Friday 18th of October 2024

rug rattus .....

rug rattus .....


from the ABC …..

The Prime Minister and the Opposition leader will be faced with some tough decisions today when they meet British climate change economist Nicholas Stern.

flogging porkies .....

flogging porkies .....


from the ABC …..

Govt accused of WorkChoices cover-up

gonzo .....

gonzo .....


‘Three Republican senators expressed skepticism Sunday about Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's credibility, setting up what one of them called a "make or break" moment for him when he testifies before Congress about his role in firing eight U.S. Attorneys.

oh dear .....


oh dear .....

from the ABC …..

Santoro voices his deep regret

Former Howard Government minister Santo Santoro has told his Liberal and National colleagues that he deeply regrets that he is leaving federal Parliament.

An Apology To Shelley Kovco

I have recieved on my other blog, from Shelley Kovco, this reply to my last post , and reprint it here so that everyone can see the hurt that I have caused.


snailman .....


snailman .....

from News Ltd …..

PM's right hand man asks: what's email?

By Nicolette Burke

Article from Daily Terror

New US Military (Space) flight tests at Woomera

This September the US Air Force, with NASA providing back up, plans to begin testing their new HiFire jets at Woomera. Described as the "jewel in the crown" of scramjet technology, (HiFire is an acronym for Hypersonic International Flight Research Experimentation) their anticipated short-term application is much faster cruise missiles.

rattus reasoning .....


rattus reasoning .....

from the pauper ABC …..

PM denies IR laws hurt NSW Liberals

a clown called alex .....

a clown called alex .....


Lord Mayo of Adelaide (aka Downer the “Clowner” or “Fishnets” to his friends) has been a member of the federal Parliament for 23 years & is Australia’s longest serving Foreign Minister, having held that portfolio in the rattus government for the past 11 years.

bonesmen .....

recovering lawyers .....

This time last year, in my blog the missing “bonesman” (see, I introduced bushit’s Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to Australia, Robert D. McCallum.

tin can, flim-flam man .....


tin can, flim-flam man .....


from the ABC …..

Costello continues attack on Labor's broadband plan

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello is continuing his attack on the Opposition's $4.7 billion high-speed Internet plan.

thanks george .....


thanks george .....
‘Yep, you did it, George - mission impossible accomplished.

Unbelievably, four years of a bungled occupation have managed to make Saddam Hussein's tyranny look good in comparison with "liberated Iraq."

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