Friday 10th of January 2025

smuggling old conservative policies...


Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will officially launch the Coalition's election campaign in Brisbane today with a focus on tougher laws to stop people smugglers.

Mr Abbott will use his campaign launch speech to focus on the asylum seeker issue and outline plans for harsh penalties for anyone convicted of people smuggling.

Under the Coalition's proposal repeat offenders will serve at least 10 years in jail.

Yesterday Mr Abbott, his Deputy Julie Bishop and the Coalition's immigration spokesman Scott Morrison met with Nauru's president Marcus Stephen to discuss the island's asylum seeker processing centre.

After the meeting Mr Abbott said Nauru was "ready, willing and able" to reopen the centre at short notice.

But the Federal Government says it is not holding talks with Nauru because the country is not a signatory to the UN convention on refugees.


As we know, over the last six month Phoney Tony has "changed 180 degrees" his views on women's policies, on climate change, on work relations, on the price of fish and anything else that moves — just to be elected... Different colours, same budgies inside the smugglers.

Tony "leads" a party of harsh conservatives.

From Hockey and Bishop to Tuckey and Pyne, these rabid conservatives are still rattus right-wing weasels. They lie like sociopaths. Do you think that these long-hardened sneaky conservatives will stick with some of Tony's "new" policies? He lies... He's smuggling old conservative policies under a new colour scheme...

Tony can't be trusted. The Liberals can't be trusted for one second...

Pity if they win this election... All their promises will turn to sand... and Australia will be poorer for it.

At least on the smuggling issue, we know he's returning to old Rattus' draconian policies... That alone should be a wake up call to all of us...

mad as a cut snake...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has officially launched the Coalition's election campaign by calling on supporters to "bury an era of gutless spin" and remove Labor from office.

Mr Abbott used his speech to the party faithful in Brisbane today to attack Labor's legacy and lay out his plans for a Coalition government under his leadership in the first months.

Other Liberal leaders who addressed the crowd also focused heavily on Kevin Rudd's removal as prime minister to launch strident attacks on Labor.

Amid huge cheers from the audience, Mr Abbott called upon voters to end the Labor "soap opera" and give Australia a "grown-up government".

"Isn't it great to lead a united political party with a deputy I can trust, a predecessor who's a friend and a former prime minister who is a hero," he said.


Rattus-the-first (John Howard — a hero to Tony) is a WAR CRIMINAL who got in bed with Bush and Blair to go and kill Iraqis under false pretences, a former PM who devised a cunning form of slavery called workchoices that made your pay packet slimmer than before and took your entitlements away, a former PM who slashed public services beyond imagining, especially education and health, a rat who turned people into "indebted forever consumers" and many other trickeries such as the "never-ever GST"...

Abbott (Rattus-the-second) was part of this team of slimey politicians — even slimier now by the way he tries to take us for fools — twisting and turning like a cut snake with greased-up policies that would make this country regress and would tear much of its heart out... Talk of gutless spin!!!!... Tony's the prime offender... The pot calling the kettle black... I smell some sociopathy coming on...

Get rid of him...

Never ever believe the Murdochracy.

Bravo Gus.

When I was a union delegate, I learned first hand from the media of the day that "good news does not sell newspapers"!  The worst possible news of some twelve months ago was Phoney Tony betraying his leader Malcolm Turnbull and deposing him by just ONE VOTE.  This heralded a complete split down the middle of an odd number of voters.  But while that was really bad news the Murdoch media treated it as just a passing parade.

It was then put completely aside while the Murdoch's Australian media empire took the Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, to the cleaners.  And how brutally and efficiently this unprincipled multi-national achieved his purpose.  It was unbelievable given the magnificent success of the quick and decisive actions of the Rudd Labor government. 

These to reform Australia for the future and to be the only industrialized country in the world to avoid recession.

This with a magnificent economic policy - was again put aside while Murdoch and his underlings raised skewed or any complaints, mainly from individuals, and brainwashed the Australian public into believing everything Rudd did was a failure.

Add to that the small unemployment rate and its continuation.  The balance of Trade, the low Interest Rates - all of these in contradiction to the previous Howard/Costello "New Order".  At this very moment, Wayne Swan has our debt at 6% of GDP while the rest of the industrialized world average at 92%. The Rudd/Swan and now Gillard policies have been given the highest ratings possible and the World Bank, our Reserve Bank and the IMF have commended the Labor Government.  So – why is the Murdochracy printing lies and ignoring the national interests?

Have we all forgotten Costello's gamble on the Money Market where he lost $6 million of OUR money?

Have we all forgotten about the Howard/Costello gang of two who whinged loudly in 1996 about Labor's FOREIGN debt of some $190 billion?  And when they were ousted that same debt had blown out to $650 billion?  That means that those nations can claim their debt at any time and in their own currency? 

That was the Howard/Costello gang of two who screamed about "foreigners owning our county" in 1996 and who now want us to give our future back to the Murdoch represented Corporation’s Government of economic misfits.

No offence Jolly Joe but, will Murdoch acknowledge that his Tony Abbott has cowardly dodged an economic debate with our Prime Minister.  Still, he has never ever won a debate with Julia Gillard – so they send a “monkey on a poll” rather than “a man on a horse” to debate how they would learn about economics.  No spite Joe but - fair dinkum.

God Bless Australia and may we fight the Murdoch blight no matter what he does in the future.  No nation can afford him as England has just discovered and Obama is yet to get into line.  NE OUBLIE.



no economic judgment...

But Mr Swan says Mr Abbott failed to release an economic plan and voters cannot trust him.

"Mr Abbott today confirmed that he has no economic plan and no economic judgment, just uncosted promises which are threatening our surplus," he said.

"There was nothing positive to say about how we should strengthen our economy as we go forward, nothing positive to say about how we should build on our strengths so that we can broaden our economy and support prosperity.

"This is a man whose judgment would have sent Australia into recession had he been in power in the last two years and he's expecting people to trust him."

Mr Swan rebuked Mr Abbott for failing to cost the Coalition's spending promises, which he says are "heading rapidly towards $30 billion".

"He made no attempt to fully account for what is a very significant spend, which he is refusing to submit to the Department of Treasury and Finance," he said.

The Treasurer accused Mr Abbott of having a hidden agenda to slash services if he is elected, while trumpeting the Government's plan to bring the budget back to surplus in three years.


colourful stupidity...

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has defended a Liberal National Party candidate who once published a university newspaper which contained material critical of Jews, gays and women.

Mackay City Councillor George Christensen only needs a swing of 2.6 per cent to win the marginal Labor-held seat of Dawson.

But today questionable material published by Mr Christensen in his university days in the 1990s has emerged.

In the publication, called The Student Advocate and published by the Conservative Students Alliance in 1998, Cr Christensen reportedly makes jokes about AIDS, links Jews to the crucifixion of Christ, and describes women as "stupid."

Questioned about the revelations this morning, Mr Abbott said there was "colourful material" from most people's university days.

"He's a good bloke and I stand by him," Mr Abbott said.

Mr Christensen has released a statement apologising for the publications, saying the comments were not meant to be taken seriously.

The director of the Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research, Heather Nancarrow, says his views are a concern.

"It's very disturbing to think somebody with those kinds of views could be elected to parliament, to represent any electorate," she said.

"But I, living in Mackay, being from Mackay, I'm very disturbed to think he may be our representative in the federal parliament espousing those kinds of views."


One cannot escape the cruxifiction of christ being related to the jews. Fair, but here we don't make jokes about Jews though we expose the zionist "conspiracy" for what it is... One cannot make jokes about AIDS... nor one can describe women as "stupid", especially in 1998. George Christensen may be a good bloke, but he sure sounds like another dud...

Kick abbott in the budgies...

work choices budgies in his pants...

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) says it believes protests from Liberal Party supporters forced YouTube to withdraw an advertisement featuring budgies flying into Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's speedos.

In the ACTU advertisement, two budgies, one called "work" and another called "choices" fly off Mr Abbott's shoulders and into his togs.

The advertisement, which was part of the ACTU's campaign against WorkChoices, then asks what else is Mr Abbott hiding.

The video was uploaded yesterday but has since been taken down.

ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence says he understands videos are suspended from the site if a particular number of objections are made.

"I suspect [it was] the Liberal Party," he said.

Mr Lawrence says the Liberal Party's refusal to release its industrial relations policy in the lead-up to the election raises concern about its plans.


Kick abbott in the budgies...

Just another indication of Abbott's bad judgement as a Catholic.

I wish I had the energy and the opportunity to "Kick abbott in the budgies... 

I still consider it is my right to criticize wrong or right as I see it and, I at least keep my eyes on the mainly Zionist movement which, even among the Jewish people themselves, are despised.

The Papist Abbott keeps dropping his false guard when it comes to religious issues and that alone should be born in mind by every other religion in Australia - even all of the various Christians.

Since the religious fanatic Abbott has opened the door on this subject of religions and how they stack up AFTER his Roman Catholic Church and their God’s representative on earth, I would like to make a few unchallenged points as I remember them.

Romans that occupied Judah were considered the highest “court” in that country and when a Rabbi refused to comply with the dictates of that country’s Church, they would have surely punished him themselves.  Jesus of Nazareth was a rebel not unlike Luther but the Romans had to keep the powerful church on side so they jailed and tortured Jesus.  A decenting view nothing more.

The time came for the Romans to give thanks to their many Gods by granting freedom to criminals (religious or otherwise) who had been sentenced to death for high treason.  These were Barabbas, the leader of the warrior rebellion that had killed many a Roman - or Jesus of Nazarus who had broken his vows to his church – not unlike Luther in a much later time.

Jesus was a wonderful orator and spoke clearly about the sufferings of the people of Judah and as such he became an idol of ordinary people and he had formed his own “ministers of his church” called the disciples.  This was too much for his church masters and apparently at their request, was arrested by the Romans because that Church’s alliance was so important.

However, when the time came to free one of the two men given the death penalty, the Roman Governor of Judah gave the decision to the Jewish people who saw the revolutionary fighting on - while Jesus would preach peace and love thine enemies.  Given at the time and that situation one Jew had to be sacrificed and one freed and the Jewish people decided to free the warrior.  Under the circumstances not surprising for the occupied Jewish people to do so?

The Romans then crucified Jesus along with two more convicted criminals and he became a martyr.  Even as the Muslim extremists do today.

The actual crucifying of Jesus was carried out by the Roman soldiers as ordered and decided by the majority of oppressed Jewish people.  To keep

Everything in the perspective of those times, one must remember that Jesus was not condemned because he was a Jew and free of Roman law, quite the contrary, at the time he was a rebel himself but, by the choice presented IMHO, one would keep fighting for the freedom of all Jews while the other would more that likely (as it would appear to them) accept peace with their oppressors”.

That is the way I remember the story without any adjectives or biased comment.



by hook or by crookery...


This goes further than hypocrisy. Tony Abbott's primary justification for condemning people smugglers is that they cause deaths. Yet it appears he is willing to pay the people smugglers to take their passengers even further, writes Julian Burnside.

Part of the united rhetoric of the Coalition and Labor is to condemn people smugglers. Both sides of politics describe people smugglers as "evil" and as "the scum of the earth".

We need to put to one side whether that generalisation is correct or not, because it automatically consigns Oskar Schindler and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the worst category of infamy.

If the Coalition are genuine in their judgment of people smugglers, it would be a very strange thing to do business with them. But on radio station 3AW this morning, Prime Minister Tony Abbott had a revealing exchange with host Neil Mitchell. He tried repeatedly to duck the issue, but he appeared to concede that the Government had paid people smugglers to return their customers to Indonesia. The conversation included the following exchange:

Mitchell: These allegations that Australia paid people smugglers to turn back the boats - did it happen or not?

Abbott: Well, Neil, we don't comment on operational matters but we are determined to ensure that illegal boats don't get to Australia and we will do whatever is reasonably necessary to protect our country from people smuggling and from the effect of this evil and damaging trade that cost lives.

Mitchell: But surely we wouldn't pay people smugglers, they're criminals?

Abbott: Well, what we do is we stop the boats by hook or by crook...

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