Sunday 9th of March 2025

Q&A .....

Q&A .....

Last night's episode of Q&A devoted a fair chunk of air time to the most extensive debate on climate change policy we've been treated to so far in this election. It was edifying to watch people getting agitated, raising their voices, arguing with each other.

But then Tom Switzer, editor of The Spectator, piped up:" made global warming, the science of it, it's a bit like The Da Vinci Code -- there's a grain of truth, but there's a mountain of nonsense. And the problem is, the alarmists in this debate are totally incapable of understatement. Totally incapable of understatement. And we've seen that in the course of the whole Climategate scandal..."

Someone citing a Tom Hanks movie to support an argument would be funny if not for the fact that the major political parties' existing climate change policies reflect Switzer's informed thinking better than any climate scientist, or member of the majority who supported an ETS, or those laughing in disbelief in the audience. And all of them make John Howard look like a greenie.

As Paul Gilding in Climate Spectator argues today: "...anyone who thinks the most important climate action needed in Australia is a price on carbon, would have been better off voting for John Howard at the last election."

Nostalgic for the climate change policies of the John Howard days. The wonders in this campaign will never cease.

Maybe this is a little off topic but is from the heart.

If there was a God of Humanity then the US under Bush should be smitten with the most painful of methods available to that particular God.

I can only conclude on reflection, that the US/Uk/Zionist unholy alliance has taken civilization back to the day of the "Mongol Hordes" or the "Rape of the Balkans" and the "Vandals". But who is who?

The irony is that my limited knowledge of those and other events in history, includes the Saracens and indeed the Ottoman Empire - who were more compassionate and allowed so much freedom to the conquered nations that it makes the current alliance of "democratically" invaded and suppressed nations - a complete abrogation of the basic rights of humanity.  

I cannot come to any reasonable conclusion as to my dilemma of where our planet is going, than to have an opinion that “East is east and West is west and never the twain shall meet”.  Why?

IMHO the massive and multi-national immigration into the “streets of gold” in America created a monster that had to have the hell scared out of their citizens to maintain control and with a con of the land of freedom. Struth I sound like "back to the old days ABBOTT and their bushit".

Perhaps my grass-roots attitude to the country I love is not as achievable as I would like but, I find it terribly difficult to accept the current media blitz on Julia Gillard, even though the Howard media has surely destroyed any trust any working Australian should have in the neo-Corporation’s Liberal policies.

If and until, Australia throws off the “media elections with wealth and influence” attitude which almost mirrors the US negative policies and absolutely created so many morons as Presidents – then the economy of the "largest economy in the world" is a curse, not a blessing.

I support the Julia Gillard Labor party because I have lived through the rough and tumble of both major parties and as an ordinary citizen, I can only conclude that support for the current “where the “f……..we” Conservatives are the biggest media based dictatorship since the DISMISSAL.

As a returned veteran, my country has served me far more that I have deserved, but I know too much about the politics of both parties who have looked after me, to be conned by the ceremonies of citizen soldiers who have been wasted in US. Wars of choice.  Howard would say “that was their choice”. No it wasn’t and he knew it.

But, did the Menzie’s “ballot of death” to support the US in Vietnam justify the sacrifice of our young men? But – we shall remember them? As will their families and decedents. And they were also sacrificed by some 58 thousand young Americans - mainly African Americans. Even their statue of Vietnam has two Africans to one American.

At the same time as Howard was prepared to double our troops in Afghanistan, surely the Australian people realized that it was his way of subservience to the U.S.?

God Bless Australia and may our people juxtapose the “US wars of choice” and the pieces of tin that they so ceremoniously offer to the families of the military personnel who have rallied to their Nation's call to "defend our way of life"?  Sound familiar?

Is that really what our young people are doing? For a method of employment? For a future in American wars like the infamous mercenaries.

But Menzies and Howard told us we were preventing the spread of Communism? Fair dinkum.

As an Instructor during the Menzies' era of National Service, I learned how important self esteem is important to young men (at that time) who, at least learned the lesson of camaraderie and, as the Americans would put it - watching your back and as Julia would put it - working as a team.

These, now young people of any religious or gender are really becoming the "team workers" of our defenses but, if they do not learn to be dedicated to the paramount Defense of their Country then their training is no different to a US animal circus. 

God Bless Australia and all of our youth who are being sacrificed as those of our teenagers who rallied to the British Empire in the “War to end all wars”? And while the Brits made a deal with the American Jewish Lobby. Struth.





Let's at least try to insist on facts, not anonymous claims.

One universal Liberal tactic in debate, when they are in government in particular, is that they all have a penchant for shouting down any opposition person invited to speak especially when the speaker is making a point which the Corporations would not want aired.  The Q & A to which you refer even had my Wife and I agitated but, it was the evident lack of control for which we have applauded Tony Jones in the past and for being able to insist on keeping matters even.

How could Tony genuinely expect people like Piers "Sackerman" and the "killing stare Julie Bishop" to honor that in a genuine debate?  I do not subscribe to the Speaker of the House, or the mediator of a show that we personally enjoy, for having to make decisions as to whether what a person is trying to say should be allowed IF they lower the debate to the Howard level of "loudest is heard the most" and “squeaky wheels get the grease”.

Tony Jones seems to me to be lowering his usually good standards to the level of entertainment than a debate on facts.  This sort of "entertainment" is only good if its outcome does not necessarily skew the facts during the election campaign.  In her appearance, I felt for Tanya Plibersek when she desperately tried to speak and the Liberals shouted her down and Tony Jones also frustrated her for a fair go.

Even Kerry O’Brien has difficulty in keeping his guests in line with his questions and we think that he is the only ABC interviewer with any credentials to claim some fairness and our National Interests.  “Auntie’s” fairness in reporting goes way back for me and its loss is a tragedy for the representatives of the middle to lower class of Australians who are trying to close the gap between the haves and have not’s created by the Howard “New Order”. 

The sham of the Corporation's Liberal Government even caring for the working families is only possible by their controllers having the power to get that message through.  This is the same Howard government who introduced WorkChoices to make our people grateful to the foreigners giving some of us a job in our own country.  And this con goes even further - Abbott claims is his orchestrated "statements" that he cares for the low tax payers? As we all know that the lowest taxpayers not only pay the price of Corporation's mistakes but, in their wars, we taxpayers still take the butt end of the equation. Fair dinkum.

We have lost our voice and the Howard government ruined any possibility of the ABC honoring their charter.  Amongst the ever increasing concentration of “information power” there was, pre Howard, a station where the taxpayer funds were being used to eliminate bias in reporting.  That is gone.

God Bless Australia and, if Julia tries to ignore this DISMISSAL type of bastardry, enacted only by the foreign Corporation’s Liberal representatives, then she will endanger her first ministry for lack of action.  You just don’t ignore an attack on your voracity by simply denying it.  You have to fight. And that's why we have law to protect the innocent. NE OUBLIE.