead of course, who had met Henry Lawson and George Bernard Shaw...

I make my judgement of Tony, who I have not met though, on his silly pronouncements that are totally alien to the closest historical truth of this country and on his attitude that would damage this country should he become PM. We've already seen too much of him when he was a minister for the Howard ratbag years.

May the best woman win...