Sunday 9th of March 2025

the great debate...


This morning, in dissecting the debate, Michelle Grattan said that Tony's immigration policy was "a bit of a con"...Er... Just a bit? Blimey! Tony was lying through his teeth at every turn of the worms (female and male), but doing it with such aplomb that he appeared for some to be telling the truth... He was not telling the truth. When Julia pulled his pants down on this subject, he looked he'd missed something — as if he had not read the newspapers that Burke had already pulled his pants down on this subject — the day before... Idiot! And Tony made rock solid promises that, sure as hell cannot freeze over, would go down as non-core — and would be replaced by sneaky draconian ways to make your life more miserable like shifting sands.

And last night on Channel Nine the worm gave the debate to Julia 61 to 39... Straight away, the bibendum of journalistic sneaky ratbag-rightwing-politics pusher, Laurie Oakes, showed his true colours, argueing that the worm was wrong and he declared Abbott had won pants down... Er... I mean hands down. But before that flippant worm dismissal, Mr bibendum called both of the debaters "political midgets", on which I was in agreement with him in regard to Tony Abbott... I don't think Oakes will get any other interviews out of these "midgets", unless he shows his obvious Abbott supporting bent.

Abbott lied last night, and lies today, and will lie tomorrow... Sure he does it cleverly, but I am sure that after debate, should he be a true catholic, he had to go to a confessional straigh away and confess "Father forgive me, I tell porkies..."

But for him porkies are like communion wafers. All you need is a bit of butter and jam to make them palatable.

cold porridge...

Who won the debate?
from Crikey
by Amber Jamieson

Last night was the only election debate of the campaign and it was filled with fair dinkums, which is the new moving forward, apparently. In case you missed it, you can read the entire transcript here, but let’s face it, it wasn’t the most thrilling testament to democracy.

Pre-debate, Michelle Grattan wrote in The Age about how important the leaders’ debate was for Abbott:

People overwhelmingly think Labor will win the election. Abbott remains the underdog. A win tonight would give him fresh momentum. A loss would be a slip on the side of that Everest he’s trying to climb.

But who won the debate? The worm slithered up and down the screen and the commentariat are also all over the place this morning.

Unnamed “staff writers” at The Oz declared “Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have faced off in a polite leaders debate, with neither leader delivering a knockout blow.”

It was a lacklustre night for Christine Jackman, ”…it was clear then that this debate would deliver nothing more than another serve of workshopped rhetoric with all the appeal of cold porridge”, she writes in The Oz.


Julia is in a bind. Tony is clever liar... She knows there are things she can't say because Tony would twist them around. Until final count will she be able to relax, commiserate or grin though ...

big mistake of a candidate...

How did David Barker become a Liberal candidate?


The NSW Liberals appear to have had something of a road to Damascus conversion in the lightning-fast decision to dump the conservative Christian, David Barker, as their candidate for the western Sydney seat of Chifley.

Questioned about Barker's anti-Muslim Facebook comments by Laurie Oakes on Channel Nine on Sunday, shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey condemned Barker for ''trying to use religion as some sort of tool in the election campaign.''

''And he will not be our candidate by the close of business today,'' Hockey declared. ''Tony Abbott has taken a very firm view on this.''

Which raises the question of just how a party which has previously been stung by a religious vilification scandal in western Sydney - recall the election-eve 2007 anti-Muslim flier in Lindsay, anyone? - could think that pitting a radical Christian against a Muslim candidate in Chifley was a good idea in the first place.

When Julia Gillard called the election, the Liberal party was criticised for having several preselections outstanding.

Chifley, however, wasn't one of them.

So the party cannot be excused for rushing a less-than-ideal candidate into the seat because it was caught on the hop by an early election.

In fact, there was only one nomination for Chifley: that of Barker. This is probably because it is a safe Labor seat. Labor's chief whip, Roger Price, is retiring, clearing the way for Ed Husic's bid.

But embarrassingly for the party's senior executive, it was the NSW state council which signed off on Barker's candidacy, not local branch members.


Gus: am I being cynical to believe that Barker was pushed to do a Facebook booboo so the Libs could present a more "palatable" candidate and, while crowing about the change in defence of "morality", attract some attention to the seat?... And that the whole thing was orchestrated to highlight the "broad church" the Liberal party is? (It is not in reality but that's another matter)... I think the whole thing stinks like a set up...

mr no new tax but plenty of new levies....

Swan claims Opposition childcare policy would lift grocery prices


Treasurer Wayne Swan has tried to turn the tables on the Opposition on taxes, saying Tony Abbott has admitted he will increase the cost of living.

In what Labor is calling a ''Coles and Woolworths tax'', the Coalition's paid parental scheme will be funded by a 1.7 per cent levy on companies that have a taxable income in excess of $5 million.

Mr Swan jumped on comments made by Mr Abbott in which the Liberal leader said: ''I accept it's going to raise the cost of those businesses.''

Standing outside a Woolworths supermarket in the marginal Perth electorate of Swan, the Treasurer said it was a ''stunning admission'' that Mr Abbott's paid parental scheme would increase the cost of living.

''His Coles and Woolies tax will put upward pressure on business costs which will flow through to the prices at the supermarket and flow through to a whole range of items,'' he said.

''Mr Abbott has admitted that very clearly today on radio.''

The Coalition announced its paid parental scheme in March, saying it would be funded by a levy which would only apply to about 3200 companies or ''less than one per cent of Australian companies''.

In a sign Labor are planning to use Mr Abbott's 1.7 per cent levy on big business as a stick to beat the Coalition with, Families Minister Jenny Macklin repeated the ''Coles and Woolworths tax'' line in Queensland.


Gus: the only difference between a tax and a levy is the spelling...

more than a cover girl...


Greens Senator Bob Brown has leapt to the Prime Minister's defence, saying he was "disgusted" by the questioning.

"Julia Gillard has been subject in the last 24 hours to some quite nasty attacks, not just from the Opposition but in the media and I'm frankly disgusted by it," he said.

"She's got her own partner and her relationship with that partner and that's a great strength to any member of parliament. I know my partner is, but also we should respect that privacy."

Ms Gillard's unmarried status and decision not to have children has been the subject of much discussion since her rise to prominence, with firebrand Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan branding her "deliberately barren''.

He later apologised for the comment.

Senator Brown said political leaders should be judged on their talent not their personal lives.

"It is a little bit off for that to become a feature one way or the other in what is after all the talent of a person offering themselves to be a political leader," he said.

"It's not off limits, but it doesn't deserve some of the repetition of some of the worst epithets I've seen used against Julia Gillard by fellow parliamentarians and some people in the media who should know better."

Health Minister Nicola Roxon echoed Mr Abbott's comments, saying she did not think the Prime Minister's marital status would affect voters.

"I am very doubtful that whether a political leader is married or single or has children or is divorced, is going to be at the top of the community's mind when they vote on August 21," she said.

In a move sure to continue the debate, the Prime Minister is to appear on the front cover Women's Weekly on Wednesday.

Don't let racism return to Australia.

Without stealing your thunder Gus, isn't it reasonable to conclude that this is one of Abbott's dirty tricks for which he warned us as he did with his dishonesty? But his media loves it? His MSM support is trying to crucify P.M. Gillard as they did Kevin Rudd.

The conspiracy is obvious and it is an indictment of our slack regulations on any type of business, especially the Media, that will continue to increase the Howard gap between the Haves and the Have not’s.

To me, I still feel that the Labor Party's intention to improve the life style of all Australians and to prepare for the future as well as can be expected, is the basic principle of their intentions but, the media seems to be mesmerized (or organized) by the Costello type “locked down” media “statements” of a re-born "female loving" Tony Abbott?  Who is sometimes honest enough to admit that he lies and cannot be trusted?

And what does the MSM do – they think that he is the leopard who finally changed his spots!

A government of any country of any persuasion cannot absolutely guarantee the result of any of their reforms. Julia Gillard has been, as always, up front with the Australian people.

What would change the attitude of thankful working families towards the Liberal opposition’s denial of everything Labor has done and has put in progress reforms for the betterment of the lives of Australian people of any measure of wealth or - has tried desperately to bring together the objectives of both the Howard elite and the Rudd/Gillard normality.

From the very beginning, without any degree in intelligence, I have offered my opinion that the persecution of Kevin Rudd by Murdoch – the fear campaign of the Miners – the evil conspiracy against the Australian people by the wealthy Corporations/Liberals/Miners and foreign interests who have all been guilty of blackmailing the popularly elected government of the vast majority of Australian citizens are – yet again - forcing us to believe that transferring control of our future is their unelected right – since these foreigners MAY give our people a job to increase their profits.  Fair dinkum.  And using Howard's method of refusing to train Australian youth in a trade and favoring the cheapest way of bringing in unqualified foreign labor.  Fair dinkum.

As the elderly American Senator once stated, “I weep for my country”.

It is like watching someone drown while your hands are tied behind you.

God Bless Australia and lets hope that Abbott will finally make the mistake of arrogance so inherent in the conservatives.  Do any Australians trully believe that he has changed? NE OUBLIE.



buying votes

The Coalition has fired its first financial salvo in the battle for the most marginal electorate in South Australia.

Prominent Liberal frontbencher Christopher Pyne is fighting to keep his seat of Sturt, in Adelaide's north-east, which he holds with a buffer of less than 1 per cent.

In an effort to shore up support, Mr Pyne promised if he and the Coalition were voted into government that millions would be spent upgrading the local Campbelltown leisure centre.

"For $7.5 million from a Coalition government, we'd be able to build a fantastic facility for that," he said.

"We won't have the waste and mismanagement in the school hall debacle under Julia Gillard. I think if [the Government] had $7.5 million to spend, we might get a canteen for that."

It sounds like a good offer to 68-year-old John Penhall, who says he is a swinging voter. Mr Penhall says he goes to the sport centre four times a week and that it needs the extra money.

Mr Pyne needs all the votes he can get to claw back lost ground from the last election.

In 2007, the Labor campaign pushed him to the edge of losing the seat he has held for 17 years.

The margin is now 0.9 per cent.


Gus: get rid of Pyne...

smooth operator...

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is facing allegations that she opposed implementing paid parental leave during Cabinet discussions when she was deputy prime minister.

Channel Nine has aired claims Ms Gillard lobbied against the scheme, saying it would put older voters offside and that she had reservations about the size of the age pension increase implemented under Kevin Rudd.

Ms Gillard says she will not respond to the claims and accuses the Liberal Party of being behind the allegations.

"Cabinet discussions are confidential. I have always respected Cabinet confidentiality and I will continue to do so," she said in a statement.

"In any case, I would not respond to anonymous allegations.

"If the Liberal Party have allegations to make, they should put their names to them."

But Channel Nine journalist Laurie Oakes says the allegations came from a Labor source.


Gus: as Laurie Oakes claims that these allegation came from "a Labor Source", we the public at large have no way of knowing if Laurie is talking crap or not. It is most likely that mr bibendum is talking crap — unless he reveals his "source". He has shown to be biased as mentioned at top of this line of comments, that despite his smooth appearance of fairness, he sneakily supports Abbott fair and square... His journalistic ethics got blown off the water after the debate when he disputed the worm with acrimony... Laurie Oakes is a smooth operator, who may think he is a kingmaker... He is not.

On the next level, why would a "Labor" person try to damage Labor chances of re-election, just to get nasty? No way...  A Kevin Rudd supporter? Most unlikely. A Liberal mole fabricating a story? most likely. A total fabrication from the Libs? for sure.

heartless idiot

Tony Abbott says a Coalition government would look to extend welfare quarantining across Australia.

While praising the efforts of Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin in legislating welfare quarantining across the Northern Territory, Mr Abbott said there was no reason why the scheme should not apply to all those on welfare payments.

"Minister Macklin may have struggled to deliver the Government's promises on remote Indigenous housing, but she has diligently worked to ensure that welfare beneficiaries are aware of their social responsibilities," he said.

"This of course raises the question: if the automatic quarantining is just and fair in the north, why not implement it elsewhere?


Gus: I know quite a few people on welfare... And they are doing it tough. They don't need another Abbott monkey on their back to tell them how to spend their money. And if some day they decide to spend a bit of it at the pokies for recreation and illusions, so be it. All of the people I know won't... But what Abbott is trying to do is to remove the last dime of dignity left in people managing their own lives in very difficult circumstances.


Tony is a heartless idiot to think policies such as these... These temporary policies are presently in place in certain section of the community after a cry for help from mostly women in this specific section of the community. They are not to be a permanent fixture of social relations, unlike Tony's ugly vision that smells of foot in the door TV  "aca" and "today tonight" populist crap. PISS OFF TONY!!!

I believe most welfare organisations would say the same: PISS OFF TONY!!!!!!

she did not oppose...

Julia Gillard did not oppose the parental leave benefit nor the increase in the oldies pension.. She just asked if those could be afforded without wreaking the budget, in a responsible manner. When assured and demonstrated by the financial team it could be done, she approved of the policies...

Mr Oakes' grass got it skewed unless Mr Oakes tells us he has documents to prove to the contrary — which he may have. In this case the federal police might have a few questions for him. He could spend the rest of this election campaign (and way beyond it) in the slammer, for possession of illicitly acquired documents...

But I think he was just trying to stir and rattle Julia to favour Tony using his "squeals" in Canberra.

Meanwhile on the Chaser Last night, on Yes-We-CANberra, the staring-gaze champion of the world, Julie Bishop, outgazed a garden gnome. I thought the gnome looked like a miniature Joe Hockey, but I might have been wrong...

The Oaks methods of cheating voters is on again.

“Mr Oakes' grass got it skewed unless Mr Oakes tells us he has documents to prove to the contrary — which he may have. In this case the federal police might have a few questions for him. He could spend the rest of this election campaign (and way beyond it) in the slammer, for possession of illicitly acquired documents...

But I think he was just trying to stir and rattle Julia to favour Tony using his "squeals" in Canberra.”

Good one Gus.

IMHO Your Democracy is the only net based forum that has even dared to raise the most obvious point that even a probationary detective would do – check the last person known to have seen these documents?  Laurie Oaks!!!

IF they are not documented then he should be treated immediately as Howard/Costello (and Abbott) treated the two Herald Sun reporters and put him before a Judge and reveal his source or go to jail for contempt. Why else did the Howard “New Order” have Keelty in the AFP?  His then political masters surely used him.

Julia Gillard is angry and I agree with Peter Harcher – she should now capitalize on her perceived ability to FIGHT this planned and unsubstantiated claim by a person who owes his notoriety to his similar involvement in the DISSMISSAL of the Whitlam Government in 1975.  For which Frank Packer was forced to settle out of court.

Almost every possibility in this drama has helped the Murdochracy (and other Corporation conspirators like the Liberals) to keep the issue alive and the damage will continue as Laurie Oaks would have kept the most hurtful and perhaps skewed LEAKS - until AFTER the election was called.

Julia Gillard has no other alternative but to bring this matter to closure by forcing this Journalist to justify his attempts To Bring Down The Australian Government! Just as Howard claimed when he so legislated the act.

By using that precedent of the Howard government the P.M. should now instruct the Federal Police to investigate Laurie Oaks’ claims of “secret and unsubstantiated” destructive information which was clearly used for a purely cynical and political reason!

Unless I misjudge the basic Australian character of liking a fighter, then the P.M. has a duty to all Australian voters to show that this sort of anonymous character assassination will not be allowed in this democracy.

I deem this is imperative NOW even if OAKS’ most damaging was held up until after the election was called – because his first accusation was when Julia was still the active Prime Minister of our active government and he should be held to account and prosecuted to the full extent of Australian law and by trying to bring down the government on unsubstantiated claims – a Court resolution, just as Howard?Abbott’s mob had already done.

Clearly and unavoidably this is a sincere attempt to allow Journalist’s with suspect motives to lie anonymously and clearly admitting that he does so DURING AN ELECTION and in an effort TO BRING DOWN THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT while he enjoys the turmoil that he has caused

Inaction on this would be tantamount to not giving the voting public a chance to have a clear view of the FACTS of the election, and like Oaks’ involvement in the Khemlani affair, will certainly damage all Federal members of Parliament regardless of persuasion.

It opens the door to the most unrestricted processes of Cabinet debates which, again as Oaks’ has done, will forever beggar the oaths of confidentiality by the irresponsible actions of a person who thinks that he is untouchable by any law.

How wrong he is. Only ONE person in this comic opera of privilege going mad has NOT been asked did he lie?  Laurie Oaks.  He started it all and he was the originator even of the wording – why hasn’t HE been questioned?

Malcolm Turnbull and Abetz were put in a similar situation by Godman Grech when they believed in his leaks against the government and they were merely asked to apologize – Struth.

They were tricked – was Oaks tricked?  Only making this a legal investigation can give ALL Australians the facts and a lesson NOT to trust self-indulgent anonymous sources of scuttlebutt. By any measure, the Abbott Parliamentarians must see this as an attack on democracy in this country which they too have sworn to serve.

God bless Australia and may Oaks and his shadowy informant, if there really is one, is brought to justice for the sake of all future Parliaments and their oaths to respect the confidentiality of Cabinet.  Let’s not have another shameful DISMISSAL by the Liberals and especially since when they achieved that heinous act, immediately changed the legislation to refuse denial of budget money. But AFTER they had used it. Fair dinkum. NE OUBLIE.


the acorn...

Yes, Ernest...

I now suspect that Laurie Oakes was given this erroneous titbit (at least very "slanted" and delivered with no context — like the Shirley Sherrod affair) about Julia by a disenfranchised Ruddite. This may has well been actually said by the "leaker" in a flippant sort of way... But like many journalists do, Laurie kept this "information" under wrap till it could be used to create the most damage to Julia. This tactic has been used by Glenn Milnes in the Costello/Howard prime ministership affair... I suspect that Glenn Milnes, knowing Howard was on his way out, thought to bring Costello to the fore of the Liberal Party. It did not work. Other journalists who had witnessed the Costello/Howard prime ministership deal had to admit to this deal then — which of course Howard, true to his words, took as a non-core promise.

Sure, some of the journalists like Oakes appear beyond reproach and balanced in "telling the truth", but they massage it — and time it — with hidden nefarious purposes. Oakes has discredited himself beyond repair — he may as well go the whole hog and announce his support for Tony Abbott. We know he does.

rotten acorn

While Mr Rudd subsequently released a statement denying he was the source of the leak, Mr Latham is still convinced that he told Mr Oakes.

"It's the coward's way to get on the blower with Laurie Oakes and say, 'I'll tell you this but you're not allowed to identify me,'" Mr Latham told Sky News.

"It's the snake's way.

"So I challenge Kevin Rudd to be a man, to be honest, to have some honour and actually, if he feels this strongly about it, put his name to his words.

"I think it's unmanly and beneath a decent Aussie bloke to act this way, let alone an ex prime minister."

In his book The Latham Diaries, Mr Latham said Mr Rudd was a serial leaker.

He repeated that assertion.

"You don't have to have a wire tap on the conversation between Kevin Rudd and Laurie Oakes to know it was Kevin Rudd," Mr Latham said.

"It, too, is one of the laws of nature that Kevin is a serial leaker, this is what he does and the Labor Party is having to live with the consequences."

Mr Latham said Ms Gillard could have avoided political difficulties if she had given Mr Rudd the foreign ministry after she took the top job on June 24.

"They should have made him the minister for foreign affairs or the minister for defence over in Afghanistan ... you're looking at a much better option than having him there as the loose cannon on the southside of Brisbane," he said.


Either way, Oakes is still in a mode to damage Julia and to favour Tony...

The Oakes alleged claims should be prosecuted by the AFP.

Perhaps I am wrong but, I did support Mark Latham and was disgusted at the Media's "Mrs. Monte" treatment of him and his family - their history - their problems and, may I say, even AFTER he had left the "snake pit' of contemporary Federal politics completely.

The MSM followed him and, for no purpose than to punish the man for daring to challenge the "powers that be" they crucified him and his family. That is abuse of power and should be dealt with by the UN or hopefully a neutral government.

While I can understand that the media found this person guilty of all crimes including trying to save the Tasmanian forests, my Wife and I were prepared to support him for at least the blatant abuse from the foreign media.  So, Mark, it failed and we still think you, Simon Crean (Let our Rivers Flow) and the time in opposition allowed our party to bring together the best front bench that I can remember of any side of major parties.

You were treated badly Mark because your “message could NOT get through to the people”?  Sound familiar? Like Rudd and Gillard?

As a coach of various sports during my life (although I did not support St. George) I have developed the attitude that “a champion team will defeat a team of champions most of the time”.

Everything in a so-called democracy is a farce Mark.  The voters are as brain washed today as they were when the world had absolute power based on Monarchies.  Only the format and (euphemisms of WorkChoices) are still an avenue of complete control as long as the so-called democracies allow the unelected “for profit” media to abuse their power.

Say your piece Mark and I can only imagine that your basic Australian attitude to the independent sovereignty of our people was your media down fall, just as it was for Kevin Rudd and could be for Julia Gillard.

Be Labor Mark, “don’t let the bastards get you down” – if I have the opportunity, I would value having a good Australian beer with you, Lager of course.

God Bless Australia and may we respect our victims of the Liberal Corporations as we do their victims of foreign wars. NE OUBLIE.



social capital

No Ernest, you were not wrong...

Mark Latham was a victim of his own visions. Most Australians, the Labor Party and the Libs were not yet ready for these. He had written a long thesis on how to tame Capitalism in a way it could become sustainable. This was "Civilising Global Capital". He was using Labor as a platform to achieve this vision which should have been adopted in the rest of the world as well. He makes mention of the "Social Capital" that takes into account the "people". His vision was a bit dry and not perfect either but was a step in the right direction. He got pissed on by his mates at the Labor Party, with the blessing of the Libs ... and he chose then to piss on them too. Like Rudd he also tended to be a one man band, in order to push his ideas...

We will never know. Meanwhile Tony the Turd is making great strides in conning people. That's democracy for you. All the people enamoured with Tony should read Mein Kampf.


The Devil wants Julia to make a deal?

The Bushit administration and their servile puppets like Rattus, have long ago lost their credibility for political consistency or true democratic foreign policies. 

As if to laugh at our attempt to reveal this obvious abuse of privilege, the media (Murdochracy el primo) set out to demonstate their absolute power by deciding that P.M. Rudd was too popular and had to go.

Think reason and be logical – what did he do to the Australian people to justify the Corporation’s execution of him – nothing, quite the contrary.

In the fashion of both major parties in Australia, the Labor Caucus was forced by the Murdochracy to decide on what was the best course to take and, with the complaints primarily from those Labor reps in marginal seats, chose to ask Rudd to step down. Which he did, unlike Malcolm Turnbull.

The 1975 OAKES conspiracy resurfaced and he suddenly had some “leaks” to assist his favored political party.  This in itself, should have been difficult for the Australian people to accept but for the MSM (especially Murdoch) suddenly deciding that their campaign against Rudd and their “love in” with Julia Gillard, had conned the Labor Caucus into asking Kevin to step down in the best interests of the Federal Labor Party, and in favor of the Murdoch “support” for Julia Gillard.  Divide and conquer.

So that the shambles of the Corporation’s Liberal Party and their ONE VOTE assassination of their Leader, and the stark fascism of Tony Abbott was being made over by the sheer political bias of the powerful media.

But, the OAKES factor was paused in the wings and waited until the polls had started to rise for the Gillard Labor Government and guess what, as Kevin was apt to say, OAKES hit the headlines with another of his notorious and anti-Labor politically alleged leaks! No one, not even one person of public notoriety, has asked this disgusting and gutless representative of the Journalist non-profession to "come clean" with his accusations.  Fair dinkum.

Julia has generally kept her cool and maintains her stand on honesty but, the media wants her blood because she became an answer to their assassination of Kevin Rudd. "Above all else be true to thine self?"

So, in the manner necessary for the media to elect our representatives, our citizens have followed and been duped by, the absolute power of the media to demonstrate that the attitude of the Rudd/Gillard government was too much egalitarian and should be altered to the Howard “WorkChoices” and pay off the debt of the Labor Government.  Are we really “sheeple”?

The debt to which Abbott and his cronies refer is – in our case – 6% of our GDP while the world-wide sovereign debt is at an average of 92% of GDP. The use of this by the Corporation’s media is intended to force the Labor Party to TRY to get that truth across to the voters, without the media’s permission. In this case, the worst offender is the ABC in breach of their own charter.

As far as Polls are concerned, it all depends on the area in which the questions are asked and how they are asked.  Is the Murdochracy really saying “We will decide what information is given and the way in which it will be given”?

In the meantime, Julia may choose NOT to demand that OAKES puts his money where his mouth is by disclosing the exact words that were spoken in his claims both prior and after the election was declared.  Surely the exact words should be known if they are in documents?  Or, if not, then his testimony in a Court of Law would be declared as just Hearsay?  But of course, Labor is not entitled to the rights of legal protection?

That is a fact and what we have here is a complete avoidance of the laws of our nation which demands (at the moment), that any person is NOT guilty of an alleged accusation (by any OAKES STYLE person) and is entitled to the rights of all individuals to defend themselves, in law, not at the whim of a Corporation’s source of information and innuendo. Howard’s sedition laws?

Come clean OAKES and at least give us the exact text of your leak.  Scared - you bloody gutless abuser of privilege? In doing another DISSMISSAL you have yet again diminished the dignity of your own profession.

Does any of our fair dinkum voters understand that our laws provide a medium of justice in our courts and that surely, the damning OAKES’ allegations against the elected Federal Government are certainly unproven because a known neo-con dislikes the Labor party?  That is US democracy.

What worries me about Julia’s inherent honesty is that she feels compelled to defend the skewed  utterances of any thing that she may make.  The media on the other hand has commenced a campaign where the “foot in mouth” Abbott does not answer questions – he just lines up with some of his neo-cons like Brandis and - makes a statement!!! A method that should not be tolerated by an informative media – or certainly not by a responsible one.

If the “going forward” of the Labor “people orientated” government is to survive, I imagine that, by her absolute dedication to being “up front with the Australian people” she certainly has the moral high ground but, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

God Bless Australia and let’s hope that, all Australians understand that the true and tried policies of the Federal Labor Government supercede any "wild cards" which hinder the support and improve the future of all members of our various communities. NE OUBLIE.







I might have been a bit harsh on Laurie Oakes... thinking he was a Tony Abbott supporter...

Apparently Oakes did a demolition job on Abbott this morning (01/08/10) on channel nine... So there. I did not watch but some friends who I can trust, saw it. Hopefully we will see Julia through to the next PMship.

In regard to what Downer had to say about Rudd leaks, more of that should be discussed, after the elections, if...

We should prosecute Oakes now, before his mob DISMISSES us.II

No apologies from me Gus.

I fail to understand or justify your open apology to a notorious and damned dangerous abuser of the legal rights of our citizens and even the honor of any decent Journalists - if there are any off the payroll of the Murdochracy.  To say the least I am disappointed.

EXAMPLE:  As you are aware, the US preemptively invaded Iraq illegally and without even a modicum of WMD proof and after making their point by bloody murder, denial of human rights and destroying 10,000 years of history - Cheney’s Halliburton went in and took the most choice of “rebuilding” to be paid for by the ever-suffering and blindfolded American people.

The lesson Gus is that, AFTER the damage was done to Rudd and Gillard, OAKES (mimicking his disgusting involvement in the DISSMISSAL) started his leaks just before the election was announced, while the government was still governing, and hit again when it began.  Mission accomplished Bushit style.

But hang on – we are all aware that the laws of deformation do not normally apply to the rich and famous and OAKES is a brown nose from way back. IMHO this is a “slimy grub” that deals in unsubstantiated accusations and has made a name, albeit for all the cowardly reasons, that encourages leaks to him, whether they are true or false, from both sides of the major political Parties.  It is not without possibility that the leaks are made on OAKES’ threat to leak on the others?  Why not?  There’re no principles in this “democracy” media at all.

Then out comes the “egregious” liar and lack of duty of care Liberal Alex Downer, noted for his lack of honesty in AWB scandals etc., and claims that Kevin Rudd was using the Liberals as leaks to kill off a Labor Minister.  Fair dinkum.  But Gus, he is now saying AFTER the damage has been done, that he has been misquoted!!! Will he sue the media for that egregious error to bring down the government OR more importantly, should WE, YOU AND ME, apologies to him.  Not on your bloody Nelly.

Not to be outdone, Julia Bishop got in the act by saying that Rudd used the “c” word in front of her (good heavens) and she reported it to, yes you guessed it, Alex “bloody” Downer in 2002.  Gad we shall have to apologize to her too, won’t we?  Let’s be consistent and not only ignore injustice and the specter of Anonymous lies against anyone, but encourage it for the benefit of mud-rakers and anonymous assassins.

OAKES in the meantime I assume - has come out with a “blast” on Abbott and of course - the News Ltd. and another “too rich to be tamed” WIN channel - have done an  ever so obvious Howard diversionary, “nasty” and pointless comment on ABBOTT.  No Gus, I know the history of these people only too well and they are the quintessential liars and are protected by the biggest of them all.

A person who kills its parents does NOT deserve any sympathy from a jury because of being an orphan afterwards.

Should Julia, Rudd and the entire Labor caucus do not immediately use the Federal Police to investigate the claims of Oakes – Downer – Bishop – and News Ltd. and, equally immediately, issue a summons against them all to “show cause” – then “the abyss of darkness has succeeded”.

And a mission accomplished for which we should all apologize to ourselves for our stupidity.

God Bless Australia and may our natural working family’s government stand up for what is right – they have nothing more to lose. Good people always come last, don’t they Rattus?  NE OUBLIE.



a running gag...

Thanks Ernest for keeping me on the straight and narrow... I was being "slightly" sarcastic of course, throwing a bit of politically modified burley into the murky waters of the pond. Fantastic take. Mind you I know a bit more about where the "leaks" come from but this will be for a rainy day... Downer, like Oakes, was being "misunderstood" Ahahah... ...And I agree, Oakes chose to release the "leaks" at a critical time for maximum effect... It is my opinion though that he might have fired too early and will need to do some back pedalling fast if he wants to keep the ear of some people... 

At the moment we don't hear much about the discord in the Liberal Party... But there is aplenty. What keeps these bastard "united" is their hatred of Labor — a bit like the US have a hatred of any thing that smells of "social"... Although everyone is born "equal" (a myth of gigantic proportion: some people are born in dustbins, others in palaces), they do not want equality from that moment on. The guns are by the bedside tables. It soon becomes a game of who can bury the other one first. Although they don't shoot to kill, it would be a sin... They just shoot to maime. At that level, the US conservatives are pushing for a nation of sociopaths and the Abbott camp wishes Australia to be the same where the biggest con-artists wins. There are a few small "l" Liberals who are appalled at this very "unchristian" attitude but they go with the flow so they can dream of having their hands on the levers of government — thinking they can "make a difference" and tone Abbott down... Fat chance. Their mates like the Pynes and all that front bench of the opposisition gnomes are in the mold of Rattuses. The moderates would just be polishing back-benches to occupy shelf-space (like many manufacturers have a "variety" of mostly same products with different packaging to maintain shelf-space in super markets). In the US there was a bit of hope that people were fed up with this psyche, but it is hard yakka to clean one's soul of destructive opportunism when more than half of the nation feeds on it. Guantanamo is still a running gag.

Meanwhile, most of the shock-jocks are in rapture with Tony, and the "serious" jounos are waftily 50/50, though even the Michelle Grattans get their knickers in a knot and with the Franses appear to be 60/40 in favour of Tony... So Julia gets barely 20 per cent of the media... And no-one does the real sums. Abbotts promises are unsustainable and he knows it. He wants to tax business, and possibly mums and dads as well for his birth-canal policy (now revised), but wants to reduce tax for business as well so business would not complain about his levies (disguised tax)... He wants the miners to get scot free with the loot that belongs to this nation and a loot never to be seen again. Tony lies, like a catholic can modify the true nature of sins at confession — and get away with a Hail Mary for adultery confessed as an "indiscretion"... The only journo who sees through him is Kerry O'Brien but then Kerry is accused of Bias...

Tony is a running gag... A dangerous gag for this country... 

the trapeze clown does a windvane...

Yep... a running gag... with the punchline delayed till 2012


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has defended plans to make parents wait until 2012 to receive a paid parental leave scheme under a possible Coalition government.

Mr Abbott used a trip to the Brisbane seat of Bowman to launch his revamped parental leave scheme as cost of living pressures dominate the campaign trail today.

The Coalition has reduced the levy on big business to fund the 26-week scheme from 1.7 per cent to 1.5 per cent.

But it will cost more than the $2.7 billion originally forecast and will not begin until 2012, in contrast with the Government's which will start up next year.

The Coalition would keep the Government's scheme in place until then.

But Mr Abbott says he is sticking to his original pledge on the start date.


We've seen Tony's "rock solid" pledges before... not worth the sand they are made of.... And if you wait for him "to hold his pledges" which he won't — you'll miss out on the better present government policy now on track. 


Polls suit the "running gag" more than Julia.

Ever since the Howard "New Order" ran a sham "Referendum" on the basic subject of a "Republic" and ensured its failure by "too many alternatives" and "too complicated" questions, the present lack of skilled journalism has picked up the disease.

Once upon a time there were occasionally polls with a straightforward question that required a Yes or No reply.  Practically unheard of today.

The worst offenders of course are the Murdochracy and the Fairfax copy-cats.

They remind me of my long gone days of “let’s go play Mums and Dads” or “Doctors and Nurses” what?  Oh for the wonders of childhood when playing games was fun. (And what a memory?)

Now approaching an election where the stark contest boils down to a class clash between mostly foreign “purchasers” and their Liberal Parliament and the Australian working people with their Labor Parliament - the unregulated and unelected media claims the POLL is 50/50?  How could that be?

But then we have to look at the multi-complicated questions don’t we? And the ALWAYS one sided result for the Liberals? I cannot remember any of those polls favoring Labor or Julia Gillard on any subject since the election was “game on”.  The reverse is always the case.  How could that be?

I guess if you tell a lie often enough it will have more chance of sticking?  It sure did for the Murdochracy when they set out to get rid of Kevin Rudd and long before they even mentioned the “Labor strong men”.  Or does the “Union thugs” by the neo-Nazi Kroger sound more appealing to the wealthy?

The latter is very misleading since there are many more “Unions of Employers” and Corporations than there are Worker’s Unions.

So, I have decided that I will only take part in these, Polls after Polls, IF they require only a yes or no and the subject is clear and precise. And that will not take a moment of my time to worry about the  pigs flying.

God Bless Australia and may just one of the media, especially the bastardized ABC, at least pretend to be informative.  Like Gus says, I have criticized Kerry O’Brien but I still find his show more balanced than any other on the ABC, radio or TV. NE OUBLIE.


mister gravitas .....

''I don't use the c-word,'' said Downer, ''but I do use the f-word pretty freely, and I can tell you that Kevin Rudd is a f---ing awful person.''

This was not the only character assessment Downer has provided of Rudd recently. In fact, he's becoming something of an op-ed stalker. In a June article in The Spectator, for instance, he commented on Rudd's ''conceit and vanity'' and ruminated on the former PM's motivations in life: ''Rudd wants fame. He wants to be on TV every night. He wants to be recognised everywhere he goes. He wants to be the centre of attention.''

These comments are bitchy. Some would say they are hypocritical. They are certainly ungracious, given that Rudd lobbied UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to appoint Downer as his part-time Special Adviser on Cyprus when he retired from politics in 2008.

And they are hardly becoming for an international civil servant.

It is not customary for the Secretary-General's special envoys and advisers to involve themselves in partisan, even nasty, politicking while they are in harness for the UN. Naturally these individuals retain their personal beliefs: they do not become political geldings. Sometimes they return to political office at home when their UN work is done. But while they are engaged in international politics, they tend to remain aloof from domestic politics.

Alexander Downer Out Of Line On Kevin Rudd

his toast is buttered...

Nine's political editor, Laurie Oakes, has lashed out at his own employer during an extraordinary live cross in which he attacked the station's hiring of Mark Latham.

During the station's 6pm news bulletin last night, Oakes said the former Labor leader-turned-journalist was full of bile.

When asked by anchor Peter Overton how damaging Mr Latham was for Labor during the election campaign, Oakes said he was actually "more concerned with how damaging he is for the Nine Network".

Oakes said the network was right to apologise to Prime Minister Julia Gillard over an "ugly incident" with Mr Latham - who is producing a segment for its 60 Minutes program.

A Nine spokeswoman said today the station was "entirely relaxed" about Oakes' comments.

"...He, like all journalists should, operates without fear or favour," she said.

"That's his reputation and that's why he's been so good for so long. Nine does not nobble nor interfere with the expression of strongly held views, either by its employees, or others. And nor should it ."

Mr Latham aggressively confronted Ms Gillard during a public event in Brisbane.

"Nine CEO David Gyngell was right to say Mark Latham crossed the line and to apologise," Oakes said.


the devil's playground...



Tony Abbott should clean about what he knew about the homosexual rapes that occurred at the seminary while he was a trainee priest, and which he appears to be covering up, writes Bob Ellis.



I say these things with some difficulty, because I had a friendship for a while with Tony. We dined a few times, launched each other’s books, agreed on a good few things, abortion, the monarchy, a green army, B.A Santamaria.  We enjoyed each other’s wary, joshing, conversation for a total of maybe three hours in a couple of years. But when he proposed to ‘turn back the boats’, even if it meant the drowning or beating of children, and when he did such things as might drive his friend Slipper to suicide, it occurred to me that he was greatly at fault and should be given no quarter.

And that it was on the word of Duffy – whose books Ellis Unplugged and Ellis Unpulped, with hundreds of factual errors, obscenely defamed me – that he was then so accused, gave me some additional relish when I brought it up.


Abbott has probably obstructed the course of justice, letting known predators work their will long years after he knew what they were like and could have impeded their dark fumblings with a phone call, and he should be questioned by police.

And he should not, of course, become Prime Minister.

His record is too stained for that.


read more at:


And see toon at top...


a few silly important words...


firth's last word...

Charles Firth has been "sacked" by the team working with him on the Sydney Museum of Words, after he described the satirical project as a scam.

Firth tweeted on Tuesday morning: "So the Sydney Museum of Words is currently holding an emergency meeting - without me - deciding whether to sack me. I don't understand." He wrote later: "Yep. They've sacked me. Ironically, I'm at a loss for words."

He told Fairfax Media a "huge argument" erupted following a widely read Fairfax story on Monday in which he said the City of Sydney had given him a $30,000 cultural grant that led him to devise a museum of words as it's "the cheapest thing in the world".


Read more:




Compared to the grants given to some big names artists around the world to produce dead-end "artistic" ideas, Charles Firth effort was one of the most inspiring in an open exhibition. 


It is on par with piccaso's worst tableaux that sell for huge amount of dosh... Good on you Charles for doing the publicity stunt that gave this exhibition a proper place in the sun... 


Presently, our man (our liar in chief) in Canberra is giving us crap. But the crap that Tony Abbott is dishing out is far more dangerous than a few silly words attached to people with a famous past in our minds... Let's kick him out.



See toon at top...

"your rights at work"

You may have noted that the mass main mediocre media in Australia has started a BIG campaign of UNION BASHING... Apparently some union leaders are under the thumb of criminals and delivering death threats to decent union underlings should these not tow the line...

The same could be said of big business, though they do not often use threats to get their ways, only cash and illusion of future cash "to the state" as the new Crown Packer Casino at Barangaroo being approved without the people of this state having a say. 

But this BIG "union bashing" is to prepare the ground for the next step of SLASHING YOU RIGHTS AT WORK by the Federal Liberal (CONservative) government ... Today we have headlines telling us Tony Abbott is about to "swoop" on whatever to make sure the naughty unions are "crushed"... This is orchestrated with military precision, including invasion of your territorial waters... 

Your rights at work are under threat...

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has accused the Federal Government of going on a political witch-hunt by signalling that a royal commission may be needed to clean-up the construction industry.


A joint investigation by the ABC's 7.30 program and Fairfax has found that union officials have formed corrupt relationships with organised crime figures and are recieving kickbacks for construction contracts.

Prime Minster Tony Abbott has seized on the allegations to argue for the re-establishment of the Howard-era Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC).

He has also suggested that a judicial inquiry into union slush funds could be expanded into a royal commission.


See toon at top...


catholics beware...


Hopes that the Abbott Government might be competent, trustworthy and adult have been dashed across the community. Catholics especially feel betrayed, writes Alan Austin.

PERHAPS THE MOST PROFOUNDLY DISAPPOINTED group in Australia at the failure of Tony Abbott the prime minister and Tony Abbott the human being is the Roman Catholic community. Once a favoured son for his earnest faith, as evidenced by a stint in a seminary and earnest advocacy for Bible classes in schools, he is now a prodigal son.

Disquiet among Catholics derives not merely from his general failure to deliver what he promised, but from his repudiation of basic tenets of the Christian faith.,6118


Should you be a Catholic who has voted for Tony Abbott, you should get your head examined... Since way back, possibly before entering politics, even at university, the Tony Abbott has been on a mission to promote himself, using any tricks in the book, while one wonders if he ever really "believed" in anything... He acts as if his "declared" beliefs were only a prop to collect people around him like fly paper traps flies... Presently he is trying hard to impose his perverse version of ULTRA-CONSERVATISM on this country, by lying, by deceit and by aggression. Tony is not a "Catholic" or if "he is", he is spending his entire life in the confessional. He is more like one of those nasty popes of the 12th Century who licked King's arses and fought hard with violence, torture and a vengeful heart to eliminate whatever was "different. See toon at top..

At least the prodigal son comes back to the fold and admits his mistakes... Tony never will...


non-specific porkie on high alert...


Australia's terrorist alert level has been raised to high, meaning the risk of an attack is likely, but authorities say they do not know of a "specific" plot or target.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the increased threat level at a press conference in Melbourne this afternoon.

It takes the level from medium, when an attack "could" happen, but stops short of the highest warning level of extreme, when an attack is "imminent".

Mr Abbott said the Government has "no specific intelligence" of a plot to mount a terrorist attack.

"What we do have is intelligence that there are people with the intent and the capability to mount attacks," he said.

He said security agencies had recommended the increased threat level because of the number of Australians "fighting with and supporting" terrorist groups in the Middle East.

read more:


See toon at top...